Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC December 1966 Daily Egyptian 1966 12-14-1966 The aiD ly Egyptian, December 14, 1966 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_December1966 Volume 48, Issue 58 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, December 14, 1966." (Dec 1966). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1966 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in December 1966 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - ~ . @tta.6nn~!i ~rtttjn!1.6 I HaI510.1z1. / Winler S tillness Will Co m e , I' a;: DAILY EGYPTIAN For the Holidays Do Approach SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY "" \ . Corbondol~. III. Wedn esdoy, Oecembe, 1" , 1966 Volume. Humber sa \ Il P:.;.:..:9!.:.-=2~ _____~ _..:.(·__ .:..... __________---..:-.:.DAIL Y EGYPTIAJoI Mo-re Motorcycle Restrictions Expected as Traffic Increases D.ANCE By David Tracy The University had to apply tions . One of these concerns TAKE A BREAK ~ t he motor vehicles regula­ the theft of parking permit FROM FINALS OR The future will pr obably t ions " to all types of motor decals from motorcycles and bring more restrictions on the vehicles as defined under the anothe r concerns the oper a­ DANCE AWAY THE oper at ion of motor cycles on new [llinoi's state law." said tion of un r egister ed motor­ campus, according to Paul W. Ruffner in his letter. cycles on campus. RESULTS- Isbell, chairman ofehe vehicle As a result motorcycle reg­ "The r e have been 135 de­ traffic and safety committee. istr'at ions are down from 1,809 cllls s tole n from mororcycles WEDNESDAY NIGHT Initial steps have been taken l ast year to 799 so far this this year," Leffler said. Of towards solving S[U's motor­ year. said Zaleski. Of the these, J 15 have been recover­ cycle problem. As a r esult. 1.809 permit s issued last ed. the r e are few~c motor cycles year. 1,160 were issued to Students caught with an un­ this year and the number of freshmen, he said. registered motorcycle will be accidents has been reduced. Motorcycle - related acci­ fined $50 and possible dis­ Problems with motorcycles dents are down from an cipliIlary action w1l1 be taken. started be fore their popul arity aver age last year of 25 a said Zale3ki. HThe second of­ began to r ise in the '60's, week to an average this year fense will result in suspension said Is bell. One of the con­ of four a week, said from school," he said. tributing factors was the early Dr. Walter H. Clark, Uni­ Zaleski also pointed ounhat stand the state took on the versity physician. the new radar being used by operation of motorcycles. Motor cycle parking lot s the security pollce would re­ During the' 50s [llinais law were moved from the center cor d motorcycle speedS-. r egarding motorcycles was of campus and from around , "In taking action in cases that those which fell under a classrooms to the periphery where speeding is in volved on certain horsepower rating of campus. This helped al­ campus. in most instances wer e not considered motor leviate the congestion and the student will be suspended vehicles and did not have to noise created by the "lotor­ from the University." he said. be registe red. cycles after each class, They all agreed that fo r the 211 E. MAIN most part the students were Consequently the regul a­ Zaleski said. cooper ating with the regula­ tions passed in 1956 by the Some tions. Board of Trus tees wi th regard c r eated to student operation of motor LAST TIMES vehicles we r e not applied to motorcycles. TODAY As motorcycles became CALL 457 -6100 more popular the Un iversity FOR SHOW TIMES began to r ealize . that the prob­ lems created by the m had to Rt. US Soutft of Herrin be solved. Then last year, Gah:s open ot 6:30 p.m. - Show 5tarts at 7 p.lD . HConditions got so bad with the conge stion, noise and ac­ Friday & Saturday! ~ide nt s that something had to ... PLUS ... be done ," said Joseph F. Zaleski, assistant de an of stu­ ef>.