AUTHORITY AND DOMINION AN ECONOMIC COMMENTARY ON EXODUS VOLUME 3 TOOLS OF DOMINION Other Books by Gary North An Economic Commentary on the Bible, 31 vols. (198 – !1 " Marx’s Religion of Revolution (19#8, 1989" An Introduction to Christian Economics (19$3" Puritan Economic Experiments (19$%, 1988" None Dare Call It Witchcraft (19$#" nconditional Surrender (198!, !1!" !uccessful Investing in an Age of Env" (1981" #overnment by Emergency (1983" %ack'ard, Christian Soldiers) (198%" *+ Bible Questions Your Instructors Pray -ou Won’t As& (198%" Coined Freedom (198%" Conspiracy: A Biblical Vie' (198#" 1onest Mone" (198#" nholy Spirits (198#, 199%" Dominion and Common Grace (198$" Inherit the Earth (198$" 2iberating Planet Earth (198$" 1ealer of the Nations (198$" 3he Pirate Econom" (198$" Is the World Running Do'n) (1988" When Justice Is A$orted (1989" Political Polytheism (1989" 4udeo5Christian Tradition (199!" 3he Hoax of Higher Criticism (199!" 0ictim’s Rights (199!" Millennialism and Social Theory (199!" Westminster’s Confession (1991" Christian Reconstruction (1991), with Gary De(ar 3he Coase Theorem (199 " Salvation Through In6ation (1993" Rapture Fever (1993" 3ithing and the Church (199%" %aptized Patriarchalism (199)" Crossed Fingers (199#" 3he Covenantal Tithe (2!11" Mises on Money (2!1 " AUTHORITY AND DOMINION Volume 3 Gary North ART 3: TOOLS AND DOMINION An Economic Commentary on Exodus 89–88 Author"ty and Dom"#"o#! An E%onom"% Commentary on E&o$u' Part 3/ Tools of Dominion *ormerly+ 3ools of Dominion/ 3he Case 2a's of Exodus Co,yri-ht © Gary North, 2!1 /econ0 E0ition 12blished by+ o"nt Fi(e Pre'' 1.O. Box 2$$8 Dallas, GA 3!13 All ri-hts reserved. 4ritten permission m2st be sec2red from the ,2blisher to use or repro02ce any part of this book, except for brief 62otations in critical reviews or articles. 1rinted in the United States of America. TA)LE OF CONTENTS Volume 1: Part 1, Representation and Dominion 1reface . xi Intro02ction . 1 1. 1o,2lation Gro&th+ 9ool o5 Dominion (Ex. 1+)–$" . 1 . Im,erial B2reaucracy (Ex. 1:8–1 " . 31 3. :i-oro2s 4aste an0 :i-oro2s /ocialism (Ex. 1:13–1%" . )3 %. Illegitimate /tate 1ower (Ex. 1:1)–1#" . ## ). Envy, :2mor, an0 Bon0age (Ex. 2:11–1%" . $ #. C2m2lative 9rans-ression an0 :estit2tion (Ex. 3+ 1– " . 8 $. 9he O,tim2m 1ro02ction (i3 (Ex. )+)–$" . 91 8. Covenantal Ju0-ment (Ex. 8:19) . 1!$ 9. Ori-inal Ownershi, (Ex. 9+ 9–3!" . 1 ! 1!. 9otal /acri<ce, 9otal /overei-nty (Ex. 1!+ %" . 1 8 11. /eparation an0 'ominion (Ex. 11+$" . 13# 1 . Discontin2ity an0 Contin2ity (Ex. 1 :1!–11" . 1%# 13. Uncon0itional /2rren0er (Ex. 1 :3!–3 " . 183 1%. 9he :2le of Law (Ex. 1 +%8–%9" . 19% 1). 9he *irstborn O>erin- (Ex. 13:1– " . 3! 1#. 9he 1sycholo-y of /lavery (Ex. 1%:1 " . 3! 1$. 9he (etaphor o5 Gro&th: Ethics (Ex. 1)+1$" . %# 18. (anna, Predictability, an0 'ominion (Ex. 1#+%–)" . )8 19. Im,erfect Justice (Ex. 18+ 1– " . #$ !. 9he Oath?Bo2n0 @in-0om o5 1riests (Ex. 19:3–#" . 8! Concl2sion . 8% Volume 2: Part 2, Decalogue and Dominion 1reface . xi Intro02ction . 