
I • I i ! • More Than 9,000 i 1 Families Read The , ! Grosse Pointe News Home oj the News ross~ ~ws Every Thursday <J!J Kercheval 'ru. ~-6901l 11.. ------..,..------ ------, Pointes "l' 5c Per COpy Entered as Second Class Matter !l 13.00 Per' Yell. at the Post Office at Detrolt,.M1eh. :1 VOLUME 14--NO. 5 Paid Circ:ulation I Fully , ~ II" :j 'j I ': 1 .~ HEi-\DLI.~I~S Look Y'/hat Happened In Just Sixteen Months Cottage Hospital Board Asks of the CDS Group. "r,I~EK As Compiled b.t' the Officers Elected For Answer GrOSJe Poitl/e News' Purchase of Site AdjoininQ Thursday, January 22 I At 'Annual Meeting High .School May Be SECRETARY OF STATE John I Proposed Next Week Foster Dulles calls for compet-/ ence, discipline and loyalty among t Three New ,:rustee'~ Also Named to Board; Talk by 01-. Further discussion on th8 members of ~the diplomatic corps Robin BueriCi Prece~es Buffet Supper in proposed purchase by th •. to carry out President Eisenhow- I . Nurses' Residence Grosse Pointe Board of Edu- er's foreign policies... Officers and trustees were elected at the annual meeting cation of the Grosse Pointe CHA RLES E. WILSON report- of the Cottag~ Hospital Corporation, held Wednesday after- Country Day School property, ed considering selling his $2,700,- 000 General Motors stock which noon at 5:30 In the Nurses' Residence in Ridge road. Mrs. was held at a special meeting Senate says he must do to receive Henry H, Hubbard, president, presided.' of the Board on Tuesday after- defense secretary appointment. Following the invocation by~ noon. A final decisl'on on .. • iii the Rev. Paul Ketchum of Grosse • RECEPTIONS \velcoming Har- Pointe Memorial Church, reports Jazl Breaker whether or not to ask the ry S. Truman home in Independ- were heard from Mrs. Burdette :I' 'voters to approve purchase of ence move former pre5idcnt to Ford, treasurer; Dr. A. Z. Rogers, C f h verge of tears. retiring president of th~ medical Oft esses to t e property was postponed. • • • staff; MISS Carolyn Wicks, ad- until next Tuesday, February, ALLIED AND CO~IMUl':IST ministrator, and Mrs. Hubbard. A t Th it 3, when the Board will again Pick New Trustees U 0 .e s troops engaged in savage battle Three .new trustees were elect- convene. south of Panmunjom while UN ed to the Board to fill the va- A price of $710,000 has been tanks rip holes in Red central cancies left by the resignations Donald Treppa, Arrested' in set 01" the Country Day site and and we5tern front defense posi- of Mrs. William K. Muir, Mrs. Detroit After Escapfng buik:ings by, an appraisal panel tions. • • • George M. Black, Jr., and Mrs. of the Detroit Real Estate Board. RED CHINA PROTESTS over William R. Joy. Here, Enters Guilty Plea It is known that the public schooJ Radio Peiping that U. S. B-29 shot The new trustees are Mrs. John officials think this price high. down on January 12, had been 12 L. Kenq,,,,er, Mrs. Andrew W. Park jail breaker, 22-year- F d lV'th P miles inside Manchurian border. Barr, and Mrs. Stuart Wells Ut- old Donald Treppa,' entered a ace I roblem • • • ley.. plea of guilty wh~n arraign~d The Board of Education is Frida~', January 23 Re-elected for three-year terms before Grosse Pointe' Park !~c~d w}th the problem of pro- were Mrs. George R. Fink. Mrs. vldmg for futUre expansion of the POLICE FEAR beginning o{ Carl B. Grawn, Mrs. James Mc- Municipal Judge C. Joseph High School. Statistics show that war between rival vending ma- Millan, Mrs. W. Howie Muir, Mrs. Belanger, January 23, for auto the present building will be out- chine companies following the John S. Newberry, Mrs. Long- theft. grown within a few years. With- blasting Thursday night of the year Palmer awl Mrs. Cameron Treppa, who lives at' 2590 AI- out room to expand the present Vendo Cigaret Co. in Detroit. Waterman III. tI, tel' road, had been arrested on facilities, it would be necessary • • • Mrs. Wrlliam K. Muir and Mrs. ~anuary 2 fot. investigation of to erect a whole new high school PRESIDENT EISENHOWER George M. Black, Jr., were eled- auto theft and escaped from the and employ another faculty. reported considering Harold S. ed to the Honorary Advisory Park jail on January 5, shortly The corporation which. runs Vance. president and chairman Board for a term of five years. before he was to have been ar- bot~ C0l;lntry Day anq the De- of the board of the Studebaker New Staft' Iutroduced ' raigned. trolt UnIyersity School has long Corp,. to. head the Office of De- . ' -Picture by Fred Runnell! Mrs. Hubbard introduced