
Cover ii. THE ELIM EVANGEL AND FOURS(JUARE REVIVALIST October 14rh, 1928. The Elim Evangel AND FOURSQUARE REVIVALIST (Editor: Pastor E. C. W. Boulton) Official Organ of the Elim Foursquare Gospel Alli:rnce EXECL'TI\'E COL'l\'CIL: Principal George Jeffreys (President) Pastors E. J. Philhps (SecretMy-Genernl), E. C. W. rloulton, ABERDARE. Octolwr 9-20. Elim I-out squart> Goc.,pei Chu rt h, ( .111•11111 P. N. Corry, S. Gorman, ,v. G. Hathaway, C. J. E. Kin~-:to11, Street. Evangelistic. Campaign by P,1sror H. \\. F1t>l<lmg R. ~forcer, and J. Smith BELFAST (Sallys1llan). Odob('r JO to JG. Elim Tabernacle, { 'ru111lin General Headquarters, Road. Evangelistic campaign conductl:'<l by Pastor David \'anstone. 20, Clarence Avenue, Clapham Park, London, S,W.4. Sunday, 7 p.m. \Veek-nif,!hts, 8 p.m. BELFAST (BaJlysman), :\on mhPr 19, 20. Elim T:d,ern:,clc, Cn11nlin l~oa<l .•\11nunl Co11\.l'ill1un. S:dunby, :-L:-:50 and j" p.111. Sur1<b~, I I.JO ;1.rn .• _V_o_l._X_I_X_.____ O_c_t_o_b_er 14,_1_93_s_·_____ N_o_._4_1_._ :J,3U and "i p.m. Spcci:d ... pr·:ikn-.. CROYDON. October !J. Elim Tabcrnndt.', Stnnley Rozid. London CONTENTS Crusnder Cho;r, 6.30 p.m. DOWLAIS. :\'oU'llll){'r ,)-11. Eli111 T:dH_'l"Jl:tclt-, ]\'{)I" '.-:itrt•(•l. E1::11lr Power frnm on High 641 g't>li,;tic campaign by Paslor H. \\". F'il'ldinJ,!. The lnYisiblc Chri~t 642 DRIFFIELD. ;\o\V JffOCl'P<ling- in thl' :\ll'chanic••-' In"lillllt', E_-..:change S11·l't't, Go...,pel C.impuign h_, E\ :11114(·1:~i-. R. B. Chapnwn a!l:d (; h. The (;ifts of th<: Spirit 643 :\Ialllww.-;_ Sundnys ;rnd \,\"et->lrnighl-. (1·v·Ppt :\londay-.) :it 7.30. The Dying Infidel 645 ELIM WOODLANDS will lie open to visitors on the last Saturday nf l:':1ch, The Sl1:idows 7.'ersus the: Su11rist• 646 month throughout the coming month'>. .\1eeting-. will be arranged with sp~cial spe::i.kers to follow the lea lit 4.30 p.m. i\dmi~~ion 1/-. Family .\lt:ir 647 GUERNSEY (Va2:on). (frtolwr fJ-~:i. Elim Hall, \·:1:1on. 1,:,·,rng,,1i"1:r The Super-Ki11gdrn11 648 Campaign hy Pa~lor L. "\!orris. Sund,1y-., JO n.111. :1nd (i p.rn. \\'('t·k- Editorial 650 niglih, 7.45 (Pxeept S:t1urdny,;)_ HORNSEY. Octoher lJ, 18, 3.j and :-J'on.'rnl>f'r 1. Elim T:dwrrrnde,. Scc,·eu,rial ::\' oks 650 Duncombe Ror.d, off Homsey Rise. Spl'ci<'ll snit>s of Bible !-llidi,,.; 011 Bonds of Ble:;;;~ing:--­ 651 the \Vork of the Holy Spirit, by Pastor E. C. \V. Boulton. Junior J ,Jttings 652 ISLINGTON. Octolwr J:j, go, ~7, ~nd >,;o,·,,rnbf!r 3. Elim T;1ht•rt1;H"I,· .. Fowler Road, off Halton Ro;id. Speci;d Serif"-. of Bible :siudie-~ nn 1h,­ Elin1 ( 'rusader Pa~e 655 Work of the Holy Spirit by Pastor E. C. \V, Boulton, .\Jusic: Linking and J .i,l 'ning 656 KNOTTINGLEY. Octobt•r 22-2i, Com·E'ntion, Elim Tub,-rnnck, Cu\\' Bibk Study Help, 656 I.ail!:'. Spenkers: Pastors H. \V. Gn't'll\\·ay, T. E. Frnnci~, J. \\'t1t1dh1.':1d, S, E, l--k111H·r nnd E. Dninton. Com·en1·r: Pns.tor J. ~;wlor, Times of I)nrkn~ss 656 LISBURN. October 15-16. .