X-lll—Vol. XXXV GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 26, 1951 No. 15 ROTC Ball to Feature Tex Beneke Orchestra Attention Veterans Advance Military Students The winter term will come to an end on March 17, 1951. To Be Offered First Bids For veterans returning for the The Annual Army-Navy-Air Force Ball will feature Tex Beneke and term beginning March 26, 1951 his Orchestra. Bill Cheeley, President of Scabbard and Blade, has just under the G.I. Bill, no interrup­ announced that Beneke will bring his entire orchestra of 17 members and vo­ tion of training is allowed for the calists Bill Raymond and Eydie Gorme to the Georgia Tech Campus on period between quarters. Saturday, March 3, to play for the I For veterans not planning to Ball which will be held at the At­ played with the school's ROTC and return for the term beginning lanta Municipal Auditorium. dance bands. Beneke later formed a March 26, 1951 under the G.I. The Ball is sponsored by the ad­ trio with Ben Hogan on drums. Hogan Bill, interruption of training is al­ vanced cadets in the Army, Navy, hadn't yet gained fame as a champ­ lowed as of March 17, 1951, pro­ and Air Force ROTC, with Scabbard ion golfer. vided interruption papers are and Blade, National Honorary Mili­ Banks wanted men who "doubled," filed now and not later than tary Society, coordinating the activi­ so at 14 Tex bought a clarinet. He February 15, 1951 in Room 102 ties. Bill Jett will serve as chairman had no time for lessons, so he worked Knowles building. of the Ball, with Billy Gordon in out his own fingering system, which Your cooperation with us in charge of decorations, Fuzzy Fields he still uses. Summers he toured with this action will be sincerely ap­ and Don Judd are handling the pub­ a small band. His first important job preciated. licity, Bill Millett handling the in­ was with Ben Young at the Texas Fred W. Ajax, Coordinator of vitations, and Bob Cannon inviting Centennial in 1936. There he met Veterans Affairs. the official guests from the Army, Marguerite Griffith, a pretty dancer Navy, and Air Force, and State offi­ in the show. Three months later they Tex Beneke cials. Other members of Scabbard and were married. Marguerite is from Army ROTC Staff Blade and those selected from the Lufkin, Texas. Advanced cadets will serve on the Early in '38, Glenn Miller needed Committee Will Assist Posts Promotions various committees. a sax man. Gene Krupa recommended The following policies were an­ Tex. Two weeks later Tex joined the For Current Term nounced governing the invitations: Miller band. He'd been known as Members of the Advance Junior and Gordon Beneke, but he walked into Student Tutoring Plan By Rudy Brown Senior Military Classes will first the rehearsal and said, "Hi, ya, fel­ Major Roberts has announced the The,tutoring committee will act in supervisory capacity with the general have the privilege of getting invita­ las. I'm glad to be heah!" "The Boss" recent promotions of the Regimental aims: to aid those students needing tutoring by securing capable tutors, to co­ tions. Basic students will have second (as Tex called Miller) said with a and Battalion staffs of the Army ordinate and standardize tutoring in the various departments into one gen­ call and if any are left, students not smile, "Tex, get out your horn and ROTC. They are as follows: Regi­ eral program. in military classes will be offered in­ let's hear you play!" From that mom­ mental Staff: Regimental Commander, Committee members will be as­ in the offices of Deans Hefner and vitations on first come basis. It will ent on, it was "Tex" Beneke and not signed supervision of tutoring in cer­ Narmore. These are unnecessary if Cadet Colonel Daniel R. Apostulu; be announced when the general stu­ Gordon! tain subjects and will contact depart­ applicant sends the above informa­ Personnel Officer, Cadet Major Ed­ dents may pick up invitations at the Tex is known best for his sax work, mental societies to secure tutors for tion to the committee. ward H. Sparkman; Intelligence Of­ Information Desk. but he's equally famous for his vocals. ficer, Cadet Major John D. Jackson; these subjects. The departmental so­ Applications will be sent to the The Ball will be formal—that is— Tunes like "Kalamazoo," "Chatta­ Plans and Training Officer, Cadet cieties will provide most of the tutors. member of this committee handling uniform or tux. Only 700 invitations nooga Choo Choo," "Ida" and his mas­ Lt. Col. Theodore W. May; Supply Where the departmental society the desired subject. He will either will be given out. No advanced stu­ terful sax on "Body and Soul" have Officer, Cadet Major Robert H. handles the tutoring, the committee relay