Tamil Nadu Government Gazette

Tamil Nadu Government Gazette

© [Regd. No. TN/CCN/467/2012-14. GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU [R. Dis. No. 197/2009. 2018 [Price : Rs. 12.80 Paise. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 35] CHENNAI, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 2018 Aavani 13, Vilambi, Thiruvalluvar Aandu – 2049 Part VI—Section 4 Advertisements by private individuals and private institutions CONTENTS PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS Pages. Change of Names .. 1443-1474 Notice .. NOTICE NO LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY IS ACCEPTED FOR THE PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENTS REGARDING CHANGE OF NAME IN THE TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. PERSONS NOTIFYING THE CHANGES WILL REMAIN SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES AND ALSO FOR ANY OTHER MISREPRESENTATION, ETC. (By Order) Director of Stationery and Printing. CHANGE OF NAMES 20942. My son, L. Kishore Jasvil, born on 27th December 20945. My son, M Nitinprakash, son of Thiru 2002 (native district: Theni), residing at No. 8/2, Poochi S. Kaviventhan, born on 23rd January 2014 (native district: Devar Lane, Gudalore, Uthamapalayam, Theni-625 518, shall Ramanathapuram), residing at No. 40/9/57, Kallazhar Street, henceforth be known as L. KISHORE Paramakudi, Ramanathapuram-623 707, shall henceforth be known as K RAJARAJAN M. LOGANTHURAI Theni, 20th August 2018. (Father) M. JANSIRANI Ramanathapuram, 20th August 2018. (Mother) 20943. My daughter, V.S. Alen Flarence, born on 8th January 2002 (native district: Kanyakumari), residing 20946. I, R. Singaraj, son of Thiru P. Rasaiah, born on at No. 71/C, Subbunaicker Compound, Vaidiyanathapuram 28th December 1984 (native district: Madurai), residing at Main Road, Singarapuram, Madurai-625 016, shall henceforth be No.14B/6, Vinayagar Street, Chokkanathapuram, Madurai- known as S. ALEN FLORANCE 625 014, shall henceforth be known as R. SINGARAJU V. SAGAYA EDISON R. SINGARAJ Madurai, 20th August 2018. (Father) Madurai, 20th August 2018. 20944. My son, M Aathish, son of Thiru S. Kaviventhan, 20947. I, M. Sangili, son of Thiru Masilamani, born on born on 30th June 2012 (native district: Ramanathapuram), 9th September 1970 (native district: Thoothukkudi), residing residing at Old No. 40/9/57, New No. 9/66, Guppu Chettiyar at No. 4/73, 30/3, Velautham Nagar, Muthayapuram, Sandhu, Ramanathapuram-623 707, shall henceforth be Thoothukkudi-628 005, shall henceforth be known known as K THEJONIKETHAN as M. SANKILIKARUPPAN M. JANSIRANI M. SANGILI Ramanathapuram, 20th August 2018. (Mother) Thoothukkudi, 20th August 2018. D.T.P.—VI-4 (35)—1 [ 1443 ] 1444 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [Part VI—Sec. 4 20948. My son, Sanjiv Gugan, born on 13th February 20957. My son, M.C. Vishvaa, son of Thiru S. Murugesan, 2018 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 53, born on 29th November 2006 (native district: Chennai), residing Vasuki Street, Melaanuppanadi, Anuppanadi, Madurai- at No. 609, Karuthanpatti, Namanur Post, Sivagangai-630 553, 625 009, shall henceforth be known as S. JANARTHAGUGAN shall henceforth be known as M. VISHVAA P. SANKAR M. ALAGUSUNDARI Madurai, 20th August 2018. (Father) Sivagangai, 