the i Did Other Jobs ! be~n teanxIous to m.ove tJ:le ~r?sse ferise Mobilization. The top pIcture shows the corner of Kercheval avenue and Fisher road just after ground was broken for the new new officers of the medical staff' Further investigation had con- \ POJ!1 boulevard 1 n s t I t.u t Ion • • • Cent~al Library, in September 1951. The bottoql picture shows the first arrivals of the h~ge crowd that attended the Dr. Clarence J. Williams, presi: nected him with .. burglariel) in wh~chy takesg care of the girls and WHITE HOUSE REVEALS dedication exercises' Sunday. afternoon Both pictures were taken-from the same pot. dent. D1"1John W MacKenzie outstate, commumbes and other verd yohun bboys, out to, Cook that President Eisenhower has ' ..,__ -.:_:_- ,', ' ... ',; .'... ,:,' _ :j] ..•. , . , . ,s ... , (0). , -' '~, ., "... vice:preident; Dr: Walter G: auto thef.ts. ' rOB. were oth CDS and DUS. submitted his formal nomination. Bernard, secretary.,.. ,'. FoUowu~g a two-.week se.al'ch, Iwo~ld be o.n the sa~,~,~a~~~s .. , I)f Charles E. Wilson a!; nation's 011 POll.0 The division chiefs are: D:-.' he w~s pJc.ked up m DetrOit by.. Arreed to Sell def~nse secretary to the Senate, Post OffIce illl\"'others' Ma.r.c..h New'- Lz-brary. Earl Krieg, surgery; Dr. Carl F. D~g~lt apo~vlcear.d returned here. .The corporation has agreed' to °Gnen:VillsoMn'stpromtisc to sell his Dedl.cated at TonI-ght to Cll.max Dr~.ve,. Greeterl lVz.th DSheMlto!1'o~sttetricls; Ddl':.Edward $5,ool~u~et:\~~~~e~n~n~:~a~~~ sell ~dh~property for the $710,000 _ra • 0 ~rs.;<;o~k. I _.If t..~ . au'e, merna me Icme, and ed to the Wayne County Sheriff ~rovI mg ways ,can be found to • D' Dr. t~enneth M. McColl, general to await the next session of Cir- flfnabnc~ld~hebala~ce of th.e cost FARM CHIEF Ezra Taft Ben- prac Ice. I cuit Court. : 0 Ul mg th~ ~ew school on son to revamp and cut expenses Ceren'onl.es., ReSIdents rg"ed to.. Help Enth.ll.~l.asmt' At the meeting of the trustees /' . Cook road. It 15 understood the of the Agriculture Department. immediately" following, . the fol- Fac.es Seco~~ Trial . ! Bo~l'~ of Education will get a Charges that the department had Federal Judge Thomas P. Every Home in Pointe Expected to Be Under Watch; Ad' • Th dAd lowing officers were elected: Mrs. At arraignment In DetrOIt for definIte answer from the private been built into "huge bureau- p mIring ousan s Hen Hubbard, pI'esident; Mrs. Grawn, a burglary on East Out~r drive, school corporation on this matter cracy" by Democrats. Thornton Speaker in New rospedive Donors Asked to Burn Signal Ceremony and Inspect Beau- first vice-president; Mrs. Water- TI:eppa pleade~ not. gUilty. H,e on 01' about ~eb~uary,l. • • • Building on Mack lights For Canvassers tif.jl Modern Structure man, second vice-president; Mrs, ~vIll als~. ~e trIed on .that chatge The' corporatIon first said it OETROIT BOARD of Educa- . ----.--.-- Ford, treasurer; Mrs. Fink, re- In DetrOIt s R~cordel' s Court; probably would not be able to hon prepares to fight a Michigan Th. G P' P • Porch lights WIll be burmng for one hour throughout .. --:--- . cording secretary, with Mrs. Mc- . ----- supply this answer until about the Department of A~riculture direc- . e new ro?se Olute ost, Grosse Pointe tonight, Thursday, January 29, when the I Pomte leSlde?ts ... estl-. MilIan as her assistant, and Mrs. I PH' middle of March. but the public tive to stop serving oleomargine OffIce was dedIcated. last Sat- (Mothers' March on Polio will be launched as the climax to mates,went as hIgh as 3,000 of Joseph B. Schlotman as con'e- assenger urt school officials said i~ was neces- in city schools. urda'y afteI:noon In c~re- : the 1953 March of Dimes campaign. them •. , flocked ~o Kerche- sponding sec,retary, with ~rs. ACe h sary to know much sooner th~n • • • !TI0mes held In the new buJ1d-: The burning lights in thou-+-------------- val avenue and FIsher road Alexande1' WIener as her assIst- S ars ras that. Saturday. January 24 Ing at 18640 ~t'ck avenue. sands of Grosse Pointe homes TI' . G P . P k Sunday afternoon to attend ant. New School Needed . d h' hi' le~ are. rosse omte ar, d d' t' . d . I Advisory Comm'tt 1\ . R I ARMY DISCLOSES that Gen- I L,e Ian d F. L mow, w, 0 IS t ~ I wllJ be the sl~nal to a.n army of Mrs. Robert G. Warmbold, TUx- e lca lO~ services an In- ,. I ee, • passenger m ichard E. WiI- I A new school on the Roslvn ral James A V Fl t i Pomte branch supermtendent,! more than 4:>0.
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