the application to the depart­ dent will be forced to purchase in­ sold millions of copies. Tex was also Harris. member will submit applications for mental society or, if there is no so­ vitations as many persons have been featured in two movies, "Orchestra tutoring to the society or its repre­ ciety, contact the tutor himself. Anti-aircraft Artillery Battalion led to believe. Bill Cheeley stated, Wives" and "Sun Valley Serenade" Staff: Battalion Commander, Cadet with Miller. He's made numerous sentative who will in turn contact the The committee encourages the de­ "Since there is a limited number of Lt. Col. W. G. Wright; Battalion shorts with Glenn and his own band. tutor. partmental societies to keep a record invitations offered, and since the mili­ Executive, Cadet Major H. D. Ed­ If there is no society to handle tu­ of the number of tutors and appli­ tary students have voiced their wishes Miller enlisted in the Army and wards; Personnel Officer, Cadet Cap­ toring, the committee member will cants it handles. However, we cer­ for a Ball, I do not think it is neces­ Tex toured the U. S. with Marion tain C. Perkins; Intelligence Officer, line up tutors and will act as go- tainly do not require such records to sary to compel students to attend, al­ Hutton and the Modernaires. Later Cadet Captain F. B. Montgomery; between for tutors and applicants. be kept. though Officers on Active Duty are Tex enlisted in the Navy as a Chief Departmental societies that already Plans and Training Officer, Cadet expected to support any function that Petty Officer and was sent to Norman, Captain H. Bradshaw. have plans for tutors will supply tu­ the Officers Club sponsors." Oklahoma. Strangely, he stayed there tors for their departments. Famous Industrialist Chemical Battalion: Battalion Com­ Tex Beneke was born in Ft. Worth, and had some home life. While there For those departments in which the mander, Cadet Lt. Col. G. H. Fisk; Texas, on February 14, 1914. His he had charge of 2 dance bands, au­ society does not have a tutoring Van Nostrand Dorr Battalion Executive, Cadet Major parents are of French and German ditioned talent, and put on shows. He received many commendations and system or in which there is no society T. F. Davenport; Battalion Adjutant, extraction. was discharged November 12, 1945. to handle tutoring, prospective tu­ Addresses A.S.M.E. Cadet Captain W. P. Mayson; Plans At nine Beneke saw a boy playing a and Training Officer, Cadet Captain saxophone and got his parents to buy Tex had often been urged by Miller tors will apply directly to this com­ At the seminar of the Tech student J. B. Bradley. him a soprano sax. He began to take to form his own band, but he never mittee, P. O. Box 11. branch of ASME Tuesday afternoon lessons immediately. Beneke was did it. Glenn Miller was declared All students who want to tutor an interesting talk and movie was Engineer Battalion: Battalion Com­ "mad about'*" the sax from the start. "missing in action." Don Haynes, a (especially Math) notify the commit­ presented by the world famous inven­ mander, Cadet Lt. Col. E. L. White; He practiced hours daily and at 13, (Continued on page 8) tee as soon as possible. tor and industrialist, Dr. J. Van Nos­ Battalion Executive, Cadet Major Tutors will have a minimum gen­ trand Dorr. Dr. Dorr spoke in the J. F. Hills; Intelligence Officer, Cadet eral point average of 2.8 and a mini­ Textile building auditorium and was Major P. S. Pearce; Battalion Ad­ mum of 3.0 in the subject tutored. introduced by Dr. Frederick Bellinger jutant, Cadet Captain R. C. Bahr. Individual approval must be made of the School of Chemical Engineer- Infantry Battalion: Battalion Com­ by the department head or member, ing mander, Lt. Col. S. E. Williams; of department faculty appointed by( Dr. Dorr founded the Dorr Com- Battalion Executive, Cadet Major the department head who knows the j pany over forty years ago, and since D. M. Judd; Personnel and Intelli­ ability of the prospective tutor. j then it has expanded into a world- gence Officer, Cadet Captain B. The individual must also receive wide enterprise, being represented in Gordon; Plans and Training and Sup­ approval by this committee, auto- \ eight foreign countries. The com- ply Officer, Cadet Major W. S. matic upon approval of department pany is one of the largest manufac- Bowers; P.I.O., Cadet Captain C. H. head and departmental society. | turers of ore processing and other Peterson. Rates for tutoring are as follows: ( liquid suspension processing equip- Ordnance Battalion: Battalion Tutoring one student: $1.50 per ment, most of which is the invention Commander, Cadet Lt.
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