@Contra Mundum@ Volume XXII, Issue 5 December 2019 The Congregation of St. Athanasius A Parish of the Archdiocese of Boston Serving the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter https://congregationstathanasius.com OUR FIRST CHAPLAIN ISHOP RICHARD G. It was much fun hearing Fr B LENNON has gone to Lennon celebrate the Anglican God. He died in Ohio on Octo- Use Mass in Elizabethan Eng- ber 29th. A native of Arlington, lish! And we took a cue from the Massachusetts, he was ordained Daughters of St Paul, where he priest in 1973. When I first met was longtime chaplain, to omit him he was secretary for canoni- the musical parts of the liturgy cal affairs for the Archdiocese of normally sung by the celebrant. Boston. That was in 1996. Although still secretary for From the Cardinal’s residence I canonical affairs, he took his came down to Fr Lennon’s office job as our chaplain seriously. in the chancery. He was having He was de jure chaplain and I a bad day. It had been recently was de facto pastor. If I needed discovered that an archdiocesan a priest for any of our people priest had been using a “new and Assumptions to the contrary, I I would call him. Happily that improved” baptismal formula. It was not the first chaplain of the only happened a few times. Fr was decidedly NOT baptizing in Congregation of St Athanasius. Lennon heard our confessions, the Name of the Holy Trinity. And Father Lennon was the first. He regularized several marriages, Fr Lennon had the difficult task had been appointed to shepherd and catechized our group before of contacting all those invalidly our little flock into the Church. reception. By the way, I think his baptized and arranging to make And when in September 1997 regard for these Anglican Catho- things right. I remember Fr Len- the congregation was erected, he lic wannabees went up a notch non saying, in effect “we have to was appointed the first chaplain. when one Sunday in April, ar- do it. Life is short and eternity is This was at a time I was awaiting riving after Mass, he heard our a long time!” My visit to his of- a rescript from the Vatican allow- congregation singing the Regina fice interrupted his unpleasant but ing Cardinal Law to ordain me a coeli! necessary task and when he saw priest. The late 1990s were a busy me, the look on his face said, “I time for Fr Lennon. He was don’t know much about the Epis- Fr Lennon presided at the recep- named Monsignor in 1998 and copal Church and what I know I tion and confirmation Mass for I remember attending a joy- don’t like.” We laughed. Because our first group of converts, which ous Mass of Thanksgiving in St that was why Cardinal Law had took place at a glorious service Mary’s Church, Brookline mark- sent me down to Fr Lennon’s of- in St Mary’s Church, Dedham, ing the event. Earlier that spring fice. I wasn’t liking much about kindness of Fr (now Bishop) John I had spent every other day tak- the Episcopal Church either! Dooher. Page 34 Contra Mundum ing canonical exams sitting at his desk in the chancery. And then a SHORT NOTES few weeks after being made Mon- Ñ Many thanks to Fathers James Ñ An Every Member Canvass for signor, he presented me for ordi- O’Driscoll and Patrick Armano the financial support of the congre- nation to the priesthood, again in for celebrating the Sunday and gation is being conducted this Fall. St Mary’s Church, Dedham. All Saints’ Day Masses in early Please return your pledge card at Msgr Lennon was appointed November. Fr O’Driscoll is paro- your earliest convenience to help Rector of St John’s Seminary in chial vicar in Holy Family Parish, us with planning our program. 1999 and in 2001 was elevated Rockland and Fr Armano is chap- Many thanks. to auxiliary bishop (while still lain at Austin Preparatory School Ñ St John’s Seminary in Brighton seminary rector). Bishop Lennon in Reading. We all much appreci- offers its annual Service of Lessons became Apostolic Administra- ate their friendship and support. and Carols on Saturday, December th tor of the archdiocese in Decem- Ñ The winter Ember Days are 7 at 7:30 and Sunday, December th ber 2002, serving in that capacity December 4th, 6th, and 7th. In the 8 at 3 PM. Dr Janet Hunt is the until the arrival of Bishop Seán Ordinariate observance the Fri- seminary’s music director. O’Malley as archbishop. day Ember Day is an obligatory Ñ Dr Peter Kreeft has written In 2006 Bishop Lennon was day of abstinence. Of early origin, a new book titled Probes: Deep named