Page 1 of 17 As on 21-11-2017 GRADATION LIST OF OFFICERS OF INDIAN POLICE SERVICE CADRE Name/Qualification, Recruitment Source, Sl. Date of Birth/ Allotment Year/ Present Post or Position Remarks No HomeDistrict (State), Appointment Date/ Station & Date thereof Pay Scale Community, Confirmation Grade I.D. Code No. & Date Thereof 1 Shri Gurubachan Singh M.A., LL.B. R.R. 1984 Addl.Director, S.I.B Central Deputation w.e.f.21.08.1990 28-08-1984(F.N.) 14/12/1958 Confirmed Patna (Bihar) Mumbai HAG Rs. 67,000 - 79,000 I.D.No. 19841007 28-08-1986 2 Shri Ramesh Prasad Singh B.A. (Hons) R.R. 1984 17-12-1984(F.N.) 04/11/1958 Confirmed Muzaffarpur (Bihar) HAG Rs. 67,000 - 79,000 I.D.No. 19841054 14-12-1987 3 Shri Kanwar Brajesh Singh M.Sc.(Botany) R.R. 1985 CMD, OSRTC Ex-Cadre 23-12-1985 15/05/1959 Jr. Scale Balia (U.P.) Bhubaneswar Apex Scale Rs 80,000/- I.D.No. 19851042 23-12-1987 21.08.2017 4 Shri Abhaya M.A. R.R. 1986 Director (Training),BPR&D Central Deputation 15-12-1985 30/06/1961 Confirmed on 15-7- East Champaran(Bihar) 1989 New Delhi HAG Rs.67000-79000/- I.D.No. 19861007 10.11.2014 5 Dr. Rajendra Prasad Sharma M.B.B.S, L.L.B.,Master of Human Rights, Certificate de Moyen R.R. 1986 DG&IG of Police, Odisha Cadre (French) Fellowship in HIV 15-12-1986 15/05/1960 Confirmed on 29-6- Rajastan 1989 Cuttack HAG + Rs.75,500-80,000/- I.D.No. 19861020 31.08.2017 6 Shri Pradeep Kapur B.E (Mech. Engg.) R.R. 1986 Centre Central Deputation Director,C.I.R.A.,N.T.R.O. 25-08-1986 30/11/1962 Confirmed on 25-8- Chandigarh (Panjab) 1988 New Delhi HAG Rs.67000-79000/- I.D.No. 19861024 22.01.2016 7 Shri Bijaya Kumar Sharma M.A.(History),L.L.B, Certificat Moyen(French) Graduate R.R. 1986 D.G.P.,FS & C.G HG & Ex-Cadre Study(Hopkins, USA) Director Civil Defence, Odisha 15-12-1986 08/10/1962 Confirmed on 15-08- Mayurbhanj (Odisha) 1988 HAG + Rs.75,500-80,000/- I.D.No. 19861038 03.11.2017 Page 2 of 17 As on 21-11-2017 GRADATION LIST OF OFFICERS OF INDIAN POLICE SERVICE CADRE Name/Qualification, Recruitment Source, Sl. Date of Birth/ Allotment Year/ Present Post or Position Remarks No HomeDistrict (State), Appointment Date/ Station & Date thereof Pay Scale Community, Confirmation Grade I.D. Code No. & Date Thereof 8 Shri M.Nageswar Rao M.S.C (Chemistry) R.R. 1986 Jt. Director,C.B.I. Central Deputation 15-12-1986 06/07/1960 Confirmed on 15-08- Warangal (AP) 1988 HAG Rs.67000-79000/- I.D.No. 19861059 28.04.2016 9 Shri Sunil Kumar Bansal B.Com,LL.B, CA R.R. 1987 Joint Director, S. I.B. On central Deputation M.P,Bhopal w.e.f 26-9-1994 15-12-1987 (F.N) 17/06/1962 Confirmed on 15-12- Jaipur (Rajastan) 