WACO TRIBUNE-HERALD SPORTS TUESDAY,SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 | B3 offensive side. They’realsomuch “They(Baylor)probablyhave Baylor different personalitytypesasalittle bitofanupper hand onus Cameron Yoeshutsdownpractice From B1 Aranda is quiet and studiouswhile basedonknowing whoweare and Holgorsenisgregarious. havingayear of being able to look at afterpositiveCOVID-19test Kliff Kingsbury, whowent on to But therehas always beenagreat us,” Holgorsensaid.“We don’t have become the RedRaiders’ head amount of respect between the two ayeartobeabletolookatthem. STAFFREPORT denthavebeenquarantined,”the coach from 2013-18 and has been coaches. We’vegot to look back to where CameronYoe closedits Mon- school district said in arelease. the head coach of the NFL’s Ar- “I’ve followed him and watched their coordinatorswereatand what dayfootball practices after astu- “The weight room is closedtoall izona Cardinals forthe last two him,”Holgorsensaid.“His success their history wasand stuff.But we dent-athletetested positive for athletes the rest of today.” seasons. is not surprising basedonhow in- feel good about wherewe’re at.” COVID-19,the school district Cameron planned to institute Aranda felt that Holgorsenwas telligent we thought he was. He’s Aranda alsohopes to gain some announced Monday. adeep cleaning of the fieldhouse the link that pulled that TexasTech had an incredible amount of suc- insight from Baylor running backs “The COVID-19 positive stu- andre-open the facilities and re- offensive staff together.Theyalso cess as adefensivecoordinator over coach Justin Johnsonafter he dent athleteand all studentsde- sume practicesonTuesday.The sawscenes from some prettygood the last 20 years. Baylor had alot of served in the same capacityunder termined to have been in close Yoemen (2-1)will host Lexington movies. success with adefensive-minded Holgorsenlast season. Addition- contact with the positive stu- on Friday. “I’dalwaysstopbyand visit coach in Matt Rhule,and it’s not ally,Baylor offensive linecoach Joe with Dana, andhewould be doing surprising to me that they went Wicklinewas an offensivecoach on amilliondifferent things,”Aranda out there and gotanother one.He’s Holgorsen’sstaffatWest Virginia Dallas Cowboys said. “Atthat point, we had movie fitting in withwhat they do with from 2016-18. head coach clipsthat we would pick foreach their scheme and personnel, and “We’lluse everyavailablere- MikeMcCarthy coach,and they wouldpresent it to he’sgoing to have aton of success.” source that we have,” Aranda said. bumps fists with the team to startthe meeting.That After West Virginia began Big “I thinkthe thingiswhen we’re quarterback wasstill Blockbuster video days. 12 playin2012,Holgorsenen- addressingthose guys is real spe- DakPrescott(4) “I rememberspecificallycom- joyedconsiderable success against cific thingsthat cancome up in duringthe first ing intoDana’soffice, and he’sgot Baylor by fashioning a5-2 record filmstudy. Is there something Joe halfofanNFL aBlockbuster videoonone side, against the Bears. He went 2-2 (Wickline)can help with? Is there football game looking through Tombstone to against Briles,1-0 againstJim somethingthat Juice(Johnson)can against the Los find aclip,and on this hand he’s Grobe and 2-0against Rhule. clarify on? Thereare abunch of ties Angeles Rams trying to cut up tape. I’ve gotalot But since this will be Aranda’s to Houston, so it’s good to utilize Sunday, Sept. of respect forhim –hardworker, debut as aheadcoach, it could everyadvantagethat we’vegot.” 13,2020,in authentic,smart. It’s going to be a be difficult forHolgorsentoget a BEAR FACTS — Baylor’sBig 12 Inglewood, Calif. challengefor us.” good read on what to expect from opener againstKansas has been set ASHLEY LANDIS, Aranda built his career as ade- Baylor’sschemes underoffensive for6:30p.m.Sept. 26 at McLane AP fensive coachwhileHolgorsen coordinator LarryFedora and de- Stadium. The game will be tele- movedupthe ladder from the fensive coordinator RonRoberts. vised on ESPNU. fensive linemen Aldon Smith Cowboys and Antwaun Woodsstood next From B1 to himwithhands on hisshoul- ders, as did astaffmember.Poe’s maker —said Osaka’s thirdGrand Stock down decision wasnotablebecauseof Osaka Slam win underlined the spirit Third-downefficiency on both howoutspoken owner JerryJones From B1 behind the company’s“Hungryto sides of theballcontributedas has been to