PRACTICAL THE TRIBUNE* S FOREIGN NEWS CHRISTMAS AMERICANS IN LONDON SOC1ETY SINGER DEFENDS HERSELF GIFTS W Eu-AIES TELL AMERICAN MT SHQWN Frieda Hempel Tells How Leo- ALL AUTOS IN FRANCE OF pold Honored Her. PERMANENT VALUE Mond Entertains at Covent Garden Bail. fBv rtM« tn Th» Trihuna.l [Lady Party Women and Girls' Student Club Berlin. Dec. 14..Frieda Hempel. .31 AT l Marries Miss Ilse Claire hitherto prlma d«5nna of the Berlin _ L. Shainwald, Holds Exhibition in Paris. Ralph Jr., Royal Opera, but now engaged for the TIFFANY STVDIOS Bauer.Otto Kahn to Return Hither Shortly. Metropolltan Opera Company of New. Motor Cars Not Wanted In the In this cstablish**H Turkish and Balkan Plenipoten* York, defended herself energetlcally interesting TBv OMe The Trlhu** 1 - atricais WfJI be Th" ae- THE BEST OF THE SEASON Outline Terms To tO given. play before a Berlin law court this week Allee des Acacias, Paris' ment is displayed a won* tiaries London. Dec. 14..The Arabian Nlehts loeted ls "Tantallzing Tornmy." Among against the charge that she recelved are Sir Most Drive. Be baO arranged hy the Foreign Pr«»s« those who will take part Ed¬ the Leopoid Order after taking part In Famous derful collection of appro-' Proposed. Kathken and Sculptures Are Society of London in aid of tho Red ward N'aylor-Leyland. Lady Drawings an affair at Ostend with the late King Gifts.useful articles, . priate <"ross and Red Cresoent work ln the Uastings, Lady Norah Hastings and Also on View Parisian of the Relglans The charge. whieh j Alston. CUBISTS TO in and of th«i OPTIMISTIC Ralkans. thouph a BUCCOaa in point of Mrs. Ale>.ander Critics Give appeared orlglnally ln the memolrs of LOWER REGION unique desisn SENTIMENT nuchess of Marlborough in Approval. attendan* e. was not patronlzed to any The a valet of King Leopoid, wrr repro- finest materials and work*-*; a women at Rirmlng- tn T*ia T-lhuna 1 great extent hy socletv, as had heen opening hotel for IBr r_M« duced in a Berlin whlch tho the finest loan e_hi- newspaper, Postal Authorities Forbid Use of Must Not Become the aatldpatOd. Ltdy Mond, however, en¬ ham a few days ajro aald that Paris. Pec. 14..The Binger sued for damages. manship. .'Albania of cheap. decent blMon of drawings and "Oeneral but tertalned two large partles in rirrle problem provlding paintingF, Belng on her way to America. Miss Delivery" to Girls Schleswig-Holstein for women workera was one fc ilpture of the present season ls that The unusually wide range of, boxea, and others present were Com- lodglngs Hempel had an early hearing. She de¬ Under 18 and Vouths of the dlfrVultlea of all now open at the American Women and for demantl, the Belgfium mander Bymlngton, the new naval at- of the most pressing elared on oath that Bhe was lnvlted by prices providcs every be taken Girls' Art Ptudent Club ln the Rue Under 16. Balkans." tach* at the Amerlean Kmbassy; large clties and ahouid up by the Klng*s chamberlain to ln a of the Vuletide Season. the; by the Advlsory stng Karl of Carnarvon, the Karl and Coun-i muniolpalltles. nieiietioe. organir.ed concert, and that Immadlataly after- fBv r.hu to Th- Trltiune 1 eve the have had a Roard of American Women. Including For there are the beaiV l/jnilin. T><-. 14..On (tte of tess of Mr. and Mrs. Oeor-re Lord and Lady Craven ward the King bestowed the decora- Paris, Dec 14..Tt wlll be Interesting example, Claaoarty, thls week at Mrs. Whiteiaw Reid, president; Mra. tiful conference The Assoeiated Preas T.aciy Allngton and Vlscount large ahootlng party tlon upon her. When ahe returned to Amerlcane paaslnar through Psrls peaoe Ptncfcard, Myron T. Herrick, vlce-preatdent. and from ih* Tombe Abbey. home the aliegatlon waa made that sh<» this month on thair way to the FYenrh ^M a*atb«'r»d representativea Churchhl Carollne Clark Holland, WOtl Mrs. Robert Rliss, Mrs. Stanford The !mke nnd PiKbess of Roxburgr.* Mrs. liad damed before the King at a prl¬ or Itallan Rlviera to learn that ownera TIFFANY LAMPS of th* Balkan klngdoms and tbe foon* for her illiistratlona White.. Mrs. Edward Tuck. Mrs. hava returned to Floors Castle, Kelso, kiirinn in America vate aupper party. of all types of automobiles and motor nn authoritatlve for has ("harlei Lawrence, Mrs George Mnn- nv.jt Turkish del^gntes '.o the of her own books chlldren, Just She scoffed had cycles in France are requlred to attend aftr-r a visit Powager DuchOea the Mrs. Hamll- at the ldea that she terms whlch the vlc- opened an Intereettng exhibitkn in roe, Mrp. Henry Ridgway. at the local Malrie 31 ifinrfitlor) of th* of Roxhurgho at Roxmouth Fark, Ka.