
NARBERTH COMI,~U:HTY L I SRARY WINDSOR AVE. f1AR8ERTH, PA. OUR • NARBERTH, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1945. ~I PRICE FIVE CtNTS Vol. 3O-No. 38 HOLIDAY GREETINGS Chnstmas. 1,91,,5 - 0111' first Christma.'l wzthout the threat and burden of IVar. IVlthout the st1al11 and horror NarberthDigs of .1 0 Inches ofSnow of knowing that our lored ones are HI dan{/e1". -------------------- It should be the Mez'riest Christmast in many a year. and nature has done her part bl/ proVIding the traditional - U· hP :1 Township Amendmeltt May Fix Narb.erth Man Killed UDIOr Ig UpuS In AIrplane Crash ,snolV that 1S part of our dearest memorzes of childhood J M~f;n~ ~1~~I~~aIT:%'j~a~~~~~ Snow Plows Out AU Christmases, Yet w our j01l. let us pause to think with . Bon'wit Teller's Zonilta: Troubles u of 217 Wayne Ave. Narberth. was gratitude and honor those 1cho hare sacz'ificed that we peaka R0tary IepaI ted killed m an au'plane S t Bonwlt Teller's zonll1g trOUbles Now the ploposed amendment clasl1 m Ansbach, Oelmany. on may live. In bUlldmg an Ardmole store ma~ 01lgll1at1111>( \l,Ith the conUnlsslon- Novembel 27, accordll1g to WOld To all our l'eaders and advert tsers we send our sin­ matlcally Ironed out If Low. ers, would give the Boald of Ad- lecelved by IllS palents on Decem- Day Clearing Roads; Ardmore Club Plans be uto justm~nt cere wishes f01' a joyous holidaJ/ and .ioin with them in a the light to grant a bel 6 Christmas Party at er Mellon commiSSIOners pass a speCial exceptIOn fOI the use of a In the service Sll1ce January heartfelt hope that 191,6 will see the establishment of new amendment proposed for the motol yehlde palkmg lot whell 1943, Pfc Haywood lecelVed tlall1­ I{nox Home Townslup's 1927 Zomng Code. the land IS unmedlatelY adJ~cent 111g m MiamI, Fla Chanute Field. firm foundati01/s for u truly lastil/g peace throughout Healing on t:le amendment Will to an R-5 lesldence 01 an' M m- and Flesno. Cal He left fOI ovel­ be January 16 at the Township dustllal dlStllCt Iseas duty m October, 1943, and Schools Close Early the world, Thl ee talented nmth glade BUlldmg m AldmQle ThiS \\ould make It unuecessalv was based at the WllmgtQn Base OUR TOWN, students of the Bala-Cynwyd Bonwlt Tellel now has pendmg to change t'1e zonmg on Bonwlt , 111 England befm e bem/( transfel- 0 • • HI JUnior High School explamed the With the commlSSlonelS a petitIOn ITellel s Mason plOpeltv but It led to Gellnany IIrate CItizen Complains To Borough a I· to change the zonmjl; on the Mason would glye the Township's Boald It IS belleved that he \\ as le- , Peter Hess Retires "The Thlee A's of B C" to o"el 0 o C. 50 mcmbels of the AldmOle Ro­ plOpel ty which the stm e bought of Adlllstment the powel to let tUI nmg fI om a fllliough on the T ffi W 0 I d B P 1 Ch f. adJacent to Its plopelty at Mont- BOl1\\lt Tellel use the land as a Rivera when the Clash occulled ra earning ssue y 0 Ice Ie , As Vice President of tal y Club at their luncheon meet­ 35 gomelv and Andelson Aves m palkll1j1; lot The Boald of AdJust- ----.- - - h· Ch 0 Students Make 111~ last ThUisday A d County Association Gelald Pitman chaumlin of edNOlthfor Aldmmea zone c:1angeThe stOleflampetltlOn-a leSI- alsomentcould111 glantmglay down thePIOVISIOUSexceptIOnfOl Method.·st Church W Ite nstmas ssure Petel CHess, Bala. retned as the daY mtlOduced Geolge WR dentlal to a busmess dlStllct so landscape SCI eemng as a buftel First Honor Roll "lce-pI'esldent of the Montgomery Ku kpatllck ,prtnclpaI of the the Mason plOperty could be used fOl neal by lesldentlal propel ties. Ten inches of snow blanketed thp Main Line Wednesday. Bala-CynwYd JUl1lor High School, County Tax Collectors AssoCiation for palkmg Passage of the amendment at the annual me€tmg of the as­ who mtroduced the three stu­ A healing on BOl1\\lt Teller's \\ould give Bonwlt Tellel the llght TH0 0Id S·ervlces slowing Christmas shoPPE'rs to a \\alk and gidng many school Ardmore Junior High sociation 111 NOll'istown on De­ dents. petitIOn was held at t:1e Novembel to use the Mason plopelty fOI children an unexpected half-l1olJdaY, cember 12 Nancy Leith secletary of the meetmg of Lower Mellon commls- palkmg pUlposes but ple\ent Its School Has Smallest He was plesented with a gIft bY School Commission. spoke on the SlOnelS The deCISion IS still pend- future use for the cansO uctlOn of ---- • II was the heaViest snow here the association and made a life first of the thlee A s, the Aca­ mg a busmess blllldmg. AnilUal ChrI·stmas Two Narberth Naval If01 many veals Some said thele List Since 1934 mcmbel of the association demIC PI ogl am. She told of the ~ ------- I haon't been anvthmK llke It 111 15 Hes.