89 1. 9he Go0 o5 Liberation (Ex. 2!:1–3" . 3!) . Graven Images an0 :ival CiviliAation (Ex. !+%–#" . 31) vii viii AUTHORITY AND DOMINION 3. Lawf2l Title (Ex. 2!+$" . 3%) %. :est an0 Dominion (Ex. !:8–11" . 3#! ). *amily Capital (Ex. !:1 " . 3$ #. Go0Bs (ono,oly o5 Exec2tion (Ex. !+13" . 38$ $. 9he Coke o5 Coo,erative /ervice (Ex. 2!:1%) . %!! 8. 9he :i-hts of 1rivate 1ro,erty (Ex. 2!+1)" . %13 9. 9he Dal2e o5 a Name (Ex. !+1#" . %) 3!. Coveto2sness an0 ConEict (Ex. 2!+1$" . %$$ Concl2sion . %9% Volume 3: Part 3, Tools of Dominion 1reface . xi Intro02ction . )13 31. /ervit20e, 1rotection, an0 (arriage (Ex. 1+ –%" . )%1 3 . 4ives an0 Conc2bines (Ex. 1+$–11" . )#8 33. Exec2tin- a :ebellio2s /on (Ex. 1:1), 1$" . )98 3%. @i0nap,in- (Ex. 21+1#) . #! 3). 9he Costs o5 Private ConEict (Ex. 1 +18–19" . # 1 3#. 9he F2man Commo0ity (Ex. 1+ !– 1" . #3) 3$. Criminal Law an0 :estoration (Ex. 1+ – )" . #)! 38. 9he A2ction for /2bstit2te /anctions (Ex. 21+ – )" . #8 39. *reedom for an Eye (Ex. 1+ #– $" . $!% %!. 9he :ansom for Life (Ex. 1+ 8–31" . $1$ %1. 9he Uncovered Pit (Ex. 21+33–3%" . $%# % . @nowled-e an0 Res,onsibility (Ex. 1:3)–3#" . $)# %3. 1ro,ortional Restit2tion (Ex. :1, %" . $## %%. 1oll2tion, Ownershi,, an0 Res,onsibility (Ex. 2 +)–#) . 8!1 %). /afekeepin- an0 Liability (Ex. 2 +$–9) . 8$! Volume 4: Part 3, Tools of Dominion %#. Caretakin- an0 Negli-ence (Ex. 2 :1!–13" . 89$ %$. /ed2ction an0 /ervit20e (2 :1#–1$" . 9!$ %8. O,,ression, Omniscience an0 ;20-ment (Ex. + 1– %" . 93% %9. 9he Prohibition against 7s2ry (Ex. 2 + )– $" . 9$3 )!. Im,artial ;2stice (Ex. 3:1–3, 6–$) . 1! # )1. *in0ers sho2l0 not be @eepers (Ex. 3+%–)) . 1!%3 ) . Bribery an0 O,,ression (Ex. 23:8" . 1!)% )3. /abbatical Liberty (Ex. 23:9–1 " . 1!81 )%. *easts an0 CitiAenshi, (Ex. 3:1%–19" . 1!9) i3 )). 9he C2rse of Zero Gro&th (Ex. 3+ )– #" . 1118 )#. Go0Bs Limits on /acri<ce (Ex. ):3–8, 3#+)–$" . .11%3 )$. 9he Economics o5 the 9abernacle (Ex. ):8–9" . 11# )8. Bloo0 (oney, Not Fead 9ax (Ex. 3!+11–1#" . 11$3 )9. /abbath Rest vs. A2tonomy (Ex. 3)+ ) . 118% #!. 9he Ability to 9each (Ex. 3):31, 3%a) . 119! Concl2sion . 1199 Concl2sion to Authority and Dominion . 1 3# Volume 5: A//e#$"&e' A11EN'8H A–9he :econstr2ction o5 E-y,tBs Chronolo-y . 1 )9 A11EN'8H B–9he Demo-raphics o5 Decline . 1 8$ A11EN'8H C–9he Labyrinth an0 the Gar0en . 13 ) A11EN'8H '–9he :2le of Law an0 the *ree (arket . 13%) A11EN'8H E–9he Economic Im,lications o5 The /abbath . 13$! A11EN'8H F–9imin- the =or0Bs Day . 1%%9 A11EN'8H G–(acaulay on Democracy . 1%)% A11EN'8H F–9he E,istemolo-ical 1roblem o5 /ocial Cost . 1%#! Volume 6: A//e#$"&e' A11EN'8H 8–1oll2tion in the /oviet Union . 1)39 A11EN'8H J–Lots of Free Time: The Existentialist Uto,ia of /. C. Mooney . 1)%$ A11EN'8H @–/lavery in the American /o2th . 1)# A11EN'8H L–(aimoni0esB Code: 8s it BiblicalI . 1)$9 A11EN'8H (–DictimBs :i-hts vs. the Messianic State . 1#%% A11EN'8H N–Covenantal Law an0 Covenantal =ove . 1#8) A11EN'8H O–/ocial Antinomianism . 