Draft version December 6, 2018 A Preprint typeset using LTEX style emulateapj v. 08/22/09 A NEW RED GIANT-BASED DISTANCE MODULUS OF 13.3 MPC TO THE ANTENNAE GALAXIES AND ITS CONSEQUENCES1 Ivo Saviane European Southern Observatory, A. de Cordova 3107, Santiago, Chile Yazan Momany Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, vicolo Osservatorio 5, 35122, Padova, Italy Gary S. Da Costa RSAA, Australian National University, Weston, ACT, 2611, Australia R. Michael Rich Dep. of Physics and Astronomy, UCLA, 430 Portola Plaza, Los Angeles CA, 90095-1547, USA and John E. Hibbard National Radio Astronomy Observatory, 520 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA Draft version December 6, 2018 ABSTRACT The Antennae galaxies are the closest example of an ongoing major galaxy merger, and thereby represent a unique laboratory for furthering the understanding of the formation of exotic objects (e.g., tidal dwarf galaxies, ultra-luminous X-ray sources, super-stellar clusters, etc). In a previous paper HST/WFPC2 observations were used to demonstrate that the Antennae system might be at a distance considerably less than that conventionally assumed in the literature. Here we report new, much deeper HST/ACS imaging that resolves the composite stellar populations, and most importantly, reveals a well-defined red giant branch. The tip of this red giant branch (TRGB) is unambiguously TRGB detected at I◦ = 26.65 ± 0.09 mag. Adopting the most recent calibration of the luminosity of the TRGB then yields a distance modulus for the Antennae of (m − M)◦ = 30.62 ± 0.17 corresponding to a distance of 13.3 ± 1.0 Mpc. This is consistent with our earlier result, once the different calibrations for the standard candle are considered. We briefly discuss the implications of this now well determined shorter distance. Subject headings: galaxies: distances and redshifts – galaxies: individual (NGC 4038, NGC 4039) – galaxies: interactions – galaxies: peculiar – galaxies: stellar content 1. INTRODUCTION al. 2005), near-IR WIRC imaging (Brandl et al. 2005); The importance of having an accurate distance to the Chandra ACIS-S (Baldi et al. 2006); STIS data (Whit- Antennae galaxies (NGC 4038/4039) cannot be over- more et al. 1995); VLT/ISAAC data (Mengel et al. stated. These galaxies are the nearest major merger to 2005); and VLT/VIMOS data (Bastian et al. 2006). We arXiv:0802.1045v1 [astro-ph] 7 Feb 2008 the Milky Way, and as such, are taken as the archety- also note the recent Type Ic supernova in the Antennae pal merger system. The proximity makes the Anten- (SN 2004gt, IAUC 8456; Gal-Yam et al. 2005; Maund et nae of paramount importance for studying mergers as a al. 2005), but the nature of its progenitor remains a sub- model for hierarchical galaxy formation, as well as pro- ject of debate in part due to the unresolved issue of the viding an ideal setting to explore the physical processes distance. Indeed, all basic physical quantities that enter in starforming galaxies. For example, the very idea of the models (linear distances, masses, and luminosities), the formation of exotic objects (e.g., ultra-luminous X- and hence the model predictions, depend on the adopted ray sources, super-stellar clusters) in mergers owes much distance. to studies of the Antennae. Indeed there exists a huge The most widely quoted distance to the Antennae is amount of data collected over the years, from ground ∼ 20 Mpc, based on the recession velocity of the system and space missions, which might be precisely calibrated corrected with the flow model of Tonry et al. (2000). if an accurate distance to the system were available. Re- However values up to ∼30 Mpc are sometimes quoted cent examples include: GALEX observations (Hibbard et (e.g., Fabbiano et al. 2001, Zezas & Fabbiano 2002). On the other hand, significantly shorter distance measure- Electronic address: [email protected] ments were provided in Rubin et al. (1970) and Saviane, 1 Based on observations with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Tele- Hibbard, & Rich (2004; hereafter SHR04). The first of scope, obtained at the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is the two studies suggested a distance between 6 and 13 operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astron- omy, Inc., (AURA), under NASA Contract NAS 5-26555. Mpc. The large distance uncertainty is due to the rela- tively low precision of their adopted distance indicators 2 (the size of H II regions, the brightest stars, and the 1921 Johnson-Cousins system. Magnitudes in the VEGA- supernova), as well as to an unknown contribution from MAG system were obtained by adding the zero-points as internal absorption. Yet they were the first to suggest a listed in B05, and these were dereddened assuming: (i) distance shorter than that predicted by the redshift. EB−V =0.046 (see next section); and (ii) the extinction