MUEBICA'S LflBCaEST WBBKW FOB PPBUC EMPlOmOES NEW LAW WOULD PROTECT RIGHT TO OUTSIDE JOBS , LVOI. 6—NO. 22 Tuesday, February 6, 1945 Price Five Cents See Page 16 NVC OPENS EXAMS a FOR PERMANENT JOBS ALSO BIG LISTING OF ESSENTIAL WAR POSTS See Pages 2, 71, 12 states provide for the reporting of eral agencies in the health of communicable diseases to State their employees is a progressive 4'F Dafa Confidential, health officers, and it has been the step which will help the Federal practice of examining physicians service match the efforts of priv- who are performing examinations ate industry in protecting the in connection with the Selective health of its employees. In such Training and Service Act to bring a program, thei^Commission ap- Says U. S. Civil Service to the attention of the appropriate preciates the desirability of secur- civil authority any instances of ing an accurate appraisal of an communicable disease which they employee's, or prospective em- WASHINGTON — The sion and other agencies had prev- ice Act are concerned with fitness may find. Any necessary follow- ployee's, physical capacities or .U, S. Civil Service Commis- iously had access to these records. for military duty and not with fit- up will be made by the health limitations. However, it is desired sion has cracked down on They used them extensively, but ness for civilian employment. authorities to see that such condi- to offer a word of caution as to there were numerous complaints tions are suitably cared for." the source of such infca-mation. government agencies with that the Information gained was In concurring with Selective misconstrued and used unjustly to Service in this matter, U. S. Civil The Order It has been suggested that an iregard to using Selective Service Commission issued the Service records for finding fire persons and keep others from Departmental Circular No. 513 accurate summary of the physical getting jobs. following in a circular to other put the physical condition of agencies: Subject: Caution as to Use of condition of an employee or ap- Selective Service Records as a plicant who has been classified in •'Employees or prospective em- Now Confidential "The Commission is also of the Source of Information Concern- 4-F could be obtained by request- ployees. It is known that The order prohibiting the use opinion that it would not be justi- ing 4-F Classification of Em- of these records stated that the fiable to require employees or ing the individual to furnish a '^elective Service Headquar- ployees or Prospective Em- statement from his local board Selective Service records will from prospective employees to furnish ployees iters had long frowned on the such statements on the ground giving the reasons for the 4-P now on be strictly confidential and To Heads of Departments and In- / policy of investigators' using it pointed out that physical exam- that they would be a means of re- classification. The Commission Idata from its files. vealing evidence of communicable " dependent Establishments: inations made in accordance with The interest manifested by Fed- (Continued on Page 11) Investigators from the Commis- the Selective Training and Serv- disease. The laws of the various all City employees except: lines in his departmental budget, 1. Exempt employees; 2. those he made the raises permanent. who received individual increases For example the salary line of a Permanent NYC Bonus during 1944-5; 3. those covered by $1,200 a year clerk, receiving a the mandatory increment law; 4. bonus of $120 reads: "$1,200 civil engineers, who would receive ($1,320)." The departmental budg- a new salary minimum of $4,260, et for 1945-6 list him at $1,320, but which was promised them by the it is expected that the proposal Pay Plan Wins Support Board of Estimate in 1938, but will meet with considerable oppo- never paid. Police, Fire, Educa- sition from the real estate and taxpayer groups at public hear- power to revise budget items up- cost-of-hving bonus previously tion and Transportation workers The question of putting would also be excluded from the ings; and from the City admin- wards—^have indicated their sup- granted should be made a perm- istration. jKhe cost-of-living bonus of port behind the move to grant a $60 raise. anent increase. This would not Burke Goes Ahead '4 New York City employees on permanent increase to the City increase the budget, as the amount a permanent basis is due for employees. However, Borough President of the bonus is now included. It James A. Burke of Queens, went action when hearings begin In his budget message. Borough would, however, add slightly to the right ahead and put his employees Public on the 1945-46 budget be- President Edgar J. Nathan, Jr., of pension contribution required by on a permanent increase basis, in- fore the board of Estimate. Manhattan