GOOD MQR.N,INS, IOWA CITY! The weather will become warmer with increasing cloudiness today. Rain is moving in from the east and will cover the entire state by tomorrow. I and foUl' at owal1 strict cO\lrt Eslablished 1868 Vol. 78, No. 206 AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa, Wedl?esday, May 22--Five Cents Int darnal@ --~ uWe 8@@ka ['n ul COUI. I Mott, 2nc\ burn, Slh .' • 2nd Wnrd' reele; <:to' I?; Thohlb lie ChHfen. I hy .or Lacina, ru.g ncertaih In.ers Capps, 5th ----~,----~--~~------------~-----------------------------------------~-------------------------~ , Srd ward' ,and Hele~ Hill'er's Czechoslovakian;Ruler Tehran Government ; Blind Ex-Marine Casts Vote Ie attorney Lewis D.eclares Continuation IV. AI~igh~ ' . • • Confirms Red Army Sentenced to Public Execullon Deadline Evacuation Of Operations Up to Workers Karl Hermann Frank Prince Firouz Denies 8 y IIAROLD W, WAltD • To Pay Penalty , Ambassador's Report WA 'nlNG'l'O:\ (AP)-'rbe o\'crumenl f,'izcll the " rt coal n chimney mines ycstcrdilY but failed 10 get any immeuiate as urane from 100 damage For Lidice Massacre As Fighting Subsides John L. Lcwh; that the min r~ will continuc ot work wheu the !, 113 'lar. trike II truce" expirc,' • 'at Lll'uay. PI\AGUE (AP)-Karl Hermann D:3 0 a. m. TEHRAN (AP) ...:.. Propaganda eeretul'y of the lntel'io[' KI'l1!!" who tak<,s I:lIol')\'<' of the mines Frank, ruler of C~echoslovakia J, J. Clark Minister Prince Mozalfar Firouz under thc cizul'll orucr err etiv IIfteL' midnig-ht In t night, told square f@et under Hitler, was sentenced to declared tonight that a state in­ 1I news confcl'ence thut Lewis tooli thc po ition that the que tion 1 the root publlc ellecuUon ye>terday by the vestigating committee had found of continuing work was one rOI' individual mille!. I by insur: people's court which found him the chie£ly responsible for the massa­ that all Soviet troops left Azer­ Kl'Llg suiu that "we u~ked hi tlPPo['I" ill, keeping the mine baijan p1'ovince and all of Iran nen elttin~ cre of Lidice and the destruction of opel'utill" und Lewis look the request" under c:onsiuerutiOIl." A the villages of Lidice and Zubrl. by the May 6 deadline set in the seconu conference with JJew!s will be h 'Id thi ' moruillff but n:otor of • recent Soviet-Iral/ian accord. mxe~ near Frank, one time Proteclor of Kl'Llg ~lJid JJ 'wis muu(' "no ]1l'ollliHCS, and we ['I'qllcbted none." Bohemia and Moravia unde!' Firouz' statement came as re­ S. Gilbert ports of fighting near the Alter­ I\1'U" al 'o conferred with 1'epJ'c~enluti\' " of he op ratol '. Nazism, Is the first Na~i of cab­ H e told l' pOI'tel's afLt' l'w!1l'ds thaI he will a\tl'U1I)L to work out inet ranlt to be sentenced to death baljan border suddenly subsided. Instructs Ala th pl'illciplc of a new bitumil1ou~ coul conlt'Uct dUl'ing the gO\'­ in a wal' crimes trial. Under the He sa id a telegram was sent rnmcnt opet·ulion. people's court practice of swiH today to Hussein Ala, lraniun am­ justice, the death sentence is ex­ Aft!'I' Ihi" hw; bcclI done', he I'xpillincd, the OP't'utor!! ",ill be bassador to the United States, in­ call dill "fot· di .. cu :i011S." pected to be carried out 8 0011- structing him to communicate to possibly today. H e said it might bccomc neec .. 11l·Y fa l' the go\'cl'Iltn 'nt to wOl'k KARL HERMANN FRANK the United Nations security coun­ ou uctuil~ of iI cOlllplpt(' con, Slumps in Chair cil the (lndings of the investiga- truct- including dispo ition of Frank slumped listlessly in his ting committee, I chair as thc court presidenl, An­ 4 G.I.'s TeU Story- Lewis' controver3ial demand for a Ala's report to the council of health and welfare (und for the tonin Kozak, began the reading of continuing Sovict interference in miners based on a seven percent the legalistic basis ot thc decision Azerbaijan, seV-proclaimed auton­ The reading was expected to con­ u.s. 'Troops smous province in the northWEst, payroll charge against production. I Krug aid that whatever con­ tinuc into today and the execulion was "not the view of the Iranian Slaughter to come soon aIleI'. The court gov'ernmcnt," Firouz said, but tract is eventually worked ou~ noled that Frank was Dot wanted Alu's "own personal views." must comply with the govern­ Smash 'Ring ment's wage-price pollcy. He said at Nuemberg or other trial.:;. Marlial Law Lifted The court had heard testimony Firouz, spokesman for Premier By' Nazis daily reports of the progl'e s of that all of Lidice's males ovel' 16 Ahmed Qavam's central govern­ govcrnment negotiations would be made to the publlc. years of age-about 17S--were Army Raids Vessels ment, issu~d his statep1ent shortly shot in broad daylight on June 