,"'., .... ' ...... , '--< ,: . , ~-. ''''Iii ." ,.,;. " .'4 ' , ,...... ,~,j "..". t ';' . :;, F -, " .- ,-;.(--.), <. <.. , '. ~ -L: THE .JEWISH POST, Thursday, November 3, 1m - 3 .J.f ! , ' 'HL'" _ ..... ' ___"'-', ., ~""" ANAV Reunion is Published every Thursday since 1925 hy EMPIRE PRINTERS LTD, WINNIPEG 5dl Anniversary, Second Cl(lss M<lil Renislrotior1 No 0517 News 'of the Address all iliad 10 P,O, Box 3n7, Station 'B', The weekend of November 11-13 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2W 3R6 will herald two important ISH CST Organizations I.)fficw; ;lnd pl:ll\t at 117 Hutr.hinrJs Street milestones - the 5th anniversary Phone 633,5575 Oldest and Largest Anglo-Jewish Weekly in Western Canada. of the formation of ANA v, and Now in ou,53,d Yea, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2:1, 19n - 3 , the 30th anniversary of its mem­ bers emigration to Canada. Members of ANA V are dedicated to the cause of helping In Winnipeg Nov. 23 youth. The success of their quar­ ter century reunion inspired them to devote themselves to alleviate suffering, 'both iocally and in Israel. Beate Klarsfeld to' Vis'it ,,' . A dinner dance, chaired by The Town Hall Series will Beatea9mits th~t her gf,wrts to \where he's already been senten" Frank Weinfeld and, his commit- present Beate Klarsfeld on Wed-' bring ex-Nazis' to Justice haven't ced in absentia to life imprison­ . tee will be held at Shaarey Zedek nesday, November 23', at 8 p.m . ,always been crowned by as much ment. But the plan misfired and 'A largegroQP'6tdedi~atl!d~b{II,:~Ziodistsllas begun the drive Synagogue on Saturday, Nov. 12. at the Bnay Abraham Synagogue. , toward cnlrnbjationof this year's IUstadrut-Amal-Kupat Chollm President Alex Berkowits would Her topic is "Wherever They 'campaign. So.-.e of these people are seen in the above photo. In like to see all those who have May Be! One WOlTlan's Battle tbe front row,fro.-.right toleft: Yakir Freedman, chairman of been close to ANA V respond by Against Nazism!" .the campaign; MottisKopel, Mel Bassin, chairman of the can- calling ticket chairwoman Ruth Beate Klarsfeld is widely , vassers' brigade; Moishe Cohen, secretary; Jack Markson and Riesen at 339-8705, or committee known throughout Europe and Harry Peck. Back row, right to left: S. Chamish, Jack Medved" , " - ~ -- ,- -"," • - " ~ I, members Joan Saltzberg, Jack' Israel e.s one of the world's most Pictured above. left to right: Ellen Hamburg, SAn. W. Guliermall, I. Sokolow, Rachel Namak, Noah Witman, and Phyllis Newman, Kathy relentless Nazi hunters: has been Chamisb. Tra,cy Slotiil'isboJding globe. publicity; and.Sam Koffman. arrested three times in different ,','. - '. Blum, Barbara Goszer, Sara Friedman, Sue Weiss and Ruth countries; almost pulled off a The major theme of the current, His~drut-Amal Scholarship Zelcer. daring kidnapping in broad Ramah Tea is N()v. 6 , campaign, is to recognize how important it has become to in­ daylight, and slapped the face of Harry Walsh, Q.C., founder and preSident, ,,!innipegBranch, Ramah Hebrew Schoo}' will hold crease and enlarge the scope of Amal Vocational scllools, as the Chancellor of Germany in Ben-Gurion University Associates; Dean, medIcal school, Ben­ Guests will find to their delight well as topro"ide moreofunds for the Kupat Cholim. ,'. Legion to Hear public. Gurion University, Dr. Moshe Prywes; Dr. Harry Medovy" its annual fall tea on Sunday, the USJl8l homebaking sale. ot~f!r Nov. 6 from 1 to 4 p,m. at the , ,The KUPIIJ Cholim mustexpa,nd the netW9rkofits,JII!lmti,~s,lt:) Why does a 36-year-old, melYber symposium committee; Dr. Arnold Naimark, dean, special features this year include many new and developing areas; Israel's need for medical, Leible "Hershfield Christian born;,German do these School o'f Medicine, University of Manitoba; seen here on the school, under the chairmanShip of children's book Sale as well as a social, educational and welfare establishments is growing dailJ.:. ' , things? She says it is because occasion of Dr. Prywes' recent visit to Winnipeg for Illctures at Beverley Chamish, Ellen Ham­ a handicraft and pottery sale. The man who was chosen burg, and Sandy Slotin. The Histadrut-Amal Scholar~hip campaign is a very imllortant she's decided that "it is the School of Medic~e and the Shaarey Zedek Synagogne. For.addedexcitement a raffle means to this end, arid provides an opportunity for us in Canada Jewish athlete of the past 50 necessary to be brave, follow will take place. Prizes include a to be one with our sisters and brothers in IsraeL ' . ~ . years, Leible Hershfield, will ad­ your conscience, keep your eyes In keeping with this year's ladies watch donated by Silver­ dress the General Monash Bran­ Thousands of young peopie, children of new Russiam olim, open, and