Colby College Digital Commons @ Colby The Eastern Mail (Waterville, Maine) Waterville Materials 6-19-1862 The Eastern Mail (Vol. 15, No. 50): June 19, 1862 Ephraim Maxham Daniel Ripley Wing Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/eastern_mail Part of the Agriculture Commons, American Popular Culture Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Maxham, Ephraim and Wing, Daniel Ripley, "The Eastern Mail (Vol. 15, No. 50): June 19, 1862" (1862). The Eastern Mail (Waterville, Maine). 777. https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/eastern_mail/777 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Waterville Materials at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Eastern Mail (Waterville, Maine) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. A piirsnil was fntmcdialcly, ordered, but lh«y g'li tfT wiiii a loss ol only five. From [nciivu THE IRON SHIP. ' movement-i and dcmonsir.ilions, recently, in BT OBAnklB MAOBAT tlio vicinity of Riclimond, a big battle is llio'l She wee not born 'mid rain or dew, to be imminent. Our fleet on-the James'rive'r Nor in the sutiBlime over gretV : remains inactive, fur reason unknown to out­ No lordly moneroh of iho wood Fell ill ble glo'y where he stood, siders. Thiit she might flourish fnir nnd free! Might flourish fair tiud free* Wo are in receipt of tho Bath ‘ Daily-'l^lno.s But down a thousand fatlioms, down and Senliircl;' for wbioh Brother Lincoln has Where etreteb (he roots of mountains brown, We drew (he iron for her -frame, our lliaiiks. -He makes a good paper apd'we Aud built her up hnid'smoke and flame, hope Ills calerprise will he liberally rewai-dcd. To lullf the mistress of the sea 1 The mistress of the sea. The Miiiiie State' Ba'jilist Cqnvenlio'n is in The hammer felL the anvil rung. session ni Skowliegan. As she to shape And beiiaty sprung ; VOL. XV'. WATEUVILLE, MAINE....... TIIUKSDAV, JliKE 19, 1892. NO. SO. Jd mimic lightnings she was nursed , BiuroLUTioNAHY ' Fatriots.—Thorn, 'are And cradled b.v thf ir thunder burst; Aud uow we launch her, fair and free ! only 62 revolutionary patriots alive, vi2: in We launch her, lair and free. secession. They .were wifllin thirty paces I ‘ Trust a dog with your dinner,’ is an old OUR TAB li-X. Mas.sHCliiisells 8, Alaino 9, Vermont Sj'Con- neclieiii 2, New York 13, Ponnsylypnia 1, To bravo alike Hie lempest^stroke €ljp (Enatfrii Jlliiil. when our line? of bayonets' formed a li;vel. saying, which mean.s, do no'such thing, if yon NoiiTit .RiuTiun ItaviKw__riie Mayuunibor bus the And fire, that slays the *' heart of oak/* rullowiiig table nf contente: - Oliio'4.'Alicliigaa 3, Illinois 1, Indiana 2, VYia- The iron conqueror of the main } Ooe Volley and the order came,“ Gain 'In are wi-e. The voracious Pike, of the Age, ii.vxiiA.ii, i nA%’i, It; wiKu. The Cliurcli of Kit;;liind—Reepomicnt. GeoloniosI consin 1, Kentucky 1, Tennessee 6, N. Caro­ Afay danger track her path in vain-~ E D n' 0 K s. they. Went, yelling like fiends, and poor secesli wants lo help Crosby manage the fish business, The queen and gipry rf the sea! CliHorei ill bcotlnnil in Ifietorio Ttines. Keqoiil flo‘ lina 2. Georgia h, Mis«6uri 1, Virginia3. Hi*’*, and ofieis in hoe all that friend C. will iilanl. The Glory of the sea- WATERVILLE ... JUNE 19, 1862. scalteied bdfore the steady advance of our meric Critics and Translations. Tl)»-Commemoration trie! ol Culumhia 1, Arkansas 1. There j;ce. bayonets like sheep, except those who gave Pike is in'one respect well qualified for Ihe of 18G1 Ku'ly Poetry of England and Scotland. none iii lliii Slaio.s of Uhodo Island, NoW'-Jqlr.-' - How TO 'Keep Young.—A nmn wlio I’reaent Movementa among tlie French Clergy. Lniiaoy sey. Now Hampsliire, Iowa, Louisiana, Alar *" AGENTS f on THE MAIL. evidence ol our skill as mnrksmen. I carri"d labor, the scriptural injunction being—• Ho, 1i»e« wriipped in ilie Htoiusphere of love— Legistation. Sir G. C. Lewis on tiie Aitronomy ol ttie hama, Florida, Alississippi, California or South 8. M. PETTKNOirjL & CO , Newspaper Agcniit, No 10 8ta(p one of ihe colors, a hrooiiiflick iviili a -silk-rag every one that ihirstelh,'and he is the "driest love of cliililren, luvo of bosom companion, fltretft, RoflCoii, uiid lit) Nassau flirecc, New York,arc Agents for Ancients. Last Poems and oilier works of Airs llrown- Carolina. j •love of* men, love of God—imparls to liis de- (ho Kiistern Matl,nnd ar^ Huthorisod to rorolve advoritPouii nts on it—well enough (or dress parade hut a ter­ customer we know of. Nothing'is inure coin- mg. Our Colonies. and subscriptioils, at (ho 8auio rntes us roquirctl at