1$!1 A11EN'8H 1–9he Hoax o5 Hi-her Criticism . 1$18 A11EN'8H J–9he :estoration o5 Biblical Cas2istry . 1$%1 A11EN'8H R–4hat is Covenant Law? . 1$$$ A11EN'8H /–4hat are the Case LawsI . 18! A11EN'8H 9–*2-ate on the /2,,osed KFead 9ax” . 18 3 REFACE 8 write this 1reface o2t o5 a sense o5 obli-ation. In the 9able o5 Contents for 3ools of Dominion (199!), there is this entry+ 1reface. In mi0? !11, as 8 was ,roofreadin- the newly ty,eset 1oint *ive 1ress edition, 8 noticed that there was no 1reface in that book. 9he book went thro2-h its initial printin- of either 3,!!! or 5,!!! co,ies. The In? stit2te for Christian Economics ,2blished a secon0 edition. 8 0o not recall ho& many co,ies+ at least 3,!!!. 9hat was the only book in this commentary series, other than Genesis, that went into a secon0 ,rint? in-. In 1 years, no one mentioned that it was missin- a 1reface. 9his raises a 62estion+ Fo& many ,eo,le who bo2-ht it act2ally read itI /econ0, i5 the author di0 not notice, who sho2l0 have noticedI 3ools of Dominion is the most intense o5 all o5 my commentaries. 8t covers mainly three chapters+ Exo02s+ 1– 3. 9he ori-inal edition <lled 1, 1# ,ages o5 text. 9he in0ex was $! ,ages lon-. It took me somethin- in the ran-e of 1)! ho2rs to com,ile it. I have never liked to in0ex. 9hat was the most bur0ensome in0ex in my career. 9o say that there is a -reat 0eal o5 economic information in these three chapters is not an exag-eration. A1 The Ma"# Is'ue 9he main iss2e facin- the Israelites at the time o5 the exo02s was the con62est o5 Canaan. 4o2l0 they or wo2l0nBt they begin the con? 62estI 9hey 0eci0ed that they wo2l0 not. 9his was the s2,reme iss2e of the Book of N2mbers. Wo2l0 they im,ose negative sanctions on the CanaanitesI 85 not, Go0 wo2l0 im,ose negative sanctions on them+ wan0erin-. In N2mbers 1%, when the 1 s,ies ret2rned, the nation 0e? ci0ed that the 1! fear52l s,ies were correct. The lan0 was <lled with gi? ants. 9hey tried to stone ;osh2a an0 Caleb, &ho recommen0ed an im? mediate attack. Go0 then bro2-ht a ,lag2e on the nation. 9hey also &o2l0 wan0er for another 38 years. 9his had not taken ,lace when Go0 lai0 0own the law: the 9en Comman0ments (Ex. !" an0 the case laws that threw ad0itional li-ht xi xii AUTHORITY AND DOMINION on ho& these laws sho2l0 be en5orced (Ex. 1– 3). 9he case laws &o2l0 -overn the nation &hen they took ,ossession o5 the 1romised Lan0. 9he case laws are short an0 to the ,oint. (y exposition o5 them in0icates ho& com,rehensive they &ere. 9hey con0ensed a -reat 0eal o5 economic information into a short text. 9hey 0i0 not explain these economic ,rinci,les. 9hey covered slavery, M20icial liability, M20icial ,roced2re, ,enalties on violence, ,enalties on sabbath violations, an0 ,enalties on theft. 9here was no law that man0ated tax-52n0e0 charity. 9here was no law that man0ated wealth redistribution by civil law. 9here was noth? in- that co2l0 le-itimately be 2sed to j2stify the mo0ern welfare state.
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