ON SALE 6.11.19 AMAZON BARNES & NOBLE INDIEBOUND iBOOKS BAM ➞ START READING ➞ 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 THE ORACLE 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S31 N32 9780525539612_Oracle_TX.indd i 3/26/19 6:53 PM 01 02 03 TITLES BY CLIVE CUSSLER 04 05 DIRK PITT® ADVENTURES SAM AND REMI FARGO 06 ADVENTURES Celtic Empire (with Dirk Cussler) 07 Odessa Sea (with Dirk Cussler) The Gray Ghost 08 (with Robin Burcell) Havana Storm (with Dirk Cussler) 09 The Romanov Ransom Poseidon’s Arrow (with Dirk Cussler) (with Robin Burcell) 10 Crescent Dawn (with Dirk Cussler) Pirate (with Robin Burcell) 11 Arctic Drift (with Dirk Cussler) The Solomon Curse (with Russell Blake) 12 Treasure of Khan (with Dirk Cussler) The Eye of Heaven (with Russell Blake) 13 Black Wind (with Dirk Cussler) The Mayan Secrets (with Thomas Perry) 14 Trojan Odyssey The Tombs (with Thomas Perry) 15 Valhalla Rising The Kingdom (with Grant Blackwood) Atlantis Found 16 Lost Empire (with Grant Blackwood) Flood Tide 17 Spartan Gold (with Grant Blackwood) 18 Shock Wave 19 Inca Gold ISAAC BELL ADVENTURES 20 Sahara Dragon The Cutthroat (with Justin Scott) 21 Treasure The Gangster (with Justin Scott) 22 Cyclops The Assassin (with Justin Scott) 23 Deep Six The Bootlegger (with Justin Scott) 24 Pacific Vortex! The Striker (with Justin Scott) 25 Night Probe! The Thief (with Justin Scott) 26 Vixen 03 The Race (with Justin Scott) 27 Raise the Titanic! The Spy (with Justin Scott) 28 Iceberg The Wrecker (with Justin Scott) 29 The Mediterranean Caper The Chase 30 31S 32N 9780525539612_Oracle_TX.indd ii 3/26/19 6:53 PM 01 02 03 04 05 KURT AUSTIN ADVENTURES OREGON FILES Novels from The NUMA® Files 06 Shadow Tyrants (with Boyd Morrison) 07 Sea of Greed (with Graham Brown) Typhoon Fury (with Boyd Morrison) 08 The Rising Sea (with Graham Brown) The Emperor’s Revenge Nighthawk (with Graham Brown) (with Boyd Morrison) 09 The Pharaoh’s Secret Piranha (with Boyd Morrison) 10 (with Graham Brown) Mirage (with Jack Du Brul) 11 Ghost Ship (with Graham Brown) The Jungle (with Jack Du Brul) 12 Zero Hour (with Graham Brown) The Silent Sea (with Jack Du Brul) 13 The Storm (with Graham Brown) Corsair (with Jack Du Brul) 14 Devil’s Gate (with Graham Brown) Plague Ship (with Jack Du Brul) 15 Medusa (with Paul Kemprecos) Skeleton Coast (with Jack Du Brul) 16 The Navigator (with Paul Kemprecos) Dark Watch (with Jack Du Brul) 17 Polar Shift (with Paul Kemprecos) Sacred Stone (with Craig Dirgo) 18 Lost City (with Paul Kemprecos) Golden Buddha (with Craig Dirgo) White Death (with Paul Kemprecos) 19 Fire Ice (with Paul Kemprecos) 20 NONFICTION Blue Gold (with Paul Kemprecos) 21 Serpent (with Paul Kemprecos) Built for Adventure: The Classic 22 Automobiles of Clive Cussler and Dirk 23 Pitt Built to Thrill: More Classic 24 Automobiles from Clive Cussler and 25 Dirk Pitt 26 The Sea Hunters (with Craig Dirgo) 27 The Sea Hunters II (with Craig Dirgo) 28 Clive Cussler and Dirk Pitt Revealed 29 (with Craig Dirgo) 30 S31 N32 9780525539612_Oracle_TX.indd ii 3/26/19 6:53 PM 9780525539612_Oracle_TX.indd iii 3/26/19 6:53 PM 01 02 03 04 05 06 THE 07 08 09 10 ORACLE 11 12 13 A Sam and Remi Fargo 14 Adventure 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CLIVE 22 23 24 25 CUSSLER 26 27 and Robin Burcell 28 29 30 S31 G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS | NEW YORK N32 9780525539612_Oracle_TX.indd v 3/26/19 6:53 PM 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 G. P. Putnam’s Sons 08 Publishers Since 1838 09 An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC 10 11 Copyright © 2019 by Sandecker, RLLLP 12 Penguin supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you 13 for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with 14 copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and 15 allowing Penguin to continue to publish books for every reader. 16 Library of Congress Cataloging‑ in‑ Publication Data 17 [Insert CIP] 18 Printed in the United States of America 19 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 20 Book design By kristin del rosario 21 Title page art: Waterfall by Andrew Mayovskyy/Shutterstock.com; 22 old paper by caesart/Shutterstock.com 23 This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either 24 are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, 25 companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. 