act." Israeli Medical Dean in theme' "It's, A Small World", man Jewellers, a pair of men's ch Royal Ca,nadian Legion at the there will ,'be special treat for' children of poor parents and of those who, for one reason 0,1' In an interview with Parade in leather gloves donated by Perfec­ Nov. 21 meeting following a short her Paris apartment, Beate ex­ parents and grandparents alike fit Glove Manufacturers Ltd., a another, are unable to provide for the continuing educ,ation of business session. Winnipeg for 2 Lectures their children; aU are welcomed into 'the Amal scho,ols. " plained: "The reason I act is - a kindergarten Mrformance. $25 gift certificate from Reiss The topic is "History of Jewish By RUTH KAHANE conjunction with the ministry for There will also be a children's Amal schools offer academic subjects as well as providing because I'm a German-and a Furs and FaShions, a ladies Athletes of Winnipeg and Western woman. As a German I feel I Staff Writer the interior, the university spon- mini fun fair offering games, car­ vocational and trade trail,ling. In this way the disadvantaged 1 sweater donated by Wolch Ltd., Canada." The talk will' feature must help to bring to justice Winnipeg: The need to develop sored a council of civic leaders, I, toons 'and continuous entertain­ and a gift from Five Small may proceed into the mainstream of society,' trained and equip-: slides of the boys of yesteryear in ment. ped with the tools to face the "futute. ' ," ..",,',' , those Germans who were respon­ Israel's vast desert region has industrialists, scientists, and Rooms. all their glory on the playing shaped Ben Gurion University of educators from the region to courses offered ,. by~al.Vocational' Scl~ools sible for killing, and torturing so fields. Mr. Hershfield is a colum­ many innocent people during the Negev into a unique ex- forge the plan and, 'York with ,.... to men arid Women .-0-' are .such' a,sS'r:~~t~~i,1 nist for The JewiSb Post World War II. And as a woman I periment in higher education, government to have It Implemen- Members, and friends are cor­ feel I must act because so many says a leading Israeli educator. ted. ' . ~ . ", .I Skills'li(t dially invited to attend Qn, M(jn­ ,,Rosb'.;PinacAdulr ".Insritllte ' -'.-, .~~~i:~a;[~~~~:~':~:~~'· , ,,.,,,,'. men are afraid tii." ", " , 'iDr. Moshe Prywes, d~!i of tile " Mawr proposai!>, ~c~ude a, sea~< Jio day, Nov. 21, at 8.:30 p.m., with university'S' medical facUity 'arid' ...wa~er ca~al str~tchmg across a "_~"V clinics.', T'be!!.e clinil~s provide Slapped Klesinger guest spe~er at 9:30 p.m. The Beate's being a woman health sciences centre, said the n,ational, mdustrIal zone to be medical services 72 per of the population., social committee will see that al! of Jewish Studies Yakir Freedman wishes to ask you all the be generous. "When probably helped her pull off her university is a major force in the slt.uated l!l t~e northe~ Negev, a ,are well fed. development of the Negev rallro.ad Im~mg a new l!lland port our canvassers approach you ~or Histadrut open your qearts and most successful and best your pocketbooks...' , , Members! Don't forget the ser­ publicized coup to date-her beca use it links education with at Ellat WIth a Mediterra',lean Classes Now In Progress ' vice at the Shaarey Zedek, slapping of West Germany's service. Sea outlet planned for Yamlt, a Every Wednesday Night - Friday, Nov. 11 at 8:30 sharp. Chancellor Kurt Kiesinger, in "We are pushing back the fron­ second international airport bet­ Wear Legion caps and ribbons. 1968. None of ·the security guards tiers of the desert while advan­ ween Arad and Beersheva, and figured she was a dangerous cing those of science," Dr. the rapid expansion of Ben 8:00 - 9:15 p.m.' and 9:30 - 10:30 p:rtJ. character when, pretending to b!) Prywes told an open meeting Gurion University, both as an FRANCINE'S Chai Auditions a reporter and wearing a red held at Shaarey Zedek Synagogue applied research centre for sup­ You Nlay Still Regi~terFor All skirt and a white turtleneck last week to initiate ,a Winnipeg porting regional science-based branch (if the Canadian Associ­ industry and as a source of " MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC STUDI()_ Chai auditions for singers, dan­ sweater, she sauntered up to the Three ,5·Wee~ Trimesters cers and musicians, ages 15-22, table at which Kiesinger was sit­ success as she'd like. She suc­ Lischka was able to break loose ates of Ben Gurion University. educated manpower for the '-'. will take place on Sunday, Nov. 6 ting, preparing to make a speech ceeded in tracing to SO/lth and call to a nearby policeman. Negev. America 62-year-old Klaus Bar­ Beate says that stich set­ COURSES BEING;'OFFERED " at 2 p.m.
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