24258 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 18 November 19, 2008 They have been heavily utilized during Oper- denced by his outstanding law enforcement Mason History Museum, and as a supporter in ations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. record and repeated promotions within the Bu- many others where her behind-the-scenes This request is consistent with the intended reau. His years of service brought funda- work was always appreciated. purpose of the Department of Defense, Army mental change to the FBI’s work on organized Scotty is survived by her husband Joe, Operations and Maintenance account. crime and international law enforcement co- daughter and son-in-law Sharon and Steve f operation. Throughout his career he has ex- Doughty, sons and daughters-in-law, Joey and emplified the FBI’s motto of Fidelity, Bravery, Linda Mendoza and James and Luci Men- IN HONOR OF THOMAS V. and Integrity by serving and protecting the citi- doza, seven grandchildren and eight great- FUENTES zens of the United States of America and peo- grandchildren (whom she called ‘‘the eight ple across the world. I am proud to know this greats’’). HON. MIKE ROGERS remarkable public servant. Madam Speaker, Scotty Mendoza truly ex- OF MICHIGAN Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join emplifies the compassionate, can-do commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES me in honoring Thomas V. Fuentes for his nity spirit that becomes the fabric for our lives. Wednesday, November 19, 2008 model service to United States law enforce- It is an honor for me to have known her, her ment and his commitment to his country. He husband Joe, and many of her family. We’ll Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Madam Speaker, is truly deserving of our respect and admira- miss you, Scotty. I rise today to honor the accomplishments of tion. Thomas V. Fuentes, who is retiring after 25 f f years of service in the Federal Bureau of In- vestigation. Throughout his career with the FBI HONORING THE LIFE OF SCOTTY TRIBUTE TO MAYOR JEFF MILLER he has served his country with honor and in- MENDOZA tegrity. HON. KEN CALVERT Mr. Fuentes began his distinguished career HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY OF CALIFORNIA with the Bureau in 1979 as a Special Agent in OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Chicago Field Office. Serving in this office IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for over 10 years, Mr. Fuentes led the fight Wednesday, November 19, 2008 against organized crime and mob corruption. Wednesday, November 19, 2008 As an Organized Crime Task Force super- Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, I rise with Mr. CALVERT. Madam Speaker, I rise today visor, his efforts were instrumental in bringing sadness today to honor Scotty Mendoza, who to honor and pay tribute to an individual countless Chicago criminals to justice. I had passed away on August 15, 2008, at the age whose dedication and contributions to the the privilege of serving with Mr. Fuentes in the of 88. Scotty was the matriarch of the ranch- community of Corona, California are excep- Chicago Field Office and witnessed firsthand ing community around the Point Reyes Penin- tional. Corona has been fortunate to have dy- his tremendous skill and dedication. sula in Marin County, California, and a highly namic and dedicated community leaders who Mr. Fuentes was promoted to FBI Head- respected leader to the townsfolk. She led by willingly and unselfishly give their time and tal- quarters in 1990 as a supervisor in the Orga- passion and example, filling needs as she saw ent and make their communities a better place nized Crime Section. As a result of his contin- them and creating many local traditions in the to live and work. Jeff Miller is one of these in- ued success against organized crime targets, process. dividuals. On November 4, 2008, Jeff was Mr. Fuentes was eventually appointed as the Born Doris Scott in Woodland, California, elected to serve as the Assemblyman for the assistant special agent in charge of the San she used the nickname Scotty bestowed on 71st California Assembly District and I con- Francisco Field Office. There he established her by one of her early teachers. She met Joe gratulate Jeff as he moves to the next stage the International Cybercrime Squad and was Mendoza, a student at nearby U.C. Davis, of public service. selected to serve as an FBI tactical com- while working at the soda fountain at the Jeff Miller was elected to his first term on mander at the 1996 Summer Olympics in At- Woodland Hotel. They were married in 1941, the Corona City Council in November of 2000 lanta, Georgia. moving shortly afterward to the family ranch and currently serves as Mayor. He was re- In August 1997, Mr. Fuentes was promoted on the Point Reyes Peninsula which had been elected