1989 HAG Rs 67,000-79.000/- I.D.No. 19871003 05.10.2012 10 Shri Sunil Roy M.A (History) R.R. 1987 Director-cum-Additional DG Cadre of Police, Intelligence, Odisha 24-8-1987 (F.N.) 04/05/1960 in I.P.S Patna(Bihar) HAG Rs.67000-79000/- I.D.No. 19871046 24-8-1989 27.12.2013 11 Shri Surendra Panwar M.A LL.B R.R. 1987 Joint Director,NCRB, Central Deputation 4-9-1987 06/08/1961 in I.P.S Maheendragarh, New Delhi HAG Rs.67000-79000/- I.D.No.Rewari(Haryana)(S.C.) 19871088 4-9-1989 27.03.2013 12 Shri Satyajit Mohanty M.Sc (Geology),LLB, Master of Human Rights Degree R.R 1988 Addl.D.G.P. Provisioning, Ex-Cadre Odisha 25-8-1988(F.N) 03/08/1961 in I.P.S Bhubaneswar, Khurda,Odisha Cuttack HAG Rs.67000-79000/- I.D.No. 19881016 25-8-1990 03.11.2017 13 Shri Manoj Kumar Chhabra M.A. (Phylosophy),M.Phill R.R. 1988 A.D.G.P., Training Cadre 25-8-1988 10/10/1963 Amritsar (Punjab) Bhubaneswar HAG Rs.67000-79000/- I.D.No. 19881023 23.06.2017 14 Shri M. Akhaya M.Sc., M.Phil (Geology) R.R. 1988 CVO,Deptt. of Central Deputation Telecommunication New Delhi 25-8-1988 27/11/1961 in IPS Ganjam (Odisha) HAG Rs.67000-79000/- I.D.No. 19881039 25-8-1990 21.04.2015 Page 3 of 17 As on 21-11-2017 GRADATION LIST OF OFFICERS OF INDIAN POLICE SERVICE CADRE Name/Qualification, Recruitment Source, Present Post or Position Sl. Date of Birth/ Allotment Year/ Remarks No HomeDistrict (State), Appointment Date/ Station & Date thereof Pay Scale Community, Confirmation Grade I.D. Code No. & Date Thereof 15 Shri Santosh Kumar Upadhaya M.Sc. (Tech)(Applied Geology) R.R. 1988 Addl. DGP,CID,CB,Odisha Cadre 25-8-1988 25/04/1963 in IPS Balasore (Odisha) Cuttack HAG Rs.67000-79000/- I.D.No. 19881049 25-8-1990 02.11.2017 16 Shri Binyananda Jha M.Phil (Sociology) R.R. 1988 Addl. D.G. of Prisons & DCS, Cadre Odisha 25-8-1988 FN 12/03/1962 IPS Bhagalpur (Bihar) Bhubaneswar HAG Rs.67000-79000/- I.D.No. 19881059 12-12-1990 02.11.2017 17 Shri Arun Kumar Ray M.A. (Eco.) R.R. 1988 Addl. D.G.P., Cadre Communication,Odisha 21-8-1989 07/04/1965 IPS Calcutta (West Bengal)(S.C.) Cuttack HAG Rs.67000-79000/- I.D.No. 19881068 24-3-1992 03.11.2017 18 Shri Pranabindu Acharya M.Sc. (Tech) Applied Geology, M.Phil R.R. 1989 Addl.DGP, Railway & Coastal Ex-Cadre Security,Odisha 21-8-1989 FN 27/05/1964 IPS Balasore (Odisha) Cuttack HAG Rs.67000-79000/- I.D.No. 19891003 29-9-1991 03.11.2017 19 Shri Amrit Mohan Prasad M.Tech. R.R. 1989 Director, C.B.I., EOZ-II Central Deputation 20-8-1990 FN 22/08/1965 IPS Patna (Bihar) Mumbai HAG Rs.67000-79000/- I.D.No. 19891028 19-2-1993 09.05.2015 20 Smt. B. Radhika M.Sc. R.R. 1989 A.D.G. of Police, Cadre S.A.P.,Odisha 21-8-1989 04/07/1964 IPS A.P. Cuttack HAG Rs.67000-79000/- I.D.No. 19891055 26-9-1992 12.04.2016 21 Shri Sidhartha Mahadu Narvane M.Sc. (Horticulture) R.R. 1989 A.D.G. of Police, OHRC Ex-Cadre 21-8-1989 23/06/1965 IPS Purtham (Maharasthra)(S.C.) Bhubaneswar P.B.