said: the City." stead of a temporary bonus. By AdirjsnisfraHon To date, two members of the "In my opinion living conditions In addition. President Nathan the simple expedient of elimin- Board of Estimate—which has the today require that the temporary suggested a $60 a year increase to ating the brackets in the code Page 10 FULL TEXT OF BILL RAISING PAY OF STATE EMPLOYEES earning between $2,000 antt hundred forty-five and endins Mitroh thousand five hundred dollars per annum event exceed, in the agr»re(rate, compensa< ALBANY — The Adminis- thirty-first, iiinet«eo hundred forty-itix. or more and less than two thousand dol- tion at the rate of four thousand four llratien last week made pub- $3,000. The People of the State of New York, lars per annum, provided, that the com- hundred dollars per annum; 12Vj% increase to all employees representin: in S»«nat« ui4 AAooiublv df pensation otherwise payable to any such (5) At the' rate of ten per centum of Uc the text of its bill to in- earning between $3,000 and enact as follown. officer or employee, together with such such compensation if the compensation Section 1. For services renaerea (tu» additional war emergency compensation, otherwise payable four thousand dol- erease the pay of more than $4,000. inr the fiscal year coniniencinir on April shall in no event exceed, iu the agrarreerate, lars per atuium or more, provided, that 10,000 State employees. 10% increase to all employees first, nineteen hundred forty-five and end- compensation at the rate of two thou- the additional war emergrency compensa- earning over $4,000. ing: March thirty-first, nineteen hundred sand three hundred dollars per annum; tion paid pursuant to the provisions of Carrying out the promise forty-six, there shall be paid periodically this act shall in no event exceed one There are certain restrictions as to all State officers and Employees to (3) At the rate of fifteen per centum thousand dollars per annum. ^hich Governor Dewey had to the top limits in each of the»e whom the provisions of this act are ap- of such compensation if tho compensation I 2. When uwed in this act as the basis categories. plicable, as hereinafter provided, addi- otherwise payable is two thousand dollars on, which additional war enu'rg'ency com- made in his first message to per annum or more and less than three pensation is computed, the term "com- Governor Dewey said that the tional war eniei'Kuucy compensaUon, to thousand dollars per annum, provided, the Legislature this session, be computed upon tlio compensation of iiensation" shall mean the net compensa- minimum salary of any full time such officers and employees otherwise pay- that the compensation otherwise payable tion remaining after deductions, if any, the bill provides raises in State employee, with the war able during such period, as follows: (1) to any such officer or employee, together are made for maintenance received by the At the rate of twenty per centum of such with such additional war emergency com- officer or employee from the vross com- pay for the fiscal year be- bonus, would be $1,440 a year. compensation If the compensation other- pensation, shall in no event excced, in the The bill, one of the most im- arrrerate, compensation at the rate of (Continued on Page 11) ginning April 1, 1945, and wise payable is less than one thousand three thousand three hundred seventy- portant affecting State employees, five hundi-ud dollars per annum, pro- five dollars per annum; ending March 31, 1946. is printed below in full. It should vided, that the compensatiou otherwise In essence, the bill provides: puyublo to any such officer or employee, (4) At tho rate of twelve and one-half be read carefully. tojfether with such additional war emer- per centum of such compensution if the 90% increase to all employees vency conipensutiun, shall in no event compensation ottterwise payable is three For More r AN ACT excucd, in the aifb'i'c^ate, compensation at thousand dollars per annum or more and earning $1,500 a year or less. AutliurUlnir uiid iiruvitliiiK for the IMty- the rale of one tUousimd seven hundred less than four thousand dolluis per an- nVn% to all employees earning liiviit of uiltlitioiml wur t*iii«M'icfiir)' tuiu- sixty-two dollars per annum; num provided, that the compensation State News IttMuutiuii tu eertitiii Siu(«> ufl'ireru uiid (a) At tho r;ito of wvi'iiieen and one- otherwise payable to any such officer or between $1,500 and $2,000. entploytHM fur niiil tluriiitc the flHCul half per rcntum of suili <oiiipensution if j employee, togrether with such luMitional 15% increase to all employees ytHtr ruiiiniciirinic Aiiril fir>it, iiliietriMi the (Miinpuniiiiliun ulht-rwibi- payable is one ' war cmergeney compensation, shall in no Pages 6.
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