t VMk MA //1, w׳ ////^ ¥ SING AMERICA Compiled and Edited by ANNE ALLAN Published by WORKERS BOOKSHOP 50 E ast 13th S treet New York 3, N. Y. ]•flUft 20? TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abraham Lincoln Lives Again............................................ 20 Anthem of the Soviet Union .............................................. 7 Are You Backing Your Commander-in-Chief?.............. 56 \ Ballad of Dorie Miller............’............................................... 44 Beloved Comrades .................... 49 Belt Line G irl .......................................................................... 38 Cavalry of the Steppes (Meadowland)........................... 15 Chee Lai (Arise) .................................................................... 10 Deliver the Goods ................ .'>................................................. 37 End Jim Crow .......................................................................... 46 F arm er Is the M an .................................................................. 34 Fight, A m erica .................................................................. 61 F ranklin D. Roosevelt ......................................................... 54 Freedom (The Thaelmann Column) ............................... 18 Freedom Road............................................................................ 25 From B order Unto B order ................................................... 16 G aribaldi’s W ar H ym n ......................................................... 12 Go Down, Moses ............................................................ »........ 22 Goin’ to Build My Heaven .................................................. 27 Good Reuben James ........... 42 I Spoke to Jefferson at Guadalcanal................................. 48 It’s a Small World After All .............................................. 58 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page It’s Up to You............................................................................ 35 John Brown’s Body ............................................................... 23 Keeping Score for ’44 ........................................................... 52 La M arseillaise ........................................................................ 9 My N ative Land ...................................................................... 13 Oh, Freedom! ............................................................................. 24 Oh, You’ve Got to Join the U nion.................................... 50 P eat Bog Soldiers .................................................................... 19 Put On Your Union Button................................................ 51 Quiet Girl ................... 40 Rifles ........................................................................................... 14 Roosevelt and Four Freedom s .......................................... 55 Sascha—Pascha—Yascha ..................................................... 30 Star-Spangled B anner ........................................................... 5 U nited N ations i ......................................................................... 6 Victory Begins at Home ....................................................... 60 Viva La Quince Brigada ....................................................... 17 Wait for Me .............................................................................. 32 W altzing M atilda ...................................................................... 29 THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER FRANCIS SCOTT KEY Music by JO H N STAFFORD SMITH Oh! say, can you see, By the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hail’d At the twilight’s last gleaming! Whose broad stripes and bright stars Thro’ the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watch’d Were so gallantly streaming; And the rockets’ red glare, The bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro’ the night That our flag was still there. Oh! say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave, O’er the land of the free, And the home of the brave! Oh, thus be it ever When free men shall stand Between their lov’d homes And the war’s desolation! Blest with vict’ry and peace, May the heav’n-rescued land Praise the pow’r that hath made And preserved us a nation! Then conquer we must, When our cause it is just, And this be our motto: “In God is our trust!” And the Star-Spangled Banner In triumph shall wave O’er the land of the free And the home of the brave! 