News Briefs - - - - -. ~mHICComplied by Rua Langdon **"']B Facelift for Duffy Ave. ~Uff)'.Al'enueisseeingsom,elong-awaited lncorpora11rg The Hicksville Ed11,on ILLU,1· u 11· i"'RD NE' ins rev11ahza11011 as the old Global Van ol lhe M,c-lsland Herald v J:'1--U L VV • l.in_es/l'our Star building is being renol'ated by 11S newest occupant. V I 9 . ,... Anion Comm,ollr ...., . ,.,. oll ..... """ Omega Manufacturing Corporation, a divi- o . 4 No. 36 Hicksville, N.Y. Thursday, March 1, 1 90 35e per copy ' " "''"" ""'N••-c.,,.,, o111" '""'•· ,.,_.,., sion of Pal Industries, builde~s of windows. is leasing the long-neglected building and is ========================================== planning extensil'e improl'ements. according 10 PAL spokesperson Dolores Malafis. The entire buildingwill be cleaned out. the roof repaired, new offices re-bui II, the park­ ing lots upgraded and the area, landscaped, ~lalafis said, adding "Weare a class act opera­ tion:· Conlractors ha1-e been workingse11m days a week. removing debris, as I he company plans to mol'e from its curreni: locations­ two on Bloomingdale Road in Hicksl'illeand one in Beth page-to the new Duffy Al'enue building by March 31, Malafis said. "We wanted to consolidate. instead ollbeing at two separate locations:· The building, loc;ited al WD-262 Duffy Avenue. was occupied for many years by Global,a moving and slorage company owned by longlime Hicksville resident:; Henry and ' Dorothy Brengel. and Four Star Associates. a prin1ing and direct mail firm . J.C. Penney has also main1ained a warehouse on the site for mannears andwill remain. S:C\'eralyears ago, both Global and Four Star rel-oca1ed. lea1c ingthebuilding virtually empty. It gradually deteriorated to lhe point where it be.':ame un­ safe. area residents said. Las! fall, homeless people were found Iii'• ing behind lhe building. Hicksville Opens lits Malafis said th al there wi ll be n.o major in­ crease in traffic on Duffy Al'emuc as I heir Heart to History IJusiness is not open to the pub'lic. The snow a nd cold Sunday Fire De pt. Rescue !Calls afternoon did not keep Hicksville • The Hicksville Fire Deparmen1 residents from returning to their re.sponded lo a car and truck accident on Feb. roots al the Gregory Museum's 21 al aboul II a.rn. which resulted in a fuel open house. leak 01110 Old Countrv Road and Division In addition lo the exhibit,; of Avenue. · rocks, minerals and butterfl1ie~. visitors also enjoyed an award, The I ruck's gas tank was damaged and llicksvillc Fire Department lllazardous ceremony honoring museum ~latcrials Uni I was called in to dean up lhe members who have devoted spill. countless hours lo keeping the museum running. There were no injuries. (Sec photo on page 12) Among the other features oft he day was an informative film of I he • Hicksville firefighters responded toa ,~n accident on Old Country Roada t Newton Road museum's programs by historian Richard Evers and local photog­ in Plainview on Feb. 21 in which 12 people rapher Ed Bady. were injured. Dr. Richard Smith, a member of the museum's boa1rl oftrustees ll'as honored uith a life Hick:., •iI l e had one ambulance all thescene 111e111bershipcertifica1e /11 middl~ his bride-to-be, MargePalumba At right. board oftrustees For a list of .1wards honorees a.nd winners of I he door prizes, see which was used 10 lransport the injured to secretary Rosemary Barrou• (/11cide11t(1: Richard and Marge 1rill be married in less than page 2. the hospital. They also had a stand-by engine two 11:eeks. Congratulotio11s!) al the Plainview Fire House. (See Photo on Pa~e 12) • Arepresc nlalil'e from lhe Hieb-ville Fire Department Hazanlous Malerial Urn it assisted Central General Hospital Emergency Room personnel on Feb. 23 when seven people entered the ER area after being e.~po,sed tot ox­ ic l'apors The people were exposed lol he ¼tpors after a laboratory technician spilled a 1oxic chemical at the Long Island Bloo<ll Services in Melville. The chemical- phosphorus UX)th loride-a corrosire material. ,can cause , ,•rious respiratory injuries. llicksl'ille 1-laz-Mat provided hospital of­ ficials with cmergencytre.11me111 procedures Jnd notifi ed lhc Nalional Chemi cal .\ssistance Network in Washingto,n O.C. to ~ssist doctors in lhe hospilals lo al'oid con­ taminalion of the hospital and its p,ersonnel. January Fir:e/ Rescue Tally Hicksvi lle Fire Department reports lhe following fire.lrescue calls for January: Clo1msMr. Bl11e(Ji111mr Chambers)and8ubbles(E'leanor Chmr1bt•1s). 50 fire calls. 