~ h pes of academiC COUIl>es offered IeVlewed the fOl matlOn. Annual Banquet Eve Service Will Officers Discharged 1~~~~\~R~~b~eog~I~~~ih~I~I~~Z~~;~~ In obsel vatlOn of the 77th history and accomphshments of the 7th and 8th gl ade students the ASSOCiatIOn 0\ el ihe past 20 and of the plepalatlOn for chOIces Held Last Tuesday Feature Solos Two Nal bel til Naval offlcels Lt 11888. Honor Roll of the Ardmore Junior Funeral Services John M Patton and Lt James I Not A Blizzard yeals III the 9th grade, and then m the High School 35 pupils wei e lll>ted Ne\\ offlcel s of tl1e ASsOCiatIOn 9th glade the ptepalatlon fOI The thud annual Fathel and ---- BIICkel \\ele leleased flam sel- Howevel, tile \leathelman mam· ab recelv1l1g fil st honOl s The ale W Velyl Walton, preSident; choices m semor high school Son banquet fOI Lowel Mel IOU s The Chllstmas pi ogl am of the vice at the US Naval Offlcel Pel- Itamed It \I as not a blizzard, smce ceremony was held last week m WIlllam A Stembach VIce-presI­ She emphaSized the academIC soccel lettelmen and theu pal ents INal bel th Methodlst CIJllI ch \\ III be sonnel Sepal atlOn Centel Boston t'1e wllld nevel Iea(;hed mOl ethan the audltOllUm of the school The dent, and Hemv J. PlOPOIt. secle­ For Sidney Milne \\ as 'leld at the WmdsOl-Essex I Mass 25 miles an hall! and thel e was a a\\ alds made each yeaI to the Inn, Nalbeltll. last Tuesda\ Iheld Sunday Decembel 23 at 9 45 Lt Patton who lesldes With hiS mll11mUm of dllftlng hst thiS qual tel' was the smallest tary and treasulel supellOl students 111 the school's hlstOlY smCe the Hess, who was defeated for the Wl1ham Buck tl easurer of the Bayton Preston a llinlOl at AM The dnldl en of the Begm- familY at 506 Homewood AVe I The sno\\ stal ted shol tJv after first Qual tel' 111 1934 when only 26 Repubhcan nommatlOn by J Wal­ Committed Suicide Lo\\el MellOn \\ as elected captam nel Pllmal I' and JUl1lOl depal t- Nal bel til sel ved 28 months 11J the 11 PM Tuesdav and did not Student CommiSSIOn, I>poke on of next yeaI s team ~ Nav~ 11J the Amellcan and Elll 0- stop IIntll late Wl'dnesdav altel­ wele hsted. tel Hammons. Brvn Mawl. m the the actIVities Ploglam He told of Follow1I1g the exel clses 18 stu­ June pllman. IS fil1lshll1g Ius fifth the extl a-cUlllcular actiVities and Last Saturday At Robel t HIll head soccel coach ments of the ::sunday School Will pean Theatl es and \\ as last sta- noon The offiCial deptll was listed oents received melltorlOus Clta­ telm as tleaSUler and tax collectol th p It theY play 111 school hte Geol~c H Gllbelt. pllnclpal of paltlrlpate MIS A W, Wald IS tlDned at the US Na\al Con- at 5 P M Wednesday as 941l1ches ilons for WOI k apPlOachmg honor _____.____ c Radnor Home Lowel Mellon. and Vmcent V m chalRe of the ploglam by the stlllctlOn Tlammg Centel Davls- \lltll tilt' weathelman pledlctmg m Lowel MellOn Township IneluJed among these al e the Pealce vlce-plesldent, spoke to bid I Ville RIA fOlmel constluctlOn an IIltUl1ate tolal of 10 mches 1011 standards school band olchestla. pubhca- Funelal selVICe \\ele held Tues- the 55 palents and lettelmen who egmne san tle pllmalY glOups engmeel With the DuPont Comp- Tile cold weathel whlc'1 follow- Those on the ~cholR5tlc honor tlOns and progl ams. loll wele: day at the Church of Good Shep- attended 1\\lllle MISS Cathellne Hackman auv Wilmington he was a\lalded ed the heall snO\1 and which IS IcO~~I~~~~.ld~~h~fd ~~ve~~h~~~ f W Russell McGI ath head of the IWill tl am the lunlor glOUp a lettel of commendatIOn I expected to contmue for sevel al Gladys Allen. Balbala Alm­ Sportsm nt0 H0Id held Rosemont 01 Sidney . Lo"el Mellon \oratlonal school The Chllstmas family wOlslup Lt Bllckel fOlmelly employed days - made It vutuallY celtam QUist, Howard Althouse Ann e }Jlamed the athletiC plogram, Milne 45, Houston Rd, Radnol. showed PlCtUl es of LM soccel II of Ihe ChUl ch \\ III be held at 11 as a mechalllcal engmeel bv hat Mam Lmel S \\ ould ha\e thel[' Beatty, Joyce Bosler Josephme dwellll1g on the mtel-scholast~c Bradley.
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