211 MA.NCIIK -TKH HKHAI.I), Ktn):iy, Dec 7. 1!)H4 •MANCHES'TER SPORTS 1VEATHER BUSINESS Pension case appeal Manchester is home Manchester girls Sunny, not so cold is up to the actuary to this jai alai player rally to down East today and Sunday Consumers feel confident -- page 3 Business ... paqe 11 ... page 15 page 2 i In Brief Credit bureau merry Christmas Secretaries to meet By Harihar Krishnan reiMirted in newspapers. We are typical credit report Chilton supplies to interest rates. But we are looking for United Press International running at least 10 percent stronger. a credit grantor earns for the agency ;m them to stay where they are right now. IIAH 'ITO H I) The H iirllont ilK ip lri' (il the But overall we are up 18 [tercent on the average of Sl.e.'i per report. It goes as New sales of homes bring follow-on I’ nili'ssiiMKil Seen tiirii's InlrriKitloMal will hold D.Al.l-.AS A Diillas-based nation­ number of credit reports ordered by high as Sl.l to $30 a report w hen sought business like refrigerators, draperies, Its aniui.d holidy |Kirly Dec IK al llir lla rllo rd wide credit reporting .service insists our customers. It has heen like this for by mortgage companies which require carpets and other durable items." Clidi ( onsiimers are so confident about the at least six months and we see no detailed information Chilton's expansion plans include 'I 111’ Wondt'i' W cau'i^. a lolk (lan('ui(< nnm|) economy this year they are preparing weakening of the trend. "It's hard not to be optimistic when ticquiring markets in Kansas City, St. ifflanrliTatTr Hrralft I nmi the New Ha veil area. will pi’csriil a iirof’ i'am lor a register-ringing merry (,'hristmas "I have recently talked to major you are doing 18 to 20 percent better Louis and Detroit, of Scandinavian folk d.inciiiK al Ihc parly Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm ami credit ratings eouldn t be better. banks and retailers and they tell me than la.st year," Smith said. "This is Smith predicts fewer companies in Saturday Den 8 1984 — Single copy: 254 The |■|■('cpilon will licuin al .■):;tn pm will] The tissessmeni comes from Chilton their delinquencies are lower than in our record yetir for revenue, no dinner at II :ill p in the future will extend credit through I iLiw asi-: Corp . an agency that keeps credit the past three or four years, quite a lot question about that Next year will beat their private credit divisions. Anyone inleresled in allendinf> should eonlaet histones on .some 70 million people, or lower. That means people's credit this year." "But more and more smaller mer­ Noivon Jordan during the day al 2TK 4HH7. about a third ol the country's ratings are good." Chilton, founded in t897 by Jim chants will be accepting bank and other liopniation Chilton, a leading indicator of,retail Chilton who began by helping Dallas debit cards. There will be as much or Hijackers ■ 'I'he lonsumer is leeling comforta­ activity, said the high levels of credit merchants .see whether locitl farmers more credit extended in the future but Globe president at seminar ble he IS not worrietl tihoul his job, his reports issued in August and Sep­ were paying their bills, is now the it will be done by fewer lenders. As Use chemical, liersonal ineome is going up faster than tember showed increased consumer largest credit reporting service in the Dorothy SliinmM-s. prosuicMl of Clolu-Trnvol of users get more sophisticated, the need kill four, inllalion. Ins savings are adei|iiate and spending plans for the holiday season. Southwest and the third largest in the Monclu'stri'. ivcrnliv iittondoil ;i tltrrt* ii;iy for fa.st, accurate credit information he leels he can go ahetid and borrow "Consumer confidence and liquidity nation. It employs more than 1,600 will grow. scminiir lor iravrl prolossionals on channi'Iin^ and not worry about paying it back." siross. remain high," the company said in its people in .34 states. Today it supplies “We are not in the business of free eight The soniinar. uliich was hold in WolU-sloy. s.iid \'an A Smith, president of the latest financial statement. "We antici­ some 35 million credit histories invading anyone's privacy or granting Union Carbide agency Mass., was sjHm.soivd hy the National InstiHitc (d pate that retailers will enjoy a very- annually. or approving credit to a customer. We "Kelailing is very strong tind the strong holiday season. " "If interest rates go down, housing C ortilird Ti‘a\cl AHonts. a non profit . cducal lonal only supply the basic information and it BEIRUT, Lebiinon (UPI) — and icrtifying arm ol thr IravH, industry numbers we are .seeing tire running Kvery new