KANKAKEE COUNTY HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION The Preservationist Volume 1, Issue 1 Summer 2015 Special points of interest: Kankakee county Preser- Kankakee County Preservation Commission vation Commission Re- ceives Grant from IHPA Receives Grant from IHPA Community Foundation Grant The Kankakee County with a roadmap for the residents and also to bring French-Canadian Heritage Historic Preservation county’s future preserva- public awareness of the Corridor Commission (KCHPC), as tion activity. An effective importance of protecting a Certified Local Govern- action plan will establish and maintaining those re- French-Canadians of Kankakee County ment, applied for and re- goals set forth by our sources. We seek to en- ceived a $19,950 Certified community and will organ- courage enthusiasm and What Does a Historic Preservation Commission Local Government (CLG) ize preservation activities support for preservation do? 2015 Matching Grant in a logical sequence that to grow in a positive way. from the Illinois Historic can be achieved in a rea- A preservation plan is KCHPC seeks to form a Steering Committee Preservation Agency sonable time period. The also an economic develop- (IHPA). The federally plan will be a public out- ment tool. Businesses and Kankakee County Historic funded grant will be used reach tool for the Com- individual property own- Preservation Commission to finance a Comprehen- mission, involving the pub- ers are attracted to com- Working together: City of sive Kankakee County lic in the planning process. munities when they value Kankakee and Kankakee County Historic Preservation Plan Public meetings will be the characteristics found developed to encourage held in communities in communities with the preservation of the throughout Kankakee strong preservation pro- county’s historic re- County, in an attempt to grams. Kankakee County sources and character. learn what local resources Historic Preservation A preservation plan will from the community’s Commissioners supply the Commission history is important to the Mardene Hinton, chair John Adams, vice chair Community Foundation Grant Dr. James Paul, secretary The KCHPC was of Early Childhood Educa- Jane Johnson awarded a $2,000 grant tion, Land Use & Protec- from the Community tion, and Workforce De- Terry Johnston Foundation of Kankakee velopment. The grant re- Daron Kinzinger River Valley at their Annu- ceived will help the al Awards Luncheon held KCHPC meet the local Neeley Provost-Regas May 21, 2015, at the share of a 70/30 matching Ron Shank Kankakee Country Club. grant from IHPA and will The Communityworks allow the Commission to Pat Wagner L-R: Hollace Clark, Chairman of the grant program awards achieve a Preservation Foundation’s Grants Committee; Staff: grants for projects that Plan for Kankakee Coun- Michelle Sadler, KCHPC staff; & Michelle Sadler address issues in the areas ty. Mardene Hinton, KCHPC, chair. Page 2 The Preservationist French-Canadian Heritage Corridor traffic and the other just River State Park), and St. south of Ashkum at exit George, 293 for the northbound Among those speaking traffic. at the event were: Repre- The two signs encom- sentative Kate Cloonen; pass an area where the Monsieur Eric Marquis, majority of French- Quebec Delegate to the Canadian pioneers immi- Midwest; Manteno Mayor grated to what is now Tim Nugent; Dr. John Kankakee and Iroquois Avendano, president of On Wednesday, July 29, Counties from the late KCC; local historian and Unveiling of the Dr. Jim Paul, Secretary for 1820s to 1850s. The set- co-curator of the French sign by the KCHPC, was the em- tlements included Bour- Heritage Museum, Vic Representative cee at the Letourneau bonnais Grove (now part Johnson; officer in both Home & Museum for the of Bourbonnais, Bradley & the Kankakee County and Kate Cloonen official unveiling of the Kankakee along the Bourbonnais Grove His- and Quebec French-Canadian Heritage Kankakee River), Le Petite torical Societies, Ken Delegate to the Corridor Signs. The signs Canada (the site of which Ponton; City Administra- Midwest Eric have been installed on is located in the Davis tor of Wilmington, Mr. Interstate 57 to identify Creek area of Kankakee tony Graf; and local au- Marquis. the historic Illinois corri- River State Park), Rock- thor and co-curator of dor. One sign is located ville (the site of which is the French Heritage Mu- just north of Manteno at located in the northwest seum, Dr. Charles Balesi. exit 322 for southbound section of the Kankakee FRENCH-CANADIANS of Kankakee County Exhibits and projects the French-Canadian Nazarene University, on the area’s French- Interview Project, third Bourbonnais, IL., One Canadian heritage can be floor east end of University Ave. Bour- seen at the following: Kankakee Community bonnais, IL. Letourneau Home/ College, 100 College (815-928-5534). Museum, open from Drive, Kankakee. Experience the contribu- 1:00-4:00 p.m. the 1st (815-802-8100) tions that the French- and 3rd Sunday of each www.frenchcanadians.kcc.edu/ Canadians made in month from March thru Heritage Room, Ma- Kankakee County. December. ternity BVM Church, www.bourbonnaishistory.org 308 E. Marsile St., For your convenience French Heritage Weekdays: 8:30 a.m.