VolumeVol.Volume 66, No. 65,65, 80 No.No. 207207 MONDAY,MONDAY,THURSDAY, FEBRUARYFEBRUARY AUGUST 6,10,10, 2020 20202020 50¢ A tree fell across wires in Queens Village, knocking out power and upending a chunk of sidewalk. VolumeQUEENSQUEENS 65, No. 207 LIGHTSMONDAY, OUT FEBRUARY 10, 2020 Photo by Teresa Mettela 50¢ 57,000 QueensQueensQueens residents lose power VolumeVolume 65, 65, No. No. 207 207 MONDAY,MONDAY, FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 10, 10, 2020 2020 50¢50¢ VolumeVol.VolumeVol.VolumeVol. 66, 66,66, No.65, No. No.65,65, 80No. 80 80184No.No. 207 207207 MONDAY,THURSDAY,MONDAY,MONDAY,THURSDAY,FRIDAY, FEBRUARY FEBRUARY FEBRUARYFEBRUARYJANUARY AUGUST AUGUSTAUGUST 8,6,10, 6,10,6,10, 10,20212020 20202020 20202020 50¢50¢50¢ Volume 65, No. 207 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2020 50¢ VolumeVol.TODAY 66, No.65, 80No. 207 MONDAY,THURSDAY, FEBRUARY AUGUST 6,10, 2020 2020 A tree fell across wires in50¢ TODAY AA tree tree fell fell across across wires wires in in ‘These experiences TODAY QueensQueensQueens Village, Village, Village, knocking knocking knocking outoutout power power power and and and upending upending upending continueA treea achunktoa chunkfell chunk acrosshappen’ of of ofsidewalk. sidewalk. sidewalk.wires in VolumeVolume 65, 65, No. No. 207 207 during intenseMONDAY,MONDAY, FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 10, 10, 2020 2020 QueensPhotoPhoto PhotoVillage, by by byTeresa Teresa Teresa knocking Mettela Mettela Mettela 50¢50¢ VolumeQUEENSQUEENSQUEENSQUEENS 65, No. 207 LIGHTSLIGHTSMONDAY, OUTOUTOUT FEBRUARY 10, 2020 New York court system begins 50¢ QUEENS out power and upending 57,00057,000 Queens QueensQueensQueensQueensQueens to tackle systemica chunk of racism sidewalk. VolumeQUEENSQUEENS 65, No. 207 LIGHTSQueensMONDAY, OUT FEBRUARY 10, 2020 Photo by Teresa Mettela 50¢ FebruaryFebruaryAUGUSTQUEENS 10,10,6, 2020 20202020 residentsresidentscommitmentscommitments lose lose power power after landmark report TODAY 57,000 QueensQueensQueens FebruaryTODAYTODAYTODAYTODAY 10, 2020 commitments By Rachel Vick during intense AUGUSTFebruaryFebruaryAUGUSTJANUARY 6, 10,10, 6,8, 2020 20212020 20202020 duringresidentsduringcommitmentscommitments intense intense lose power Queens Daily Eagle FebruaryFebruaryFebruaryFebruaryAUGUSTTODAYTODAY 10,10, 10,10,6, 202020202020 20202020 commitmentscommitmentsTuesdaycommitmentscommitments storm New York court leaders discussed steps to TODAY TuesdayduringTuesdayTuesday intensestorm storm storm combat racial bias in the courts during a com- QUEENS BOROUGH PRESIDENT DON- munity forum Thursday, three months after ADDISLEIGHADDISLEIGHWORLDADDISLEIGHADDISLEIGHFebruaryFebruaryAUGUST WAR PARK PARK PARK PARK II WAS VETERANWAS WAS10, WAS10,6, DESIGNATED DESIGNATED DESIGNATED DESIGNATED2020 20202020 OLIVER commitments WORLD WAR II VETERAN OLIVER commitments ADDISLEIGHWORLDADDISLEIGHADDISLEIGHFebruary WAR PARK PARK PARK II VETERANWAS WAS 10,WAS DESIGNATED DESIGNATED DESIGNATED 2020 OLIVER commitments a landmark report detailed systemic racism ovana New Richards York City and historic the Haiti district Independence during Black Co- Neliganaa NewNewADDISLEIGHNeliganaa NewNew YorkYork fought YorkYork fought CityCity CityCityoff historichistoric PARKoff historicahistoric muggera mugger districtdistrict WAS districtdistrict with DESIGNATED duringduringwith duringduringa cupa BlackBlackcup BlackBlackof of a NewNeliganaaordinating NewNew York YorkYork fought City Committee CityCity historic off historichistoric a aremugger district districtdistricthosting duringwith duringduringa celebration a Blackcup BlackBlack of Tuesday storm throughout the state’s legal justice system. 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Michael Michael Michael Appleton/Mayoral Appleton/Mayoral Appleton/Mayoral Photography Photography Photography Office Office Office NeligangatedFDNYgated foughtthe theMARINE city’scity’s off neighborhoods,neighborhoods,COMPANY a mugger 4 withRESCUEDAddisleigh a cup ofhis proposals will have a particular impact on Queens. et DiFiore, Michael also Appleton/Mayoral proposed recommendations Photography Office agated NewpingPark theYork withouttransformed city’s City being neighborhoods, historic mugged,”from district an NeliganAddisleighexclusively during told Black his proposals will have a particular impact on Queens. Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office gatedgatedhasPark notthe the transformedyetcity’s city’sbeen neighborhoods, announced.neighborhoods, from “Wean Addisleigh are exclusivelyAddisleigh so proud hishis proposals proposals will will have have a particulara particular impact impact on on Queens. Queens. Michael Appleton/Mayoral
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