The second study offered a much more accurate mea- ratios listed in Table 14 of S05, for a star of spectral type surement of the distance to the Antennae system based G2. For the stars in common with the WFPC2 imaging, on a standard candle. SHR04 used HST/WFPC2 im- we found a 3−σ clipped mean difference with the ACS ages to investigate the stellar populations of the candi- VEGAMAG I magnitudes of 0.003 ± 0.005 mag. No date tidal dwarf galaxy that lies at and beyond the tip of dependence on magnitude for IACS ≤ 26.5 was found. the southern tidal tail (cf. Schweizer 1978, Mirabel, Dot- This confirms the excellent consistency of the two scales. tori, & Lutz 1992). The SHR04 color-magnitude diagram To determine the photometric errors and completeness (CMD) revealed an apparently spatially extended pop- of the ACS data, we introduced 20000 artificial stars into ulation of old (age ≥ 2 Gyr) red giants, underlying the the original drizzled images, and reduced and calibrated more concentrated star-forming regions. The detection the frames exactly as was done for the original images of such a red giant branch (RGB) population was unex- (see Momany et al. 2005 for a detailed description and pected, since for an assumed distance of at least 19-20 example of this process). The CMD of 56600 stars for Mpc, such a population would be fainter than I ≃ 27.5, the whole ACS field-of-view is shown in the left panel of beyond the detection limit of the SHR04 photometry. Fig. 2. The dependence of completeness on stellar color Given that all other possible interpretations of this faint is summarized by the plotted iso-completeness lines: we red stellar population were unsatisfactory, SHR04 as- can be confident that in the color range of the RGB all sumed that the tip of the RGB (TRGB) had indeed been stars are measured, while only approximately half of any reached. Stellar populations older than ∼ 1–2 Gyr de- extremely red stars, if they exist, would be recovered. velop a well populated red giant branch. The luminos- Nevertheless by looking at the middle and right panels ity of the brightest red giants is limited by the ignition of Fig. 2, which are for the areas outside the regions of helium in the core, under degenerate conditions, the of active star formation, one can conclude that very so-called helium flash. This luminosity corresponds to few stars with colors (F 606W − F 814W ) ≥ 3 exist at MI ∼−4 and is known as the red giant branch tip. With magnitudes comparable to the RGB tip. These would TRGB I◦ ≃ 26.5, and assuming an absolute luminosity of be carbon stars along the asymptotic giant branch (see MI = −4.2 (Carretta et al. 2000), a distance to the An- e.g., Fig. 6 in Stetson et al. 1998). tennae of ∼13.8 Mpc follows, a value significantly smaller 3. than those previously assumed. Admittedly, in SHR04 FOREGROUND AND INTERNAL REDDENING the TRGB was detected near the completeness limit of In SHR04 the apparent luminosity of the TRGB was the imaging, where large errors and crowding affect the computed by considering only stars located far from star- precision of the photometry. It is therefore reasonable to forming regions. A few triangular areas were picked from require confirmation of this shorter distance before it is PC, WF3, and WF4 chips, with the dominant sample universally accepted. coming from the southern portion of WF4 (see Fig. 2 Such confirmation was the motivation for the new in that paper). The WF2 area was excluded since it HST/ACS observations presented in this paper, which is within the H I isodensity contours, while the WF4 reach significantly fainter magnitudes than the WFPC2 portion is just outside the southernmost contour, which data. We use this ACS photometry to derive a firm dis- marks a value of 5 × 1019 cm−2 (Fig. 9 in SHR04). As- tance for the Antennae, finding a value consistent with suming that internal extinction is negligible in the low that given in SHR04. gas density areas, in SHR04 the tip luminosity was then 2. corrected only for the foreground extinction. OBSERVATIONS AND REDUCTIONS In the case of our new ACS data, we expect that the ACS/WFC observations of the NGC 4038 southern internal extinction is negligible for stars located in the tidal tail (GO 10580, P.I. Saviane) were obtained on De- north-eastern quadrant of the ACS field: Fig. 6 of Hib- cember 30, 2005, and January 3 and 4, 2006; they were bard et al. (2001) shows that the H I density is below centered at the detection limit in that area. The apparent luminosity (α, δ)=(12:01:26.511, −18:59:21.35) (see Fig. 1). Of the of the TRGB was then measured using stars located in 7 awarded orbits, 4 were dedicated to deep observations that area, which is also far from SF regions, hence yield- through the F 606W and 3 through the F 814W filters, ing a nearly reddening-free measurement of the TRGB.
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