“Blow the Trumpet in Zion” (Joel 2.15) Luther’ doesn’t just recall the shepherd’s visit; New Parish Officers He connects the Bethlehem shepherds to Jesus, the Good Shepherd: AT OUR FALL annual voters’ assembly, several new The heavenly choirs rejoice and raise parish officers were elected. Several members cur- Their voice to God in songs of praise. rently serving were also re-elected to their positions. To humble shepherds is proclaimed The officers will be formally installed into their offic- The Shepherd who the world hath framed. es during the Sunday Mass in January. Watch for Zion Trumpet information in the Bulletin on the date of the installa- Zion Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Detroit January/February 2015 Luther’s hymns — and those who follow in his tion of our new officers. Please keep our officers— hymnic legacy (Simon Dach, Paul Gerhardt, Niko- new and continuing—in your daily prayers. laus Herman, Phillip Nicolai, Nikolaus Selnecker, to name but a few)— are of a superior caliber be- All of our boards should plan on meeting soon after How Christians Order Time cause they are true theology. They get real life. the installation of the new officers. This will allow by Father Braden each board to welcome the new officers, to provide an They proclaim the problem of sin and the reality And Jesus increased in of the solution in Christ our Savior. overview of the responsibilities and initiatives of the AS CHRISTIANS, WE order our lives differently than the fallen board, to discuss with the new officers’ their role on wisdom and stature, world that surrounds us. The world marches to time, the Christian If your holidays didn’t go as planned, if you have that board, and to plan the activities of the board in lives not for the day, but for eternity. We are a Christ-centered people. and in favor with God sadness, anger, regret, remorse, guilt, or any other the upcoming year. Fr. Braden is available to all of This applies to us not only when we are in church on Sunday morn- unpleasant feelings, look to the sturdy hymns of our boards to join them for these meetings. Our Zion and men. the Lutheran Church. They proclaim the reality of boards are: the Parish Council, the Board of Parish ing. It is true of every moment of our lives. S T . L U K E 2 : 5 2 the Savior, of peace in the midst of conflict, of God Education, the Board of Trustees, and the Board of Christians follow the Church’s time—time centered in the life and serving you forgiveness in His Son. Deacons. The officers are listed on page 5 of the work of Jesus Christ. The timelessness of the Holy Mass unites us to from the Holy Gospel for the Feast of the Holy Family Trumpet. the saints in glory, and the Lord in whose presence they dwell for eter- Let it snow? Jingle Bells? Kissing Santa? Red- Nosed Venison? Forget that nonsense. nity. So our days and months are ordered by the life of the Church. Theological Symposia For us, it is not the secular calendar that marks the passage of months Get real. Sing with Luther. Now and through- AGAIN THIS YEAR, Fr. Braden, Fr. Schultz, and and years, rather it is the calendar of the Church: the liturgical calen- out the year: dar. In This Issue Vicar Grieser will attend the theological symposia All honor unto Christ be paid, at Concordia Theological Seminary—Fort Wayne, By the world’s counting, by the official calendar of our country, the How Christians Order Time Pure Offspring of the favored maid, P A G E S 1 - 2 January 20-23. The Thirtieth Annual Exegetical new year began on January 1. It is true that we are born, live out our With Father and With Holy Ghost, Symposium is on “The Integrity of the Scriptures: lives, and die on days numbered by this calendar. Pay dates, court Coming Up in the Church Till time in endless time be lost. Amen. Text and Canon”; the Thirty-Eighth Annual Con- dates and doctors appointments are numbered by it. Taxes are paid Year P A G E 3 fessions Symposium is on “Culture: Friend or by it. And the saints are remembered according to it, their days of Christian Education South American Mission Work Foe?” commemoration reminding us that we live Zion Parish Record by Father Braden Continued on page 2 P A G E 4 MY JANUARY TRIP to Colombia has been post- Lutheran Witness Subscriptions Septuagesima poned as Fr. Mario Marín, who serves the mission con- Standing Notices P A G E 5 ANYONE INTERESTED IN subscribing to the Lu- gregation in Medillín, is going to be spending some theran Witness magazine for 2015 may do so by plac- Parish