– 3 call or visit the websites Museum, in the Stone p.m.; Sat. 8:30 a.m.— of the above institutions Barn at 165 N. Indiana 5:30 p.m.; Sun. 6:30 to plan your visit. Ave., Kankakee. a.m.—3 p.m. www.kankakeecountymuseu (815-933-8285) m.com Viatorian Room in French-Canadian Ludwig Hall, Olivet Heritage Wall and Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 3 Kankakee County Preservation Plan “Historic With CLG status, the plan include: nities. KCHPC was able to History of the county Information that can be District secure a $19,950 grant and identification of used for public educa- designation has from the Illinois Histor- historic periods and tion about historic ic Preservation Agency themes, preservation and local a stabilizing to develop a Review of the current history, and to pro- “preservation plan” for landmark ordinance and mote economic devel- effect on the county. The Com- coordination with mu- opment or tourism that neighborhoods” munity Foundation nicipal governments, enhances the apprecia- awarded the KCHPC Review of previous re- tion of historic re- with a $2,000 grant to search, studies, surveys, sources, on a particular site or help with the 70/30 nominations, education Identification of future individual person, or CLG grant requirement. materials, and public needs and goals for the preparation of local A comprehensive events. next ten years. landmark or National preservation plan in- Identification of signifi- The plan will be devel- Register nominations. cludes identification of cant properties or are- oped in accordance with However, the plan will historic resources, eval- as with a high concen- the Secretary of the Inte- identify, as future uation of resources, and tration of historic prop- rior’s Standards for goals, the areas where identification of strate- erties where future Preservation Planning. future survey work is gies and short and long survey work should be The plan will also provide desirable, particular term goals for preserva- performed background information sites or persons to be tion efforts. The plan Background infor- and a context for the fu- researched in more will identify community mation that can be used ture stewardship of his- detail, and/or proper- goals and provide a to develop adaptive toric resources; there- ties or types of prop- framework for future reuse standards or de- fore, it will not include erties that should be preservation activities. sign guidelines appro- extensive field survey considered for nomi- Key components of the priate to local commu- work, historical research nation as landmarks. KCHPC seeks to form a STEERING COMMITTEE The Kankakee County County. We will be forming are historically and ar- the knowledge and Historic Preservation a Steering Committee that chitecturally significant. understanding of the Commission is looking for will help the Commission Explain tax incentives community’s herit- community members with address the following is- that encourage preser- age. a significant interest or sues: vation and maintenance. 7. Identify ways of im- experience in historic 1. Develop an historic con- 4. Develop a base of well- proving Tourism & preservation. The Com- text of the county, identi- informed owners of land- Economic Develop- mission would like to part- fying historic periods and marked properties and/or ment. ner with historical socie- themes. properties that may po- If you have an inter- ties, historians, local 2. Review past preservation tentially be landmarked. est in this exciting pro- preservation groups and efforts. 5. Develop an ongoing coor- ject, please contact us local educators, as we 3. Hold meetings within dination and information at 815-937-2940. The work to prepare a Preser- County villages and/or exchange between local project is due to be vation Plan that will en- municipalities to: government & county completed in Septem- courage preservation of Investigate their con- government. ber 2016. rural landscapes and the cerns and values. 6. Identify educational op- historic character of the Define properties that portunities that expand The Preservationist Page 4 KANKAKEE COUNTY What Does a Historic Preservation Commission do? HISTORIC The establishment of a countywide historic preservation commission in 2007 was the first step PRESERVATION taken to protect Kankakee County’s historic heritage. With the creation of a Historic Preserva- COMMISSION tion Commission by the Kankakee County Board of Supervisors, the commission was author- ized to: Conduct surveys to identify historic resources. Designate landmarks, 189 E. Court Street Establish local districts with a majority of property owner consent. Room 201 Kankakee, IL 60901 Use guidelines to review building permits of designated properties, and Phone: 815.937.2940 Issue Certificates of appropriateness. Ext. 5555 E-mail: [email protected] Development of a historic preservation commission is also a necessary first step in receiving www.k3countyhistoricpreservation local government certification by the National Park Service.
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