The Diocese of Ogdensburg Volume 72, Number 20 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Bishop's Fund supports deacon I PAGE 8 NORTH COUNTRY formation Expansion on contraceptive exemptions I PAGE 18 CATH LIC OCT. 11, 2017 'RECEIVE TH EGOSPEL OF CH RIST' Deacons - 40 years of service The Diocese of Ogdens­ to the diaconate this past burg marks the 40th an­ Saturday. niversary of the permanent In his homily at the ordi­ diaconate in 2017. nation, Bishop Terry R. The NCC marks the an­ LaValley said, ''The deacon niversary with a special is ordained specifically for issue this week. the exercise of a ministry Bishop Stanislaus ]. proper to him that requires Brzana restored the dia­ a spiritual availability of conate in the Diocese of Og­ complete dedication. That densburg on April 22, 1977; means there are no 'part the first ordination was held time' deacons, inasmuch as Oct. 4, 1980. they are 'ministers of the Since that time 123 men Church.' have been ordained includ­ "The diaconate is not a ing 16 who were ordained profession, but a mission." NEW CHARITIES' HEAD Religious Jubilee set for Oct. 15 The annual diocesan ]u­ bilee for Religious Life will take place Sunday at 2 p.m. at St. Mary's Cathedral in Og­ densburg. Bishop Terry R. laValley will preside at the celebration. FULL STORY, PAGE 4 The religious celebrating special anniversaries in 2017 are: Consecration of diocese 75 years - Sister Mary Vic­ torine Brenon, SS] Bishop LaValley to consecrate 70 years - Sister Mary Mau­ rice Black, SS]; Sister Gabriel the diocese to Immaculate Marie Meyer, SS]; and Sister Heart of Mary on Oc1.22; Mary Kateri Rose, SS] 60 years - Sister Brian Marie novena begins Oct. 13 Latour, RSM; Sister Marie An­ PHOTO BY JESSE SOVIE FULL STORY, PAGE 9 gele Ellis, SS]; 60 years -Sister Bishop Terry R. LaValley presents the Book of the Gospels to Deacon Ronny J. Gingerich during the deacon ordi­ Cathleen Moore,SS] ; Sister nation Saturday at St. Mary's Cathedral. Deacon Gingerich of st. Peter's Parish in Lowville was one of 16 men or­ Mary Paul Blank, SS]; and Sis­ dained as permanent deacons for the diocese. Bishop LaValley's homily for the ordination is published on page Around the Diocese ter Marie Cordata Kelly, SS]. 3; more coverage will appear in next Week's NCe. PAGE 22 24 A reception will follow. DIOCESAN LIFE II NOR THe 0 U N TRY C A T H 0 LIe OCT. 11 , 2017 NORTH COUNTRY EDITOR'S NOTE CATHOLIC Box 326 Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669 USPS 0039-3400 Forty years of faithfulness BISHOP TERRY R. LAVAllEY One of my earliest memories celebrate the newest clergy in The joy as the rite concluded that deacons are just beginning President of working for the their midst. was visible on the faces of their education on their ordina­ REV.JOSEPH A. MORGAN North Country Catholic The scene was re­ every new deacon and all who tion day. Vice President was my editor's excite­ peated several times loved them. With a solid foundation of NCe. JAMES D. CROWLEY ment about the immi­ through the years, so In this week's we con­ prayerfulness and service, Secretary- Trea surer nent arrival of that now more than tinue our "month of deacons" there is much they can do to MARY LOU KILIAN permanent deacons in 120 men have been or­ with a salute to all the men become truly exceptional, Dea­ the diocese. dained for diaconal who have heard and followed con Oberst said. Editor/ Msgr. Christman service in our parishes. this call in our diocese. One important way that the General Manager made sure we kept up The excitement of We invited all of our deacons rest of us can support our dea­ Publish 45 is- with every step of the that first ordination to share what their vocation cons' paths towards "excep­ ~ suesper year: process as the mem­ was easily matched this has meant for them. Not sur­ tional-ness" is our continued ." Weekly except bers of the first class past Saturday when 16 prisingly, the responses were prayer and support in their skipping were instituted as lec- Mary Lou men were added to the truly inspiring. ministry. every other tors, acolytes and can- Kilian ranks of the diaconate. One deacon, who has been I admit that, as a deacon's week begin­ didates on their way to Nearly every pew was part of the North Country dea­ wife, I'm a little biased in my ning July ordination. filled long before the con community since its first thinking but we have all been throughX Aug. and skipping When they were ordained 11 a.m. ceremony began. days, shared some ideas about blessed beyond measure