and served as Mayor in 2004. Mayor to the Senior Executive Service as the chief of purchased by Joe’s father in 1899. She was a Miller is a member of the Council’s Transpor- the Organized Crime Section at FBI Head- partner in the ranch with Joe her whole life, tation & Legislative Committee and he also quarters. Among his many ground-breaking from doing the accounting to cooking for the represents the Council on the Riverside Coun- law enforcement initiatives, Mr. Fuentes cre- many ranch hands. ty Transportation Commission (RCTC). He is ated the Organized Crime Task Force con- Scotty was many things—outspoken, funny, also currently Chairman of the 91 Freeway sisting of FBI Agents and Hungarian National energetic, and hardworking. But mostly she Toll Road Advisory Committee. Police Officers in Budapest, Hungary—the first will be remembered for how much she cared Jeff Miller is an active member of the Co- such multinational organized crime task force for people, especially children. While doting on rona community. He is Vice President of the of its kind in the FBI. her own family, she also championed other Corona Heritage Foundation, a Governing Mr. Fuentes’ extraordinary career with the children and was known as Grandma Scotty to Board member of Corona Regional Medical FBI has been marked by his transformational many. She was a 4–H leader for 40 years, Center, a Board member of the Corona/Norco work to strengthen international law enforce- teaching sewing to generations of girls, and YMCA, founder and member of the Riverside ment cooperation. In 2004, Mr. Fuentes was founded the Inverness Garden Club Scholar- County Young Republicans and a past mem- called upon to lead the FBI’s Office of Inter- ship fund to raise money for local students to ber of the City’s Parks and Recreation Com- national Operations where he was eventually attend college. mission. Jeff is currently Chairman of the Riv- promoted to Assistant Director and managed In 1949, Scotty and Joe joined with other erside County Republican Party. more than 75 FBI offices in U.S. Embassies ranching families to start Western Weekend, Jeff Miller, and his wife Debora, have two and U.S. Consulates worldwide. His skilled still the major community celebration in the children. Jeff has owned an insurance com- leadership, both within the Bureau and inter- Point Reyes area. It highlights the work of pany for 22 years and has an office in Corona. national law enforcement agencies, resulted in local 4–H groups and also includes a big pa- He graduated from the California State Univer- election to the Executive Committee of rade that fills the town’s Main Street. The pa- sity in Fullerton and holds a degree in Criminal Interpol, where he served as a delegate for rade features the Western Weekend Queen, Justice. the Americas in 2006. To the end of his serv- based on a contest Scotty started to help sell Jeff’s tireless passion for community service ice with the Bureau, Mr. Fuentes continued to raffle tickets for the event. has contributed immensely to the betterment establish innovative international working It is hard to imagine how the community we of the community of Corona, California. I am groups such as the recently established FBI/ see today would look without Scotty’s partici- proud to call Jeff a fellow community member, Ministry of Public Security of the Peoples Re- pation in the many local organizations she American and friend. I know that many com- public of China Working Group. was involved in: as a founder of West Marin munity members are grateful for his service Mr. Fuentes’ relentless hard work and dedi- Senior Services and the Inverness Garden and salute him as he takes office as a Cali- cation was recognized numerous times as evi- Club, as a volunteer and organizer of the Jack fornia Assemblyman. VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:16 Oct 31, 2017 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\E19NO8.REC E19NO8 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD November 19, 2008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 18 24259 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE and irregular warfare needs. The moderniza- shutout, and the Wildcats, as California State NORTH STAR CHAPTER OF THE tion addresses known obsolescence issues University, Fresno claimed its first NCAA Divi- SIERRA CLUB such as parts replacement and decreasing in- sion I team championship in any sport. ventory levels. The 1–0 victory capped a magical season HON. BETTY McCOLLUM Javelin has been in production since 1994. for Head Coach Margie Wright’s Bulldogs, OF MINNESOTA This modernization program will move the mis- who started the season with a 2–2 record and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sile closer to its objective performance stand- finished with 52 wins 11 loses.
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