Backgrounder Saskatchewan’s 2018‒19 federal Gas Tax Fund allocations The Government of Canada has delivered the first of two more than $30.9 million federal Gas Tax Fund (GTF) instalments to Saskatchewan for the 2018-19 fiscal year. The funding will flow through the provincial government to the following 749 communities on a per capita basis. In total, the GTF will provide Saskatchewan with over $61.9 million this fiscal year for local infrastructure projects. By the end of 2018-19, more than $665.8 million will have been provided to Saskatchewan through the federal Gas Tax Fund since the program was launched in 2005. The following table indicates the 2018-19 federal GTF allocation for Saskatchewan’s participating communities. Recipient Allocation 2018-19 Bangor $2,880 Abbey $7,199 Barrier Valley No. Aberdeen No. 373 $63,602 397 $31,175 Aberdeen $37,497 Battle River No. 438 $68,797 Abernethy No. 186 $24,226 Battleford $254,469 Abernethy $12,270 Bayne No. 371 $30,862 Air Ronge $65,292 Beatty $3,944 Alameda $21,409 Beaver Flat $2,504 Albertville $8,764 Beaver River No. 622 $63,664 Alice Beach $2,817 Beechy $14,961 Alida $8,201 Belle Plaine $4,132 Allan $40,565 Bengough No. 40 $20,595 Alvena $3,443 Bengough $19,594 Annaheim $13,709 Antelope Park No. Benson No. 35 $30,674 322 $9,390 Bethune $25,040 Antler No. 61 $36,120 Bienfait $48,828 Aquadeo $5,258 Big Arm No. 251 $12,520 Arborfield No. 456 $28,358 Big Quill No. 308 $37,685 Arborfield $20,408 Big River No. 555 $53,523 Archerwill $12,520 Big River $40,001 Arcola $40,627 Big Shell $2,817 Argyle No. 1 $16,902 Big Stick No. 141 $9,265 Arlington No. 79 $21,597 Biggar No. 347 $51,332 Arm River No. 252 $15,587 Biggar $135,279 Asquith $37,748 Birch Hills No. 460 $41,504 Assiniboia $151,367 Birch Hills $66,606 Atwater $1,941 Bird's Point $6,448 Auvergne No. 76 $22,160 Bjorkdale No. 426 $56,340 Avonlea $24,915 Bjorkdale $12,457 Aylesbury $2,629 Bladworth $3,756 Aylsham $4,445 Blaine Lake No. 434 $18,029 Baildon No. 131 $37,184 Blaine Lake $31,926 Balcarres $38,624 Blucher No. 343 $117,438 Balgonie $101,725 Bone Creek No. 108 $21,284 Borden $15,337 Christopher Lake $16,652 Bracken $1,878 Churchbridge No. Bradwell $14,398 211 $42,130 Bratt's Lake No. 129 $21,910 Churchbridge $46,512 Bredenbury $22,786 Clavet $24,164 Briercrest $6,949 Clayton No. 333 $41,879 Britannia No. 502 $108,548 Climax $11,393 Broadview $35,932 Clinworth No. 230 $13,209 Brock No. 64 $14,899 Cochin $7,637 Brock $7,950 Coderre $1,878 Broderick $4,445 Codette $12,833 Brokenshell No. 68 $19,281 Coleville $19,469 Browning No. 34 $24,977 Colonsay No. 342 $15,024 Brownlee $3,130 Colonsay $29,735 Bruno $35,932 Connaught No. 457 $39,375 B-Say-Tah $11,706 Conquest $11,018 Buchanan No. 304 $25,416 Consul $5,258 Buchanan $14,085 Corman Park No. 344 $522,960 Buckland No. 491 $228,991 Coronach $44,509 Buena Vista $32,802 Cote No. 271 $36,308 Buffalo Narrows $72,178 Coteau Beach $2,504 Buffalo No. 409 $31,676 Coteau No. 255 $26,292 Bulyea $6,385 Coulee No. 136 $36,433 Burstall $18,843 Craik No. 222 $17,278 Cabri $24,977 Craik $28,358 Cadillac $4,883 Craven $14,648 Calder No. 241 $20,157 Creelman $7,199 Calder $6,072 Creighton $93,775 Caledonia No. 99 $16,088 Cudworth $48,202 Cambria No. 6 $19,030 Cupar No. 218 $34,680 Cana No. 214 $53,711 Cupar $36,245 Canaan No. 225 $9,327 Cut Knife No. 439 $22,473 Candle Lake $47,889 Cut Knife $32,364 Canora $138,909 Cymri No. 36 $32,802 Canwood No. 494 $89,142 Dalmeny $106,545 Canwood $21,785 Davidson $64,165 Carlyle $90,207 Debden $22,411 Carmichael No. 109 $27,544 Deer Forks No. 232 $13,960 Carnduff $70,488 Delisle $61,035 Caron No. 162 $32,302 Denare Beach $51,332 Caronport $66,857 Denholm $4,758 Carrot River $62,600 Denzil $8,451 Central Butte $22,849 Dinsmore $19,907 Ceylon $6,197 Disley $4,695 Chamberlain $5,509 District of Katepwa $25,228 Chaplin No. 164 $9,202 District of Lakeland Chaplin $13,647 No. 521 $55,338 Chester No. 125 $23,350 Dodsland $13,271 Chesterfield No. 261 $30,048 Dore Lake $1,753 Chitek Lake $10,454 Dorintosh $9,202 Choiceland $23,851 Douglas No. 436 $20,721 Chorney Beach $939 2 Drake $12,645 Flaxcombe $7,324 Drinkwater $4,069 Fleming $5,196 Dubuc $4,382 Flett's Springs No. Duck Lake No. 463 $52,960 429 $47,013 Duck Lake $36,120 Flin Flon (SK part) $14,335 Dufferin No. 190 $32,051 Foam Lake No. 276 $36,746 Dundurn No. 314 $71,865 Foam Lake $71,865 Dundurn $43,382 Forget $2,191 Duval $6,072 Fort Qu'Appelle $127,328 Dysart $13,647 Fort San $11,706 Eagle Creek No. 376 $36,308 Fosston $3,443 Earl Grey $14,961 Fox Valley No. 171 $21,597 Eastend $32,990 Fox Valley $16,276 Eatonia $31,801 Francis No. 127 $42,318 Ebenezer $10,955 Francis $11,018 Echo Bay $2,379 Frenchman Butte No. 501 $90,019 Edam $27,794 Frobisher $10,392 Edenwold No. 158 $260,854 Frontier No. 19 $23,225 Edenwold $14,899 Frontier $21,973 Elbow $19,656 Gainsborough $18,217 Elcapo No. 154 $30,111 Garden River No. Eldon No. 471 $47,013 490 $40,127 Elfros No. 307 $27,043 Garry No. 245 $25,791 Elfros $6,010 Gerald $7,136 Elmsthorpe No. 100 $13,146 Glaslyn $24,852 Elrose $29,860 Glen Bain No. 105 $12,833 Emerald No. 277 $27,982 Glen Ewen $9,014 Endeavour $5,884 Glen Harbour $4,069 Enfield No. 194 $16,902 Glen McPherson No. Englefeld $15,462 46 $4,570 Enniskillen No. 3 $28,295 Glenavon $11,018 Enterprise No. 142 $8,764 Glenside No. 377 $16,714 Ernfold $1,878 Glenside $5,258 Esterhazy $154,747 Golden Prairie $2,191 Estevan No. 5 $71,301 Golden West No. 95 $19,719 Estevan $691,980 Good Lake No. 274 $42,818 Eston $64,541 Goodeve $2,817 Etters Beach $1,878 Goodsoil $17,591 Excel No. 71 $26,730 Goodwater $1,565 Excelsior No. 166 $60,033 Govan $13,522 Eye Hill No. 382 $41,253 Grand Coulee $35,745 Eyebrow No. 193 $14,398 Grandview Beach $1,565 Eyebrow $8,701 Grandview No. 349 $21,910 Fairlight $2,504 Grant No. 372 $26,605 Fenwood $2,504 Grass Lake No. 381 $23,099 Fertile Belt No. 183 $49,141 Grassy Creek No. 78 $17,778 Fertile Valley No. Gravelbourg No. 104 $19,156 285 $31,989 Gravelbourg $69,862 Fillmore No. 96 $15,963 Grayson No. 184 $29,923 Fillmore $15,963 Grayson $11,518 Findlater $3,130 Great Bend No. 405 $31,237 Fish Creek No. 402 $19,030 Green Lake $26,167 3 Grenfell $65,667 Kelvington $55,714 Griffin No. 66 $24,915 Kenaston $17,841 Gull Lake No. 139 $12,583 Kendal $4,820 Gull Lake $61,911 Kennedy $15,087 Hafford $24,852 Kenosee Lake $16,151 Hague $54,963 Kerrobert $66,419 Halbrite $6,761 Key West No. 70 $17,966 Hanley $32,677 Keys No. 303 $26,104 Happy Valley No. 10 $9,265 Killaly $4,632 Happyland No. 231 $17,778 Kincaid $7,136 Harris No. 316 $14,022 Kindersley No. 290 $61,786 Harris $13,334 Kindersley $292,843 Hart Butte No. 11 $16,526 King George No. 256 $13,584 Hawarden $3,130 Kingsley No. 124 $26,355 Hazel Dell No. 335 $31,989 Kinistino No. 459 $38,374 Hazelwood No. 94 $15,400 Kinistino $46,512 Hazenmore $3,130 Kinley $2,817 Hazlet $5,947 Kipling $65,793 Heart's Hill No. 352 $16,276 Kisbey $13,584 Hepburn $35,181 Kivimaa-Moonlight Herbert $47,513 Bay $5,258 Hillsborough No. 132 $7,136 Krydor $939 Hillsdale No. 440 $35,244 Kyle $27,356 Hodgeville $10,767 La Loche $163,449 Holdfast $10,579 La Ronge $171,712 Hoodoo No. 401 $44,196 Lac Pelletier No. 107 $37,998 Hubbard $2,880 Lacadena No. 228 $35,807 Hudson Bay No. 394 $70,237 Lafleche $25,416 Hudson Bay $94,150 Laird No. 404 $77,624 Humboldt No. 370 $55,401 Laird $17,966 Humboldt $355,443 Lajord No. 128 $62,162 Huron No. 223 $12,270 Lake Alma No. 8 $17,528 Hyas $7,136 Lake Johnston No. 102 $10,016 Ile A La Crosse $85,449 Lake Lenore No. 399 $33,554 Imperial $21,847 Lake Lenore $18,592 Indian Head No. 156 $23,788 Lake of the Rivers Indian Head $113,619 No. 72 $18,905 Insinger No. 275 $20,345 Lakeside No. 338 $24,226 Invergordon No. 430 $40,753 Lakeview No. 337 $21,034 Invermay No. 305 $20,908 Lampman $44,634 Invermay $15,462 Landis $8,701 Island View $4,069 Lang $12,520 Ituna Bon Accord No. Langenburg No. 181 $35,807 246 $27,231 Langenburg $71,865 Ituna $44,509 Langham $80,754 Jans Bay $11,706 Lanigan $87,014 Jansen $7,888 Lashburn $60,534 Kamsack $114,245 Last Mountain Valley Kannata Valley $6,323 No.
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