be­ one week in Dec. by the Dio- Oct. 4, 1980, the cathedral was The applause when the men how his clerical comrades can cause of the 40 years of faith­ cese of Ogdensburg. packed with family, friends, were presented for ordination be as effective as possible. ful deacon service in our 622 Washington Street, Og­ priests and religious ready to was thunderous. Deacon Fred Oberst believes church. densburg, N.Y. 13669. Editorial Office: FATHER MUENCH SAYS 622 Washington Street, Ogdensburg, N.Y. 13669. Telephone: Bringing a spirit of peace to the world (3 15) 608-7556 I would like to take this op­ peaceful and less violent. as more important than your­ E-mail: news@northcountry portunity to offer my congratu­ The past few weeks the sec­ selves, each looking out not for catholic.org lations to our new deacons, ond Scripture readings as Mass his own interest, but also for ordained by Bishop LaVallee have been from St. Paul's Letter those of others." Entered at the last week. Our diocese is to the Philippians. St. Paul In this way, we will bring a Post Office: stronger today because we gives us some guidance toward loving spirit to our life. Can Ogdensburg, NY have sixteen new deacons. bringing our world to a spirit you imagine a world like this? 13669 and All of our deacons bring of love and peace. The news reports were filled additional mailing offices as unique gifts and talents to Here, St. Paul writes to these with the man who tried to help Periodical Postage. their parishes and to our dio­ lieve that jesus made our Philippians reminding them others during this recent inci­ cese. They truly enrich the world a better place by bring­ who jesus is. Paul shows us dent. Despite the danger and Subscription: ministry of the Diocese of Og­ ing to us his message of peace that jesus emptied himself - the violence many rushed to For one year: densburg. We, all, should be and love. As his disciples "though he was in the form of help others, reaching out to the In-Diocese Rate:$27 very grateful as a diocese that jesus leads us to be a loving God, did not regard equality injured in need of help. They Outside of Diocese Rate: $30 these men have followed their and caring people. I know that with God something to be were unafraid in their concern vocation to be ordained dea­ many consider violence as the grasped. for others despite the violence Mattersfor publi cation cons. only answer to violence. How­ jesus entered our world on all sides of them. should be Our deacons are a special ever, I know only too well that "coming in human likeness - St. Paul tells us in this letter, addressed to part of this diocesan family. when I personally react with and found in human appear­ "Have no anxiety." He tells us PO Box 326 anger and violence in my life, ance, he humbled himself, be­ to turn to our God in prayer, Ogdensburg, NY13669 Recently, we have again ex­ nothing good comes about for coming obedient to the point never giving up. We are to and should be received by perienced the violence of our myself or for anyone else. of death, even death on a offer our prayers in thanksgiv­ Thursday prior to country. This was made very Many bring up the question cross." jesus met the violence ing remembering God great publication. evident to us with the incident of safety. Does being a fol ­ of our world with humility. love for us. Anxiety is rooted Paper isprinted each in Las Vegas. Our country is lower of jesus make me a safer jesus accepted the cross - and in a lack of trust - a lack of Monday; again torn apart by the action person7 What I do know is that became our Lord and Savior. trust in ourselves, in others, in dateline is Wednesday. of one gunman. This will pro­ living like jesus brings a cer­ In his meekness, jesus wins God . Anxiety must never keep Member, Catholic Press duce many debates among our tain happiness, a definite satis­ our love and adoration. jesus us from being a people of Association. country's leaders. However, lit­ faction as I try to bring peace showed us there was a better peace, never losing trust. tle has changed since the last to others. way to live. St. Paul closes this Letter in POSTMASTER: incident. Our question will I believe that bringing peace In this Spirit of our Lord, St. prayer: "My God will fully sup­ Send addre ss chang es to continue:- how do we live in into my way of life unites oth­ Paul shows us how to make ply whatever you need, in ac­ North Country Catholic, this violent world as Chris­ ers to act peacefully.
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