such gestures during win” sloganand looked forwardto much to this loss as anything. “The Star-Spangled Banner.” at upcoming Olympics. her participation in the Olympics. TheCowboys were among the Jones has seen it as an issue of Some people lobbying forchange But when asked about the masks best in both categories last sea- respecting the flag over protests have said“anti-racist”speechisnot and Osaka’s campaign against racial son. Against theRams,Dallas of racial injustice. political speech. injustice, the spokesman declined converted justthree of 12 third “Myteammatesweretelling me The Associated Presscontacted comment, calling it “her personal downs while LA was9of 15. thattheydidn’twant me to do it severalofOsaka’s sponsors. Forbes matter.” by myself,alone, becausewe’re magazine listed her last year as the AutomakerNissanMotorCo.said Injured ateam,”Poe said.“ButIhad told world’srichest female athletewith it planned no statement. TE Blake Jarwin has atorn an- themmymindwas already made earningsof$37.4 million in the pre- Some responseonJapanesesocial teriorcruciateligament afterhis up and I felt this way. And if they vious 12 months. media has been negative,lashing rightknee buckled when he cut didn’t,don’tdoit.Don’tdoitun- The reaction of Japanesewatch- out at Osaka.Ofcourse,therealso onaroute, ending his season.LB less your heartisthere likemine maker Citizen WatchCo. wastyp- has been ample praise. LeightonVanderEschbroke his was.” ical of the responses.The company FRANK FRANKLINII,ASSOCIATEDPRESS Negative outburstsagainst peo- collarbone and is headed to in- declined to comment on the masks Naomi Osaka wearsaprotective ple whostand out canbecommon jured reservewithachancetore- Next steps but expresseddelight in an official mask featuringthe name“George in Japan, whereconformityand turn.TCameron Erving had his It’s clearthe biggest adjustment statement that the tennis star was Floyd”beforeher quarterfinal teamwork arevalued, and individ- leftkneecrunched while blocking forthe Cowboysisondefense, wearing one of itsproducts—a match at the U.S.Open in NewYork. ualismoften is seen as selfish and on the 53-yard field goal thatGreg with anew scheme under coordi- Naomi Osakawatch with ayellow unbecoming. Zuerleinmissed. IfErving misses natorMikeNolan. Vander Esch’s band during the U.S. Open. sports, and we arecarrying out our The statement from the Japanese muchtime, it willbeahugeblow injuryraises serious questions Sportsequipment manufacturer business activities with hopes that Prime Minister’sOfficemade no to the depth of the offensive line. forthe linebackerswhenthe sec- YonexCo. expressedsupport for everyone whotakes part in sports referencetoOsaka’s masksorany ondary wasalready the weakest Osaka’s feelings,whilealsostressing around the worldwill have fun.We mentionabout racial injustice,say- Keynumber linkonthe team.The scoreboard that she wonher thirdGrand Slam think Ms.Osaka’s actionsreflect our ing on Twitter:“Congratulations.It 1—Defensive tackle Dontari didn’tshowit, butDallas appears using one of itsrackets. basic stance,and we respect her ac- wasafull-set comeback from be- Poebecame the first, and so far capable of havinganoffenseas “National bordersand racial tions.” hind, and younever gave up till the only, Dallas playertokneel during productiveaslast season’stop- discrimination should not exist in NissinFoods—theinstantnoodle end. Thanksfor inspiring us.” the national anthem. Fellowde- ranked unit. Garage Sale Special •8lines of text 3DAYS•3LINES call about •Border our litter •3days individual items priced $501 to $1,500 special •Prepaid *ifitem does not sell after 3days,call and we’ll run it another 3days 757-3000 only •private party •prepaid •nopets or livestock•must include price PUBLIC NOTICES Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices WantedtoBuy my Budget. service, I, Walt Strickland as 2: Council to consider remarks 2010023797 IN THE REAL BID/PROPOSAL NOTICE FREON WANTED: Constable of Precinct 1, on proposed 2020 Water Fund PROPERTY RECORDS, RFP #20-1172 Loss Run We pay $$$ for cylinders and McLennan County, Texas, did, on Budget. MCLENNAN COUNTY, TEXAS; Insurance, Monday, September cans. R12 R500 R11 R113 R114. the 30th day of July 2020, levy Public Hearing II TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER(S) : 21, 2020 at 2:00 P.M. CST Convenient. 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