20th August 2018. (Mother) 20949. I, I. Rita, wife of Thiru S. Joseph, born on 20958. My son, V. Periya Karuppanan, son of Thiru 6th May 1951 (native district: Ramanathapuram), residing P. Vijayakumar, born on 10th May 2004 (native district: at No. 3/63, Mahalingapuram, Thiruvadanai Taluk, Madurai), residing at No. 1/50B, Porusupatti Poosaripatti Ramanathapuram-623 407, shall henceforth be known Post, Narasingampatti, Madurai-625 122, shall henceforth be as I. RITA MERRY known as V. JANARTHANAN I. RITA V. VALARMATHI Ramanathapuram, 20th August 2018. Madurai, 20th August 2018. (Mother) 20950. I, Kumar, son of Thiru V. Murugan, 20959. My son, R Anuj Manish Ridhin, born on born on 4th June 1965 (native district: Pudukkottai), 16th December 2011 (native district: Karur), residing at residing at No. 433, Kayampatti, Kilanilai Post, Thirumayam No. 1/236, Meenkshi Illam, Meenakshi Mission Colony, Taluk, Pudukkottai-622 202, shall henceforth be known Rajakambeeram, Y. Othakkadai, Madurai-625 107, as M. PADIKKASU shall henceforth be known as R MANISH RIDHIN KUMAR R RAJESH KUMAR Pudukkottai, 20th August 2018. Madurai, 20th August 2018. (Father) 20951. I, S. Anandarani, wife of Thiru A. Solaiyappan, 20960. I, A. Nainar Mohammed, son of Thiru Abdulla, born on 1st January 1966 (native district: Virudhunagar), born on 1st January 1983 (native district: Madurai), residing residing at No. 4/74, North Street, Melanmarainadu, at No. 10/A, Mumtaj Compound Ansari Nagar 4th Street, Alangulam, Virudhunagar-626 127, shall henceforth be Mahaboopalayam, Madurai-625 016, shall henceforth be known as S. RANI known as A. MOHAMED L.T.I. of S. ANANDARANI A. NAINAR MOHAMMED Virudhunagar, 20th August 2018. Madurai, 20th August 2018. 20952. My son, G. Shashansurya, born on 16th April 2004 20961. I, S. Moniga Rosi, daughter of Thiru A. Shanmugavel, (native district: Ramanathapuram), residing at No. 20/1, born on 4th May 1998 (native district: Ramanathapuram), Koochur, Madarahalli, Kannandahalli, Krishnagiri-635 203, residing at No. 4, Narayanachetti Theru, Bharathiyar shall henceforth be known as G. SEHSHAN SURYA Road, K. Pudur, Madurai-625 007, shall henceforth be known as S. MONIGA G. GANAPATHY Krishnagiri, 20th August 2018. (Father) S. MONIGA ROSI Madurai, 20th August 2018. 20953. I, G. Kannan, son of Thiru N. Ganesan, born on 2nd May 1967 (native district: Madurai), residing at 20962. My son, Samuvel Raja, born on 21st May 2001 No. 8-2/2, Neduncheliyan Street, New Vilangudi, Madurai- (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 4, Narayanachetti 625 018, shall henceforth be known as G. RATHINAKUMAR Theru, Bharathiyar Road, K. Pudur, Madurai-625 007, shall henceforth be known as S. HAREESH G. KANNAN Madurai, 20th August 2018. A. SHANMUGAVEL Madurai, 20th August 2018. (Father) 20954. My son, R. Jeisinath, son of Thiru M. Ramachandran, born on 25th August 2004 (native district: Ramanathapuram), 20963. I, K. Vishnupriya alias Mimal, wife of Thiru K. Deepak, residing at Old No. 87, New No. 2, Katchatha Nallur, born on 26th January 1990 (native district: Madurai), residing Thelichatha Nallur Post, Ilaiyankudi Taluk, Sivagangai- at No. 4/481, Agathiyar Nagar, Nagamalai, Madurai-625 019, 623 701, shall henceforth be known as R. SRINATH shall henceforth be known as K. VISHNUPRIYA R. PANCHAVARNAM K. VISHNUPRIYA alias MIMAL Sivagangai, 20th August 2018. (Mother) Madurai, 20th August 2018. 