,. s OUVENJR of the IROQUOIS HOTEL CORNER KING AND YORK STREETS GEO. A. GRAHAM PROPRIETOR TORONTO, CANADA GUIDE to the Points of Interest In and Around the o Queen City of the Dominion '' THE IROQUOIS HOTEL ilE IROQl'UIS i-, l)llL' of the he-.1 kno\\'n and most popular hotels in Toronto. \!any extensi\'e ami costly imprLwements h;~\·c been added to this already T modern hotel, making it Lme ,,f tht> mo-,1 desirable place-, at \\'hich to stop. The Offices, Sitting Rlll)I11 and Buffet ha\'e recei\'ed particular attention, ne\\' tile floors, new decorations and fittings have been added, making these apartments unusually attracti\'e and convenient. The Iroquois occupies a commanding positil'n on the Cl'rner of King and York Streets, in clos.: proximity to the l'nion SLttiL'Il and the \\'harves at which all the mag·nificent fleet of steamers arri\·e and depart. It stands in the \'ery heart of the busin.:ss and theatrical district, and is con\'enient to all L,f the many points of interest for which Toronto is famous. .\ complete guide of these places of attraction to all tourists and travellers maY he found in this hooklet, together \\'ith many illustrations of the -,;une. Electric cars pa-;s the door fur eYery part l)f the city and suburbs, and by the transfer s\·stcm \\'hich prevails a guest may r.:;~ch any point in the city for one fare. The cuisine i-.; first-cia.-;-; in L'\·~·ry re-.pect, and the service is characterized by neat­ ne-,-;, c.:lerity and civility. The fame of the Iroquois Table is widespread ; upon its EXTERIOR VIEW 3 excellent menus may always be found e,·ery delicacy that either the local or city markets afford, prepared and ser\'ed in a faultless manner. The dining-room is a beautiful and extensi\·e apartment with e\·ery com·enience for quiet, delicate and proper ser\'ice. The sleeping apartments throughout the entire house are light and airy, the fur­ nishings substantial, and the decorations pleasing to the eye. These apartments are kept scrupulously clean and in perfect order. The corridors leading to the apartments are broad and well lighted, and the system of ventilation \Yell-nigh perfect. The entire house is heated by steam, lighted hy electricity, has passenger ele\·ator, is fitted ,,·ith Pl'rcelain baths and all the latest hygenic structural appliances and apart­ ments for comf,,rt, health and luxury. The Proprietor, :\Jr. Geo. :-\. Graham, by his affable manner, genial disposition, and 2:) years of commendable business methods in catering to their comfort, has \YOn fl,r himself a large place in the hearts of the travelling ~ublic. :\Ir. Graham is ably assisted in the management by :\lr. G. \V. Fo\\'ler, a gentleman of large experience and ,,.l'll ktwwn in all parts of the o,,minion. The management ha,·e surrounded them­ selves \\"ith an efficient corps of L'apable and ,,bJiging assistants, who take pleasure in anticipating and catering to the \\'ants of guests. Each employe is thoroughly trained in his or her branch ,,f work, e\·ery duty being performed systematically, quickly and gracefully. The IroLJuois is C<lnducted up'm the American Plan, with rates of $2.00 and $2.50 per day. These rates include Table d'Hote Breakfast, Dinner and Supper. Those who contemplate a ,·isit to the "Queen City of the Dominion," can find no better hotel home than the Iroquois. OFFICE VIEW 5 L A I)IES' RECEPTION R00.'1 6 DINING ROOn PARLOR VIEW BEDROOM 9 W • A. Murr(ly 8 @ ... l._i'nited ISITORS are c,,nli;dh inYited to J,,,,k Vthrough this St,,rL·'s Yarious department-.. \\'ith "tr;tllg·ers, Jh''-'-ihly the Costume'-, Silks, Drcs" (;,,,,ds, (; !, '\ L"i and Rare Ldces \\'ill he the most important departments, although \\'e "ee no reason \\'hy the Linen section­ with its wealth L,f beautiful Irish and Sc,,tch Linens -should 1wt be equally interesting. \:' Twenty=five Departments in All. W. A. Murray & Co., Limited 17 to 31 King Street East To ron to 10 to 16 Col borne Street ~------------------------------------------------------------~ TORONTO E.