OVERSTRAND MUNICIPALITY “Centre of Excellence” INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN Final 2012 – 2017 May 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Preface, Vision, Mission and Strategic Priorities 2 Foreword by Executive Mayor 3 Foreword by Municipal Manager 5 1. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUD 1.1 Introduction 6 1.2 Legal context 6 1.3 IDP process 6 2. STRATEGIC ANALYSIS 2.1 Overstrand Overview 7 2.1.1 Demographics 9 3.1.1 SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS 13 3.2 Status quo per National Key Performance Area 13 3.2.1 Governance & Public Participation 13 Political Governance Structure 13 Administrative Governance Structure 14 Public Accountability 16 Overstrand Ward Based Profiles / Survey 17 3.2.2 Municipal Transformation and Organisational Development 17 Occupational Levels – Race 17 HR Policies and Plans 18 Vacancy Rate 19 3.2.3 Basic Service Delivery 19 Basic Service Delivery challenges 19 3.2.4 Local Economic Development 22 3.2.5 Municipal Financial Viability and Management 23 4. STRATEGIC DIRECTIVES 4.1 Five year IDP and its strategic focus and direction 24 4.2 Putting programmes / plans / strategy into actions per Key Performance Area 25 5. FUNCTIONAL AREAS OF MUNICIPAL ACTIVITIES 5.1 Linkage of Strategic Priorities/Objectives with Functional Areas/Services 71 5.2 Description of Functional Areas 71 6. LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 7. OVERSTRAND TURNAROUND STRATEGY 7.1 Housing 88 7.2 Water Demand Management 90 7.3 Performance Management 91 7.4 Basic Service Delivery 92 7.5 Supply Chain Management 99 7.6 MFMA 100 8. SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS 102 9. ALIGNMENT OF NATIONAL AND PROVINCIAL DIRECTIVES 113 10. SECTORAL PLANS / POLICIES APPROVED 115 11. WARD BASED PROFILES/SURVEY 117 12. SECTORAL PLANS ANNEXURE 1 - Water Services Development Plan 160 ANNEXURE 2 - Integrated Waste Management Plan 223 ANNEXURE 3 - Local Integrated Transport Plan 228 ANNEXURE 4 - Spatial Development Framework 258 ANNEXURE 5 - Environmental Management Plan 267 ANNEXURE 6 – Disaster Management Framework 270 13. BUDGETARY ANNEXURES 288 14. MAPPED SECTOR PROJECTS 311 Final Integrated Development Plan 2012/2013 2 _______________________________________________________________________ P R E F A C E Our Vision Statement To be a centre of excellence for the community This Integrated Development Plan (IDP) is a plan, which will inform our communities on how the Overstrand Municipality will utilize its resources for the 3rd Generation IDP of the 2012/2017 IDP cycle. Our Mission Statement The IDP is a mechanism and instrument that seeks to give meaning to developmental local government, where people themselves are Creation of sustainable communities by delivering optimal services active participants in the identification of needs, priorities and to support economic, social and environmental goals strategies for the reconstruction and development of communities. Why is the IDP necessary? Our Strategic Objectives It enables the Municipality to manage the process of fulfilling The provision of democratic and accountable governance its developmental responsibilities. The provision and maintenance of municipal services Through the IDP, the Municipality is informed about the The encouragement of structured community participation in problems affecting its residents. It is thus able to develop and the matters of the municipality implement appropriate strategies and projects to address The creation and maintenance of a safe and healthy the problems. environment It helps to make more effective use of scarce resources. The promotion of tourism, economic and social development Helps to speed up delivery. Helps to attract additional funds. Helps to strengthen democracy and hence institutional transformation because decisions are made in a democratic and transparent manner, rather than just by a few. Promises intergovernmental coordination. The Overstrand Municipality, adopted the following Vision, Mission and Strategic objectives after various interaction with stakeholders. - 3 – ___________________________________________________________________________ Die opstel en bywerk van ’n GOP verg samewerking met die Foreword by the Executive Mayor gemeenskap. Ten eerste moet daar so wyd moontlik met rolspelers geskakel word wat beteken dat tyd met wykskomitees, organisasies This is the first edition of the third generation of our en belangegroepe bestee word om seker te maak waaraan ons Integrated Development Plan, compiled over the past mense werklik ’n behoefte het. Hierdie behoeftes weerspieël die ten months to run concurrently with the term of the diversiteit van ons gemeenskap en maak ons bewus van die Municipal Council that was elected in May 2011. kwesbaarheid van kleinode, veral ons pragtige natuur waaraan