School of Physics Publications 2007 Books Karnutsch, C 2007, Low threshold organic thin-film laser devices, Göttingen, 1 Ostrikov, K, Xu, S 2007, Plasma-Aided Nanofabrication: From Plasma Sources to Nanoassembly, Weinheim, Germany Book Chapters Beck, R, Gaensler, B M, Feretti, L 2007, SKA and the Magnetic Universe, Exploring the Cosmic Frontier: Astrophysical Instruments for the 21st Century, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin Heidelberg, 103-108 Bilek, M, Powles, R C, McKenzie, D R 2007, Treatment of polymeric biomaterials by ion implantation, Biomaterials and Surface Modification, Research Signpost, India, 205-248 Britton, S C, New, P B, Roberts, A L, Sharma, M D 2007, Investigating students' ability totransfer mathematics, Transforming a university: the scholarship of teaching and learning in practice, University of Sydney Press, NSW, Australia, 127-140 Dey, C J, Berger, C, Foran, B, Foran, M, Joske, R, Lenzen, M, Wood, R J 2007, Household environmental pressure from consumption: an Australian environmental atlas, Water Wind Art and Debate -How environmental concerns impacton disciplinary research, Sydney University Press, Sydney, 1, 280-314 Eggleton, B J, Slusher, R 2007, Nonlinear pulse propagation in one-dimensional photonic bandgap structures, Nonlinear photonic bandgap materials, Springer Khoukhi, M, Maruyama, S, Bosi, S G, Komiya, A 2007, A Simple Approach for Calculating the Optical Constants of a Clear Glass Window from 0.19 to 5 um, Recent Developments in Solar Energy, Nova Science Publishers, Inc, New York, 289-297 Refereed Journal Articles Abajas, C, Mediavilla, E, Munoz, J, Gomez-Alvarez, P, Gil-Merino, R 2007, Microlensing of a biconical broad-line region., The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics, 658(2), 748-762 Abdesselam, A, Adkin, P, Allport, P, Alonso, J, Andricek, L, Anghinolfi, F, Antonov, A, Apsimon, R, Atkinson, T, Batchelor, L, Bates, R, Beck, G, Becker, H, Bell, P, Bell, W, Benesˇ, P, Bernabeu, J, Bethke, S, Bizzell, J, Blocki, J, Saavedra, A 2007, The ATLAS semiconductor tracker end-cap module, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 575, 353-389 Abe, K, Adachi, I, Aihara, H, Arinstein, K, Asano, Y, Aulchenko, V, Aushev, T, Aziz, T, Bakich, A M, Balagura, V, Cole, S B, Peak, L S, Varvell, K E, et, a 2007, Observation of a charmoniumlike state produced in association with a J/psi in e+e- annihilation at root sigma approximate to 10.6 GeV, Physical Review Letters, 98, 082001-1-082001-6 Abendroth, B, Jäger, H, Moller, W, Bilek, M 2007, Binary-collision modeling of ion-induced stress relaxation in cubic BN and amorphous C thin films, Applied Physics Letters, 90, 181910-1-181910-3 Acosta-Pulido, J, Kun, M, Abraham, P, Kospal, A, Csizmadia, S, Kiss, L L, Moor, A, Szabados, L, Benko, J, et, a 2007, The 2004-2006 outburst and environment of V1647 ORI, The Astronomical Journal, 133(5), 2020-2036 Ahmad, M 2007, Cylindrical dust acoustic solitary waves with transverse perturbations in quantum dusty plasmas, Physics of Plasmas, 14, 113701-1-113701-2 Ahmad, M, Khan, S 2007, Ion acoustic solitary wave with weakly transverse perturbations in quantum electron-positron-ion plasma, Physics of Plasmas, 14, 052307-1-052307-6 Aihara, H, Arakawa, T, Asano, Y, Aso, T, Bakich, A M, Barbero, M, Browder, T, Chang, M, Chao, Y, Chen, K, Peak, L S, Varvell, K E, et, a 2007, Status and upgrade plans of the Belle silicon vertex detector, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors, and Associated Equipment, 582(3), 709-713 Alinejad, H, Robinson, P A, Cairns, I H, Skjaeraasen, O, Sobhanian, S 2007, Structure of Langmuir and electromagnetic collapsing wave packets in two-dimensional strong plasma turbulence, Physics of Plasmas, 14(7), 072304-1-072304-10 Alleyne, C, Kirk, A, McPhedran, R C, Nicorovici, N, Maystre, D 2007, Enhanced SPR sensitivity using periodic metallic structures, Optics Express, 15(13), 8163-8169 Amikov, Y A, Ostrikov, K 2007, Interaction of transverse electromagnetic waves with counter propagating surface waves at a plasma-dielectric interface, Physica Scripta: an international journal for experimental and theoretical physics, 76(5), 461-465 Amikov, Y A, Ostrikov, K, Azarenkov, N 2007, Two-surface wave decay: controlling power transfer in plasma-surface interactions, Physics of Plasmas, 14(8), 082106-1-082106-6 Anandarajah, P, Clarke, A M, Guignard, C, Bramerie, L, Barry, L, Harvey, J, Simon, J 2007, System- Performance Analysis of Optimized Gain-Switched Pulse Source Employed in 40- and 80-Gb/s OTDM Systems, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 25(6), 1495-1502 Anders, A, Pasaja, N, Lim, S, Petersen, T C, Keast, V 2007, Plasma biasing to control the growth conditions of diamond-like carbon, Surface and Coatings