New Mexico Musician Volume 33 | Number 1 Article 1 9-1985 New Mexico Musician Vol 33 No 1 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nm_musician Part of the Music Education Commons Recommended Citation . "New Mexico Musician Vol 33 No 1." New Mexico Musician 33, 1 (1985). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nm_musician/vol33/ iss1/1 This Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in New Mexico Musician by an authorized editor of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 3 --· ...,u.u DEPT. SEP 2 3 1985 fF1clAL PUBLICATION NEW MEXICO MUSIC EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION �lume XXXIII Fall 1985 Number 1 Professional FUND lcAISER over s55aooo raised last year for School Organizations in the New Mexico area e SHORT. WELL-ORGANIZED PROGRAM e QUALITY PRODUCTS-PROVEN COMMUNITY ACCEPTANCE e PERSONAL ASSISTANCE-START TO FINISH e DELIVERY IN COMPANY TRUCKS e PROMOTIONAL MONEY OR MERCHANDISE PRIZES-NOT FROM PROFITS e NO RISK GUARANTEE e AUDIO-VISUAL TRAINING FOR STUDENT LEADERS e COMPUTERIZED RECORD KEEPING WE'RE NOT JUST LII<E HENCO-WE ARE HENCO! ---Just Call Us-*--- BRUCE I<ROI<EN RALPH MONTES ZONE MANAGER ZONE MANAGER 505/294-1959 915/594-8071 12501 Oakland. Albuquerque. NM 87122 1713 Jerry Abbott, El Paso, TX 79936 * .bk <1hnu1 lhl' ,ompulL'r 1ha1 ,,111 clo )'our h,1l111111L' ,hn\\'� 1 THE NEW MEXICO MUSICIAN Official Publication of the New Mexico Music Educators Association 'MEA OFFICERS Volume XXXIII Numberl Fall 1985 1IDENT ISSN 0742-8278 .. Pemberton ortot #8 187301 722-9513 Office 863-3821 ,PRESIDENT. BAND � Schutz Jornada Road, South ruces 88001 CONTENTS 522-6091 Office 524 2831 ,PRESIDENT, CHORAL ARTICLES PAGE tVall Larchmont NE Music Is Important . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 erque 87111 293-0259 Office 842-3684 The Music Teacher and Computers/Robert Kehrberg . .. .. .. 12 ,PRESIDENT. ELEMENTARY/JUNIOR HIGH W Taylor The Society For General Music Idea Exchange: ox 105 Handbells in theClassroom/William R. Wood .............. 14 rdo 88310 437-0523 Office 437 6886 PRESIDENT, ORCHESTRA hrisman DEPARTMENTS OX 323 es 88033 The President's Message . .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 526-8815 Office 524 8611 PRESIDENT, UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE Our Executive Secretary Says .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 ane J. Bowen From The State Department of Education . .. .. .. .. .. 9 oyd Golden Circl s 8130 District News . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 356-3077 Office 562 2781 PRESIDENT News From NAJE ..................................... 31 Student Chapter News . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 32 University News . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 Of Note ............................................. 40 Advertisers Index ...................................... 42 ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS MEA DISTRICT PRESIDENTS All-State: A Preview and Honor Group Information ............ 18 NMMEA Official Handbook . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 Flores Minutes, Board of Directors Meeting, Fall 1985 ................ 39 Box 3617 HS so 88345 NMMEA Financial Report Summary ........................ 41 257-4070 Office 258-4910 NMMEA Music Industry Members . .. .. .. .. .. 42 RICT 2 - SOUTHEAST I Corkran . Cliff 87301 Tom Dodson, Editor Larry Wheeler, Business Manager 722-5412 Office 722-7721 RICT 4 - NORTH CENTRAL Home 293-4901 Office 277-4 705 Home 256-3823 Gallegos alencia St. egas 87701 All correspondence should be addressed to the editor, Department of Music, 425-9523 Office 425 6312 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87 t 3 I. RICT 5 - NORTHEAST rary Cottonwood The New Mexico Music Educators Association is a federated state association of the Music 87740 445-5682 Office 445-8032 Educators National Conference and part of the Southwestern Division of MENC. RICT 6 - CENTRAL Delgado Box 208 The New Mexico Musician is published three times per year at Harte-Hanks Direct unas 87031 Marketing/Albuquerque by the NMMEA. Deadlines for the Fall, Winter and Spring issues are 865-7164 Office 864-7468 (Ext. 29) RICT 7 - ALBUQUERQUE August 7, November 1, and March 1. e Thelander San Pablo NE uerque 87110 Subscription rate to non-members is $4.50 per year; single copy is $1.50. Changes of address RRR.?ilf.� should be reported to Rollie Heitman, Executive Secretary. 