March/April 2020 • Volume 47, Number 2 p. 7 p. 8 p. 12 Journal Flexibility Zachary Lippman NEW COLUMN in the Troubling Wins 2020 National Times of COVID-19 Academy of Unsung Heroes: Sciences Prize Samantha Link THE NEWSLETTER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PLANT BIOLOGISTS President’s Letter The Value of Our ASPB Community BY JUDY CALLIS UPDATE ASPB President, University of California, Davis As the impacts of the coronavirus his is an unprecedented resources on Plantae pandemic become ever more serious, and extraordinary support profession- ASPB’s Plant Biology 2020 contin- Ttime. The fabric of our als and students gency planning efforts have gathered personal and professional worldwide without pace. Among other possibilities, as lives is changing daily, and charge and provide of early April we are exploring the it will be different as you communities with feasibility of options for online access read this message than it was a forum for discus- to meeting content—including the when I wrote it a few weeks sion and resource networking and other peer-to-peer ago. Now more than ever, we sharing. Join Twitter connections that are such a vital should value our ASPB com- if you haven’t component of Plant Biology confer- munity. Indeed, none of us is already and follow ences. Decisions are still pending; alone. ASBP (@ASPB); we will share more detailed informa- The goals of this letter are post ideas, ask for tion as soon as we are able to do so. to point you toward resourc- suggestions, and In the meantime, we thank you for es that might be particularly list resource URLs. your patience and commitment to the helpful to the ASPB commu- Better yet, encour- Plant Biology conference. Follow all nity and to encourage all of age your colleagues updates at: plantbiology.aspb.org. us to reach out (virtually, of (and help them) course) to our colleagues to to join Twitter and Please let us know how offer support and to provide (or seek) assis- follow ASBP to keep us connected. ASPB can help. Send us your tance when needed. To academics in particu- Fortunately for educators, ASPB already ideas and questions via lar, if you are knowledgeable about distance has developed some potent online resources. [email protected] or or online instruction and assessment or have Teaching Tools in Plant Biology, first devel- [email protected]. And please teaching modules that are sharable, consider oped by Mary Williams, a features editor for stay healthy. making them available via Plantae. The continued on page 3 Contents Council members highlighted in blue ASPB Council also serve on the Board of Directors. President Judy Callis Immediate Past President; Chair Rob Last President-elect Maureen McCann Secretary Wayne Parrott Treasurer; Chair, Board of Trustees Kent Chapman Elected Members Christine Foyer 1 President’s Letter Clint Chapple Laura Wayne 4 ASPB’s 2020 Sharon Gray Women’s Young Investigator Chair, Membership Committee José Dinneny Travel Award Winners Announced Chair, Minority Affairs Committee Gustavo MacIntosh Chair, Publications Committee Neil E. Olszewski Chair, Women in Plant Biology Committee Laura Wayne Chair, Education Committee Erin Friedman 5 Society Civic Science Initiative: Advancing Collective Chair, International Committee Anja Geitman Support for Civic Science Activities Chair, Science Policy Committee Nathan Springer Sectional Representatives 7 Journal Flexibility in the Troubling Times of COVID-19 Mid-Atlantic Section Mike Axtell Midwestern Section Gustavo MacIntosh Northeastern Section Carolyn Lee-Parsons Southern Section Ashlee McCaskill People Western Section Kulvinder Gill Mexico Section Rubén Rellán Álvarez 8 Zachary Lippman Wins 2020 National Academy Early Career Plant Scientists Section Rishi Masalia of Sciences Prize Environmental and Ecological Plant Physiology Section Andy VanLoocke Primarily Undergraduate Institutions Section Leeann Thornton Where Are They Now? Ambassador Alliance Sunil Kumar 9 Ken Keegstra ASPB Staff Chief executive officer Crispin Taylor, [email protected] Chief financial officer Clara Woodall, [email protected] Executive and governance affairs administrator Sylvia Lee, [email protected] 11 ASPB Legacy Society Founding Members Accounting manager Teressa Leath, [email protected] Senior staff accountant Jotee Pundu, [email protected] Senior staff accountant Francky Rakotomanana, [email protected] Unsung Heroes Director of meetings and events Jean Rosenberg, [email protected] Conference coordinator Teresa Myers, [email protected] 12 Samantha Link Senior membership manager Shoshana Kronfeld, [email protected] Community engagement administrator Katie Rogers Web systems manager Mark James, [email protected] Legislative and public affairs director vacant Science Policy Executive coordinator, Plant Science Research Network Natalie Henkhaus, [email protected] 14 Policy Update Education coordinator Winnie Nham, [email protected] Director of publications Nancy A. Winchester, [email protected] Publications assistant Diane McCauley, [email protected] Subscriptions manager Suzanne Cholwek, [email protected] Subscriptions assistant Linda