'\ \ ' 3310 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. _Also, petition of Clafiin, Thayer & Co., of New York City, urging SENATE. au advance on· second-class mail rates; to the Committee on Ways and Means. · FRIDAY, June 8, 1917. Also, petition of the New, York Job Press Feeders' Union, No. • 1, protesting against any increase in second-class postage rates, Rev. J. J. Muir, D. D., of the city of Washingten offered the or any change in the system in handling the second-class postage following prayer : ' matter; Y<rthe Committee on Ways and Means. Our Father and our God, the God of our fathers and our Also, petition of Merchants' Association of New York, urging God, too, w~ humbly beseech of Thee Thy blessing that in these the enactment of measures for the administration of food con­ da!s of anxi~ty _and grave responsibility we may be divinely trol, and commending the selection of Mr. Herbert C. Hoover guided, and realiZe all the while that the voices to which we • to organize and administer the department of food control; to listen are the voices of truth, of duty, of high and holy service the Committee on Agriculture. - for the country that we love. Give-unto the President all neces­ Also, memorial of the National Association of State Umversi­ sary wisdom, so that, with his counselors, he may be guided in ties, asking that the food supplies be not wasted in the manufac­ those ways which will be for the highest interest and welfare, ture of intoxicating liquors during the war; to the Committee not only of our land, but of the nations. of the earth. So guide, on the Judiciary. · · we beseecb of Thee, all on whom there sball come new demands . By 1\fr. ROWLAND: Petition of members of the Pine Street of duty: whether on the "far-flung battle line " or in some places Presbyterian Church, of Harrisburg, and citizens of the sixth of responsibility in the home land, there may be always in evi· .ward, Bradford, Pa., favoring prohibition as a war measure; dence that only the right can prevail. And to Thee and Tb.y to the Committee on the Judiciary. name shall be all the glory, through Christ our Lord. Amen. · The Journal of the proceedings of Tuesday, June 5, 1917, was By 'Mr. SANDERS of Indiana : Petitions of Asbury H. Manuel read and approved. and others, of Greencastle; Clarence D. Royse and others, of Rockville; Julian D. Hogate and others, of Danville; George SENATOR FROM OREGON. F. Carmack and others, of Dana; Centenary Methodist Church, · 1\Ir. CH.ilffiERLAIN. Mr. President, I prese,nt the creden· of Terre Haute; and sundry citizens of fifth congressional tials of Hon. CHARLES L. McNA.RY, appoipted by the governor o:t district of Indiana, favoring national prohibition; to the Com­ Oregon· to succeed the late Senator Harry Lane of that State. mittee on the Judiciary. I ask that the credentials be read. By :Ur. S~TELL: Petition of citizens of P~attsburg, N. Y., and The VICE. PRESIDENT. The Secretary will read the ere- · vicinity, for the immediate enactment of prohibition-of the manu­ dentials. facture of alcoholic liquors as a measure of food conservation, The Secretary read the credentials, as follows: and for the immediate prohibition of the sale of liquors for STATE OF OREGON. beverage purposes in order to conserve the health, wealtb, labor, To alZ to whom these presents shall come, greeting: transport facilities, and military efficiency of the people; to tbe Kn~w ye that, reposing speciai trust and confidence in the capacity, Committee on the Judiciary. integrity, and fidelity of CHARLES L. McNARY, a citizen of Salem, Marion By Mr. SNYDER: Petitions of Men's Baraca Class of First County, Oreg., I, James Withycombe, governor of the State of Oregon, / do, in the name and by the authority of said State, by these presents Baptist Church of llion. N.Y., and Florence, N. Y., and sundry appoint and commission him, the said CHAnL:ms L. McNARY, United States citizens of Oneida County, N. Y., favoring national prohibition Senator from Oregon to fill the unexpired term of the late Senator as a war measure; to the Committee on the Judiciary. • 1 Harry Lane, of Portland, Oreg., in accordance with the provisions ot chapter 48 of the General Laws of Oregon for 1915. Also, petition of Jones Bros., of Utica, N. Y., against prohibi­ In testimony whereof I have caused the seal of the State to be tion as a war measure; to the Committee on the Judiciary. affixed at the city of Salem, this 29th day of May, 1917. By Mr. SWITZER: Petitions of sundry citizens of Ironton, [SEAL.] JAMES WITHYCOMB!J~ Govertwr. Ohio, and vicinity, favoring national prohibition; to tbe Com­ By the governor : BEN W. OLCOTT mittee on the Judiciary. Secretary or State. By Mr. TAGUE: Petition of Boston