64 rescue calls. Total: IM Alarms. both ofHicks ville, elllertained themany guests at theope11 lwuseand Five Hazardous-Material Unit calls. gaeeout smallgifts ofrocks and Ii/liedinosaurs. Hef1!, theyg,m Kel'i11 Always a hitwit h the kids, East Street studentsJanice and Kate Hofer (continued o n page 12) Fumlaekof £°;St Meadoui and his granddad, George Sralller. a 35:rear a,c behind bars in the museum's jail cell flicksvI!le res1denl (l!/11J1mted Photos) liickauill, ~lluntrat,b :Xnuo - llicksuillr. :Xrw l.)urk - il:hurn~au. !!lurch 1. Gregory Museum Bestows Merit Awards 11icksville Gregory Museum honored special thanks to Willet Avenue School l'olunteers and trustees at an open house on Cub Scout Troop No. 683 who helped Sunday. beautify the outside grounds of the museum by raking leal'es. picking up trash and pulling Life Membership awards: Richard and weeds. Anne Erers. Irwin Bolio. Rosemarv and War· The Museum would also like to thank the ren Barrow, Dr. Richard Smith. · following residents: .John Kenn for donating Volunteers of the Year: Amy Curran and the new rug: new museum director Joan Walter Matuza. Kawecki and her husband Ed; Richard Evers and Ed and Grace Bndy for design• Certificates of Ar>prcciation for Con Ii• inga video called '·Open House '90" for all the nuingSupport: Assembl\'man Fred Paruta. Senator Ralph Marino. lfogh D. ConOIU, presi­ visitors to view: \Varren and Rosemary dent. Gregory Museum Board of Trustees. Barro\",.- . Rosemary Barrow, secretary. board of trustees. Door Prizes Joan D. Kawecki, director. Thewinnersof the Open House Door Prizes The following stude nts spent their are: (Children) David Hecht of Levillown, wintervacation 1>reparingthc museum Victoria Ragusin of Jericho, Anthony for Sunday's open house. Ragusin o[ Jericho and DannyTymann of Syosset. (Adults) Cathy Hecht of Leviuown, Larry Weintraub of Hi cksville, Ed Justin Serpico. Carrie Seier, Lori Masterson. FUTURE MUSEUM TRUSTEES and Hicksville students tl'ho helped prepare the museum Sharon Yu. Janice Hofer, Kate Hofer, Hiliary Draycott of Hicksville and Terry Woods of Weintraub. Rachel Weintraub. Lisa Yu. Also, Hicksville. for open house: (Front rou; from left) Janice Hofe,; K_ate Hofer. Hi/iary Weintraub, Rac(1el IVeimraub. Lisa )'11. (Back rouj Justin Serpico, Came Seier. Lori Masterson. Sharon I 11. (l//11slraled Photos) What a Perfect Gift As ubscription to the Illustrated News. Call today, 747-8282 FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL PLANS VISIT llside Travel, Inc. 20 W. Marie Street (Just West of Broadway) K Hicksville. N.Y. 11801 Meet Angie LoBiondo If you·re going around the world or just "around the cor­ ner'', I'd love to help you with the p lans. Your trip will be my pleasure! Come in and say Tommy Bob rick. a secondgrader at fast Angie LoBiondo Hello or just give me a call: Walter Matr,;a r,•as named ofthe 11111seu111's S1ree1 Scltool, admires one ofth e 1110111· 822-6370 volunteer of the yea,: erhibits · SAGAMORE y ACHT CLUB INVITES BOATERS INTERESTED IN BECOMING MEMBERS TOAN OPEN HOUSE Come to our beauciful club house in Oyster Bay Harbor and find 011! about our Senior and Junior Sailing Programs. We ha-ve many year-round evencs tl,at include Skeet Shooting, Power & Sailing Boa! Cmises and Skiing euenis. CAN STANDARD LEXINGTON TOILET 2'007-012 - •s24900 A"fs,;!:tl~fCI DESIGNER VANITIES AND MARBLE TOPS ON DISPLAY ~ seen In our Showroom: designer faucets and harttware by Grahe. Harden,~~UGREGOR £pie. Hewi. Broadway. Elfer. American Standard, Sat<1winY. KW~ I> . BAlH AND KITCHEN C ENTER • , . 251 EAST SHORE ROAD • GREAT NECK • 516-487-1975 AMPLE PARKING kou,,:1-,)1.,Sal, 6'm-W\ Mcheri ~1'<1V.d.abit Ol'I NC!',IHI ~ OincOon-.. U£ &llU 10 ~,Driv. tor '2 m,lln. Cruu "'°'1twm Bl.a ~ t.aa StM Ron. •, Mat oo ,..._ opposha Wa~WD'L- ------ ------- !lick•ulll, 3llustrnt,~ :.'i,wa • 1llduwlllt. :.'itw Uork - il:bura~au. !!larch I. IUYU l)agc-3 - ------------ H 0 M E T 0 w N p E 0 p L E He Could Hare Waited Another Nell' (i,r/ /11 1b1m L.ist Monday Y,·onnc Siefert new to Fort Mary.i nn (Gn iliusj and Bill Lordi are Collin:;. Colorado. 10 be wilh her daughter proud to announce the birth or 1heir daughter. StcphunicAnderson, when her baby was Lynn Ann, who arril'ed at Tire Commun ii\' born. Slephanie planned ;in having her baby Hospilal al Glen Core on January 24. Lynn Ani1 nalurally-and al home ...and she did. on Fri• came home from the hospital to her older si~er. day night Feb. 23. al 10 lo 11. The baby was Tonionn. almost born on Yvonne and Rny Siefert's The baby"s maternal grandrnolher is Anna 38th aninivcrsarywhich was lhe ne.xt day, Feb. Gnilius ofGlen Head. Anna and Mike Lor• 24. Slephanie didn"I really care that the baby di of Sea Cliff are her paternal grandparents. came an hour and II minules earlier-and I Met Janet Recemly neither did Yvonne. They were both happy I met Janet Scarpelli the olher dav.
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