20955. I, Booma alias Nivethitha. S.M. daughter of Thiru 20964. I, S. Chandra Sekaran, son of Thiru Chinnasamypillai, S. Murugesan, born on 25th June 1992 (native district: born on 20th February 1962 (native district: Virudhunagar), residing at No. 1/76-7, West Street, Tiruchirappalli), residing at No. 97/43, Walaja Road, Vachakarapatti, Ramasamy Raja Nagar, Virudhuanagar- Woraiyur, Tiruchirappalli-620 003, shall henceforth be 626 204, shall henceforth be known as BOOMA. S.M. known as C.S. CHANDRASEKARAN BOOMA alias NIVETHITHA. S.M. S. CHANDRA SEKARAN Virudhunagar, 20th August 2018. Tiruchirappalli, 20th August 2018. 20956. My daughter, M.C. Thilagaa Darshiny, daughter of 20965. I, Nikhilesh G Umashankar, son of Thiru Thiru S. Murugesan, born on 1st April 2004 (native district: P.M. Umashankar, born on 11th April 1996 (native district: Chennai), residing at No. 609, Karuthanpatti, Namanur Madurai), residing at Plot No. 15/20, Visalakshipuram, Post, Sivagangai-630 553, shall henceforth be known Thiruppalai, Madurai-625 014, shall henceforth be as M. THILAHA DHARSHINY known as GURUCHANDRA NIKHILESH M. ALAGUSUNDARI NIKHILESH G UMASHANKAR Sivagangai, 20th August 2018. (Mother) Madurai, 20th August 2018. Aug. 29, 2018] TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1445 20966. I, A.K. Aishwarya, daughter of Thiru A.T. Krishnan, 20975. I, G. Sermeswari, wife of Thiru K. Pandiarajan, born on 13th December 1997 (native district: Madurai), born on 9th May 1962 (native district: Thoothukkudi), residing at No. 4, Pandhadi Cross Street, Madurai-625 001, residing at No. 31/A, Mahalakshmi Nagar, Vallananthapuram, shall henceforth be known as A.K. MAHALAKSHMI Avaniapuram, Madurai-625 012, shall henceforth be known as P. VASANTHI A.K. AISHWARYA Madurai, 20th Ausut 2018. G. SERMESWARI Madurai, 20th August 2018. 20967. My daughter, M. Thanushashri, born on 21st January 2004 (native district: Madurai), residing at 20976. I, Rabeek Raja, son of Thiru Mohammed Anifa, Old No. 261, New No. 130, Nehru Street, 2nd Main Road, born on 3rd November 1978 (native district: Madurai), residing Jaihindpuram, Madurai-625 011, shall henceforth be at No. 90/52, Thoppu colony, Heera Nagar, Madurai-625 001, known as M. DHANUSHAA SHRI shall henceforth be known as M RABEEK AHMED K MOOVENDRAN RABEEK RAJA Madurai, 20th August 2018. (Father) Madurai, 20th August 2018. 20968. I, A. Ramachandran, son of Thiru V. Arumugam, 20977. My son, S. Dhivagar, born on 14th April 2017 (native born on 9th March 1976 (native district: Dindigul), district: Madurai), residing at No. 5-18, Anumar Kovil Street, residing at No. 4/150-A, Kalaimagal Nagar, Nagamalai Gandhi Nagar, Periyakulam, Theni-625 601, shall henceforth Pudukkottai, Madurai-625 019, shall henceforth be be known as S. BEEMARAOSING known as V.A. RAMACHANDRAN P. SINGARAJA A. RAMACHANDRAN Theni, 20th August 2018. (Father) Madurai, 20th August 2018. 20978. My daughter, A. Sri Prithika, born on 21st March 2018 20969. I, A. Hassan Mohamed, son of Thiru Anwardeen, (native district: Thanjavur), residing at Old No. 6/9, New No. 9, born on 20th December 1977 (native district: Parruthikara, East Street, Kumbakonam,

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