10, DACHAU *(AP)-Four * * Ameri- Know I\love Today Along Danube River; after the government of separa­ "I think we will know a lot. more 1942. Witnesses testified that the Seizes Large Booty tist Azerbuijan liHed its one-day can soldlcl'S, giving gl'aphlc {!)Ie- about the s[tuation today or to- women and. children were taken to old martial law with an announce­ witness accounts of the massacre morrow," he added, Kladno, whence the women were ~~ ment that "peaceful methods pre­ of 71 American prisoners at MIII­ Lewl took the position, Krur sent to concentration Cl\mps and VILSHOFEN, Germany (AP) ~ vail." Four thousand hand-p i c ked reported, lhal. under the Smlth­ the children to scattered homes. At the same time the centl\al FORMER MARINE Albc:t Sohrn1d, blind hero of GUlldalcaJlal, In volinI' booth as he prepare to cast bls medy, said yesterday that metho­ Connally war dlspues act the government, reaWrming a deter­ ~ I The Nazis thcn put the torch to United States constabulary troops ballot III yesterday's Pennsylvania primaries. Schmid had a personal Interest in the election-be i a pem- dlcal S. S. troops directed by union "has no alternative other the,village. swarmed aboard 372 vessels in the mination to setUe the Azerbaijan ocratic candidate for nomination for scc~etary of blternal affairs. (AP WlREPHOTO) laughing officers mowed down Ihan 10 stay out. of the aUal1'll 01 dispute peacefully, ordered an in­ ~,?,I ' 'Corll Should Grow' Danube river in a surprise dawn the unarmed men with machine- lh.e mine workers" after ,overn­ A witness had testified that vestigation of tbe armed clashes raid yesterday, seized a huge bag guns and t/len Llsed pistols on ment Izure. Prank visited the village at the on the Kurdistan frontier involv­ The act. makes it illegal to ill­ o( guns and contraband and ap­ ing Iranian and Azerbaijan troo£s. survivors. I of the time of the execwtion, viewed the Stalin Regrets Delay Police Suspect Governor Blue Proud stliatc :I sl.rlke in aoy plant 01' corpses, and expl'oosed a desire parently smashed a smuggling ring Firouz said the investigating IdenLilles Nazi other property controlled by the fats to !lilt "corn shoufd grow where headed by remnant';! of the Hun­ comrn1ssion had visited all prin­ One of the witnesses, Lt. Vir­ government. IUndred Lidice stood." cipal areas-towns formerly oc­ Of Request for Grain • Of State's Financial. garian na vy. gil p, Lary Jr., of Winchester, Follow Conference of soap cupied by the Red army-and that Ky., climaxed his story of but­ Krug's news conference fol­ 'The boatS, mostly Hungarian, its finding also had been given thrown The Nazis wiped out Lldlce in By President Truman Murder In Car Legislative Records chery by stepping from the wit­ lowed nearly five how's ot con­ revenge for the assassination of were suspected of smuggling Ger­ to the British, Soviet and Unite{) ness stand scanning the Iaces of itl'cnces held by him anq Vlce­ States embassies in Tehran. enouch Reinhard Heydric, right hand man man S. S. fugitives out of Ger­ LONDON, Wednesday (AP) - RENSSELAER, Ind. (AP)-Dis- DES MOINES (AP)-Gov. Rob- the 74 Nazi defendants facing the Admiral Ben Moreell, who wlll be lake all of Heinrich Himrn1er and Franlt's Prime Minister Stalin has ex- covery of a blood-stained automo- crt O. Blue said last night he was military tribunal, and dramatically deputy coal mines administrator, many and trading in blaclt mar­ and reprcsentatives of the union i peace­ predece3sor as Protector of Bo­ proud to report that the state is identlCying George Fleps, 23, ket supplies. pressed regret to President Tru- bile with a bullet in its top in a in a "healthy financial condition" member of the !irst warren S. S, and the operators. d, don't hemia and Moravia. House Appropriations \ Boats Impounded Committee Approves man that a request that Russia as- parking lot here sent stale police to meet reconversion needs, a de- Panzer regiment, as the man est Cases of machineguns, numer­ sign grain to help UNRRA meet and Jasper county authorities on preSSion or emergencIes. whose two pistol shots touched oCf * * * ous light arms, radio sets, and , $5 Billion Navy Fund the world food crisis did not come a search yesterday for two mcn "Thc state has made pro,,'- the slaughter Dec. 17, 1944. Hero of Pacific War quantities of United States army sions for the resumption of The prosecution charges the food, clothing, and other mate­ WASHINGTON (AP) - The three months ago when the Soviet reported to have abandoned the state highway construction and nazis murdered nearly 800 Am€T- Steelman SaY$ Dies in Naval Hospital rials were seized.
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