NATIONAL PARK UNITED STATES Historic Events DEPARTMENT OF THE 1851 Mariposa Battalion discovered Yo- INTERIOR semite Valley from Inspiration Point. 1855 J. M. Hutchings organized first party HAROLD L. ICKES, Secretary of sightseers to enter Valley. 1856 "Lower Hotel," first permanent structure, built at base of Sentinel Rock. 19 1 186-4 Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Big 4 Trees set aside as park by Congress, to be administered by State of Cali­ fornia. 1868 John Muir made his first trip to area. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE NEWTON B. DRURY, Director 1871 Conway started work on Four-Mile Trail to Glacier Point. Finished in 1872. CO^TE^TS 1874 Coulterville Road built to Valley floor. Big Oak Flat route completed Half Dome Cover to Valley. Formation of Yosemite Valley 3 1875 Wawona Road constructed to floor of Waterfalls 4 Valley. Glacier Point and Rim of 1881 Tunnel cut through Wawona Tree. Valley 4 1882 Tioga Road constructed. Conway The Giant Sequoias .... 4 built Glacier Point Road. Wawona 5 1890 Yosemite National Park, surrounding Yosemite Valley, created October 1. Tuolumne Meadows ... 5 1891 Capt. Wood, first superintendent, ar­ Hetch Hetchy 5 rived with Federal troops to admin­ Winter Season 5 ister park, May 17. Fishing 6 1899 Camp Curry established. Plant and Animal Life ... 6 1900 Holmes brothers of San Jose drove Naturalist Services .... 6 first automobile into Yosemite. Administration 7 1906 Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Grove receded to United States. Accommodations & Expenses 7 Free Public Campgrounds . 7 1913 Automobiles admitted to Yosemite Valley. Hotels, Lodges, etc. ... 10 1914 Civilian employees replaced military Miscellaneous Services . 11 in administration of park. How to Reach the Park . 13 1919 First airplane landed in Valley, May What to Do and See in 27, Lt. J. S. Krull, pilot. Yosemite 14 1926 Ail-Year Highway completed and Rules and Regulations ... 15 dedicated July 31. 2 Yosemite National Park * California YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK CALIFORNIA OPEN ALL YEAR YOSEMITE FALLS OSEMITE NATIONAL PARK, edly accelerated to torrential speed by Yapproximately 200 miles by road the uplifts which in the course of many from San Francisco, is a superb vaca­ million years have given the Sierra Ne­ tion land embracing 1,189 square miles vada their great height. With each in­ of spectacular mountain country. The crease in velocity, the river cut its chan­ two main rivers which flow through the nel deeper, and at last fashioned a park originate high in the mountain narrow V-shaped canyon over 2,000 snows and are fed by hundreds of icy feet in depth. The lesser side streams, streams and snow bordered lakes. In­ meanwhile, were unable to cut so fast, cluded in the park are also three mag­ and their valleys were left hanging high nificent groves of Big Trees, most noted above the bottom of the canyon. The of which is the Mariposa Grove. canyon thus became adorned by many Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa cascades of great height. Grove were set aside in 1864 by act of With the coming of the ice age, Congress, signed by Abraham Lincoln, Yosemite Canyon was invaded by to be administered as a public trust mighty glaciers that descended from the by the State of California. In 1890 the crest of the range. During the climax greater Yosemite National Park sur­ of this age, ice filled the canyon literally rounding these areas was created, and to the brinks and extended down be­ in 1906 the State re-ceded the ValLey yond the site of El Portal. It reached and the Grove to the Federal Govern­ within 700 feet of the crown of Half ment. Dome and overrode Glacier Point to a depth of 700 feet. Forcing its way with FORMATION OF YOSEMITE tremendous power, it gradually widened VALLEY the narrow V-shaped canyon to a The Yosemite Valley, 7 miles long, broad U-shaped trough. It cut back the averaging 1 mile in width and 4,000 sloping sides to sheer cliffs and trans­ feet above sea level, was cut to its pres­ formed the cascades into leaping water­ ent depth by the Merced River which falls. It also added to the depth of the runs through it. The river was repeat­ Valley, excavating a lake basin in its Yosemite National Park • California 3 rock floor. When at last the glacier A free public campground is available melted away it left a lake 5Y2 miles at Glacier Point. long. But the lake did not endure, for An excellent highway which leaves the Merced River brought down vast the Wawona Road at Chinquapin leads