PITTSBURGH H “ t c a t h o l i c 155th Year, CLV No. 8 35g Established in 1844: America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper in Continuous Publication Friday, April 30, 1999 i n s i d e Financial review committee gives recommendations By GREG BROWN council at the parish level is to me very concluded that the diocese’s financial could. “We're encouraging priests to use Editor substantive,” said the committee's policies and procedures are thorough the expertise of the finance council, the chairm an. Leo Yochum, a retired cor­ and comprehensive, though they lay people who are better trained in the The ad hoc committee appointed last porate financial executive. “The instal­ should be periodically updated and business world, so that they can make fall by Bishop Donald Wuerl has deliv­ lation of an audit committee at the clarified. better-infontied decisions. ered its suggestions for changes in parish level is another (significant The diocesan financial services office “We are also encouraging regular diocesan financial policies and recommendation)." is preparing an implementation plan reports between the finance council and procedures. Committee member Father Robert that will be reviewed, along with the ad the parish council so that they can work Chief among them are that parish Reardon, pastor of St. John Capistran hoc committee's recommendations, by together maybe more than they had in finance councils should have more in Upper St. Clair, agreed. a nine-member panel of pastors. The the past," Father Vaghetto said. active roles in assisting pastors with “There's no question that once we got diocesan priest council will eventually “The situation in the diocese with administering the temporal affairs of started, the central theme of the finance make a final recommendation to the pastors today is very, very diverse," their parishes. council was quick to develop," Father bishop. Father Reardon said. “Some have as Another recommendation of the Par­ Reardon said. “We quickly turned to a “Nine pastors are going to review this many as three worship sites. It's hard ish Financial Policies Review Commit­ stronger finance council, and also the and say what's workable and what's today to make one ruling that would be tee is that parishes establish audit need for an audit committee, with the not," said ad hoc committee member given to every parish because they are committees charged with completing two working hand in glove. They Father Benedetto Vaghetto, pastor of so different.” annual audits with 120 days of the end were the ... most important St. Vincent de Paul in New Castle. Parishes that have difficulties with of a fiscal year. recommendations." Some priests, he said, do not use “The strengthening of the finance Yochum said the committee their finance councils as much as they See FINANCE on page 3 D eacons to E x-astronaut to speak at dinner c e le b ra te Dr. Jerry Linenger, the Ameri­ H i s t o r i c can astronaut who spent five 2 5 y e a rs months aboard the Russian c o r n e r space station Mir, relied on his Catholic faith to help him sur­ d e d i c a t e d o f se rv ic e vive the harrowing mission. See page 3. Born in the 1950s, “Free­ By CHUCK MOODY dom Corner,“ the point Staff Writer Synod papers: The working where hundreds of rallies, papers for the 19th Diocesan marches and demonstra­ In 1971, then-Bishop Vin­ Synod are detailed in a sup­ tions have occurred, was cent Leonard asked Father George Saladna to direct a new plement in this week's Pitts­ officially dedicated April program for the Diocese of burgh Catholic. 25. The corner sits across from the 106-year-old St. Pittsburgh: the formation of a class of permanent deacons.. School shooting: As prayers Benedict the Moor Church “Bishop Leonard started the rose for them from around the in Pittsburgh's lower Hill District. Speakers, includ­ notion of having a class of United States and the world, deacons because of Vatican the people of Littleton, Colo., ing Mayor Tom Murphy and Tim Stevens of the Pitts­ Council," recalled Father Sal­ began to bury the 13 victims burgh branch of the adna. who then was assistant of the worst school shooting in NAACP, celebrated its his­ director of St. Paul Seminary U S. history and the two torical merit by breaking and now is pastor of St. young men who carried it out. ground for a memorial to be Alphonsus in Springdale. See page 9. erected on the site. Top: A “Pope Paul VI opened the large crowd gathers for the way for the diocese to have Special needs: The adoption dedication including deacons again, to restore the of a