\nnunl Convenlion. Salunl;I\. 3.'.10 ;tlld i p.m. in thr- Assembly Rooms. Sundny, 11.30 .:-1.m., S rmd H :-m p.lll, in 1lw Elim Tub('rnncle, \Vallacc _.\venue. SpPakPI''-: Pn'-tor, \\', \hrtin,, Terms.-10/- for' one year or ,J/- for H -n10nths', post fr~e to ~1ny T. H. Stc\·cnson, J. J, Xorris, L. T. 0. Kf'lly, rind (~ \\'. (~ilpin. ('l)!C­ ~~"- ' \'f'llf'I": P:1,;tor J. F. H.irdmnn. Printed and Published .e,-ery Friday by the, Eliln ,Publishing Co., 1 LLANELLY, Octohcr 23-Nnvemher 3. Elim Tatwrn;:1cle, hl:rnd l'lnct!. Ltd., Clnph<'l.m Crescent, London, S.h .4. , Evnngelistic Cnmpaign by Pnslor H, \V. Fielding. Quantities.-10 copies 1/6, 20 3/-, :-m 4/6 a,nd •so on, post frt'c-, MERTHYR, Commc-ncing NovPmlwr 20, Reyi,·nl nnd Tfr:,l'.11c.: C:'ll'Jl:'it_fJ; monthly payments. Odd copies charg1:·d full' price. i11 \'hP Jc-rus.alem Church, Court Stn•f't, l·nnductt·tl Ii,· l':1-.111r FI. \\ should addressed to the Elim Puhlishin~ Co. Remfttances !Je 1 Fielding. Ltd., London, cht;ques made paynhlt> Clapham Crescent, S.\V.4, arid PETERBOROUGH. Now procPf'di11:..!_ in tlH• P.S ,-\. Hnll, Li11col11 Ru:td, to Elim Publishing Co., 1.t<l. Rcvi,·al and Heating- Campaign by P:-1-,tnr G. I Frnnci'>. \\'t0 f-'knig:ht-, ~tt t_ype<l Manuscripts.-Articles submiltt..:d for rublicalion, should be 7.80 (exC'ept Saturd;-1~")- Divine Hl'nling ~l'n-irec.. trn .\lon1.\;1v-. :111d \\"1·d- or writtPn on one side of the pape1· only and, addj•esst->d to the 11e:,;d;\v~ ~1t :J ~1nd 'i.30 p,n,_ Editor, 20, Clarence Avenue, Clapham Park,,. L01i:don, S,\V.4. PONTARDULAIS. October n. Bruhll Hnll, :\lltiago Fil:'lds. Srwcial Telephone Nos.-Publi-,hing Dept.: Macaulay 2981. Headquarters spr-::iker. P::1!-tor \V. G. Hrith::1,,·ny. and Editorial Office...,: Tulse Hill 2227. Elirn \Voodlands: Tube RUGELEY. :\o,v procec<ling. Revi\nl Campai~11 in the Fnn•-.lpr''- Hill :J8G0, 11 J--hdl. {'n11ductrd hv Pnstor nnd \[r,. E. J, Thomp-.011. Sund:1Y"-, R p.m Telegrams.-Publishing Dept. " Vicptess,, Claprom-London. \\'et'i~-nights. 7.:{0 · (t-xcept Fridn,·, ), Hendqunrters and Editorirll Offices: " Foursquan't Clapcom- SMETHWICK. October 22--27. C:orl\'ention snvicl:'~ in the Elim London." Tabl:-'rn;,d(", Oldbury Roa<l. S1wrtl-u"'r-.: Pa::.tor:- E. C. \V. Boulton, S Gor111:=i.n. J. T. Brndley, D. T. R1,.1dkin, nnd H. Pallispr. Convener: Pastor \V. Kelh·. ST. LEONARD$. OctolH'r 2:-:L Palai:=. dt-- DarH'1•. Sil\-1-'rhill I.nmlt,r' BOOKS FOR BIBLE STUDENTS ("ru,.,•1.h·r Choir, 7 p.m. (Cho;r :1t \1nid'.->101w Pric.on. 2_::w p.m.). WIMBLEDON. October HL Elim Tahernnch"', SnuthPy R.o:id. London, Cn..1~11df'r Choir, 6.30 p.m. IMPENDING GREAT EVENTS. Addresses on the Second WOOD GREEN. Octobrr 2-lfi Rrnnk Hall, Rr-nok Ro::1d, off ;\bn• 1-;;; Ro;id, \Tr:etings for the rlN'f)P!lin~ of ,;piritu;;il life hy Principal P. G. Coming and Suhsequent Events, delivered in Great Britain, Parker. Canada, and U.S.A. by John Ritchie. 