Ubrnry, PubUe The “Advertiser” Stands for the Best Interests of Belmar a*0<HKH3<HKHKHKHKHKHKHJ^ FOR BOTH I NlffllKE 1 II 3 1KHWH>1KBKHKHKHKBWKBKHKI tWKH5<HKHKHKH5tHKHKHKHKHa Single Copy Three Cents Vol. XXV., No. 49, W hole No. 2003. BELMAR, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1917. IS SOLDIER’S BRIDE TO DRAFT REGISTRANTS TWO BELMAR MEN KILLED AT CROSSING COUNTY BANKS ISSUE STATEMENTS Miss Katherine Cooper is Wedded to Should Notify Local Board of Changes in Address Lieutenant F. P. Todd. All registrants, under the Selec­ Gustav Popken and Louis Oehme Lose Lives and Eugene Show Increase of $3,655,934 Over a Year Ago But Owing to military exigencies, the tive Service law, should forward to wedding of Miss Katherine Roberts the lacal board at once, any change Moore is Injured When Pennsylvania Train Hits Auto. $807,028 Less Than on September 11. Cooper and Lieutenant Francis in their respective addresses, since Todd, which was to have taken place Registration Day. This will insure In another column of this paper is off of $1,295,202.76 from the total last December 22, in Market Square the mailing to the proper addresses Gustav Popken, proprietor of a on the train and at Farmingdale Pop- to be found the financial statement reported. Their deposits on Nov. 20 church, Germantown, was solemn­ which will be issued by the Board bakery on F street, near Tenth ken’s body was removed to the sta­ of the First National Bank of Bel­ were §5,094,088.43. On Sept. 11 they ized on December 1 at six o’clock at very shortly. avenue, was instantly killed last Sat­ tion where it was viewed by County mar. This is published in compli- w ere $0,989,891.19. On Nov. 17, 1910, the home of the bride’s mother in Under the regulations promulgat­ urday morning when the Ford tour­ Physician Harry Neafie of Freehold ahce with the call made on Novem­ the deposits of these institutions Mt. Airy. ed by the President, these question­ ing car which he was driving was who gave authority for its removal ber 20 by the Comptroller of Cur­ totaled only $5,088,537.02, of $606,- The ceremony was performed by naires must be returned to the local struck by a Philadelphia bound' ex­ to his home here. Dr. John B. Boyd rency to all national banks for these 151.41 less than they were on prac­ the Rev. Thomas McBride Nichols of board within seven days from the press train near the Allaire station. boarded the train at Farmingdale New York, who-wedded the bride’s statements. tically the same date this year. date of their mailing. With him were Louis Oehme, who and word was sent to Freehold for There are thirty banks in Mon­ For the first time in several years parents, years ago. Failure of filing within the time conducted the blacksmith shop on F a physician to meet the train there. mouth county from which statements the Asbury Park and Ocean Grove The bride, who was g'vni n mar­ specified, will automatically place the street, near Seventh avenue, and Eu­ Dr. William M. Hepburn responded are required and at the close of bus- bank loses its lead in deposits, giving riage by her mother, wore her moth­ delinquent in Class 1 of the draft, in gene Moore of Spring Lake. Oehme I and the two doctors worked over the iness November 20, there was a total way to the Red Bank Trust company, er’s wedding gown of white satin other words, make him subJect to died from inJuries received soon af­ inJured men as the train speeded to­ of $3,055,934.95 more on deposit than | Some of the banks are including and duchess lace, tulle veil with cap immediate call into service; that the ter he reached the hospital. Moore ward Trenton. Neither regained on the corresponding date last year the amounts deposited by customers of duchess lace. non-receipt of the questionnaire by has a broken baok and it is thought consciousness and Oehme died in but $807,028.08 less than was on de- to meet payments on Liberty loan Miss Georgia Danforth, of East the registrant is no excuse for it’s that he cannot live. McKinley hospital. posit when statements were called bonds as deposits. If this class of Orange, was maid of honor, and lit­ non-filling in time, and that the The three men made up a gunning Popken was a German. He came for on September 11. The total on deposits was included in the gen-, tle Miss Sara Jean Wagner.was flow­ Local Board no matter what its own party that left Belmar about 7 to Belmar from Ocean Grove a few November 20 was $23,870,298.12. On eral deposits the Second National of er girl. inclination might be, has no discre­ o’clock to spend the day hunting at years ago and opened the bakery Sept. 11 it was $24,077,320.80 and on Red Bank would be second in the Henry S. Todd attended his bro­ tion whatever in the matter of list­ Perrineville, and the accident oc­ which he conducted up to the time November 17, 1910, it was $20,558,-1 county w ith $2,749,797.75, as its ther as best man. ing delinquents in Class 1, immedi­ curred shortly after 7.45. The train of his death. 