boy. whose birth mother parishioners of St. Charles order of deacons in the drank during her pregnancy Lwanga parish in Pitts­ church. Bishop Leonard was causing fetal alcohol effect, burgh's East End. Bottom: one of the ilrst bishops to do has brightened his new fami­ Msgr. Charles Rice, right, a that in the United States." ly's life. longtime supporter of labor The diaconate candidates See page 7. and civil rights, received went through a three-year for­ the “Torch of Freedom" mation. or training, program. New monsignor: Capt. award, while Bishop “They had scripture studies Joseph Lamonde, originally and dogmatic theology and Donald Wuerl listens. “It church history," Father Sal­ from Pittsburgh's Brookline was just a great moment in adna said. section serving as 13th Chap- the history of our church," After completing the forma­ fain of the Military Corps, has said Father Carmen tion program. 26 men were been named a monsignor. D Amico, St. Benedict pas­ ordained as deacons on June See page 13. tor. The church is regarded 8. 1974. The deacons will by many as the unofficial mark their 25 years of ordina­ I n d e x headquarters of Freedom tion with a Mass at 10 a.m. on Corner. Sunday, May 16 at the jsan news . .. .2,3.13,14 seminary. .4 rial official . "It was a strange concept ...................... 5 on/comment . because there hadn't been any lainm ent . .6 deacons around anywhere, sified ............... ...................... 8 except way back in history.” ..........9 11 1 ° Sec DEACONS on page 2 .14 CYA honors PNC chairm an w ith A rt Rooney Award By JOHN FRANKO those in need. Meanor was recognized for her Staff Writer "Many of our neighbors are not work at the CYA's Sum m er Camp capable of taking care of them­ “R." The Catholic Youth Associa­ selves, and we must make sure "Working at the camp, I've tion of Pittsburgh has honored they are not left behind," he said. gotten much more from the kids PNC Bank C hairm an and CEO Frattare said it was an honor than I could ever give to them.” Thomas O'Brien with its Art for him to accept the award she said. Rooney Award. named for the man he succeeded McGinnis was honored for her The 26th annual dinner was in the Pirate booth. volunteer activities at the CYA's held April 22 at the Pittsburgh “His commitment to the job set Garfield Center for senior Hilton and Towers. a standard for myself and my citizens. Also honored were Pirate broadcast partners that seemed Bishop Donald Wuerl said the broadcaster Lannv Frattare with at times unobtainable,” he said. CYA speaks for the ability of the Bob Prince Award; Pulitzer- Frattare dedicated the award people of all ages to go out and do prize winning Journalist Mary to his late father. good deeds in the community. Pat Flaherty with the Bill B um s Flaherty, an investigative team “We have the ability to make Award for communications; Sis­ editor with the Washington Post, our community a wonderful ter of Charity M. Philomena won her Pulitzer while working at place, but it takes the choice of Mannion with the John E. the former Pittsburgh Press. each one of us," he said. "This McGrady Award for civic contri­ She said it was an honor to association starts at the very butions; Hazel McGinnis with the receive the award in her home­ heart of what we're capable ol Nick Cardello Senior Citizen of town. "You can move and leave doing. — individually and as a 1999 Award; and Stephanie Pittsburgh, but it's always in people." Meanor with the Nick Cardello your heart.” she said. The Catholic Youth Associa­ Youth of 1999 award. Sister Philontena received her tion. a non-sectarian agency, was in accepting his award, honor for her work at the Country founded in 1925 as a counseling O'Brien noted the Pittsburgh Meadows Nursing Home in Brid- service for teenage boys. II has region has seen the best and geville. She is a former director of since grown to include programs worst of times. He spoke of the DePaul Institute for the hearing for other youth, adults and senior Thomas O’Brien, left, receives the Art Rooney Award from the son of the award's namesake, importance of looking out lor im paired. citizens. [J] Steeler president Dan Rooney. 2 DIOCESAN NEW S FRIDAY. APRIL 30. 1999 • PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC P raying for vocations The Ascension of Jesus topic of bishop’s television program Bishop Donald W ucrl's May 9 that He had come to do.” with us even though He "Teaching of Christ" television The feast of the Ascension, ascended into heaven; the living program, shown at 8 a.m.
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