Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1968 Daily Egyptian 1968 2-23-1968 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 23, 1968 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February1968 Volume 49, Issue 96 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, February 23, 1968." (Feb 1968). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1968 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1968 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Hearing P'lanned For Today On I C' Train Suspension Students have the opportun­ ing the trains which the Ie ity to vOiCtt their opinions has put fonh is switching on the proposed elimination operations which block Car­ of six illinois Central trains bondale streets would be cut to St. Louis during an inter­ down. state Commerce Commission Railroad un ion members bearing scheduled today. have opposed eliminating the Those who want to testify t r a in s because fewer jobs may sign up beginning at 7 a,m. would be available. In Room H of the University cen ~- r Qjc beginning at 7:15 a.m. In Room 102 of the Grant to Support Agrlc ture Building. The hearlng\ will begin at 9: 30 \ a.m. in J Muckelroy Auditor- Braille ~n'itent, ory ium. ) S tu aent government offj­ cials said .Thur sd ay that For Youngsters approximately 1,000 students have signed petitions protest­ Development of a Braille In­ in g discontinuance oft h e formal Reading Inventor y for trains. blind. children in grades one ENSEMBLE RECORDS--The Solo Ensem' poap HOWD Examiner for the hearing through six will be supported ble of the Collegium Musicum of the Univer­ left to richt are Howard Brown, Judith Nel­ will be Paul J. Clerman of in pan by a federal grant sity of Chicaco made a recording Thursday son , Robert Heinrjllson and David Eisen­ Washington, D. C. He said of $26,000 just received by on campus that will be,produced by the Uni­ bud. The concert will be sponsored by the Thursday the commission's SIU from the U.S. Office of versity Press. The group will present a con­ Department of Music. Adm1ssion is tree to deCision may come by May. Education. cert at 8 p. ro . tonight in the Home Econ- the public. (Photo by Steve Mills) The kix trains run daily The project, which will take between . Carbondale and St. three years to complete, will Louis and serve as connectors be headed .by Allen Berger, with IC trains from Chicago assistant p~J> fe sso r in the SIU and New Orleans. I Reading Ceflter. illinois Centr", has p r 0- Existing standardized tests jj~'ity EGYPTIAN posed substitution with a bus in BraUlle are achievement service between St. Louis and rather than diagnostic instru­ Carbondale, which it would ments, Berger explains, and subsidize. the new BIR! wUl fOr the first An ICC hearing on the mat­ Southern I,llinois University time provid~ a me ans .... f ob­ ter was held Wednesday In taining c e r t a i n inform ation Carbandalo, 111. Friday, Fobruary 23,1968 Humber 96 i Volume 49 St. Lou s wh e re witnesses about the r e a din g strengths complained that eliminating and weaknesses of blind chil­ the trains would halt Pullm an dren which can not be deter­ Race Relalions Bill Discussed service which link.s with the mined by tests now Ln use. Ie's Panama Limited. cuTb~i~~~~~ Senate Finance Group to Design CaJ:!daJe Citizens Adnsoiy GUll Bode Committee have urged thar the trains nex be eliminated. The City Council further ID Plan for Non-Student ~pouses r.roposed that one round-trip ffirst-class" train be sub­ stituted for .the three round­ The Stu den t Sen ate has oppression and w h i [e ig­ of student government per­ trip tralns currently running. asked its finance comminee norance. ,. sonnel. The book is to be sold. IC figures show that 111,534 to draw up a paIn to a llow The b1l1 was amended ro The Se nate will seek to set passengers used the trains In students' spouses who are not remove the references to up a booth at the Spring Fes t­ 1966, and 110,375 in 1965. in school to participate in whites, but adjournment was ival to initiate HpubUc dis­ Figures for 1967 are not avail­ University activities. voted before fLnai action could cussion" with visiting high able. IC officials have cited The bill directing the com ­ be taken. school and junior college stu­ a potential 1968 loss on the minee to establish the plan The Senate housing commit­ dents on the .fpresent situa­ trains of $312,000. wa s passed Wednesday night tee was directed [Q publish a tion" at StU. The recreation One argument for eliminat- -and seeks a means for the booklet rating housing avail­ and