:-v.. ^ «. r'.'.f.- roraeiikt bjr O. V W«®tk«r *15iFiBEr5ir ' - H«w HaT«» AVBRAGK-BABilf iMUSVLATKXS' for tbe M ooU i o f A o su t* 1M 9 CSon^ weatiier .with Ui^it ^looit' showers tonight and Tneedsjt 5r245 kBl^tly^eooler tonight. Mmmhwm of tk « A udit .B vM ao oC Olrcolatloaa PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANGHE^ER, CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1929. TEN PAC{ES VOL. x u n ., NO. 295. (Classified Advertising on Page 8.) TRSSTOKILL PEACOXSTARTS A HURRICANE AT WORK SBEARER.ON NEW-BORN BABE FORSINGSING - nsraisioN POUC^CHARGE TO B m TERM A FLORIDA EAST COAST , -.S Calls Hmsell “ Big Bass Mrs. Ida M. Weir, of High- Crowd of 150 Watch Torch NO DEATHS Dnan” of Geneva Parley; hnd Park, In Court Here Slayer as He Is Taken Says He Was Working for Shr6iided In REPORTED T o^ y — Case to Go Be from County Jail; Hustled Naval Parity. ' * I Paris, SepL 30.—The fate Dowb So Ho fore Superior Court. Into Anto hy Guards. whereabouts of Captain Dieudohne ^ Wires Definite Washington, Sept. 30.-7-Williaui Costes and his 'mechanic Maurice i TTiere has been no deflnite news White Plains, N. Y., Sept. 30.— BeUonte, who hopped off atvLe i of them sipce they passed over Reports Can Be Had from Mrs. Ida M. Weir, wife of Adeibprt B. Shearer, who described -hlmseif Bourtret Field on Friday in an effort; Cologne, Germany, Friday aftemooo. Weir, of Carter street, in the High­ Looking happier than he has at any as “toe big bass drum” of the to set a new world’s distanca record, i Ahr ministry offidaM b^eve toe land Park section of Manchester, time in. the last fortnight. Earle F. Geneva naval conference, told a were still a mystery this afternoon. | men may have landed In toe deso- Many Points— H e a v y The airmen carried gasoline Jate Siberian steppes, where it is im- was arraigned before Judge Ray­ Peacox was taken from the county Senate committee today ein entire­ enough to last for only 50 hours, but ‘ possible to communicate vrith civlli- mond A. Johnson in town court here jail here today and started for Sing ly different story of his mission Sing prison at Ossining where he at 4:30 this afternoon more than 89 , »tion. ^ Property Loss in Towns this morning charged with attempt will begin serving an indeterminate abroad from that hitherto related to commit murder. Probable cause sentence of from twenty years to to toe committee by the shipbuild­ of Everglades and Naples; was found by the locai court and Mrs, life for the murder of his bride, ing officials who employed him to Weir was botmd over to the Decem­ Dorothy Heinzelman Peacox. represent them at Geneva. PREROER ACCEPTS Flash lights boomed as the young AMERICAN LEADS Wind Increasing w d Bar­ ber term of the Superior court. A radio technician and dance hiUl All of the shipbuilding officers bond of $500 was posted by her “sheik” emerged from the jail, testified that Shearer was employed mother-in-law, Mrs. Ida Weir, who shackled to a deputy sheriff. The merely to “observe and report” toe NEW YORK’S INVITEI ometer Dropping. trend of the conference, but when INBAUOONRACE '.ieves with her daughter. latest of America’s array of greaUy publicized defendants wore a smug- Shearer himself got on the witness fr'/TylV' Her Act. BULLETIN! self-satisfied expression on his pale stand today he said: Mrs. Weir's act was committed, “ I was to go to Geneva to see according to the police report, on face. Washlngton, Sept. 30 — The Crowd Watches Him that the United States would get But Latest Reports Have Big Reception at City Hall September 3. She is said to have tropical disturbance which has Down through a lane of morbid- our side of the story—and to see attempted to murder a new born been hovering off* the Florida minded men, women and girls he vVhat a Wesflndian hurricane does when it strikes with all its fury to it that we got a treaty of parity Prior to MacDonalds babe. Her husband had gone to se- with Great Britain. If no parity no Two Still in Air— South coast will ■ strike Pensacola, came, looking neither to right nor is shown by the. above picture, made at the height of the storm that swept sure a physician it was brought out freatv.