Anniversaries time in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I spoke with Fr. Ma- ing $9.72 in an envelope marked “Lutheran Witness” Singing in the New Year rín recently, and we are hoping to visit him this com- with their name and address in the offering plate or P A G E 6 ing summer. mail it to the parish office. The last date to subscribe Get Real; Sing With Luther I have tentatively agreed to teach a course in Vene- or renew your subscription will be January 18. The P A G E 7 zuela after Easter, probably in late May or early June. Lutheran Witness is the official magazine of the Lu- Parish Announcements I’m scheduled to teach Ecclesiology, the doctrine of the theran Church—Missouri Synod. P A G E 8 Church, on the east side of the country, probably in the city of San Félix. I taught there three years ago. It is Enclosure: my hope to take Vicar Grieser with me when I go. As January/February 2015 more information becomes available, I’ll keep you Calendar posted. Our Lord with Simeon and Anna in His Presentation in the Temple 8 Luther’s Christmass hymns are so excellent be- now in this world. But this time, and its counting, great feasts of the church year was Epiphany, along Get Real; cause they connect the miracle of the Christmass will end. with Easter and Pentecost. Epiphany was originally a story — the Incarnation of God — with the Chris- Sing With Luther by Father Schultz tian life. They are memorable, not because they celebration of the Baptism of our Lord. Since the For the Christian, the new year began not on the are whimsical or silly, but because they are strong fourth century, Epiphany has come to be understood January 1, but rather with the First Sunday in Advent, WE’RE IN THE Twelve Days of Christ- and deep. as we entered anew the liturgical year hearing the ac- as a celebration of the manifestation of the Lord Christ mass now, and thankfully radio stations count of the triumphal entry of our Lord Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, marked by the reading of the Gospel and retail stores have long stopped play- We’ve recently sung two of Luther’s into the City of Peace. of the Magi visiting the Lord, gifts of gold, frankin- ing the wearisome tirade of “holiday hits.” hymns at Mass: “From Heaven Above to cense and myrrh in hand. Gentiles too bow down and Earth I Come” (#85) is the chief hymn for The months of January and February are rich liturgi- About the only song played in popular worship Him. He is Lord of all. The twelve days of Christmass Midnight; “All Praise to Thee, venues with value is “Hark! The Herald cal months. As we enjoy the season of Christmass, the Christmass draw to an end on January 5. Eternal God” (#80) for Christmass Day. Angels Sing” —if they get to stanza two: twelve days following the Feast of the Nativity of Our “From Heaven Above” was originally for Lord, we gather for Holy Mass every day at Zion. Epiphany is January 6. On Epiphany, the great “Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see, Hail, Luther’s children, sung at home as a min- Christ is the center of faith and life. He is the center of feasts and seasons of the liturgical year are announced the Incarnate Deity.” iature Christmass pageant around 1535. “All our worship. On January 1, we celebrate the Feast of during Mass. After the reading of the Holy Gospel, The world’s holiday ditties, as well as many Praise To Thee” was a German hymn sung in re- the Circumcision of the pastor addresses the congregation saying “Dearly Protestant songs, completely miss the mark. sponse to the sequence “Grates nunc omnes” on Our Lord. We do so beloved, as we have recently rejoiced over the birth of Christmass Day, to which Luther added addition- Our Lord Jesus Christ, now through the mercy of God The reason for this is simple. The world is lost. al stanzas. on the eighth day I must tell you about the happiness that will stem after His birth, as Life without Christ as the center and foun- Luther’s third Christmass hymn is “Now Scripture teaches us from the Resurrection of that same Lord and Sav- dation is empty. So the world has manufac- Praise We Christ, the Holy One.” Written for that on the eighth ior…” He then announces the dates of the moveable tured a winter holiday to cope with the seem- Christmas 1523, Luther translates the Latin day He was circum- feasts of the upcoming liturgical year. ingly meaningless activities of life and darkest hymn “A solis ortus cardine” by the sixth- cised (St.
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