2/6 net (2/10 post free). TABERNACLE TALKS. A series of conversational talks for young folks on the wonders of the Tabernacle, by E. G. Clarke. Very useful to Sunday School Teachers. 1/- net (1/2 post free). The PENTECOST. By J. I. Brice. "This is a hook which glows and inspires," writc,s Dr. ~ ewton Flew. Cloth boards 3/6 net (3/10 post free). THE VOICES OF TWELVE HEBREW PROPHETS. The IP1rii1rncii11,all & l~eviivall IPa1rtyr Minor Prophets and their living messages for to-dny. By G. Campbell :\forgan. 2/6 net (bv post 2/10). AT NOTTINGHAM HOW TO MARK YOUR BIBLE. A helpful book for all students of the \\lord, with many suggested outlines and illus­ tration,s. By Mrs. S. Menzies. 2/- net (by post 2/4). PALESTINE AND THE BIBLE. Samuel Schor's u,seful and The City Temple, Halifax Place· interesting book about the manners and customs of the people in Bible Lands. 1/6 net (1/8 post free). EXPLORING THE BIBLE. A Study of Background and 81tlhi to Sun., Oct.. 1161tlhi. Principles, by Frank E. Gnebclein, Headmaster of Stony Brook School. 2/6 net (2/9 p<lst free). "YE ARE CHRIST'S." A spiritual book showinl-( the hil-(h Week-nights (except Friday) 7.30 p.m. stHndMd expected of the Christian. Bv J. T. ~hwson. 2/­ Sunday 10.45 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. net (2/3 post free). Thursday • 3.0 p.m. THE STONES CRY OUT! ,\ p<lpulctr cornpenuium of Biblical nrchreologv. Foreword by Dr. Dinsdale Young. Jllus­ trated New Revised Edition. 3/6 net (4/- post free). SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8th. at 7.30 p.m. ELIM PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED, Clapham Cre ■ oent, London s.w.1. CREA T CRUSADER RALLY OCTOBER 14th, 1938 The Elim Evangel AND FOURSQUARB REVIVALIST The Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance was founded Publications and Supplies. Elim Bible College Cor­ by Principal George Jeffreys, its present leader, respondence School, Elim Crusaders and Cadets, Elim in Ireland, in the year 1915. The Principa!'s Foreign Missions, and Foursquare Gospel Testimony. campaigns have filled to overflowing the largest It stands uncompromisingly for the whole Bible as the halls in the British Isles, 'and have resulted in many inspfred Word of God, and contends for THE FAITH thousands of converts to Christ, and notable- miracles against all modern thought, Higher Criticism, and of healing. The Movement consists of Elim Revival New Theology. It condemns e:xtravagances and and Healing Campaigns, Elim Four square Gospel fanaticism in every shape and form'. It promulgates Churches and Ministers. Elim Bible College. Elim the old-time Gospel in old-time ,Power. Vol. XIX., No. 41 OCTOBER 14th, 1938 . Fridays, Twopence Power from on High By Dr. H. A. IRONSIDE Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you : and ye shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judwa, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth.-Acts i.
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