application for credit will become stronger next spring. I'nt is up to the grantor to approve or reject stronger than the .'i to 12 percent means more money for Chilton A getting forecasts both way.s about Terrorists holding a hijiicked ShiniuTs is a rii\c in llu- instituic. wcich awards the credit application. jetliner in Iran released eight Hit* ccrllin'd t ravel rounsolor d{■sl^nallon to lliosr hostages Friday after announcing tells affiliates who haV(* (‘oinph’tfd its Iivc p.irt Iravcl inana^o they had slain four passengers, nient cour.sr and acipilicd a niinimum of five Region faces rosy outlook Merrill Lynch Reatiy including two Americans, and By Dennis MllewskI yrars of full limo (‘\pcnrncr m Hu* In ld C. vowing to unleash "a great epic" of United Press Infernoflonol Danbury firm ’s Sliinifcrs is a j’raduatc o f VVirhiia Slate CAMBUIDCK, Ma.ss. (CPU - The Duncan stud tinnual GNP growth in the ,3 sells ConnectiGut! violence unless their demands l-m versii\ Slie is a memluT of Hon Vivanls the economy will grow m 1985 at a ptice much percent range is possible for the rest of were met. DANBURY Union (';icl)i(lc neighbors uneasy Women I'ixecutives in Travel .Association tile slower than this yetir's letip iind New decade barring damtiging deficit problems, Gunfire sounded about 4:30 p.m. Friday urged its worldwide affil­ Women’s Korum. the Association ol Helail Tiavtd PAT KERSHAW SELLS BOLTON! — story on page 10 Knghind will continue to better the mitional and the economy could make it through the local time inside the Kuwaiti iates to make finish(‘d produets A^(*nts ainf the Pacific .Area 'I'ravel Association. .average. Dun & Br;idstreefs chief econo­ decade without another recession Quality constructed Colonial in a Airways Airbus A-,300 parked on an from inventories of a eheniieal that mist siiitl Thursday. prestigious area of Bolton. Formal isolated strip of runway at the le.iked in India killing 2.0(10 people "While the growth rtites of 6 to 8 percent Mehrabad Airport in Iran, IRNA, •loseph W Duncan stiid he expected a 3.6 dining plys eat-in kitchen, Mving room in the world’s worst ebemienl "That isiheproceduretlial Union were certtiinly welcome folowing the the official Iranian news agency, Segar promoted percent retil growth in the Cross Nationtil with stone fireplace, 4 bedrooms, 2.5 disaster. Carbide Corporation has advised Product in 1985. a forecast that anticipates recession, increa.ses of this magnitude are baths are just the few features of this reported. More than 12 hours later, IIAHTKOKI) .hiiinne .SeKnr ol liollnn hnS~ Union Carliide said llie ebemieal all its worldwide affiliales llial use ^somi’ action in Washington to whittle the simply not susltiinable on a long-term it was not known if anyone was that leaked from the plani in hcen pnimoled in ollieer in the Trust Division of biisis." Duncan said well maintained home. Call for an ap­ the chemical to follow," Oldford balertd budget deficit pointment today! Pat Kershaw 872- killed or wounded in the shooting, Bhopal. India, is not dangerous said. Conneelienl Nat...... H.mk ' "1 think the key thing will be whtit the "There are still .soldiers and She will he responsihle lor I In* eoordinal ion and 7777. when b.indled properly, but said it He .said the Indian goverimu'iil adminisl ration ;ind Congress do in the first Though the current recovery has out- ambulances around the plane, but urged Its alfiliates to eonvert the had agreed to allow eonversioii of monitoring o l iriis l. persoinud and linaneial liMI d.iys ol the yetir," Dunctin told everthing looks calm." an official matters lor the iriisl area [laced others since World War II, the ehemie.d into finished |>rodiiels as inventories of the cliemieal re­ members ol the New Kngland Bank smaller gains of 1985 will put it closer in line ^ Merrill Lynch in the Mehrabad control tower told a preeaution. maining in Bhopal. Si'par has heen in the IrnsI operations since United Press International by Marketing Association. "While there is a lot with the rest. "By the end of next yetir we'll $ Realty Union Carbide Cbairman Fifteen students from Wesleyan Joininj> the hank in I‘i7!l telephone about midnight local ol posturing, my forecast assumes action" see a recovery thtd looks remarkably like Warren Anderson was arrested University in Middletown picketed in that period time. all the other recoveries," he said. k-Mart Plaza 295 Hartford Turnpike Friday in Bhopal, where 25 tons of outside Union Carbide’s headquar Vernon, Connecticut 872-7777 On Friday night, the hijackers deadly gas escaped from a Union tors F'riday.
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