Technology, 201(8), 4628-4632 Asatryan, A, Botten, L, Byrne, M, Freilikher, V, Gredeskul, S, Shadrivov, I, McPhedran, R C, Kivshar, Y 2007, Suppression of Anderson localization in disordered metamaterials, Physical Review Letters, 99(19), 193902-1-193902-4 Asatryan, A, Botten, L, Byrne, M, McPhedran, R C, de Sterke, C M 2007, Evidence of a mobility edge for photons in two dimensions., Physical Review E, 75(1), 015601-1-015601-4 Asatryan, A, Botten, L, Nicorovici, N, McPhedran, R C, de Sterke, C M 2007, Tailoring the enhanced frequency shift in two-dimensional photonic clusters, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 394(2), 213-216 Austin, D R, Hole, M J, Robinson, P A, Cairns, I H, Dallaqua, R 2007, Laboratory evidence for stochastic plasma-wave growth, Physical Review Letters, 99(205004), 1-4 Babic, A, Miller, L, Jarvis, M, Turner, T, Alexander, D, Croom, S M 2007, Low accretion rates at the AGN cosmic downsizing epoch, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 474(3), 755-762 Balet, L, Francardi, M, Gerardino, A, Chauvin, N, Alloing, B, Zinoni, C, Monat, C B, Li, L, Le Thomas, N, Houdre, R, Fiore, A 2007, Enhanced spontaneous emission rate from single InAs quantum dots in a photonic crystal nanocavity at telecom wavelengths, Applied Physics Letters, 91(123115) Bartlett, S D, Rudolph, T, Sanders, B, Turner, P 2007, Degradation of a quantum directional reference frame as a random walk, Journal of Modern Optics, 54(13-15), 2211-2221 Bartlett, S D, Rudolph, T, Spekkens, R 2007, Reference frames, superselection rules, and quantum information, Reviews of Modern Physics, 79(2), 555-609 Bastug, T, Kuyucak, S 2007, Application of Jarzynski's equality in simple versus complex systems., Chemical Physics Letters, 436(4-6), 383-387 Bastug, T, Kuyucak, S 2007, Free energy simulations of single and double ion occupancy in gramicidin A., Journal of Chemical Physics, 126(10), 105103-1-105103-12 Bax, D. V., Mahalingam, Y, Cain, S, Mellody, K, Freeman, L, Younger, K, Shuttleworth, C, Humphries, M, Couchman, J, Kielty, C 2007, Cell adhesion to fibrillin-1: identification of an Arg-Gly-Asp- dependent synergy region and a heparin-binding site that regulates focal adhesion formation, Journal of Cell Science, 120(8), 1383-1392 Bedding, T R, Kjeldsen, H, Arentoft, T, Bouchy,, F, Brandbyge, J, Brewer, B J, Butler, R, Christensen- Dalsgaard, J, Dall, T, Frandsen, S, Karoff, C, Kiss, L L, Monteiro, M, Pijpers, F, Teixeira, T, Tinney, C, Baldry, I, Carrier, F, O'Toole, S 2007, Solar-like oscillations in the G2 subgiant beta hydri from dual site observations, The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics, 663(2), 1315-1324 Belashova, E, Belashov, A, Vladimirov, S 2007, Structure and evolution of internal gravity waves and travelling ionspheric disturbances in regions with sharp gradients of the ionspheric parameters, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, A07302-1-A07302-9 Belous, K, Shapkin, M, Sokolov, A, Abe, K, Abe, K, Aihara, H, Anipko, D, Arinstein, K, Aulchenko, V, Aushev, T, Bakich, A M, et al, v, Cole, S B, McOnie, S T, Stoeck, H, Yabsley, B D 2007, Measurement of the tau lepton mass and an upper limit on the mass difference between tau(+) and tau(-), Physical Review Letters, 99(1), 011801-1-011801-6 Bennett, D, Miljak, D, Khachan, J 2007, Quantitative measurement of copper mineralogy using magnetic resonance, Minerals Engineering, 20(15), 1344-1350 Bétourné, A, Pureur, V, Bouwmans, G, Quiquempois, Y, Bigot, L, Perrin, M, Douay, M 2007, Solid photonic bandgap fiber assisted by anextra air-clad structure for low-loss operationaround 1.5um, Optics Express, 15, 316-324 Blackhall, L, Khachan, J 2007, A simple electric thruster based on ion charge exchange, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 40(8), 2491-2494 Bland-Hawthorn, J, Sutherland, R, Agertz, O, Moore, B 2007, The source of ionization along the Magellanic Stream, Astrophysical Journal Letters, 670(2007 December 1), L109-L112 Bland-Hawthorn, J, Veilleux, S, Cecil, G 2007, Galactic winds: a short review, Astrophysics and Space Science, 311(1-3), 87-98 Blundell, K, Kuncic, Z 2007, On the origin of radio core emission in radio-quiet quasars, The Astrophysical Journal: an international review of astronomy and astronomical physics, 668(2), L103- L106 Bolger, J A, Littler, I C, Eggleton, B J 2007, Optimisation of superimposed chirped fibre Bragg gratings for the generation of ultra-high speed optical pulse bursts, Optics Communications, 271(2), 524-531 Bolger, J A, Luan, F, Yeom, D I, Tsoy, E N, de Sterke, C M, Eggleton, B J 2007, Tunable enhancement of a soliton spectrum using an acoustic long-period grating, Optics Express, 15(20), 13457-13462 Boord, P
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