WHO NURSING AND MIDWIFERY PROGRESS REPORT 2008–2012 WHO NURSING AND MIDWIFERY PROGRESS REPORT 2008–2012 WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Nursing and midwifery progress report 2008–2012. 1.Nursing. 2.Nursing services. 3.Midwifery. 4.Primary health care. 5.Program evaluation. I.World Health Organization. ISBN 978 92 4 150586 4 (NLM classification: WY 108) © World Health Organization 2013 All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization are available on the WHO web site (www.who.int) or can be purchased from WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; e-mail: [email protected]). Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications – whether for sale or for noncommercial distribution – should be addressed to WHO Press through the WHO web site (http://www.who.int/about/licensing/copyright_form/en/index.html). 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WHO NURSING AND MIDWIFERY PROGRESS REPORT, 2008–2012 CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................. 3 FOREWORD ............................................................. 4 ACRONYMS ............................................................. 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................... 6 BACKGROUND ......................................................... 10 Global mandate ...................................................... 10 Challenges to strengthening nursing and midwifery services ....................... 10 Investing in the nursing and midwifery workforce ............................... 11 WHO’s response ...................................................... 11 Greater participation of nurses and midwives ................................. 12 Future perspectives .................................................... 12 INTRODUCTION ........................................................ 14 Scope and methodology ................................................ 14 Target audience ....................................................... 15 The report ........................................................... 15 A: WHO’S GLOBAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY PROGRAMME ............... 17 1. Contribution to the strengthening of health systems and services .......... 19 1.1 Integrating nursing and midwifery services into PHC ........................ 19 1.2 Leadership for health ............................................... 22 2. Nursing and midwifery policy and practice ............................. 24 2.1 Enhancing the professional standing of nursing and midwifery ................. 25 2.2 Nursing and midwifery evidence base ................................... 26 3. Nursing and midwifery education, training and career development ........ 29 3.1 Nursing and midwifery workforce supply ................................. 29 3.2 Training resources ................................................. 30 3.3 Career development ................................................ 32 4. Nursing and midwifery workforce management .......................... 34 4.1 Performance enhancement .......................................... 35 5. Partnership for nursing and midwifery services ......................... 37 5.1 Stewardship and governance ......................................... 37 5.2 Collaborative activities with partners .................................... 38 1 B. WHO REPORTS FROM REGIONAL OFFICES ............................. 47 6. WHO Regional Office for Africa ....................................... 49 6.1 Background ..................................................... 49 6.2 Activities and achievements .......................................... 49 7. WHO Regional Office for the Americas ................................ 58 7.1 Background ..................................................... 58 7.2 Activities and achievements .......................................... 58 8. WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean ..................... 64 8.1 Background ..................................................... 64 8.2 Activities and achievements .......................................... 64 9 WHO Regional Office for Europe ...................................... 74 9.1 Background ..................................................... 74 9.2 Activities and achievements .......................................... 74 10. WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia .............................. 88 10.1 Background ..................................................... 88 10.2 Activities and achievements .......................................... 88 11. WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific ........................... 98 11.1 Background ..................................................... 98 11.2 Activities and achievements .......................................... 98 C: MONITORING AND EVALUATION ...................................... 113 CONCLUSIONS ........................................................ 117 THE FUTURE ......................................................... 119 REFERENCES ......................................................... 121 ANNEX 1. Nursing and midwifery development: a tool for gathering information on progress ................................................ 128 ANNEX 2. Sixty-Fourth World Health Assembly Resolution (WHA64.7) ........ 131 ANNEX 3. Gaps between adopted regional strategies and implementation in countries in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region .................... 134 ANNEX 4. SDNM headquarters, regional priorities and selected indicators (2011–2012) ......................................................... 136 2 WHO NURSING AND MIDWIFERY PROGRESS REPORT, 2008–2012 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This progress report on nursing and midwifery was commissioned to highlight the contribution of the World Health Organization (WHO) and its partners to the strengthening of nursing and midwifery services in response to the relevant World Health Assembly resolutions. This comprehensive undertaking involved extensive information gathering and consultation between all contributing partners. WHO appreciates the support of the regional advisers for nursing and midwifery from the African, Eastern Mediterranean and South-East Asia regions who helped to develop the questionnaire. WHO extends its appreciation to all WHO nursing and midwifery regional advisers, Fariba Al Darazi, Kathy Fritsch, Margaret Phiri, Prakin Suchaxaya, Silvina Malvarez and Galina Perfilieva (EURO HRH Programme Manager) and Petra Ten Hoope-Bender, Director, Integrare for providing information and data and reviewing the final document. WHO acknowledges the support of Member State chief nursing and midwifery officers, and government focal points, who took the time to complete the questionnaire. WHO also acknowledges its international partners for their contributions, especially Lesley Bell, International Council of Nurses, for providing data and reviewing the final document. This report was compiled by Olive Schmitt-Flynn, International Healthcare Consultant, coordination and finalization of the report was carried out byAnnette Mwansa Nkowane, Technical Officer, Department for Health Systems Policies and Workforce, Human Resources for Health (Nursing and Midwifery), World Health Organization, Geneva. 3 FOREWORD The Progress Report on Nursing and Midwifery highlights the contributions of the World Health Organization (WHO) and its partners to the strengthening of nursing and midwifery services in response to the relevant World Health Assembly resolutions. The pivotal role played by nurses and midwives in re-vitalizing primary health care and people- centred care is well recognized. WHO’s two SDNMs (2002–2008 and 2011–2015) provide policy-makers, practitioners and other stakeholders at every level of the health-care system with a flexible framework for broad-based, collaborative action to enhance the capacity of nurses and midwives to contribute to universal health coverage. Nurses and midwives are on the front line of service delivery. In many countries they are either leaders or key actors in multiprofessional, interdisciplinary health teams. They provide a full range of nursing and midwifery services at all levels of the health system. This ensures that
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