Palmer, [email protected] Managing editor Jennifer Regala, [email protected] Science writer, Plant Physiology Peter Minorsky, [email protected] Production manager, Plant Physiology Jon Munn, [email protected] Peer review manager, Plant Physiology Ashton Wolf, [email protected] Senior features editor, The Plant Cell Nan Eckardt, [email protected] Features editor, The Plant Cell Mary Williams, [email protected] Production manager, The Plant Cell Susan Entwistle, [email protected] Peer review manager, The Plant Cell Annette Kessler, [email protected] The ASPB News is distributed to all ASPB members and is also available online. It is published six times annually in odd-numbered months. Its purposes are to keep membership informed of ASPB activities and to reinforce the value of membership. The ASPB News is edited and produced by ASPB staff from material provided by members and other interested parties. Copy deadline is the 5th day of the preceding even-numbered month (for example, April 5 for May/June publication). Contact: Nancy A. Winchester, Editor, ASPB News, 15501 Monona Drive, Rockville, MD 20855-2768 USA; [email protected]; 301-296-0904. © 2020 American Society of Plant Biologists 2 ASPB NEWS | MARCH/APRIL 2020 PRESIDENT’S LETTER available for viewing on Plantae Finally, as part of our ongo- senior membership manager. To continued from page 1 (https://plantae.org/education/ ing Transparency Project, get to know José, I asked him The Plant Cell, is a free resource plantae-webinars/), and ASPB standing committees are high- a few questions. When you see with more than 40 tools avail- is adding more every month. lighted through these letters. The him, Shoshana, or Membership able (https://community.plantae. Keep checking the site (as well Membership Committee (for Committee members, please org/organization/teaching-tools- as Twitter and your email!) for current members, see https:// thank them for their efforts. in-plant-biology/dashboard). If announcements of future webi- aspb.org/about/committees/ For updates on ASPB and you haven’t perused the topics nars in which you may partici- #toggle-id-7) is guided by its new COVID-19, please visit https:// recently, I urge you do so; the pate live and ask questions of the chair, José Dinneny, and support- plantbiology.aspb.org/covid- recent addition “Computational panelists. ed by Shoshana Kronfeld, ASPB’s 19-updates/. Stay safe and healthy. Image Processing in Microscopy” includes a hands-on workshop. Another free resource is the online image library from the Meet José Dinneny, first edition of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of Plants Membership Committee Chair (https://aspb.org/publications/ other-aspb-publications/online- image-library/). And Focus To help members get to know What do you value about your Collections in Plant Physiology you, how did you get into ASPB membership? (35 of them; see http://www. plant science? I love the big-tent feeling of plantphysiol.org/collection) are It really began as I was try- ASPB. You have members from excellent resources for a themed ing to choose my major at all walks of careers and disci- course. the University of California, plines. The young plant scien- Mentoring is valued at ASPB Berkeley. I had become a bit tists also have an important and is particularly important in disillusioned by the large role to play in the governance doing these things well is to ac- these stressful times. Again, ASPB number of premed students of the Society and in bringing tively participate in the Society can help as you remind mentees in the molecular and cellular innovative new ideas. With the and act as on-the-ground am- of the value of your professional biology major and did not recent initiation of the Early bassadors communicating the community. A student space on feel they shared my passion Career Plant Scientists Section, importance of plant science. Plantae features resources and for discovery. I was excited I hope we will see even more discussions for undergraduate about how basic discovery participation by students and What is your favorite activ- and graduate students (https:// could ultimately be applied to postdocs in ASPB. ity at the annual Plant Biology community.plantae.org/ increase the sustainability of meeting? organization/student-space/ our society and started to think Thank you for your service If I’m to be 100% honest, it’s dashboard). And in lieu of more about majoring in plant as chair of the Membership presenting my lab’s research. It’s in-person meetings, webinars biology. When I looked at the Committee. As you begin your ultimately important for us to are already available, spanning courses required, I was excited leadership, is there anything in understand that at our core, we topics from professional devel- by the holistic education in particular you would like your are a scientific society here to opment (e.g., Preparing Your plants I would get. Donald committee to focus on? support the success of plant sci- Manuscript for Submission) to Kaplan’s Plant Morphology We need to help our young entists.
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