Appendix A: Progress in Addressing Diversity Diversity, Learning and Student Success A.19 – A.31

Appendix A: Progress in Addressing Diversity Diversity, Learning and Student Success A.19 – A.31

Appendix A: Progress in Addressing Diversity Diversity, Learning and Student Success A.19 – A.31 CAL POLY, SAN LUIS OBISIPO WASC Interim Report, March 2015 Appendix A: Progress in Addressing Diversity Diversity, Learning and Student Success A.19 Cal Poly Persistence Rate Trends (Table and Graph) A.20 Cal Poly Six Year Graduation Rates and Cohort Size (Table) A.21 Cal Poly Six-Year Graduation Rates by College (Table and Graph) A.22 Cal Poly Six-Year Disqualification Rates by College (Table) A.23 Cal Poly Six-Year Disqualification Rates by College (# Graph) A.24 Cal Poly Six-Year Disqualification Rates by College (% Graph) A.25 Cal Poly Six-Year Graduation Rates by URM Status (Table and Graph) A.26 Cal Poly Six-Year Graduation Rates by First Generation Status (Table and Graph) A.27 Cal Poly Six-Year Graduation Rates by Pell Grant Status (Table and Graph) A.28 Cal Poly Six-Year Graduation Rates by Gender (Table and Graph) A.29 Cal Poly Six-Year Graduation Rates by Race and Gender (Table and Graph) A.30 Comparison of Six-Year Graduation Rates: Cal Poly, CSU, and UC (Table and Graph) A.31 MOSAIC Schools (Table) Appendix A.19. Cal Poly Persistence Rate Trends Source: Cal Poly, Institutional Research Office. Appendix A.20. Cal Poly Six-Year Graduation Rates and Cohort Size )Six)Year)Graduation)Rates)and)Cohort)Size Matriculation)Term Cohort Fall)1999 Fall)2000 Fall)2001 Fall)2002 Fall)2003 Fall)2004 Fall)2005 Fall)2006 Fall)2007 Fall)2008 Total&University Cohort&Size 2848 3247 3,630 3,077 3,009 2,898 3,570 3,762 4413 3,446 Percent&Graduated 69.9% 68.6% 69.1% 72.9% 74.5% 75.1% 76.4% 73.9% 72.4% 78.0% URM* Cohort&Size 278 355 418 291 335 328 413 481 613 487 Percent&Graduated 54.7% 59.7% 56.5% 61.9% 61.5% 66.5% 69.2% 63.0% 61.7% 66.9% NonIURM Cohort&Size 2570 2892 3,212 2,786 2,674 2,570 3,157 3,281 3,800 2,959 Percent&Graduated 71.6% 69.7% 70.7% 73.9% 76.1% 76.2% 77.4% 75.5% 74.1% 79.8% 1st&Generation Cohort&Size 300 266 285 210 199 210 213 238 370 299 Percent&Graduated 55.3% 51.5% 55.4% 61.2% 61.8% 65.2% 64.3% 63.9% 55.1% 63.6% NonI1st&Generation Cohort&Size 2449 2809 3,119 2,754 2,706 2,597 3,253 3,371 3,879 3,016 Percent&Graduated 72.1% 70.1% 70.8% 73.7% 75.5% 75.9% 77.4% 74.7% 73.9% 79.3% Pell&Recipients Cohort&Size 361 362 354 335 405 550 437 Percent&Graduated 60.3% 54.9% 58.4% 64.8% 65.7% 66.7% 66.9% 64.0% 58.2% 67.5% NonIPell&Recipients Cohort&Size 2,716 2,647 2,544 3,235 3,357 3,863 3,009 Percent&Graduated 72.1% 71.0% 70.8% 74.0% 75.7% 76.3% 77.4% 75.1% 74.4% 79.5% Men Cohort&Size 1477 1811 1,946 