hange was in the air on “It was fabulous,” said Joe January 20, 2009. Flanders, Directing Business Shortly after the stroke Representative of IAM District Lodge of noon – while under 4, who traveled from Brunswick, the watchful gaze of Maine to Washington, DC, with his Cmillions on the National Mall and family and several other IAM mem- billions more in front of television bers to witness the historic event. and computer screens here and “For me and all the people around across the globe – the United States us, it felt like anything is possible. It’s of America officially inaugurated its never been that way. Never have I 44th chief executive: President seen a president come into office Barack Obama. with the amount of excitement he’s Many in attendance – buried in generated.” several layers of clothing while “My fellow citizens,” said braving the bone-chilling cold and Obama in his first address as U.S. engulfed in a sea of people – said it President. “I stand here today hum- was like nothing they’ve ever expe- bled by the task before us, grateful rienced before. for the trust you have bestowed, AP/ World Wide Photo Wide AP/ World 10 IAM JOURNAL Winter 2009 ”The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness.” President Barack Obama AP/ World Wide Photo Wide AP/ World Winter 2009 IAM JOURNAL 11 mindful of the sacrifices African-American president. said the President. “The borne by our ancestors… He symbolizes a new begin- time has come to reaffirm Let us mark this day with ning. A break from our our enduring spirit; to remembrance, of who we nation’s past. An end to the choose our better history; to are and how far we have last eight years. A chance for carry forward that precious traveled.” new ideas and new opportu- gift, that noble idea, passed Our new president is, nities. A new vision. A new on from generation to gen- undoubtedly, a man of hope. A new spirit. eration: the God-given many firsts. The most obvi- promise that all are equal, ous, of course, is the color First Priority: all are free and all deserve a of his skin. But for many, Recovery chance to pursue their full Barack Obama represents “The time has come to measure of happiness.” more than just the first set aside childish things,” Just two weeks into the 12 IAM JOURNAL Winter 2009 “In reaffirming the greatness of our nation, we understand that greatness c 2009 Kaveh Sardari / Group Page One is never a given. It must be earned.” — President Barack Obama With his hand on the same Bible that was used to administer the oath of office to Abraham Lincoln, Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the United Photo Wide AP/ World States. Obama’s inauguration brings a much-needed new spirit to the nation in a time of national crisis. job, and the president’s “Our journey has never have carried us up the long, desk is already filled with been one of shortcuts or set- rugged path towards prosper- pressing issues – many of tling for less. It has not been ity and freedom.” which impact working the path for the faint-heart- families. The good news is ed – for those who prefer Strong Record Obama has a commend- leisure over work, or seek Since being elected as a able record on that score. only the pleasures of riches U.S. Senator in 2004, he’s “In reaffirming the and fame. Rather, it has voted in favor of working greatness of our nation, we been the risk-takers, the families 98 percent of the understand that greatness doers, the makers of things – time. He's voted to raise is never a given. It must be some celebrated but more the minimum wage, pro- earned,” said the President often men and women vide overtime pay, equal in his inaugural address. obscure in their labor, who pay and family medical Winter 2009 IAM JOURNAL 13 “ The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works.” — President Barack Obama good on that promise: “The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too AP/ World Wide Photo Wide AP/ World small, but whether it works,” he said. “Whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified. Where the answer is yes, we intend to move forward. Where the answer is no, pro- grams will end.” Shore Up Economy His first priority is to shore up America’s failing economy. Companies everywhere are scrambling to save money – at The mortgage crisis was just the tip of the iceberg of an economic the expense of workers. The storm that is sweeping across North America and the rest of the U.S. Labor Department reports world’s economies. that more than 11 million leave, to protect Medicare Obama pledged through- people are currently without and children’s health insur- out his presidential cam- work. Data shows 2.6 million ance, and stop the privatiza- paign to protect our inter- jobs were lost in 2008 alone, tion of federal jobs. ests. And during his inaugur- at a speed faster than anything In 2007, he introduced al address, he acknowledged economists have seen since the Patriot Employer Act, his intentions on making 1975. Sadly, the U.S. manufac- which provides a tax credit turing sector continues to get for companies maintaining hit with a record number of full-time workers, providing mass layoffs. Factory job losses health insurance, preparing totaled nearly 800,000 last workers for retirement, and year. Economists expect those maintaining their corporate Photo Wide AP/ World numbers to mount. headquarters in the U.S. With a record number of He also voted against the job losses and an unemploy- Central American Free Trade Unemployment has jumped to Agreement and strongly levels not seen in more than two opposed the Columbia Free decades and could reach Trade Pact. Depression-era numbers. 14 IAM JOURNAL Winter 2009 The Economic Recovery Team The key to dealing with the issues and helping America get ahead not only lies with the successful passage of laws such as the president’s economic recovery plan or the Employee Free Choice Act; what’s equally important is how, if passed, these and other measures will be carried out. Or, more importantly, who will be carrying them out. AP/ World Wide Photo Wide AP/ World AP/ World Wide Photo Wide AP/ World AP/ World Wide Photo Wide AP/ World AP/ World Wide Photo Wide AP/ World Photo Wide AP/ World Hillary Clinton Hilda Solis Ray LaHood Tom Vilsack Secretary of State Department of Labor Department of Transportation Department of Agriculture Joe Biden As Secretary of State, Sen. As the daughter of immi- Rep. Ray LaHood is President Obama Vice President Hillary Clinton will help grant parents with union expected to play a larger describes former Iowa the president rebuild the jobs, Rep. Hilda Solis role than past transpor- Governor Tom Vilsack Sen. Joe Biden has been United States’ reputation pledged, “I’ll work to tation secretaries thanks as “forward looking… tapped to head the adminis- abroad. She will work to strengthen our unions to the president's plan to in fostering an agricul- tration's taskforce for rebuild- address the wars in Iraq and support every create more jobs ture economy of the ing America’s middle class. and Afghanistan, the crisis American in our diverse through public works future.” Vilsack will be He will also serve as one of in the Middle East, the workforce.” She supports projects. In addition to responsible for finding Obama's top advisors when instability in Pakistan, and the Employee Free Choice overseeing road and more innovative ways dealing with the wars in Iraq Iran's nuclear ambitions. Act, expanding job train- bridge repairs, LaHood to address the energy and Afghanistan, as well as She brings to the job a ing programs, increasing will also have the task of crisis as it relates to the current crisis in the unique background hav- the minimum wage, improving the country's agriculture. He will Middle East. ing served as First Lady improving equal pay laws air infrastructure. also implement the and New York Senator. and making sure pension 2008 Farm Bill, gov- She’s also an honorary plans are secure. erning federal farm member of the IAM. and food policy. Other Cabinet Members Timothy Geithner Department of the Treasury Arne Duncan Department of Education Steven Chu Department of Energy AP/ World Wide Photo Wide AP/ World AP/ World Wide Photo Wide AP/ World Tom Daschle Robert Gates Gov. Janet Napolitano, D-AZ Department of Health and Department of Defense Department of Homeland Security Human Services Robert Gates is a Eric Holder Department of Justice Former Sen. Tom Daschle holdover from the Bush will head Obama's initiative administration. His main Retired Gen. Eric K. Shinseki to reform the country's focus will be aiding Department of Veterans Affairs $2.3 trillion health care Obama in his plans for Shaun Donovan system and help the esti- Iraq and Afghanistan. Department of Housing & Urban Development mated 46 million Americans who currently live without Sen. Ken Salazar, D-CO health insurance.
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