17_57664x bindex.qxd 1/20/05 7:47 PM Page 301 Index See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes, below. GENERAL INDEX Amsterdam East, 52 Basketball, 174 accommodations, 91–92 Beatrix Park, 164 restaurants, 129 The Beehive (De Bijenkorf), alsmeer, 254 A Amsterdam North, 52 184, 211 Absolute Danny, 216 restaurants, 131 Beer, 230 Accommodations, 1–2, 9, Amsterdam Pass, 46 Begijnhof, 153, 186 67–94. See also Accommo- Amsterdam Roots Festival, 21 Begijnhofkapel, 153 dations Index Amsterdams Brouwhuis Bellevue Theater, 221 family-friendly, 73 Maximiliaan, 187 Bell Tree, 215 gay and lesbian, 68 Amsterdamse Bos (Amster- Berlage Brug (Berlage reservations, 68, 78 dam Wood), 164 Bridge), 196 saving on, 42 Amsterdams Historisch Beurs van Berlage (Berlage surfing for, 32 Museum (Amsterdam Exchange), 151, 220 Addresses, finding, 48 Historical Museum), Bevrijdingsdag (Liberation Adrie Moerings Potten- 140–141, 184, 186 Day), 20 bakkerij & Pijpenmakerij Amsterdam South, 52 Bijbels Museum (Biblical (Gouda), 274 accommodations, 92–93 Museum), 141, 144, Afsluitdijk (Enclosing Dike), restaurants, 130–131 181–182 250–251 Amsterdam Walking Tours, Biking, 7, 21, 57–59, 174 Agnietenkapel, 186 173 to Hoorn, 251 Airfares, 31–32, 35–37 Amsterdam West, 52 tours, 172 Airlines, 34–35 restaurant, 131 along the Amstel River, bankruptcy and, 36 Animation Art, 207 196–198 long-haul flights, 37 Anne Frankhuis, 134, 180 Bimhuis, 222 Airport security, 35 Antiques, 7, 200, 206–207, Binnenhof (The Hague), 259 Air Tickets Direct, 36 217 Blauwbrug (Blue Bridge), Ajax, 8 Architecture, 295 156 Akhnaton, 223 Area code, 60 BLGK Edelsmeden, 214–215 Albert Cuyp Markt, 217 Art Bloemencorso, 23 Albert Heijn supermarket, books on, 43–44 Bloemenmarkt (Flower 128 Golden Age, 292–295 Market), 216–217 Alkmaar, 254–255 Art galleries, 207–208 Bloemenveiling (Aalsmeer), Allard Pierson Museum modern, 167–168 254 Amsterdam, 140 Artis Zoo, 169, 215 Bloemgracht, 191 American Book Center, 208 Arts Adventure, 22, 220 Blue Gold Fish, 209 American Express, 60 Athenaeum Booksellers, 208 Boating, 174 Amnesia, 224 Athenaeum Illustre, 155 Boat trips and cruises Amsteldijk, 196 ATMs (automated teller from Britain, 39 Amstel Park,COPYRIGHTED 197–198 MATERIAL machines), 15–16, 60–61 canal tours, 6, 169–170, Amstel River, 182 A. van der Meer, 206 235–236 bike tour along, 196–198 powerboats, 171 Amstel Taveerne, 232–233 Rotterdam, 267 Amstelveen, 206 B abysitters, 61 vintage boats, 171 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol Back Door, 224 Zaan River, 252–253 accommodations, 93–94 Balmoral, 230 Boekhandel Vrolijk, 214 arriving at, 38 Bananenbar, 235 Boerenmarkt (Farmer’s Amsterdam ArenA, 223 Barrel organs, 168 Market), 217 Amsterdam Day by Day, 218 Bars, 226–234 Bolenstreek (Bulb District), Amsterdam Diamond gay and lesbian, 231–234 254 Center, 212 Baseball, 174 Book market at Spui, 217 17_57664x bindex.qxd 1/20/05 7:47 PM Page 302 302 INDEX Books, recommended, 42–44 Centraal Station, 153–154 De Bijenkorf (The Beehive), Bookstores, 