913.17. ! Liberty loan deposits amount to After a brief wedding Journey. ately upon the expiration of the said which struck the auto was on the He leaves a widow, also two sis­ Belmar bank, in common with $344,550. Bankers generally, how- Lieutenant Todd and his bride will seven days. Pennsylvania road and left the Bel­ ters, one living in Ocean Grove and most of the banks has less on deposit ever, agree that the Liberty loan sub- go to camp where the Lieutenant is mar station at 7.31. It does not stop the other in Freehold. than when the September call was sc.riptions should not be classed as with the second over-seas contingent BELMAR KNITTING CLUB at Allaire and the crossing where the Oehme is survived by a widow and made, the exact amount being $183,- a regular deposit, but listed separate- of the Ambulance service. accident took place is only a few three children, Herman, 14 years old; 037.00. J ly. The regular wTeekly meeting of the hundred feet west of the station. No Laura, 11 years old; and Blanche, 2 Banks in the Asbury Park and The deposits, loans and discounts BENEFIT CARD PARTY Knitting Club was held at the resi­ one saw the accident but the wreck­ years old. Ocean Grove district show a falling on Nov. 20 were as follows: dence of Mrs. C. Y. Bamford Monday. ed automobile had the appearance of Both were members of Ocean Loans and There will be a card party at the The next meeting will be at the res­ being hit squarely in the center. The Beach lodge, K. of P. Deposits. Discounts. residence of Mrs. Albert W. Moyer, idence of Mrs. George W. Swain. curtains were all on the car and it Moore is married and has two chil­ Red Bank Trust Co................................ $ 2,796.228.93 $ 1,308,808.99 314 Fifth avenue, next Tuesday even­ Good progress has been made by the is thought that they prevented Mr. dren, aged 7 and 2 years, Asbury Park-Ocean Grove Bank.... 2,696,258.32 2,110,374.91 ing. It is given for the benefit of club in knitting sweaters for distri­ Popken from seeing or hearing the J The funeral of Mr. Popken was Second National, Red Bank............... 2,405,247.75 2,680,331.39 the Red Cross and for the entertain­ bution through the Red Cross to our train, although there is an unob- J from his late residence Tuesday af- Seacoast Trust Co., Asbury Park----- 1,583,809.52 990,605.43 ment of the sailors and marines at enlisted men in the Army and Navy. structed view' of the track in both ternoon at 1 o’clock. Rev. Dr. Lovell Long Branch Trust C o .. ................... 1,304,289.27 ’ 554,118.17 the Marconi Wireless station. Bridge Many of the members have two and directions from the crossing. The of Long Branch officiated, assisted Farmers National, Allentown............. 1,101,404.93 301,133.23 and 500 will be played. No tickets three sweaters to their credit and it train was brought to a standstill as by Rev. Dr. Everett of Belmar. Bur- Keyport Banking Co.............................. 1,022.808.62 510,182.47 will be sold but there will be a is to be hoped and expected that be­ soon as possible and the crew went ial was at Freehold, Citizens National, Long Branch......... 1,006,659.38 833,143.49 charge of fifty cents for each person. fore the cold weather sets in the full back to the crossing. They found J Mr. Oehme’s funeral was Tuesday Farmers and Merchants, Matawan.. 957,226.62 416,264.16 Prizes will be awarded which are quota of six sweaters for each mem­ Popken dead. His skull and chest afternoon at 2.30 o’clock from the National Freehold Banking Co.......... 874,858.89 456,953.51 being donated. ber will be realized. were crushed and his left leg broken. j Twelfth Avenue Baptist church: Rev. First National, Freehold..................... 768,814.51 375,043.98 Oehme and Moore were both un- F.
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