VoL. 1. No. 38 Published Every Friday Drew Field, Tampa. Florida November 20. 1942 · RICHARD HIMBER BAND· HERE TONIGHT Turkey Parade at S. Sgt. George W. King GALAXY OF STARS TO ENTERTAIN Drew is Scheduled ON RADIO VARIETY SHOW _For Thanksgiving FOR DREW FIELD SOLDIERS Look at that turkey gobbler strut- right into the roasting At 8 o'clock tonight, the Coca-Cola show, headed by Rich· ovens of Drew Field's kitchens! ard Himber and his 17-piece orchestra, are coming to Drew It's Thanksgiving Day, 1942. No. Field. For this purpose the Maintenance Hangar at the corner yot1're hot home, but it's the of Tenth Street and E A venue has been opened and equipped . ~xt best . thing. The . Army is : seeing to it ·that you get a real ~ith a full-size stage. In addition to. the noted orchestra lead~ · hopest-to-goodness Thanksgiving ( er and his men, other musical stage stars will appear before di'hriei·. · · · 1 1 the soldier audience. 1 Take a look at ·the menu: I . Sara Ann McCabe, chosen · · I Breakfast: ! sweetheart of t h e · American Oranges, oatmeal, fresh milk, p X Off" H . Army, will sing her special brand scrambled eggs, bacon curls, toast, a • leer as . of swing. Other vocalists featured : butter and coffee; "f are Marjorie Lee and Pat Mar- . Dinner: 1 e 0 or u I e shall. Jack P_owell, the acrobat~c . Fruit cup, - roast i:urkey and I L d( I f I L drummer, Will perform on h1s cranberry sauce and dressing and drums. The Four Franks will giblets, gravy, corn, peas, stuffed What the corner drug store is dance. celery, tomato salad, bread, butter, J to the small town, the post ex- One of the features of the eve­ pumpkin pie, apples, grapes, cof- change is to an Army field. At ning will be the weekly broad­ fee, candies, nuts; I the post exchange the soldier can cast over station WFLA of the Supper: buy an ice cream soda, a pair of Drew Field Star Variety Show. Turkey soup, cold cuts, sliced ! socks or a bottle of fancy perfume This will bring to the stage and cheese, potato salad, sandwich for the girl back home. It supplies ~icrophone those talented sol­ buns, butter, chocolate marshmal­ him with all the extras the Army d1ers_ who ~ e re ch<?sen by the low sundae, tea. doesn't issue and some things it Special Services Office as Drew How's it sound? Does it make does. Field's outst~nding talent on you hungry?· It should satisfy ... , 1 ___...,- I The post exchange system is Wednesda~ mght at th': Base one of the country's biggest:,mer- Ar17na. Th1s will be _the first oc­ chandising businesses but one in caswn that the broadcast has which the profits go 'back to the I:>,een made directly from Drew Soldiers Urged to ] customers for recreational and FIeld. · other purposes. ·officers as well as enlisted men Use Proper Conduct I At the head of the post ex- are invited to attend. A section changes at Drew Field is Captain of ~he hangar will be reserved for Edwin P . Jones, a native of Penn- offH'ers. · When Furloughing! :;ylvania. He has led a varied and j Whil_e t_here is nothing definite mteresting life. As a boy he went Iabout 1t. 1t IS rumored that some Going on a furlough, are you? to New York Military Academy Tampa University girls will be in Or your outfit is pulling out on at Cornwall-on-the-Hudson for It~e audience. A1:d when soldiers, a troop train, is it? If so, watch four years, holding the rank of ,e-1rls and music get together, your behavior. In spite of previ­ · sergeant, lieutenant and captain. there's bound to be some dancing. ous instructions on the question I Later he attended Lehigh Univer- 1 · ~----- of misbehavior of military person- -------------- sity where he was a member of nel on trains and busses, many the R.O.T.C. and was elected a Morning Blackout Fails 1 member of the fraternal order of complaints CO?tinue to be brought Young Assistant To Stymie Drew Men to the attentiOn of the War De- He Was Under Phi Beta Kappa, the national col­ partment. , lege organization for honor stu- 1 dents. A black()ut visited Drew Field . Misb~havior ci~ed inclu~es in- 1 at reveille time on Monday morn­ tox 1catwn, annoymg and disturb- AdJUfanfof Drew , For the next 17 years his busi- ! Fire Before; AI ness activities were centered I !nc:. As the !':dldiers were dressing ing civilian passengers, damaging F• ld p d around public and orivate ac- 1 to fall out for roll call, the bar- and defa<;ing railroad equipment, le romo e overrunnmg lounge c a r s on · 1 · Pe a