activities commtnee was non-student spouses to pay the able [Q students. The booklet made responsible for setting SIU activity fee and receive would include a variety of up the booth and determining A Look Inside an 10 card. facts, impressions of former what type of presentation i.t • • • Gymnasts avenge loss The bill says that at present residents, and observations will make . to Iowa, page 14. The Senate also commended the non-student spouses are • • • Letter from Student excluded from many activi­ Wilson to Discuss Leslie Trotter. volunteer Body PreSident, page 4. Gus say s - he has a special worker in the student gove·rn­ ties or must pay a high price · . Weekend actiVities, interest in the train hear,ing ..... to participate. Theater's Function ment office. for his "great page 11. because people have been \ The Senate debated for more service" to the student body Kendrick Wilson, visiting · •• Preview of Evansville threatening to ranroad htm than 30 minutes on a bill in compiling results from the professor in the Theater De­ game, page 16. for yea-r-s . concerning H race relations women's hours que S t i a n­ partment. will discuss "The naires. and the role of the Senate and Function. of the Theater in white students." The bill Society" at the Carbondale Jerry Finney, chai:rman of Cited racial discord as Hthe Unitarian Fellowship at 10:30 the finance committee, an­ R. 8uckminsfer Fuller r esult of centuries of white a.m. Sunday. nounced that all applications Wilson, who is presently on by student groups for travel Policy Changes the University of Nebraska funds for the rest of the fiscal Gets Royal Gold Medal faculty, is a nationally recog­ y!' ar sbould be turned In to tlie To Benefit Holder nized authority on community stUdent government office by LONDON (AP)-R. Buck­ which he calls tensity struc­ theaters. the end of the month. minster Fuller, 72-year-old tures-were exhibited in New Present and future policy Alllerican design ~pglneer York's Museum of Modern bolders will benefit from sev­ SIU Security Office ServiDg who buOt the giant dome fortbe Art in 1960. eral recent changes in the Uni­ 0.5. Pavilion at Expo 67, has He probably is best known wen awarded the 1968 Royal for his geodesic dome form­ versity's group hospitaliza­ As Depository for Funds Gold Medal for architecture by made of metal, plastic or tion plan. Queen Elizabeth II, It was cardboard-which he uses to New SIU employees now The SIU Security Office 1s and Park Street, or, if large announced Thursday. give the largest possible en­ now being used as an over­ sums are Involved, by calling closed space in relation to the bi ve up to 90 days to jo I n nl,ght depository for Unl­ the office for transportation The award. recommended surface area. the group plan where, as vetslty funds collected too late assistance. by the Royal Institute of Brit­ The domes chamcterized previously. the time limit was for deposit with the Bursar. Security officials e mph 11- Isb Arcbttects, 1s lOr the pro­ the U.S. Pavilions at World sized that the servlC1' Is tOr motion of architecture. Fairs in Montreal last year 60 days. Any SIU office or organi­ overnight deposit only and all Fuller, research professor and at Kabul, Afghanistan, in ot design at S\U, has lectured I Another change removes the zation may use the service funds must be taken to tbe IQ56. by bringing the money to the Bursar's office immediately tbroughout the world on his The medal wUl be presented age limitation on coverage of Security Office, which Is lo­ the next morning for regular phUosopliy of structures. E It­ to Fuller by Institute Presi­ me ntally retarded dependents. cated at Washington Avenue deposit. amples of his new system- dent Sir Hugh WU'son June 18. ·P..,. 2 D AIJ,oV .EGVfJl ;ot.H ' Hunti n'!! 'Lt'"88t' in '1IIinois' Edelman Accepts Advisorship I Forestry Article Published To Student Employee Group Dwight R. t\tcCurdy, assist­ i967 master's degree gr~du­ Plains Park and Recreation ant professor of forestry at ate of SIUJ are co-aU[hors of Conference at Colorado State Milton T. Edelman, pro­ prestden[ Ray Lenzi an­ SIll. and Herben Echelberger. a n art i c 1 e, "The Hun[ing Un i ve rs i ty, Fon Collins, fessor of economiCS, will nounced that in the ftJ tur e all Lease in Illinois," which ap­ Tuesday to Friday. He served serve as adviser [Q the re­ employees in [he student gov­ Health Education pears In the Fe bruary issue on a discus sion panel and con­ cently- approved Student Em­ ernmen t offi ce must be of the J ournal of Forestry.
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