26 27 28 29 30 31S 32N 9780525539612_Oracle_TX.indd vi 3/26/19 6:53 PM 01 02 03 04 CAST OF CHARACTERS 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 KINGDOM OF THE VANDALS, NORTH AFRICA, 533 A.D. 12 13 Gelimer—­the last King of the Vandals, the Usurper 14 Tzazon— Gelimer’s brother 15 Euric—­Gelimer’s next in command 16 Belisarius—­general of the Byzantine Army 17 GELIMER’S ANCESTORS 18 Hilderic—­penultimate King of the Vandals, murdered by Gelimer 19 Genseric—­King of the Vandals who conquered North Africa and 20 laid siege to Hippo Regia 21 22 23 THE PRESENT DAY 24 IN LA JOLLA 25 Sam Fargo 26 Remi (Longstreet) Fargo 27 Selma Wondrash—­the Fargos’ head researcher 28 Professor Lazlo Kemp—­a Fargos researcher and cryptologist 29 Rubin Haywood— CIA case agent 30 Zoltán—­the Fargos’ German shepherd S31 N32 9780525539612_Oracle_TX.indd vi 3/26/19 6:53 PM 9780525539612_Oracle_TX.indd vii 3/26/19 6:53 PM CAST OF CHARACTERS 01 IN BULLA REGIA, TUNISIA 02 Dr. Renee LaBelle— archeologist 03 Hank—­site manager, Bulla Regia 04 Amal— graduate student 05 José— Spanish graduate student 06 Osmond— Egyptian graduate student 07 Yesmine— Amal’s mother 08 Warren— former site manager 09 10 TUNISIAN GANG 11 Tarek 12 Hamida 13 Ben Ayed 14 Monsieur Karim— Tunisian antiquities dealer 15 Leila— Karim’s assistant 16 17 IN NIGERIA 18 GASHAKA GUMTI, FARGOS’ SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 19 Pete Jeffcoat—­Selma’s research assistant, Corden’s boyfriend 20 Wendy Corden—­Selma’s research assistant, Jeffcoat’s girlfriend 21 Yaro—­school caretaker, Monifa’s husband. 22 Monifa—­school caretaker, Yaro’s wife. 23 Okoro Eze—­tea farmer, Zara’s father 24 Zara— student, Okoro’s daughter 25 Jol— student 26 Tambara— student 27 Maryam— student 28 Jonathon Atiku— Nasha’s uncle. 29 30 31S 32N viii 9780525539612_Oracle_TX.indd viii 3/26/19 6:53 PM CAST OF CHARACTERS IN JALINGO, NIGERIA 01 STREET THIEVES 02 03 Nasha Atiku 04 Chuk 05 Len 06 KALU BROTHERS 07 08 Bako Kalu 09 Kambili Kalu 10 Makao Oni (aka Scarface)—­Area Boys gang leader 11 AREA BOYS 12 13 Jimi 14 Pili 15 Dayo 16 Den 17 Deric 18 Urhie 19 Joe 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S31 N32 ix 9780525539612_Oracle_TX.indd viii 3/26/19 6:53 PM 9780525539612_Oracle_TX.indd ix 3/26/19 6:53 PM 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 THE ORACLE 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S31 N32 9780525539612_Oracle_TX.indd x 3/26/19 6:53 PM 9780525539612_Oracle_TX.indd xi 3/26/19 6:53 PM 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Whatsoever a man soweth, 11 that shall he also reap. 12 – ­GALATIANS 6:7 – 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S31 N32 9780525539612_Oracle_TX.indd xii 3/26/19 6:53 PM 9780525539612_Oracle_TX.indd xiii 3/26/19 6:53 PM 01 02 PROLOGUE 03 04 05 PART I 06 07 Ashes fly back into the face of him who throws them. 08 – ­african proverB – 09 10 11 12 DECEMBER 12, 533 A.D. 13 Bulla Regia, 14 Kingdom of the Vandals, North Africa 15 16 he winter moon lit the paving stones as Gelimer, King of the 17 Vandals, and his brother, Tzazon, galloped their horses 18 Tthrough the old triumphal arch, past the theater, past the fo‑ 19 rum, past the still -­elegant sleeping town houses. When they reached 20 the center of the city, they veered left toward the old pagan tomb ‑ 21 lined highway leading out of Bulla Regia toward the hills. Once be‑ 22 yond the silent houses of the dead, they turned onto a long avenue 23 filled with twisted shadows from the ancient olive trees. Their horses 24 grew skittish as the silhouetted outlines of the neglected Temple of 25 Saturn—­the great god of the harvest— ­loomed up before them. A 26 tangle of vines seemed to hold its crumbling, silver-­tinged walls to‑ 27 gether, the entrance to the oracle’s temple hidden in the hill behind 28 the ruins. 29 The two men reined to a stop, tying their horses to one of 30 the trees. S31 N32 9780525539612_Oracle_TX.indd xiv 3/26/19 6:53 PM 9780525539612_Oracle_TX.indd 1 3/26/19 6:53 PM CLIVE CUSSLER 01 “This way,” Gelimer said, leading Tzazon toward the temple, 02 then up the stairs to the portico. They were met by a Moorish child, 03 who seemed to appear out of nowhere. 04 She guided them over the porch of the temple, then beyond the 05 ruins, deep into a cave in the hillside.
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