ons nie altyd dink nie. I believe that, as in the past, we are going to learn and appreciate the value of this document as the key to the life of a municipality. It is I would like to share with you a few thoughts that arose from our setting out our strategic direction and guiding us as community, analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for council and municipal officials in our efforts to improve the quality of Overstrand Municipality. life and the environment in our beloved Overstrand, within the confines of the limited resources at our disposal. Our strengths were seen as the knowledgeable dedicated staff, the cohesion between the political and executive structures, good Following on the May 2011 municipal elections, officials worked policies, procedures and processes, sound financial management, together with the new council and community structures to draft this sound infrastructure management, the ward committee system and new plan, building on the successes of the past, but also realizing unqualified audit reports. that we have new challenges to face. I am glad to report that although we had to appoint a new municipal manager and effect Our weaknesses are the perceived style of silo management, lack of other changes in top management, we were lucky to do it from facilities at corporate head office, the backlog in service within our organization, enabling us to have an almost seamless infrastructure, inadequate operation and maintenance of assets, change-over. inadequate public communication and participation, a lack of social upliftment strategies with regard to leisure time, capacity Graag betuig ek my vertroue in ons nuwe Munisipale Bestuurder, mnr building, youth, drugs and early childhood development, lack of Coenie Groenewald, asook in sy opvolger as Direkteur: mobility for commuters and lack of succession planning in senior Bestuursdienste, me Desirée Arrison, en wens ek hulle ‘n termyn van positions. sukses en hoogtepunte toe. Opportunities await us in terms of the utilization of our natural assets Die vertrekpunt vir ons nuwe Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan for tourism, an attractive environment for investments in the area, (GOP) het sy wortels in ons vorige een, naamlik die treffende public-private partnerships, positive spin-off from the implementation visiestelling: OM ’N SENTRUM VAN UITNEMENDHEID VIR ONS of Batho Pele principles, cutting costs in terms of shared services and GEMEENSKAP TE WEES – eenvoudig, maar inspirerend! In die vorige an improved grading of the municipality. vyf jaar was hierdie visiestelling vir almal ’n rigsnoer en ek glo dit gaan ook in die toekoms vir ons die pad vorentoe wys! The threats lies in the state of the economy, labour and other inhibiting legislation, unsustainable financial resources, unemployment, water resources, unfunded mandates, crime and Final Integrated Development Plan 2012/13 - 4 – ___________________________________________________________________________ vandalism, electricity price hikes and shortages, global warming, Good governance civic intolerance and public apathy, inadequate suitable land for o Effective co-operative government within the housing, the possibility of a single public service and the impact of constitutional mandate the national health service on municipalities. o Effective communication and community involvement Our mission statement was revised to address the abovementioned o Sound municipal administration/Institutional in our strategic objectives, focus areas and accompanying Development/Institutional Development programmes as follow: Safe and Healthy Environment o Effective public safety and disaster management Mission o Effective environmental management. The creation of sustainable communities by delivering optimal services to support economic, social and Die GOP bring vir ons leiers die verantwoordelikheid om te sorg dat environmental goals. daar deurentyd op doeltreffende, effektiewe en ekonomiese bestuur gefokus moet word ten einde ons strategiese prioriteite na te Strategic objectives streef. In die lig hiervan deel ek graag twee van my gunsteling o The provision of democratic and accountable akkronieme: governance; o The provision and maintenance of municipal services; ACF – ATTITUDE, COMMUNICATION AND FEEDBACK; en o The encouragement of structured community participation in the matters of the municipality; BOLB – BEPLAN, ORGANISEER, LEIDING GEE EN BEHEER. o The creation and maintenance of a safe and healthy environment; and My sincere thanks to all who made a contribution towards this new o The promotion of tourism, economic and social IDP, including councillors, ward committee members, non- development. governmental organisations and individuals, and a special word of Focus areas appreciation to the
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