~G-\.l?1. HANG-UP!' these great ~ hoow8 dent affairs. over the holiday! These "conditions" we r e stated in a lette r sent out last summer by Ralph W. Ruffner. December 23 - 28 vice president for student and ar ea services. In the letter Ruffner stated, IuTh e number of vehicles, the J frequency of accidents, the serious ness of injuries, the multiplicity of traffi c and parking problems, and the ~ ub sequent djffjculties ap­ par ent to all members of the University community and the City of , Carbondale . ." He also mentioned in the concluding paragraph of the lette r, "We al so know that excessive and unwa rranted use of· motor vehicles at the University does not contribute CO· ~1 0t""g to the educational process." ~_~ , Produced bv JAMES B HARRIS ond RICHARD WIDMARK " ,~ , pl o ~b , JAMES POE D,,~ ..d b, JAMESB HARR!S Daily Egyptian ALSO Dec. 29-Jan. 2 Published In the Oepartmem 01 Jou r~ l­ Ism T...esday through Saturdi)' thrlXlghoout BURT LANCASTER the IIchool )·nr. (,Kcep! during Unlversll Y vacallon pertods. eumlnlliion ,,"1'.. lo: s, and legal holidays b)" Soulhcrn mlno!s Unlver­ CLAUDIA CARDINALE Sll)", Ca rlxHldale. 111100110 b2001. Sccond c las ", posug!! paid al Carbondale, IIhnol& 02901. LEE MARVIN PoliCies 01 thc EgypOll n arE- lho:' respon­ SIbility of th,:, ('duors. SUlem.. ms pubilsht'd her!' do not r>('cessilnl )" refl!;.'ct , til' opiniOn JACK PALANCE 01 thc adm!nl ~ l ra ll on o r any dep3rtm['nl of the Un lversllY, Edllonal and buSLf"I("S/I ufflc!;.' !! localed Ln _ Shown first- ROBERT RYAN Building T -48, Fill,al officer, Ho wil rd R Long. Telephone 4 ~3-23~4 . Edl{orlal Conference! Dianne B. "nd.:'r , lion, Tim W, "yers. John Kevin Cole, John ·Great Sioux Massacre· 'V"H£ \10' , Epperhelll1er, William A., Klndl, Michael l. Niluer, /l.liIrgaT('1 E , ~ r f.'t, I. , Wade PROFESSiONALS Roop, Konald E . ~ r eg, I.aurd F. Werth, Thorn n B. Wood Jr. 18 .h,u 22 in color This Week's Dandy Deal Week End Special Thick ... Ham Sandwich Delicious .. and Shakes Salad / TWO (ONVENIENT LOC HIONS (' 505 N. Park - Herrin 500 E. Main - Carbondale 22( ~ 69( 3·~~ ~ Dec . 14-20 YOU GET ALL • SMILES Dec. 15-18 , )~---------------------------------------------.~~~~------------~--------~ Page 3 December 14, 1966 DAILY EGYPTIAN HenryFord's LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS . 'In Time of Angels' Reviewed Biography on On WSIU Books in ,News Today Iris Murdoc k' s " In T ime of 7 p.m. TV Program Angels" is featured on [0- Gu eS ~ 5 of Southe rn. day' s "Books in the Ne ws " 8 p. m. The life of Henrv For d will program at 9:07 a.m. on WSIU Geo r gerown Forum: i'at ion­ be r evie wed on today' s "Bi­ RadiO. aJI y prominent figures dis­ ography" program to be tele­ Othe r highlights: c uss tre major issues o f c ast at 9:30 p.m. on WS IU­ the day. T V. 8 a.m. 8:35 p. m: Othe r programs: Morning Show. The Compos:r: Schube n. 25 minutes from 4:30 p.m. 10:09 a.m. Wha t's New: lee , ware r and Pop Conce n. Carbondale... ~ he at, and the octopus . 2:30 p.m. • Steaks fF': : . ~ 5:15 p.m. Scope . • Lobsters ..bf¥U ' 4 •• .• Ind us try on Parade . • Italian ... 3: 10 p.m. F ood \ "-"\ 5:30 p.m. Concen Hall : Haydn' sSym­ , Turn of the Century: "The ' phony 10 J-Clock, !ben 's Big City:' Dive nissement, and Stra­ vin s ky's The Fir ~ bird . 6 p.m. Struggle for Peace: The 5:30 p.m. United Nat ions. Music in the Air. 6:30 p.m. NET Journal: "Losing Jus t the Same " studies the Negr o in rh e No nh. 7 BIG 8 p.m~ Passpon 8, Kingodm of the Wrist Slashing, Drugging R eported Sea: "Vikings." DAYS One s tudent was involved A coed who wa s s uffering 8:30 p.m. in a wris t slashing and another from an overdose of drugs You r Dollar's Wo n h: This in an overdose of drugs , the wa s found in her car Monday cons ume r program ex­ Securiry 0 f f ic e r eponed evening and was raken to Un ion NOW through TUESDA Y! am in es the various br ands Tuesday. County Hospital, where he r of gasoline. A ma le s rudenr was rake n condition wa s r e pone d as to Doctors Hosph al at 3 a.m._ ,s atis fa ctory. 10 p.m. Tuesda y for tre atme nt of .....----------, Special of the Week: " SOS s lashe d wris ts; he was later MISS HOlEY .,.,MISS GALORE Rhino." Capture 'of a rhin­ transferred to the He a lrh Ser ­ osaurus . vice. The Security Office de ­ .HAVE .. scribed the wound s as self ­ infl icted, JAMES Today's Egyptian BOlD Is Last of Term BACK FOR Wednesday will be the last day o f publication fo r the Egyptian for fall quane r. The first issue aft e r the holidays wil l be J an.
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