1,720 1,675 1,729 1,867 2,112 2,528 1,893 Percent&Graduated 63.3% 64.7% 63.7% 68.4% 69.6% 69.1% 71.5% 68.1% 66.5% 72.3% Women Cohort&Size 1371 1436 1,684 1,357 1,334 1,169 1,703 1,650 1,885 1,553 Percent&Graduated 77.0% 73.6% 75.3% 78.6% 80.7% 84.1% 81.9% 81.3% 80.4% 85.0% CAFES Cohort&Size 579 668 709 676 637 558 700 778 807 687 Percent&Graduated 65.5% 60.8% 64.6% 70.6% 74.9% 75.1% 73.3% 74.9% 76.6% 79.2% CAED Cohort&Size 253 307 335 313 316 253 290 291 357 312 Percent&Graduated 60.9% 63.5% 62.7% 72.2% 71.2% 79.4% 79.7% 77.3% 79.8% 77.2% CENG Cohort&Size 656 914 955 840 805 953 755 1,175 1,484 1,050 Percent&Graduated 60.5% 60.5% 58.5% 66.0% 64.3% 63.3% 63.7% 61.6% 57.3% 68.1% CLA Cohort&Size 553 491 614 438 415 402 579 547 622 509 Percent&Graduated 76.9% 78.2% 78.8% 81.1% 86.3% 83.1% 82.2% 84.1% 83.1% 87.2% OCOB Cohort&Size 480 468 552 447 454 426 794 453 506 475 Percent&Graduated 86.7% 87.0% 84.1% 84.3% 86.6% 88.5% 86.8% 88.7% 87.4% 87.8% CSM Cohort&Size 327 399 465 362 382 306 452 518 636 413 Percent&Graduated 67.3% 71.2% 71.6% 70.2% 71.1% 79.4% 75.0% 74.5% 75.9% 79.2% Note: FTF Six-Year graduation rates for first-time freshmen for each college and the university. Source: Cal Poly, Institutional Research, Cal Poly Profile. First-time Freshmen Persistence (2010, 2015). Appendix A.21. Cal Poly Six-Year Graduation Rates by College Cal%Poly%University%6HYear%Gradua@on%Rates%College% 90.0%% 80.0%% 70.0%% Total!University! CAFES! 60.0%% CAED! CENG! 50.0%% CLA! OCOB! Percent%Graduated%within%Six%Years% 40.0%% CSM! 30.0%% Matricula@on%Term% 20.0%% ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Fall!1999! Fall!2000! Fall!2001! Fall!2002! Fall!2003! Fall!2004! Fall!2005! Fall!2006! Fall!2007! Fall!2008! Total!University! 69.9%! 68.6%! 69.1%! 72.9%! 74.5%! 75.1%! 76.4%! 73.9%! 72.4%! 78.0%! CAFES! 65.5%! 60.8%! 64.6%! 70.6%! 74.9%! 75.1%! 73.3%! 74.9%! 76.6%! 79.2%! CAED! 60.9%! 63.5%! 62.7%! 72.2%! 71.2%! 79.4%! 79.7%! 77.3%! 79.8%! 77.2%! CENG! 60.5%! 60.5%! 58.5%! 66.0%! 64.3%! 63.3%! 63.7%! 61.6%! 57.3%! 68.1%! CLA! 76.9%! 78.2%! 78.8%! 81.1%! 86.3%! 83.1%! 82.2%! 84.1%! 83.1%! 87.2%! OCOB! 86.7%! 87.0%! 84.1%! 84.3%! 86.6%! 88.5%! 86.8%! 88.7%! 87.4%! 87.8%! CSM! 67.3%! 71.2%! 71.6%! 70.2%! 71.1%! 79.4%! 75.0%! 74.5%! 75.9%! 79.2%! Note: FTF Six-Year graduation rates for first-time freshmen for each college and the university. Source: Cal Poly, Institutional Research, Cal Poly Profile. First-time Freshmen Persistence (2010, 2015). Appendix A.22. Cal Poly Six-Year Disqualification Rates by College Note: FTF Six-Year disqualification rates for first-time freshmen for each college and the university. Source: Cal Poly, Institutional Research, Cal Poly Profile. First-time Freshmen Persistence (2010, 2015). Appendix A.23. Cal Poly Six-Year DisqualifiCation Rates by College Six-Year Disqualifica1on Rates (#) by College by Cohort Matricula1on Term 500 450 400 350 300 Total University 250 Total University 200 CAFES CENG 150 CAED 100 CAFES CENG 50 CSM CLA OCOB CAED OCOB 0 Fall 2003 Fall 2004 Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 CSM Total University 85 104 194 384 455 313 CAFES 26 29 44 54 53 51 CAED 24 11 13 8 13 23 CENG 21 54 92 269 324 170 CLA 9 5 15 15 6 11 OCOB 2 3 22 16 21 27 CSM 3 2 8 22 38 31 Note: FTF Six-Year disqualification rates for first-time freshmen for each college and the university. Source: Cal Poly, Institutional Research, Cal Poly Profile. First-time Freshmen Persistence (2010, 2015). Appendix A.24. Cal Poly Six-Year DisqualifiCation Rates by College Six-Year Disqualifica1on Rates (%) by College by Cohort Matricula1on Term 25.0% 20.0% CENG Total University 15.0% CAFES CAED Total University 10.0% CENG CSM CAFES CLA CAED OCOB 5.0% OCOB CSM 0.0% Fall 2003 Fall 2004 Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Total University 2.8% 3.6% 5.4% 10.2% 10.3% 9.1% CAFES 4.1% 5.2% 6.3% 6.9% 6.6% 7.4% CAED 7.6% 4.3% 4.5% 2.7% 3.6% 7.4% CENG 2.6% 5.7% 12.2% 22.9% 21.8% 16.2% CLA 2.2% 1.2% 2.6% 2.7% 1.0% 2.2% OCOB 0.4% 0.7% 2.8% 3.5% 4.2% 5.7% CSM 0.8% 0.7% 1.8% 4.2% 6.0% 7.5% Note: FTF Six-Year disqualification rates for first-time freshmen for each college and the university. Source: Cal Poly, Institutional Research, Cal Poly Profile. First-time Freshmen Persistence (2010, 2015). Appendix A.25. Cal Poly Six-Year Graduation Rates by URM Status Cal$Poly$University$6HYear$Gradua3on$Rates$by$Minority$Status:$URM*$vs.$NonHURM$ *Under@represented$minoriDes:$Hispanic,$ NaDve$American,$and$Black$ 90.0%$ 90.0%$ 80.0%$ 80.0%$ 70.0%$ 70.0%$ Total$University$ 60.0%$ 60.0%$ URM*$ Non@URM$ 50.0%$ 50.0%$ URM$ Cohort$Axis$ GraduaDon$Gap$ 40.0%$ 40.0%$ Gradua3on$Gap$Axis$ Percent$Graduated$within$Six$Years$ 30.0%$ *GraduaDon$Gap:$the$difference$in$graduaDon$rates$ 30.0%$ between$URM$and$Non@URM$students.$$ 20.0%$ 20.0%$ 10.0%$ 10.0%$ Percent$GraduaDon$Rate$Gap$between$URM$and$Non@URM$Students$ Matricula3on$Term$ 0.0%$ 0.0%$ Fall$1999$ Fall$2000$ Fall$2001$ Fall$2002$ Fall$2003$ Fall$2004$ Fall$2005$ Fall$2006$ Fall$2007$ Fall$2008$ Total$University$ 69.9%$ 68.6%$ 69.1%$ 72.9%$ 74.5%$ 75.1%$ 76.4%$ 73.9%$ 72.4%$ 78.0%$ URM*$ 54.7%$ 59.7%$ 56.5%$ 61.9%$ 61.5%$ 66.5%$ 69.2%$ 63.0%$ 61.7%$ 66.9%$ Non@URM$ 71.6%$ 69.7%$ 70.7%$ 73.9%$ 76.1%$ 76.2%$ 77.4%$ 75.5%$ 74.1%$ 79.8%$ URM$GraduaDon$Gap$ 16.9%$ 10.0%$ 14.2%$ 12.0%$ 14.6%$ 9.7%$ 8.2%$ 12.5%$ 12.4%$ 12.9%$ Source: Cal Poly, Institutional Research, Cal Poly Profile.

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