www.ukrweekly.com Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association rainian Wee Vol. LIX No. 45 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1991 50 cents The presidential campaign Ukraine initials economic treaty In Odessa: One day on the trail Signing pends parliamentary ratification by Chrystyna Lapychak without Ukraine, which represented with Rukh candidate Vyacheslav Chornovil Kiev Press Bureau about one fourth of the USSR's econo­ mic potential KIEV - The Supreme Council of "This decision is a Pyrrhic victory for Ukraine voted on Wednesday, Novem­ (Prime Minister) Fokin," said Ukrai­ ber 6 to allow Ukrainian Prime Minister nian deputy Ivan Drach, chairman of Vitold Fokin to initial the treaty form­ Rukh, the Popular Movement of ing a new economic community recent­ Ukraine. ly signed by eight former Soviet re­ Members of Narodna Rada, which publics. served as an opposition to the former Ukraine's consent to the treaty is Communist Party majority, called the provisional and must be ratified by the measure a blow to sovereignty and Ukrainian Parliament after a number of independence. objections to specific provisions in the Debate over the issue, brought on by treaty that contradict its declarations of a speech on November 5 by the prime sovereignty and independence are minister, pleading for the legislature's worked out between the Ukrainian consent to sign the agreement, revealed government and the new economic that a majority of 14 commission community. chairmen preferred alternative solu­ The prime minister was expected to tions over the immediate provisional fly to Moscow shortly after the vote to signing of the existing treaty. initial the agreement his government Most of the presidium members has intensely lobbied for as "the only supported the idea of a bilateral treaty salvation" to the worsening economic or associate membership between U- crisis in this fledgling state of 52 million. kraine and the economic community on The decision is widely viewed as a the basis of mutual convenience. Some . victory for Soviet President Mikhail supported the notion of charging the Gorbachev in his attempts to hold a government with working out "the union together from the disintegrating conditions under which Ukraine could Soviet Union and to maintain a power­ sign the treaty." ful center in Moscow. Mr. Gorbachev has said that no union could exist (Continued on page 11) Helsinki Commission to send observers for elections in Ukraine WASHINGTON - Three staffers Although international observers from the U.S. Commission on Security cannot interfere in the elections process and Cooperation in Europe will travel in other countries, their presence helps to Ukraine as international observers (Continued on page 14) for its first presidential elections and referendum on independence, sche­ iChrystyna Lapychak duled for December 1. Kravchuk leading, Deputies of the Odessa City and Oblast council talk to candidate and Lviv Orest Deychakiwsky will observe the Oblast Council Chairman Vyacheslav Chornovil, who expressed his support elections from Ukraine's capital city of for greater regional self-rule in an independent Ukraine. Kiev. This is Mr. Deychakiwsky's third Chornovil second by Chrystyna Lapychak Chornovil and his entourage were trip to Ukraine in an official capacity as Kiev Press Bureau met by organizers of his day-long an international observer; he was in in presidential race Kiev for the first democratic elections in visit, local politicians, Rukh mem­ JERSEY CITY, NJ. - Leonid ODESSA - "Odessa is one of my bers and supporters bearing flowers March 1990 and once again in March 1991 for the referendum on sovereignty. Kravchuk may become the first three favorite cities in Ukraine," said and several blue and yellow flags. president of Ukraine, according to a Vyacheslav Chornovil as he stepped On his trip Mr. Chornovil was Michael Ochs, also a Helsinki Com­ public opinion poll conducted by a off the overnight train, which took accompanied by his spouse, Atena mission staffer, will monitor elections in social research group at the Secre­ him from his home city of Lviv to the Pashko, who quite often travels with western Ukraine, either in Lviv or tariat of the Supreme Council of central train station in this southern the candidate. Two bodyguards, a Ternopil, and John Finerty will observe Ukraine. port city. physician and several aides rounded the December 1 events in the Crimea. Currently, Mr. Kravchuk has 30.8 From student in Kiev to journalist out his personal entourage, which Mr. Finerty will travel to Odessa for in Lviv, via labor camp and exile in percent of the vote and can be elected combined with the local group of post-election observations and then on in the first round, pending no extra­ Siberia, and most recently elected escorting political leaders, Rukh to Moldova for that country's elections. leader of Lviv Oblast and parliamen­ ordinary circumstances, reported the