Ir Harbor (Continued on Pao-e 2) · -,racks lights began to blink and, through trains, failure to comply "' shortly. they went out altogether, with state laws as_ to seating, im- Armistice Day was promotion ""'I:::::::::::;::::;m:::::;t:':: ''''":';;;;::;:;::;:;?r:tmrrrrmwt:m leaving the entire field covered d f d 1 "I've been under fire before," ,,,,, '''''' I. completely in darkness. pwper ress or _um onn, an gen- day for Lt. Clinton A. Davis, Base Staff Sergeant George w .. King, 1 off ::::::::::; m::n Dr-:! W men. hO\'.' tve;·, did not eral obnxwus d1sorder. , Assistant Adjutant. He traded of Columbus, Ohio: said, "and I'm Ipermit the blackout to stymie Such incidents, regardless of the his second lieutenant gold bars ready to go again if they let me." their- morning ablutions and number of military ·personnel in- for the silver bars of a first lieu- TwEnty-four year old Sgt. King, , breakfast. Roll call was. carried volve_d, create an l!n~av?rable im- tenant.. now section chief in the Commu- .. ) out by fiashlight, and men shaved, presswn of the diSCipl~ne of t~e The ··oung lie utenant- he is · nications Department of the base :; 1 wRs~eci and clPan<·d their teeth A_rm_Y and are a refle_ctwn of d1s- only 26 years old -comes from squadron at Derw Lield, did pub­ bv aid nf ·oencil f!a5hlights and Ciedit _upon the Service. Houston, T~::xas. He entered the licity work for the Music Corp. 1 similar intltruments. The mtemper~te use of alcohol~c IArmy m Feb., 1941, at Hou:;ton. of America, Beverly Hills, Calif,, Nor were thev thwarted in their bevPrages, particularly on public He graduated from the· Officers until ~nt'O'rine- the Army on Mav Pfforts to satisfy their hunger. ca rrier~ , ma:y necess~tate the pro- C~n~hdat~ School, ~ir _Corps Ad- i8, 1939. a t Fort Logan, Col. ..The ,ll'i:::: :' .:;::[lji~ ·:-! :·) '::! Some mess halls were illuminated , ~nulgatwn of regulatiOns prohibit-, mm1stratwn, at M1am1, Fl~. , on first year and a half of his Army I P · 1 hv headliP:hts lifted by trucks and mg the sal~ of str<?~g liquors_ to I June 24, 1942. and was assigned career proved uneventful \( ((}}}( shN•e into the aisles. C<>ndles all persons m the m1htary sen: 1c ~ . to Drew F1eld on July 5, 1942. On July 3, 1939, he was sent to. I ·Ncre used in others, while still <;;ond~tct usually charactenstlc Lt . .pavis was a departmental Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, wht>rc· .others resorted to kerosEne lan­ of mtox1cat~d mel?- _constitutes an head m the. Houston Sash and he joined the 27th Infantry. In terns. And those mess halls that 1 offense agamst ~uhtary law. Do_or Co. I;e IS th_e son of Mr. and March, 1941, he was transferred h'l.d no c;ourr:e of light waited un­ ---.-- M1s. C. \\. Dav1s: Route No. 9, to the Air Corps at Wheeler Field. +il navbreak to feed the chow Base L1brary to Open ! Box 1067 -A~~~ston, Tex. There ~e took a pve- ~o_n~hs rlines. - 111 Hawauan DIVISIOn The n ew Base Library Number course the I ·--------- 1 NO DRAFT BAIT One will open next Monday, No- A I G t Pf F . I RadiO School. vember 23, in-the Service Club at rmy S ·o C. a1res ,on Sunday mornmg, D_ec y, 1 CAMP ATTERBURY, Ind. the corner of Avenue c and Sixth Numbers 1, . 3 and 5 1941, he was fast. asleep 111 }_liS Sgt. Donald Ike was home on fur­ Street. The library now boasts an barracks. Everythmg was qme! , lough when the stork visited his addition 2000 books covering a and peaceful. And then, at 7:5;J domicile. He wired his buddies variety of subject matter, fiction, Private First Class R. Harald a.,!11 .. tbmgs bega~ to pop loos ~ : back at the post: "No draft bait t~~mcal knowledge, biography. Faires, of Charlotte, ·N . C .. ha;: Suddenly I he~rd a b1g racket, CAPT. EDWIN P. JONES Istop Nine pound baby girl." h1story. All Drew men are invited found that most things happen to he said, m descr1bm$" the events to come into the library on Mon- him on dates which contain the of that f a t ~ fu I m orn mg. '-I man- day to inspect the books and to numbers 1, 3 or 5. He w as in- (Contmucd on Page 2) r egister for membe1"ship. ducted into the Army on Sept 15. >t------ Army Urges Officers And Men --------------; 1941, was transfe rred to Mac •1. ' I Ga., Oct. 13, to ihe Signal Corps ATTENTION! ECHOES I a t Drew Field. D ec. 13, and r e­ BLESSED EVENT To Take Out life Insurance· CORRESPONDENTS I ceived a furlough April ] ~ .
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