-4+GP Rs 10,000 I.D.No. 19891074 24-3-1992 23.06.2017 Page 4 of 17 As on 21-11-2017 GRADATION LIST OF OFFICERS OF INDIAN POLICE SERVICE CADRE Name/Qualification, Recruitment Source, Sl. Date of Birth/ Allotment Year/ Present Post or Position Remarks No HomeDistrict (State), Appointment Date/ Station & Date thereof Pay Scale Community, Confirmation Grade I.D. Code No. & Date Thereof 22 Shri Y.B. Khurania B.Com., LL.B. R.R. 1990 Commissioner of Police, Ex-Cadre BBSR-CTC 20-8-1990 09/03/1966 IPS Haryana Bhubaneswar P.B.-4+GP Rs 10,000 I.D.No. 19901006 25-2-1993 27.01.2016 23 Dr. Sudhansu Sarangi MSc.(Inv. Psy.)Ph.D R.R. 1990 Director, S.C.R.B, Odisha Ex-Cadre 15-9-1991 13/07/1968 IPS Dhenkanal (Odisha) Bhubaneswar P.B.-4+GP Rs 10,000 I.D.No. 19901007 21-10-1993 01.11.2017 24 Shri Arun Kumar Sarangi M.A.(Pol. Sc.) R.R. 1990 Special Director and A.D.G. of Ex-Cadre Police,Intelligence,Odisha 15-9-1991 25/07/1965 IPS Bolangir (Odisha) Bhubaneswar P.B.-4+GP Rs 10,000 I.D.No. 19901008 21-10-1993 24.03.2015 25 Shri Mahendra Pratap M.A. R.R. 1990 A.D.G. of Police,HRPC,Odisha Ex-Cadre 15-9-1991 01/01/1961 IPS Ajamgarh (U.P.)(S.C.) Cuttack P.B.-4+GP Rs 10,000 I.D.No. 19901078 22.09.2015 26 Dr. Debasis Panigrahi M.A.(Pol.Sc)(M. phil)Ph.D R.R. 1991 Director-cum- Cadre Addl.DGP,Vigilance,Odisha 15-9-1991 29/08/1965 Balasore (Odisha) Cuttack P.B.-4+GP Rs 10,000 I.D.No. 19911021 01.11.2017 27 Shri Lalit Das M.Tech.Ph.PPM,IIM,LLB,Bangalore R.R. 1992 CMD, OPH&WC Ex-Cadre 11-10-1992 05/07/1964 IPS Rourkela (Odisha) Bhubaneswar P.B.-4+GP Rs 10,000 I.D.No. 19921015 06.11.2017 28 Smt.Sapna Tewari B.A.(Hons), MBA R.R. 1992 Joint Director,I.B. Central Deputation 29-12-1992 28/04/1966 Jeypur (Rajasthan) Bhubaneswar P.B.-4+GP Rs 10,000 I.D.No. 19921067 Page 5 of 17 As on 21-11-2017 GRADATION LIST OF OFFICERS OF INDIAN POLICE SERVICE CADRE Name/Qualification, Recruitment Source, Present Post or Position Sl. Date of Birth/ Allotment Year/ Remarks No HomeDistrict (State), Appointment Date/ Station & Date thereof Pay Scale Community, Confirmation Grade I.D. Code No. & Date Thereof 29 Shri S.K. Nath M.Tech. R.R. 1993 I.G of Police,N.R. Cadre 4-9-1994 01/07/1967 Rourkela (Odisha) Sambalpur P.B.-4+GP Rs 10,000 I.D.No. 19931022 28.06.2017 30 Shri Vinaytosh Mishra B.Sc(Engg.) R.R.
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