representatives and reporters filled a Between the three men, they have group,which polled 1,800 citizens. tary deputy, Mr. Chornovil arrived five-Zhyguli-long motorcade. in Odessa in his new role as a popular covered at least 15 elections and/or Vyacheslav Chornovil, the Rukh candidate for Ukraine's first presi­ The architecture of this unique referenda in the republics and Eastern candidate, is in second place with dency. ^brt citv is world-famous for its Europe; in addition to Ukraine they 12.2 percent, followed by Vdlodymyr beauty as is its multi-national flavor have been to the Baltic states, Armenia, At the train station, at 9 a.m. on a Hryniov and Levko Lukianenko Turkmenistan, Russia and Moldova as (Continued on page 14) warm and sunny October 19, Mr. (Continued on page 9) well as Bulgaria. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10,1991 No. 45 News analysis Newsbriefs Ukraine, the Kremlin, from Ukraine andby Drth. Romae n RussiaSoichanyk n White House closest and most trusted aide, told a ^ KIEV — Ukraine's decision to RFEIRL Research Institute group of Russian parliamentarians that Ukraine (Radyanska Ukraina) changed PARTI create its own army has launched a slue to Democratic Ukraine (Demokratych- "Russia is the only republic that ould of interrepublican bickering. A succession of recent developments and must become the rightful heir to the na Ukraina) on October 8; the Rus­ in Kiev and Moscow point to an esca­ (Soviet) Union and all of its structures." On November 3 USSR Defense sian-language Komsomol Banner lating "cold war" between Ukraine and That statement, wrote a Western corres­ Minister Evgenii Shaposhnikov said (Komsomolskoe znamya) was turned the political and military representa­ pondent, sent shudders through other Ukraine's moves to put military units on into the Goat (Koza) using four letters tives of the former Soviet Union. To the republics already wary of "a revival of its territory under republican jurisdic­ from its original name; and the former extent that Russia is now widely per­ Russian chauvinism." tion go against Soviet law. He said that USSR Defense Ministry organ in ceived in Ukraine as having assumed Sergei Stankevich, an RSFSR state he saw no reason to withdraw military Ukraine, an organ of the Ministry of some of the characteristics of the former adviser, attempted to soften the impact units from Ukraine, but that a collective Defense of Ukraine as of October 12, center, relations between Ukraine and by arguing that what Mr. Burbuiis defense framework should be created changed from Lenin's Banner (Lenin- Russia are similarly afflicted. meant was that Russia should become a instead. skoe znamya) to the People's Army This emerging confrontation has its state and that by no means all of the The USSR Ministry of the Interior (Narodnaya Armiya). (RFE/RL Daily origins in the declaration of impend­ prerogatives of the former USSR would (MVD) reportedly sent a letter to Report) Leonid Kravchuk which condemned ence adopted on August 24 by the be taken over by Russia, but he was not ^ KIEV - General Konstantin Ukrainian Supreme Council — a move apparently very persuasive. Moreover, the Parliament's decision to form a national guard as "unconstitutional." Morozov met with Donald Atwood, the that appears to have stunned both the Mr. Burbuiis' position was fully sup­ U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense, Kremlin and the Russian White House. ported by another prominent RSFSR The letter stated that the issue would be raised at the next USSR State Council recently. They discussed the future of Independence is now manifesting itself politician, Ruslan Khasbulatov, the the Ukrainian Army and the problems in concrete forms: Ukraine's refusal to acting chairman of the RSFSR Su­ meeting. According to Radio Liberty, as of November 1 the MVD cut off in converting the defense industry. adhere to the new treaty on economic preme Soviet, at a press conference for American experts who came with Mr. cooperation, which was signed by eight domestic and foreign journalists. funding to its forces in Ukraine to protest the forming of a Ukrainian Atwood estimated that the industrial of the former union republics on Octo­ Pravda's account described this as the military complex comprises 25 percent ber 18; its failure to send a delegation to "central moment" at the press confer­ national guard on the basis of existing MVD troops. of Ukraine's GNP. Mr. Atwood also the opening session of the USSR Su­ ence and said it would not go unnoticed discussed these problems with People's preme Soviet that convened in Moscow in the republics. Meanwhile, there are two associa­ Deputies Mykhailo Horyn and several days later, and the unusually Indeed, it did not pass unnoticed, at tions of Ukrainian officers, one for and Vyacheslav Chornovil. (Information quick passage of legislation designed to least not in Ukraine, where Mr.
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