Automobile Dealers•· As­ 1\.!r. CHAMBERLAIN. l\:Ir. President, Mr. McNARY is present sociation, Boston, 1\Iass., -relative to amended bill in reference in the Chamber and ready"to take the oath of·o:ffice. to tax on automobiles; to the Committee on-Ways and Means. The VICE PRESIDENT. Tbere being no objection to the By Mr. TAYLOR of Colorado: Petition of residents of Salida, credentials, the duly appointed Senator from Oregon will pre­ Colo., favoring the immediate submission of the Federal amend­ sent himself at tne Secretary~s desk and take the oath of office. ment for woman suffrage; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. McNARY, escorted by Mr. CHAMBERLAIN, advanced to the By Mr. TILSON: Petition of Connecticut Medical Society, Vice President's desk; and the oath prescribed by law having m·ging Congress to declare void patents on salvarsan; to the been administered to him, he took .his seat in the Senate. Committee on Patents. , Also, petition of churches of New Haven and Baptist Church MESSAGE :FROM THE HOUSE. of Brenford, Conn., favoring prohibition as a war measure; to tbe Committee on the Judiciary. · A message from the House of Representatives, by J. C. South, By Mr. WARD: Petition of Presbyterian Christian Endeavor its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed the joint of Jefferson, N.Y., favoring the enactment of a law prohibiting resolution (S. J. Res. 70) relating to the service of certain ~e­ the manufacture and use of alcoholic liquors as a wa1· measure; tired officers of the Army. to the Committee on the Judiciary. The message also announced tbat the House had passed the Also, petition of Henry lV· Brink, presiding officer of a meet­ bill (S. 995) to authorize the issue to States and Territories ing. of members of R.eformed Church of Woodstock and West and the District of Columbia of rifles and other· property for Hurley, N. Y., in favor of enactment of a law to prohibit the the equipme,pt of organizations of home guards, with amend· manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors as a war measm·e; ments, in which it requested tbe concurrence of the Senate. to the Committee on the Judiciary. The message further announced that the House agrees to the .Also, petitlon of Rev. W. H. McPherson and other citizens of report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes Stone Ridge, N.Y., favoring the enactment of a law prohibiting of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill ~e manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors as a whr measure ; (H. R. 291) to punish acts of interference with the foreign rela­ to the Committee on the Judiciary. tions, the neuh·ality, and the foreign commerce of the United By Mr. WASON: Petition of 34 residents of the city of States, ·to punish espionage and better to enforce the criminal Keene, N. :s;., for the Nation's sa~, for humanity's sake, and laws of the United States, and for other purposes. to conserve the Nation's resources, urging the adoption as soon The message also announced that the House agrees to there­ 'as possible of some effective method to prohibit the manufacture port of the committee of con~erence on the disagreeing votes and sale of intoxicating liquor, at least during the war; to the of the two Houses on "the amendments of the Senate to the bill Committee on the Judiciary. (H. R. 11) making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of By Mr. YOUNG of North Dnkota: 1\femori::rl of Kidder County the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1918, and Sunday School Convention, urging national prohibition as a for other purposes. war measure; to the Committee on the Judiciary. The message further announced that the House disagrees to By Mr. ZIHLMAN: Petitions of members of Home Mission­ the report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing ary Society of Garrett Park Methodist Episcopal Church, Social votes of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to Service Commission of Diocese of Maryland, 41 persons o:t the bill (H. R. 3971) making appropriations to supply urgent Damascus and Salem, Miss Maggie Addison, secretary Wo­ deficiencies in appropriations for the Military and Naval Estab· man's Home Missionary Society of Methodist Episcopal Church lishments on account of war expenses for tbe fiscal year ending of Ijamsville, and 15 people of Barton, all in the State of Mary­ June 30, 1917, and for other purposes; further insists upon its land, favoring national prohibition; to the Committee on the amendment to the amendment of the Senate numbered 2 to tbe Judiciary. bill; further insists upon its disagreement to the re~idue of the ' ,• 1917.
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