DETROIT EVENING TIMES (PHOS'E CHERRY, S800) Friday. April 24. 194$ ! Automobiles for Sale for Sale * Tmeke—Commercial Cars Automobiles Wanted Amtomobiles for Sale Automobiles for Sale | |Automobile* I ‘i*i" ’ 4 For Solo •.wmwmwmwwwmwmwmmmwwmwmwwJ * CHEVROLET—I927 panel truck; good; : 54$'Harper Trinity 2-1751. | CASH WAITING j \ SELLING‘OUT nT* | LAFF-A-DAY. | Jlree; $65._ 5 HIGHEST PRICES PAID | I 0 DODGES 1941 AND 1942 0 PONTIAC 1937 4-Dr. Trunk...sl»B 0 1941—A1l Makes aad bases; 1986 U Models J Hurry Hurry PLYMOUTH 7-Dr. 299 Short and long wheel 750x20 baloon 0 Year Car Dse’t Have to Be Paid Par ) Hurry 1939 Trunk.. Special Bargains J J tires. Some equipped with stake platforms 0 Bring Toms TitU. Cell MA. Sfff 2 | , FORD 1939 COUPE 369 \ and fifth wheels Priced to sell. , 12060 Gratiot, at Inlanders. : jerry McCarthy TO THE Ford Tudor, 1934 .545.00 t LA SALLE 1936 4-Dr. Trunk.. 118 • J if FORD—I94I tractor fully equipped; excel 0 CHEVROLET CO. • Ford Coupe, 1936 93.00?( \ NASH 1937 4-Dr. Trunk 248 \ lent condition; private owner. Hogarth 6111 CASS Open Evenings Ford B 4 Tudor. 1932 41.00)j 0 DE SOTO 1938 2 Dr. Trunk 298 a 8275. J J • * truck, Ford Victoria, 1933..,. _ 35.00); WILLYS 1941 4 Dr. Sedan 848 KOrB—I93S~V-$ sedan pane)' SSO; good condition. 3700 John R Ford Tudor, \ /l I’HYR 1936 4 Dr. Sedan 196 \ FORD—V-$ panel; excellent tires; CASH SALE IN HISTORY * H-ton GREATEST Ford Coupe, 97.005 1938 4-Dr. Trunk .... 398 perfect highest 1937......... S 0 BL'ICK condition. Owner, Dearborn 4118. For your car; Northweat Detroit's Ford Coach, 1930 28.00)) MOTORS USED TRUCKS prices paid. Any maks or mode). Bring * 200 More B*r(ains 200 * “GENERAL your title. 1(40 Fsrd .... 3399 1941 Chrysler... $799 Ford Coupe, 1929. 27 00\\ Here 3925 Vermont Temple 1-6660 Os Luxe Tudor—Ruby red Royal A-doer Sedan Bur- Ford Panel, 1931 ONE of the best selections of trucks in the city. MUlenharh, 1360 Gratiot. finish; rstno and heater; gundy maroon; fluid drive; 60.00JS Parks-MacMichael PUBLIX I in W. 7-MI. RD. UN. 2-421| good rubber. htr., defrosteis, new tires. THIRD DOWN | 142 4 Camp Trollers CASH FOR YbUh CAR OPEN NIGHTS a 12025 LivernoU, Cor. Elmhurst # 4 COULSON. 3950 WOODWARD taaaagaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ADMIRAL—ROYCRAFT~COACHES pay htghesl p h ACCESSORIES AND SUPPLIES CABH FOR YOUR CAR—We TRAILER SALES, 19042 W. Warren dollar for ‘36a ’39a. '4oa; any make. ,T™ *999 1939 ‘395 BERT BAKER PLYMOUTH 14 PI dd luxe, rtbuilt £AVW DAVIS MOTOR. 4229 CASS. TK. 1-063 L 1941 rr ! motur; good tires; 375, S CAMP sleeps 4; $75 Torpedo Sevtan. <ium met*! grey. Mea'er, defros- down. trailer, cash. 13447 4 -Door Trunk Grand River at Livernoi* DAVIS—4229 C ASS ¦¦'Schaefer, near Grand River. Itubv maroon spec a uph.'is . *,r- ter and tog lights; in beautiful _ FORDS AND MERCURYS . fo*h*ht., whitewall lin-s condition. apecisl de 4-door, CLOSEOUT OK GOOD ÜBED COACHES : We are an authorised Ford-Mercury dealcj cond PLYMOUTH 1940 luxe AIRPORT priona Lika new throughout. LASALLE i radio, heater, almost new rubber; clean I 1 10640 GRATIOT. OPP. CITY_ and can pay higher for these ears* IQQQ SJAQ No waiting. Bring your title. PLnxa 0065. flOilfl FORO *fi£C 19119 OPERA PLYMOUTH-1938 de luxe trunk sedan; •Inside and out, 1042 plates; only 3545 LOANS— Refnd hodse trailers. Lloyd R- !