this onice. Tho Alayor ol New .Qrlenni, in surrender­ 'oaying body Bomelhing of (he youth of the ■nun, says some one, than that a community ol riio four great Itritisli Qiiaileriy Keviowa and lllack S, It. NI I«BS,(flucceBBor to .Y*. H. Patiiior,} Ncwfipapcr Adrer- rible bore in fighting times — <o I wrapped. ing tliiit iliiiriy niuiiiciuality to Com. Farragul, spirit wiiliin. As llie body may and dues uL laing Agent, No 1 Seollay s Iluildliig OounBtiHil, lloBloa, is | j, i rpviilver in nne liiinil iinif flair in interest should induce similarity of opinion; wood's .Monthly, arc promptly issued tiy L. Scott St Co authorized to receive AdvertiBeuieuts attlicflaiae ratesas le- retoiver 1(1 cne liHtUl anu llrtK Hi .'»4 Golilstreot, New York, TVrmso/'iu&scn/ditoi. For intimated that the act was wliolly duo In cum feet the spirit when no counleracling agencies qulred by us. the oilier, joined the crowd. The Color guaid lhu.s the shepherd and wolf both agree Ihal ,any one of the four Keviewa Sit per annum niiy two jiulsioii — in fact not to put loo fine a point on I .prevent, so does the spirit act upon the body Advertisers abroad arc referred to tbe agents nuaied it, lie aiurendered the city becniise lie couldn’t as a preservative power, when in its normal above. each went his own way and claimed a hand in mutton should he well led, and-Ciosby and Reviews *5; any three Itevi'ows $7, all four lioviews $8i Blackwood's ,Mogazino SSi Blackwood and thioe lielp hiinsolf. He added tlial his people wero . eondiiiun and exorcise. Many an old man's ALTs LETTERS AND OOMMUNICATIONB. the Iree fight. Bassett soon appeared with Pike sre inleresled in proinpting the growth ol Reviews S9; Blackwood and tlio four Reviews $10—with ‘ scnsiiivo,’ ur.d gave us to midersland that, ' and woman's lace have 1 seen luminous with Hclating uithor to the businesB or editorial department of this fish. paper,should be addressed to ' Maxiiam & (Vino,* or ' Eastern a firisoner that he had “ mittened to," as he largo discount to clubs, lu nil the principal cities and altliongh conquered, they still ropudialed the the iires of yuuili, outsliining from the soul. MailOfeicb.’ said, and after taking liin^o the rear joined If our brotlier of the Age really wishes lo towns, tIiCBO works will bo delivered free of postage.— star spangleil banner. This reminds one of Ttie clogs are lilted from the mortal wlien the the colors again. The rebels never slopped aid (licnd Cro.-by in his labors, let him keep When sent hy mail,the postage to any part of tho U onr exclianges of a perverte inebriate, who^ soul comes into ibis element of iinmorlaliiy. Prom Our Boys. States will be but24 cents a year for ’ Blackwood,’ and having I'lillen under the fostiva brtnrd at n ffis- 1 We are iitlowcil to nmko llio folluwing extract from walking till they passetf through and out of an eye on the fi.-ihway at the dam, and unbias­ The lo.ve ibal gu-lies for all is llie real elixir but *14 cents a year for each ot the Reviews* prncoliilly early boor, was strongly urged by of lilo-i-tiiB fountain of bodily longevity. It a letter written tty n member of Co. G-Tliird Maine the woods and joined ilie'r reserve. And then ! sed by sectional interest, do sometiiing for his Kegimaut, to a friend in College | his friends lo gel out and lake tlie air. ‘ Nev-*'- is ibe lack of ibis that always produces the Don't you reiiieniher when you and 1 were consiiiueiiis oulside of Augusta by .spuiiiiig PbTKiieoN'a Magazine fur July bus a fins eloel eii. Eaik Oaks, Seven miles from Riclimond, I graving ontilled ' 'I'be Sisters,' witli a story of tlie same "er I ’ lie said—‘ a billion times never I' But feelint! of age. Upon a soul not filled and ex- June 9tb, 18G2 f little rascals, pioiit to go fishing, that we were till- corporaiors 16 their duly when they ne ■ hey nevertheless look him quietly up and ael ' ercised by love, the decaying body cncioaclie. name, to match There will also bo found a colored Dear Chum:—“ On to Richmond " is num­ sometimes caught out in ii smart shower and gleet to keep the wiiler'’on. We are iiiforrtied fashion plate, a pretty wood engraving, colored pattern him out on Ihe door stone. ‘ I'rn Out here,’ he its weakness and poison, till llie beliel of said, ‘ by brute force. Thiiz way (bio) I*m many in the immorlaliiy of ilie soul — a soul bered wiili the .things that were, and we at obliged to lake alielle.r in the Lu..hes ? and that the fi~hway is dry a good deal of the for handscreen, a piece of music, and u iiost of designs aod diagrams lor articles of diess, ornament and con.
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