3 final seletion was made by August THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE 2d. Mr. Thompson will be recog­ I hope that each of you has had nized at the 1986 All-State con­ a relaxing and enjoyable summer certs. Other activities related to this and that the new school year is off honor will be announced in the to a good start. If things aren't going winter issue of this magazine. as you expected, don't hesitate to FINANCIAL REPORT ask a colleague for advice. Even if A financial report of NMMEA is you feel geographically isolated, included in this issue of The New help is just as close as your tele­ Mexico Musician. Study the report phone. Phone numbers and ad­ to see how your association is finan­ dresses of your state officers .and ced, and to understand why in­ district presidents are listed to the creases have to be made in audition left of the table of contents on page fees, participation fees, and dues three of this magazine.We are here from time to time. A primary reason to help you, and we do care about that our dues remain lower than the you. national average is Rollie Heltman's THANKS prudent handling of our funds. A sincere thanks to NMMEA's ALOOK TO THE FUTURE board of directors for all their time Plan now to attend All-State Sam Pemberton spent in planning the 1986 All-State next January 8th through the 11th Music Festival and In-Service Con­ month of March, 1986, and in suc­ at UNM in Albuquerque.Read your ference at UNM in Albuquerque, ceeding years as "Music In Our vice-presidents' columns, and note January 8th through the 11th. I ap­ Schools Month." All of New Mex­ the two groups which were desig­ preciate the spirit of cooperation ico's congressmen agreed to co­ nated honor groups for 1986. Being and enthusiasm of every member of sponsor the resolution. The 1986 selected to perform at the All-State the board at our meeting at UNM theme for MIOSM is "Music Brings Honor Concert gains attention from this past August. Us Together." your administrators and community KEYNOTE SPEAKER Thanks to Sherry Taylor, NM­ and can motivate more students to Paul Lehman, President of MEA Elementary/Junior High Vice­ become a part of what you teach. MENC, will address our general President, for agreeing to serve as Hearing these groups perform at n 2mbership meeting at 3:00 p.m., the 1986 state chair of MIOSM. All-State gives each of us first-hand Friday, January 10th. His topic will This is a big job for one person. knowledge of what is musically pos­ be "What's Right with Music Educa­ MIOSM can be an effective public sible in New Mexico and sets a stan­ tion." relations tool and an ideal time to dard for comparison. Michelle Cosby, state Collegiate encourage maximum participation Study the revisions of the All­ MENC President, and a music edu­ from community members who are State audition procedures, order the cation major at NMSU, has asked not a part of our profession. audition materials, and encourage your NMMEA board to invite Dr. Sherry would appreciate having your best students to audition. Set Lehman to speak also to Collegiate a written report of your activities. up times to help potential All-State MENC members at All-State. If his Plan now to participate in March of members prepare the audition schedule permits him to do this, the 1986, and to send reports and materials. This is a great way to get time and place will be announced in photos to Tom Dodson or Sherry this year's top students in grades the winter issue of this magazine. by March 1st for inclusion in the nine through tweive to set produc­ I had the pleasure of hearing Dr. spring issue of our journal, or by tive goals and improve their musi­ Lehman speak at the SWMENC In­ August 1st for the fall issue. cianship. service Conference in Colorado MUSIC EDUCATOR Become actively involved in your Springs last January and can assure OF THE YEAR AWARD New Mexico Music Educators Asso­ you that he is as effective in person Floren Thompson, Jr., Pro­ ciation. If you see the need for con­ as he is in print. MENC is footing fessor of Music at ENMU, has been structive change in our association, the bill for his transportation expen­ named 1986 NMMEA Music Edu­ get in touch with the appro:Jriate ses from and to Ann Arbor. cator of the Year. The selection pro­ vice-president for suggestions :o im­ MUSIC IN OUR cess began at your spring district plement your ideas. SCHOOLS MONTH NMMEA business meeting. Your Consider attending the next Representative Daniel Akaka district president submitted your MENC National In-Service C nfer­ (D-Hawaii) and Senator Paul Simon district's nominees' resumes and ence on April 9-12, 1986, in Ana­ (D-Ill.) are sponsoring a joint resolu­ photographs to our executive-secre­ heim, California. Groups frorr. New tion in Congress to proclaim the tary by June 1st of this year, and the Continued on page 17 4 NEW MEXICO MUSICIAN Make sure your students play the very best they can. Introduce them to the new Yamaha YCL--20 student model B--flat clarinet. The new YCL-20 goes beyond need to play their very best. YCL-20 is competitively priced. what you would expect a stu­ The body, with a 5-year Which makes it not only a superior dent clarinet to be. It repre­ warranty, and made of high impact instrument but also a superior sents all that a student clarinet molded ABS resin, is unaffected value. should be.
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