quantities of sand and gravel which through forests of pine and fir to finally filled the lake completely and Glacier Point. A popular feature dur­ produced the level park-like floor. ing the summer is the firefall which is pushed from the Point every night at 9 WATERFALLS o'clock, its glowing embers falling in a Nowhere else in the world may be 900-foot tinkling golden cascade to a seen a waterfall spectacle such as is barren rocky ledge below. found in Yosemite National Park. The Half a mile from the main road Upper Yosemite Fall, highest free leap­ above Glacier Point is Sentinel Dome, ing waterfall in the world, drops 1,430 4,157 feet above the Valley floor, feet in one sheer fall, a height equal to where an unobstructed panorama may approximately nine Niagara Falls piled be had from the coast range on the west one on top of the other. The lower to the snow-capped ridge of the Sierra Yosemite Fall, immediately below, has on the east. Atop this dome is a famous a drop of 320 feet, or two Niagaras wind-blown Jeffrey pine tree. From this more. Counting the series of cascades point one may see El Capitan, Cathedral in between, the total drop from the Rocks, North Dome, and Half Dome, crest of the upper to the base of the ranging from 2,592 to 4,892 feet above lower fall is 2,425 feet. Vernal Fall has the Valley floor. a drop of 317 feet; Illilouette Fall, 370 feet. The Nevada Fall drops 594 feet; THE GIANT SEQUOIAS the celebrated Bridalveil Fall, 620 feet; One of the best known groves of and the Ribbon Fall, 1,612 feet. giant sequoias outside of Sequoia Na­ The falls are at their fullest in May tional Park is the Mariposa Grove with­ and June while the winter snows, are in Yosemite, near South Entrance. It is melting. They are still running in July, reached via the Wawona Road, and is but some are entirely dry by August 15 only 35 miles by high-gear paved road when there has been little rain or snow. from the Yosemite Valley, a lV2-hour drive each way. GLACIER POINT AND RIM OF This grove contains some 200 trees, YOSEMITE VALLEY 10 feet or more in diameter at breast Glacier Point, above the Valley rim, height, and thousands of younger trees. commands a magnificent view of the Reproduction is healthy, and the trees High Sierra. Spread before the eye is show a remarkable resistance to fire, one of the world's grandest panoramas fungi, and insects. of domes and waterfalls, dominated by The Grizzly Giant is considered the Half Dome which rises almost sheer oldest tree in the grove; its age is esti­ 4,892 feet above the Valley floor. A few mated at 3,800 years. The maximum steps from the hotel one looks down base diameter is 34.7 feet, and the aver­ into Yosemite Valley, 3,254 feet below. age diameter at the base is 27.6 feet. 4 Yosemite National Park • California It has a girth of 96.5 feet and a height ows, the largest in the Sierra Nevada. of 209 feet. Near the museum is the A lodge, store, garage, and gas station fallen Massachusetts Tree, 280 feet long are operated in July and August; and and 28 feet in diameter. As the tree is a free public campground is available broken into sections, it provides a fine when the road is open. opportunity to study the growth rings and the character of the wood. HETCH HETCHY Visitors may continue up the loop Good paved and oiled roads lead to road to the famous Wawona Tree and Hetch Hetchy Dam and Lake, 38 miles drive through the tunnel, 8 feet wide from Yosemite Valley. This road passes and 26 feet long, that was cut through through the Tuolumne Grove of Big it in 1881. This tree is 231 feet tall and Trees and magnificent stands of sugar 27.5 feet in diameter. A little farther up pine and fir. the road a wonderful view over the Wawona Basin and South Fork Canyon WINTER SEASON may be had at Wawona Point, eleva­ The All-Year Highway is never tion 6,890 feet; especially fine are the closed, and the Wawona Road is open views at sunset. during the winter, except for short In the Tuolumne Grove, located on periods after unusually heavy snows. It the Big Oak Flat Road, 17 miles from is advisable to carry chains for use in the Valley, is another tree through heavy storms. Information on snow which cars may be driven. A third sports and winter road conditions may grove, the Merced, is an unusually beau­ be obtained from automobile associa­ tiful area in a secluded corner of the tions. It is necessary to make reserva­ park. It is reached by a good dirt road, tions well in advance for accommoda­ and is about 8 miles west of Crane Flat.
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