5 THE UNITED NATIONS HAROLD ROME Music by DMITRI SH O STAK O VIC H The sun and the stars are still ringing With song rising strong from the earth, The hope of humanity singing A hymn to a new world in birth. United Nations on the march With flags unfurled Together fight for victory A free new world. Take heart all you nations swept under, By powers of darkness that ride, The wrath of the people shall thunder, Relentless as time and the tide. Chorus As sure as the sun meets the morning The rivers go down to the sea, A new day for mankind is dawning, Our children shall live proud and free. Chorus 6 ANTHEM OF THE SOVIET UNION English text by PVT. HY ZARET r״l a : Q ״i ־*y -.»״*LfA -k ‘fra ,».׳. & ,»&■' *»u L ’pre- rW U- *>- Wd a f .f all i*sfn +• See ך ׳ ' • ^ %» ךיווי -A i ־ ' ^ י ^ י י ׳ י ו j■ ^ ■£■ 4*1>£ ײיףייי-ײ^ >ייןג*י0 ן י$1■ United forever in friendship and labor Onr mighty republics will ever endure; The great Soviet Union will live thru the ages— The dream of a people, their fortress secure. Long live our Soviet Motherland Built by the people’s mighty hand, Long live her people united and free; Strong in a friendship tried by fire Long may our crimson flag inspire Shining in glory for all men to see. 7 Thru days dark and stormy, while great Lenin led us, Our eyes saw the bright sun of freedom above; And Stalin, our leader, with faith in the people Inspired us to build up the land that we love. Chorus We fought for the future, destroyed the invader And brought to our homeland the laurels of fame. Her glory will live in the mem’ry of nations, Ąnd all generations will honor her name. Chorus LA MARSEILLAISE American version by PVT. HY ZARET You sons of France, awake to glory! A bleeding nation bids you rise. Town and villagte plundered and pillaged Are the graves where Liberty lies, Are the graves where your liberty lies. But now, the Nazi power is crumbling; Hope lifts up her head thru the land; The hour of freedom is at hand! Join with us, avenge your days of bondage! To arms, to arms arise! Your bayonets unsheathe. March on! March on! All hearts resolved On liberty or death! CHEE LAI (ARISE) Fighting Song of New China Arise, you who refuse to be bond slaves! Let’s stand up and fight for Liberty and true democracy. All our world is facing The chains of the tyrants. Everyone who works for freedom is now crying: Arise! Arise! Arise! All of us with one heart, With the torch of freedom, M arch on! With the torch of freedom, M arch on! March on! March on, and on! . 10 Arise you who refuse to be bond slaves! With our very flesh and blood Let us build our new Great Wall. China’s masses have met the day of danger, Indignation fills t]»e heart of all of our countrymen. Arise! Arise! Arise! Many hearts with one mind, Brave the enemy’s gunfire, M arch on! Brave the enemy’s gunfire, March on! March on! March op! On! 11 GARIBALDI S WAR HYMN (Italian Hymn of Liberation) American version by PVT. HY ZARET ^\_IS »" - y»»»ia*d. A ־ .« , Pn'vt « ut tSe N ׳ * “ SM ntr* dustviU t 1 ' 4«S »J' A- h ie Sw,i . f I - 4 e l- y ' JW * e»rt tfce N et-ii ee-eU w j y * r 1*4 ״ ..״.S _ Italians! Arise now; Liberty marches with flame and with thunder, Her legions destroying all the buzzards of plunder, Rise, now, Italians, your chains break asunder. And, in the ranks of free men, take your stand. In towns and farms, arise in arms, beneath our banners glorious. Onward to freedom, we’re marching victorious. Our cause is just, and soon the dust will cover those opposing us. Drive out the Nazis enslaving your land. Arise, Sons of Italy! Arise, Sons of Italy! Drive out the Nazis enslaving your land. 12 MY NATIVE LAND LEW IS ALLAN Music by G EO RG E KLEINSINGER: Oh, my eyes have seen the glory Of the fields of golden grain, And the splendor of the valleys, Of the mountain and the plain, But the richness of it lies Beyond the reach of loving eyes, ’Till the heart within me cries, My Native Land! From the sidewalks of the city To the cottage on a hill, From the tug-boat on the river To the furnace and the mill, From the red-wood to the pine, This home, sweet home is yours and mine, Ev’rywhere, let Freedom shine, My Native Land. There’s a worker at his work-bench And a farmer at his plough, Here’s a miner and welder, And they’re all together now, For the Freedom we have^ known Wherever Stars and Stripes are flown, Let us sing this is my own, My Native Land. Permission granted— Edward B. Marks Music Corp., RCA Bldg., New York 13 THE RIFLES En Early American Revolutionary W ar Song * i»rs,tjour fells t , our UiHtytkcrt» iu n ffr 4x4 tW » <U»-pr m»־«׳in i ־ Wk»( Comet(« K itU H»t־ of ןײו־ןײי» It«•* tVe |ןו«'ot łł>e bu-cjl« wiM and ftve, For aeon 1 ןי׳ו־ךון$ >Wills Ok feanr ijc not fi FI»* ! (cl«^pi>uj)Iń our L*d»łń| (łrrf no fe j-ik . t־ TU ri(" ףוזוגן)* ri fl« tv»«, H»■ t>« Fov tVt r i-f it (c I Why come ye hither invaders, Your mind what madness fills, In our valley there is danger, And there’s danger on our hills. Oh hear ye not the singing Of the bugle wild and free, For soon you’ll know the singing Of the rifle from the tree. For the rifle BOOM BOOM For the rifle BOOM TA DE BOOM BOOM In our hands
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