• Floyd Rice. 14595 LivernoU. Faxt, Inc., SO4O E. Qd. Blvd. MA. 0142. DE LUXE 000 cpe. blue finish, must sell; 3245. rms and trade. 1182u lln I 5-Pass. New ra- Woodward. Me, heaiitv; radio, and htr . chrome wheels and NEW complete line. Wat- Tudor. Jet k dio son Trailer Sales. 5628 East K Mile LEWIS F. BROWN heater and perfect tlree whitewall tires Really beautiful PLTMOUTII 1929 truok d-e.r radio. ! 1900 EAST GRAND BLVD. heater, an Immaculate one-uwner beauty; PONTIAC, 1941 TRAILER parts, accessories; also d d F D repair be’ outbid on full price 3399 easy terms. 8-CYL. BTRKAMLINE SEDANETTE parts; many other useful articles. Fed- 1 WILL not Junk cars! pc ,°C0 up, I gray red Open trucks. 3850 Michigan. Lafayette 5170. 1941 c o°u *755 1941c.n *945 GORKY BUICK -11165 GRATIOT i Scratchless Pontiac finish with eral Trailer. 19049 West Warren. 4 defroster*, A real k>w mileage car. Arcadia 9 'SMi miles Beautiful blue finish. PLYMOUTH 34 special club sedan; must trimming. Radio, heater, air- dally and Bunday, 9-9. LATE MODEL CARS WANTED conditioned, a low-mile, one- JERRY MCCARTHY, 6111 CABS gray amah, radio, heater, etc. Fact r\ radio and heater. The be seen to appreciate; 380 takes It. beautiful Like new. cleanest rule in town. low ner car; tires are like new, attractively: 50 TRAILERS JACK ALEXANDER realty knqwa tlgS Ma< k down, months on balancs. ho~4 coupe, jprlced; 1-3 15 ; NEW. USED. REPOSSESSED to get the high I for your car or equity. I PLYMOUTH *1941 club black finish! MODELS. PRICES give two-tone, upholstery, driven very little, ALL MAKES. Cash in 5 minutes. Why 'em awayl heater; & 2941 East Jefferson 8435 Woodward. Trinity 2-9156. 90-Day Guar.-5-Day Exchange Trial-Bank push-button radio, Uc luxe Just Grubb McKenzie E. east of Ypellantl. Rates 3795. 1695 Michigan._2 jnt. MAYNE pays more cash for good 1937 ta 827 T.rVKRNnis READ Tlmea Want Ada for profit—use 1941 automobiles. 11150 Grand River. “ Oldsmobile FLOYD RICE Olds —11615 Woodward —Dir. ] b c |Q4fl them for results’ Hogarth 8683 SQCC __________ luxe sedan: * ¦ 300 PLYMOUTH—I94I de radio* 2-door and 4- 1941c cVU9S I Hydramatic heater, low mileage; one owner; 3695; PONTIACB -1941 stremllner NASHS waS¥bd miles. Pearl grey fi:,ish. streamliner 4-Door Bedan. PMrl door *edans, custom de 1. opera coupes, Ambassador 600 and Ambassador 6's, 1941 9.300 j terms and trade. 11820 Woodward. custom sedans; every Automobiles Wanted Mark top; radio and heater; gray. Radio, alr-cond., etc Posi- club coupe* and models. Must be clean, low mileage. Also tively new, I PLYMOUTH 1941 special de luxa ! model and color: radios and heater*; choice white wall tires. Like new. like brand folks mileage; radio, heater, Junk; we pay mors. Beat 1940 models. Good prices Cbarllt'a Nash. ° sedan; very low of 47 beauties: only 3747, 1-3 dn. or trade. AAA—Cars for d e t guarantee, Smelting. 