-.t White- OOUght BarottOOO Vaughan'a lnterven- before December t-nnms of UlO Bodoty of American fon Riifi.cell. Mrs. Fitzhugh kingdom* propose to cnforr* Lothlan. Tho Roxburgbee wlll, tion with King Leopoid to obtain the In order to make a declaration regard- torious asj Women in txtodon, This eonslsts of houee and Mrs. Walter Gay. usual, entertaifl a larce, party at Floors gOCOratlou. She sald she agreed to inar their vehlcles. The declaration and the ottoman Vtewi thereon. E1ke most of whieh The exhihition comprises two hun¬ for Christmas. thirty-one pntnttngs, alng at tho eonCOTt the same aa lf lt compris'-s: ft'l tr"> B**'~ don.^ on Heath or dred numbers. Elsrht works have bOOO ei*x*r'**prp'1 diplomatists, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kahn. who have wera Hampatead had been an ordlnary professional en- Flrst.Name, professlon and domlcile i lolder's Green. lent by the Luxetnbourg Museum. Van delega'es. in f.peaklng oflnVlally, been for some months nt St. Punstan's g.'tgement, and went home as soon as of owner. arations are ln full sv.inf? at the Americnns are repres?nted by three tn tho -atohword adoptod ln the Lodge, Fark. have pone to Prej the concert was OVOT. Second.Number, type snd prlndpal adhert Elegent'a of Amerlrnn U'nmon In London admirablo portraits by John Sargenf. th» Paris for n\ weeks. Mr. Kahn is re- Soclety IftaS Hempel admitted that tho Royal characterlstics of the vehicle*. claaslfled flrat. and probably laat plenary to he held two of which, one of the late Mr«. beforo the conference, tuniina to New York abOUt the midd!*1 for a big Christmas party, Opera management in Perlln had sug- In ths following two categorlcs. Heavy -..etlnsr enterlng in th* Crlterion Reetaurunl on Decem- Bdward Boll and nna of Pargent'a «re ."ln complet* aooord and of February. hut Mrs. Kahn and the gested that she muat take legal stepa commercial automobiles (autobuses, that they i.er li». lt will be cailed the "toy tea," friend, JaOQOCe Rlanche, ha\e never a unlted children wlll rematn In London. to refute slanders on her reputation. vans and lorries). tourlng and ambu- have established perfectljr pto- l>c> under the auspic^s of before beon exhlbited. Thrc-e water Mr. and Mrs. Ma!d-tn Pruminond and will hoM The court piooeedinga were adjourned lajice automobiles and motorcycles. fTSn.Tne tn follow." the committee. of whieh colors by Whistler are in that mnst^r's ~ Ith friends. not thia Week ent^rtalnr-d B shooting partv phllanthroptr lndeflnltely to pcrmlt the defence to Third.Name of usua! driver, if sub¬ Whe*i they sp*>ak Mra. George Fox ls chairwoman. Fancy best style. other American paintings faoes **ith at radlnnd. n^ar Southampton. Among prodvee testimony from Baroness ject to mllitary servlce. *Vr quotition. their llght up dress will bo tlie rule for all the chll¬ keenly appreclated hy Parisian critics their faifh ls their guests were the Prln.-ess of Vaughan. King Leopold's valet, and Th* lista of the automohiie rensus thair enthuslaam and in tho entrrtalnment, aro by Walter Gay. Frederick Frie- Fle^-s, Pir Siaismund and Lady NOU- dren taklng part other elngers besides Miss Hempel who wlll be closed on December 31. but thoae admlrabl*.. and each will brlng at least one toy, seke, Bdward Rolt. Alexander Harrl- mann. Mrs. Charles Tennant, Sir Ar¬ were present on the evenlng ln ques¬ who acqulre or aell any automohiie or Tel] the Amerl. ans." th*.y aay, "that he on tho lm- son. Richard Mlller. Florence Este, Marshall Field, whlch wi!l flrat placed tion. motor cycle on or after January 1, 1913, wa truft tr. their aympnthy and moral thur and Lady Railoy, whieh-will af- Wilfred Olehn, Ellzabeth Nourse and Mr. and Mrs. Potter. Sloane nien^» I hvistrnas tTOO, must Immedlately make a declaration .aupport. as *ve are fightiijg deapernta- jr., Cyrll to one of the Jerward be pre^entcd Bueaell Greeley. at the Matrle, and obtaln a eertiflcate sh'dding oi\r best hlood for tbo Stanley and Lady Muriel Worthing- hy THINKS AMEfflCANS UNIQUE ly and fhlldren's homos of London. Thero are admlrable paintings that the declaration haa been Mme cause whieh rendered the name ton. Constant, Rastlen Le duly A Britiflh "Pied a Tarre." Corot. Renjamin made. of WashinKton glorious and venerated. Wedding !n London. Pnge, Charles Cazin, Theodor Rousseau. Margaret MaGillian Says They French, who has re- In Favor of th# Horse. most 'W, are rlsking all we possess for our Ralph L. Bhainwrald, Jr.. only aon of Mrs. S. Barton JOaa l*ranOOte Millet, Oarolus-Puran. Want the Best for All. The display is comprehensive.» returncd from Ne~ York. has Lovers of the horse ln Parie are not including Lamps for every purposa.
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