Tenth Bishop of Cleveland the Ember Days eventually be- Sea Diving into St John’s Gospel: and was granted early retirement came observed in support of the Questions for Individual or Group in 2016 because of vascular de- Sacred Ministry of the Church. Study. The publisher is Ignatius mentia. Just prior to leaving for Ñ We note with sadness the Press. Cleveland he blessed our new death of Bishop Richard Lennon Ñ The Christmas collection at th home in West Roxbury and stayed (see the first article in this parish Masses on December 24 in the th for dinner. paper) and Jane Eastburn (on No- evening and on December 25 ben- th efit the clergy retirement fund of Over the years I was the recipi- vember 10 ). Jane and her hus- the Archdiocese of Boston. These ent of his many kindnesses and band David were Episcopalians funds provide stipends, housing, considered him a wonderful men- who converted to Catholicism be- and medical insurance for the re- tor and colleague. May he rest in fore the founding of the Congre- tired priests of the archdiocese. peace. gation of St Athanasius and were Please be generous. Father Bradford longtime residents of Florida. Jane and David were friends of Ñ Travelling parishioners in recent many of the earliest members of months have included Ed Finglas our flock. May she rest in peace. to Ireland, Jonathan Bradford to Ñ Saturday Mass in the Ordina- Spain, Steven Hardy to a reunion riate Form is offered at 8 AM at of Coast Guard veterans in Savan- the Marian altar in St Theresa’s nah, Steve and Laurie Cavanaugh Church. The December 21st Mass on a cruise to the Canadian mari- is a year’s-mind Mass for Ber- time provinces, Corrine Paige to nard Cardinal Law. Florida, Rich Balmer and his wife to Portugal, Fr and Judie Bradford to the Georgia and S. Carolina sea islands, and David Burt, who CHRISTMAS FLOWER ENVELOPES travelled through the south and is Are available for your memorial donations to help with the decoration spending the winter in Mexico. of the church for Christmas. These envelopes are now available in the (See his letter following in this par- tract case. ish paper). Contra Mundum Page 35 A LETTER FROM MEXICO INCE I RECEIVED the After dinner three of Father Tip- blessing for a person un- ton’s friends came over to meet me dertakingS a pilgrimage from Fr. and I told them how things started Bradford at Mass on September with the Pastoral Provision. They 29th, I loaded my car with my were full of enthusiasm and were theological library, representing a fascinated with the Anglican Use lifetime of collecting and study. I Gradual, which I showed them. drove over 3000 miles to the city Father Tipton is 31 and very en- of Querétaro where I am now, sit- gaging to talk with. He reminded ting out the New England win- me of when I was starting a parish ter, teaching English and making in the ACC. “Saint Aelred: Pray new friends in Mexico. On my for us.” of St. Alban’s School. I was as- pilgrim’s way I visited as many sured that it does indeed blossom The next day I drove to Philadel- Ordinariate people and places as I at Christmas time. “Our Lady of phia Mississippi to stay with my could, starting with Sarah Rodeo Glastonbury: Pray for us.” nephew Jeremy Chalmers and his in New Britain CT, then a stop wife Dawn Lee. Their son Charlie The next day I had a long drive in Scranton where I was able to also came home while I was there. to Jacksonville, North Carolina paste bookplates in 20 new cop- I had a ride around their ranch with where I met Fr. Bill Waun. I spent ies of the Anglican Use Gradual, Jeremy on a golf cart and we had the afternoon and evening with given to them by the Anglica- dinner. After dinner Jeremy and I him visiting his chapel, having norum Coetibus Society. “St. played some music together. I in- dinner, and attending Bible study Thomas More: Pray for us.” troduced him to “Quissett Belle,” on the base. I am totally envious of Next, I drove to Bridgeport which I wrote when my sister Fr. Waun. He has the pastoral care Pennsylvania arriving in time to Janet, Jeremy’s mother, died, of people and is totally involved have Sunday Tea with Fr. and and “Sarah’s Hornpipe,” which I in his ministry. It made me recall Mrs. David Ousley. “St. John wrote when his sister died. “Rest how it was for me when I was a the Baptist: Pray for us.” Then in peace, Janet and Sarah.” priest in Waltham, Concord, Clin- to Philadelphia to the home of ton and in the ACC.
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