\UT!Fl'L Toronto! \\'ell may she claim distinction as the "Oueen City of the Dominion," tor among all -the beautiful sister cities of the l'anadian -Pro­ B Yinces, Toronto l'asily reig·ns as 0ttt'l'IJ for attractin~ness ,,f locati,,n, for charm of etwironment and fl)r the picturesqueness ,,f her scenic beautL She stands like a richly-hued gem in the sil\'ery sheen of Lake Ontari,). - The st,,ry of the rise and progress l,f the City L)f Toronto prl1bably has tll' par­ allel in the history of the continent. In place of the trackless forest, whose quietness was disturbed l)nly h\· the shrill cry of the bird, the fierce h,1\d of the w,,]f and the savage Sa-sa-quan of the Indian, now stands the ma_iesttc commercial metropolis of Canada, 2{5,000 inhabitants, \·ast wealth and immense industries. It is unquestionably true that Toronto's marYellous growth is due to a Cl)mbina­ tion of powerful factors. Primarily must be named its gel•graphical and topographical location. Her outlets, whether by ship or rail, are excellent and perfectly maintained. To the north, east and west lies a beautiful and most fertile countrY, \Yhile on the south is the broad expanse of one of the fin~ greatest lakes in the wo-rld, enabling the safest and finest of harbors to be reached from any part of the globe. In all the Dominil1n there is llll city blessed with a more salubrious climate than Toronto. The meteorological records show that but few cities on the Clmtinent h;t\ ,. fe\Yer rainy days, and yet the oppressiYeness of summer heat of other cities in the same latitude is rarely felt in Toronto, the deep, COl)] lake in front of the city modifying, as it d,'L"'• the south and SlHtthwest winds blowing O\'er it. It is cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter than Chicago, Cle\·eland, Buffalo, Detroit or any other city on the chain of (;reat Lakes, \\'ith the exception of Duluth, where, in July, oYnc,,ats are frequently worn, and in the winter months the temperature falls as ll)\\' as fifty degrees below zero. 11 A FAMOUS HAT AND FUR S~fORE WE are exclusin? Furriers, ;md \Ye ha,·e made our reputation on the real merits of the 1-:·arments \Ye sell. \\·e make en:-rything· we sell and we guarantee everything \Ye make. \Ye have the largest, best lighted and appointed Fur slw\\' rooms in Canada, and they are ''pen all year rL,und. Tourists are specially inYited to visit them. CATALO<llJE ON APPLICATION . .o .o WE MAKE A SPECIALTY of .o .o FINE SEAL and .o J. W. T. FAIRWEATHER & CO. PERSIAN LAMB .o JACKETS to ORDER 84=86 YONGE STREET TORONTO 12 From whatever point approached, Toronto presents all the elements and aspects of metropolitan life. On e\·en· hand are to be seen c\·iLknces of makrial wealth and prosperity, of comfort and lu~ury, of taste, culture ami refinement. The city i-. admir­ ably laid out and the streets are broad and pleasant, splendidly pa\·ed and kept in ex­ cellent condition. The principle shopping thoroughfares are lined with mammoth, and, in many cases, magnificent, mercantile establishments. Toronto is a city of homes, numbering among its citizens more actual hL1usclll1lders than any community of the same area and populatiL1n in the entire country. In the matter of education it is of interest to lll1te that, with the exception of g,,..,t,'ll, :'\ L'\\. YL'rk and Chicagl1, l1l1 city in America has as many high-cla-;s educational institutions as Toronto. Her Uni\·ersity register sho\\'s the names L'f students from almost every StalL' in the lTnion. The religious interests of TorontL' have been well cared for; in fact, Toronto i-. the Brooklyn of the OL1minion~"The City of Churches." There are t\\ L' hundred and sixty-two churches, and many of the nlifiCL'" arL· of -.triking ard1itecture. .~mL'ng the nwst 1Wtcd places of worship are the St. Andrew'-. Church, which is, externally, one of the linL·st spL·ci­ mens of Xorman architecture in exio.;tence, the St. JamL·s' l':tthedral, which occupies an entire square, and its spire is three hundred and -.ix feet high, the loftiL''-t on the .~merican CLllltinent. Toronto probably contains as many fine public buildings as any city of ih size in the world. Among these may be ment inned the l 1 n ion DepL1t, which L'L1-,t LWer a million dollars ; the City and County Hall, ,,·hich, without exct•ption, is the finest in the world ; the Temple Building, the CL1nfederation Life Building, the Canada Life Building, the Parliament Buildings, the l 1ni\ersity of Toronto, l)-.gl'l'Lk Hall, the :'\L1r­ mal School, Trinity l'ni,·crsity, and many others, of which lack of -.paL'l' fL1rhids mention. Eight lines or branches of railroads tap the city, and during the sea-.L'n of navigatiL'n steamers run to and from all salient points, and numerl1us schooners make TL1rL1nto their port of entry and exit. :\11 points in and around the city are made easily aL'Cessihle bv as superb an electric street railroad system as is to be found annvhere in the countrY. 13 13. ~I. T. TORO~TO I TO 1.) Bl'CII.\:\'A:\ •"!'.
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