** Fla., late this aftemo »n. the U. left. A crowd Of about 150 persons West Palm Beach, Fla., in 1928. The picture taken in City Park—center S. Weather Bureau reported. in the investigation, and child-birth Not His First Job occurred before the doctor axrived. had assembled to watch the young of the city’s amusements for winter tourists—shows tall cocoanut palms American Pilot Hurt i Journey to, Washington] A t noon the center of fhe hur­ In the meantime the police charge man’s get away. - being bent backward by the force of the screaming wind. The Geneva assignment was not ricane which killed twenty per- Mrs. Weir attempted to smother the Peacox was hustled into a parked the first work he had done for toe Bons and wrecked enormous baby In a bed-room vessel. The car. In a jiffy he was being driven shipbuilding concerns. Previously London, Sept. 30—Premier Ram­ property damage In Nassau, up the road leading to Sing Sing, St. Louis, Sept. 30—Captain Wil­ baby is now alive and apparently In he had prepared and carried out for liam Kepner, piloting toe Uhlied say MacDonald, of Britain, joumey- Bahama islands, was forty ten miles away. them a program of agitating more ihg to' the. United States aboard the miles southeast of Pensacola. good health. The sheriff got under way with States Army balloon, early , today Pressed Into Vessel. merchant marine legislation, and he had travelled the furthest (fistance liner Berengmria, has accepted an Observers said it was moving Peacox so Quickly he forgot tv.o EMPLOYMENT INCREASING northwestward .at the rate of ^ Dr. M. M. Moriarty was the phy­ spent One whole session of Congress invitation to receive the freedom of commitment Warden John of any entrants to land thus far in sician sought by Mrs. Weir’s hus­ in Washington lobbying for toe toe Gordon Bennett international the City of New York upon his ar­ ten railes an hour. band and when he arrived at the Hill and a deputy rushed out of the three-cruiser bill. rival, a wireless message ffom “The center of the jiurricane jail, shouting "Sheriff! Sheriff” but balloon race. Weir home he imme^ately complet­ A t Geneva, he said, he "looked Kepner, winner of the 1928 Ben­ aboard the • vessel the Daily Mail will pate inland close to Pen­ the sheriff had gone into "high” and SAYS NOTED AUTHORITY sacola within a tew hours,” the ed the operations necessary in child- on, observed carefully and got what nett race, landed at Celina, Ohio, at stated today. was up the road in a cloud of dust. • birth and proceeded to resuscitate I could in the press.” He associated 3 o’clock yesterday having gone 381 On his arrival, the dispatch ^ d , official report said. the baby. In this he was successfiU, Gets His Papers. miles from the point of take-off. the. premier will proceed direct to A deputy warden overtook me with the newspaper correspondents The child weighed seven pounds and and to some extent with the Amer­ It was reported that only two of the city haJi where he will be re­ Tallahassee, Fla., Sept. 30.—A 55- sheriff’s car, however, and he gave ceived by Mayor James J. Walker. was of such a size that the body Francis H. Sisson Declares PRESIDENT FACING ican delegates, although he said he the nine entries in the race were mUe wind is whipping Apalachicola, could not have • been placed in the the sheriff the commitment papers. still fighting for4h e trophy. They Following a two-hour reception, the Peacox arrived 'kt the grim walls “never spoke to Admiral Hilary P.' premier will proceed to Washing­ according to reports received here vessel unless pressure were exerted. Jones or Ambassador Hugh Gibson, were the Belgica, of B^gdiun and of Sing Sing at 10:30 o’clock. He American Basic Indus­ ton. today. , This pressing of the babe into the DEFEAT IN SENATE the chiefs of the delegation. the Denmark. Bad weather forded The Depot at Apalachicola was was immediately taken to the ward­ toe other contestants to the ground. The premier’s changed plans, toe vessel constitutes the attempt to Toward one of the correspond­ reported unroofed. murder, according to the complaint. en’s office. Second In point of distance was message said, were due to the de­ tries Are Operating at ents, Albin E. Johnson of the New Wire communications to Apalacn- In Court Before. (The young killer wore his slain the Goodyear VIIl, a civilian sire of New York not to- be outdone Yprk World, Shearer was very bit­ by the capitol in priority in extend­ icola and Port S t Joe are down. The Weir family figured in police wife’s wedding ring bn the little balloon which came down late yes­ ter. ing a welcome to the (Ustingulshed Relief agencies here are standing court some montos ago when the finger of his left hand as he entered Higher Rate This Year. Insurgent Coalition Claims terday near Troy, Ohio, 325 '■ailes jgiTig Sing. Before he left White Would Sell Information from here.
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