537 E. Canfield. CO. 1582. 4940 Joy mad. TY\ 6-6060. MERCURY SOBB 5 very good tires; written |795; E. M Gregory Salesrooms, 3366 Gratiot. s errMEnpTßTT“roß“&ofnc IQAI Club Coupe 44 1939 c u st°o m ‘499 only 3265 down, we trade. Stock in Michigan AAA—JUNK CARS WANTED w Largest Highest paid. 8-4549 NEED 75 CARS AT ONCE spotless Radio, 4-Door Bed*n. Brand new tires. dollar _Townaend A black beautx. over- PAUL_ZAHNER. *OOI MACK rubber, Radio and heater. Completely PONTIAC—*39 de 1. trk. sedan; price for cars; also " heater fogligbts: perfect HALL-DODDS AA BETTER' Junk." —' TOP $ $ $~ etc. Better eee tht* one. hauled motor; very, very clean orlg. Jet black finish, radio, heater; one wrecks. S. A 8. Auto Part*. TO. 8-2380. easy For clean, used cars; aaa ua before yod 9550 LIVERNOIS owner and looks It, only $133. trade, A BETTER PRICE paid for Junk cars and sell. I Studebsker terms. Wrtgley's. p>*» >¦»» P. <n.iw Syrvßr»r<- lnic.. IQB SCOO PLYMOUTH 1940 de luxe sedan, beauti- trucks. Olive 9880. GOREY BUICK. 11165 GRATIOT IWI Champion %3LL 1940 Hydramatic *766 ful dark blue finish: spotless Interior; WE NEED CABS # De Luxe 4-l>>or Sedan. Regal Wt Series Torpedo 4-Door Trk. pet feet motor; tire* like new ; 3569. ‘So after I told him how big and strong he is, did he WILL PAY CASH FOR namun hm<h; heater and defrost, Like new. Radio and air-cond htr. GRATIOT ALABAMABUYER Your car or equity. a In 3950 WOODWARD .9100 YOU MORE MONEY COULSON, INC. ers. beautiful tires Not cleaner car town. propose? NO! He enlisted!” WILL PAT FRANK for your used car, whether paid for or not. Bring title. See us last. 3950 WOODWARD AVE. 1941 Olds .... $799 1941 Cadillac .. SI49S 8215 HARPER Os Luxe Sixty Sedanette— Sedans. Your choice of two! Automobiles for Sale Automobiles for Sale ANY MAKE or condition Junk, wrecked Low mileage; air-cond. htr., Series 61 and 62. Radio care. Cash wa!ting._ Murray 9600 : ,^.AUTiIMIiBILEI! *50,000 sedanette; almost CASH ——. ... torpedo ij defrosters; perfect tires. and heater. Low mileage. PONTIAC—*4I I no miles; heater; every 1939 PONTIAC ARIZONA BUYER underseat haa Kray I roR rsED cars, ant mare or ! The best buy in town, folks. Beautiful cars! appearance of a car; Just 3993. D« luxe 5-paw. trunk sedan: Arcadia Calling all care; paye spot cash: price no new finish; good trim; MODEL. WE BUY EqUITIES FLOYD RICK 12827 LIVERNOIS motor and Interior object. UP TO B*6 MORE heater; good tires. Only $547. WILL PAY PONTIAC—I94O de luxe aedan; radio and S Wrigley—9loo Gratiot heater; owner needs cash; only 3490. 14908 Gratiot. BUICK BRANCH % 0 body bumping psint. : 3900 Woodward Ineludlne motor robuildine. PONTIAC—I93S 4 door sedan; A-l motor, | • Ignition of otb or iaSebimxPefi&i&S(B log. brakM. work and a host good tlreg; price. Hurry. 6160 AVE. ! Dodge Dealer * CASS Authorized common 385 full 11820 £ mi vicei to remedy the ailment* to ! Woodward.
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