208 arriving at, 40–41 184, 211 Boom Chicago, 225–226 Cheese, 201 De Brakke Grond, 221 Bosbaan, 164, 174 Cheese Market (Alkmaar), De Drie Fleschjes, 184, 228 Botanical Gardens 255 De Druif, 226 Amsterdam, 165 Cheese market (Gouda), 273 De Duivel, 224 Leiden, 271 Cherry Blossom Park De Karpershoek, 226 Bourbon Street, 222 (Kersenbloesempark), 164 De Koninklijke Porceleyne Bowling, 237 Chocolate, 201 Fles, 202, 269 Breakfast at hotels, 69 Christian Müller Organ Delfshaven (Delft Harbor; Bridges, 7–8, 156 (Haarlem), 242 Rotterdam), 266 Brilmuseum (Eyeglass Ciel Blue Bar, 231 Delft, 268–270 Museum), 163 Cigars, 209 Delftware, 201, 202, Brouwerij ‘t IJ, 228 Circuit Park Zandvoort, 244 208–210, 266, 269 Brouwersgracht (Brewers’ Claes Claeszhofje, 192 De Moriaan Museum Canal), 178, 190 Classical music, 219 (Gouda), 275 Brown cafes, 226–228 Climate, 17 Den Burg, 257 Bucket shops, 36 Clocks, 203–204, 209 Den Helder, 255–256 Bulb fields, 254 Clogs, 252 De Ooievaar, 228 Bungee-jumping, 174 Club and music scene, De Opstapper minibus Business hours, 61 222–226 service, 1, 54–55 Bus tours, 172 Club Arena/To Dance, 224 De Oudheidkamer (Texel), Bus travel, 54–55 Cobra Museum, 144 257 from Amsterdam Airport Cockring, 233 Department stores, 211 Schiphol, 39 Coffee and Tea Museum De Praktijk, 207 (Koffieen Thee Museum), De Slegte, 208 162 De Twee Zwaantjes, 231 C afé Américain, 8 Coffeeshops, smoking, 8–9, De Vergulde Gaper, 227 Café April, 233 232 De Waag (Weigh House), Café Chris, 226 Comedy theater, 225–226 154, 187 Café Dante, 229 Concertgebouw, 7, 220–221 De Wallen, 8 Café Nol, 231 Concert halls and theaters, De Waterwinkel, 212 Café Rooie Nellis, 231 220–221 DFDS Seaways, 39 Cafes, modern, 229–230 Condomerie Het Gulden Diamonds, 202–203, 212 Café Schiller, 229 Vlies, 216 Diamond tours, 173 Calendar of events, 19–24 Consolidators, 36 Dinner cruises, 10, 130 The Canal Belt, 49 Cortina Papier, 209 Disabilities, travelers with, accommodations, 78–83 Coster Diamonds, 212 27–28 restaurants, 111–117 Crafts and curios, 209–210 Discrimination, 27 Canal bikes, 7, 170–171 Credit cards, 17 The Dockworker, 195–196 Canal Bus, 56 Crossing Border Festival, 24 Doctors and dentists, 61 Canalhouse Gardens in Cruises. See Boat trips and Dorus Rijkers National Bloom, 22 cruises Lifeboat Museum Canals, 135 Crystal, 201 (Den Helder), 256 Golden Age walking tour, Cuisine, 97–101 Drugs, 63, 292 177–183 books on, 44 Drum Rhythm Festival, 21 ice-skating, 7 restaurants by, 101–103 Dutch Fortification Museum tours, 6, 169–170, Currency and currency (Naarden), 258 235–236 exchange, 15, 61 Dutch language, 62, 296–300 Carillons, 168 Customs regulations, Dutch Theater (Hollandsche Carnival, 19 13–15 Schouwburg), 155 Carré, 220, 223 Cuypers, Petrus Josephus Car rentals, 60 Hubertus, 111, 135, 153 Car travel, within Amster- E ast India House (Oost dam, 58–60 Indisch Huis), 154, 187 Casa Rosso, 235 D am, The, 48, 183 Echo Grachtenloop (Echo Casinos, 237, 244, 262 Dam to Damloop (Dam to Canal Run), 21 Cat Cabinet (Kattenkabinet), Dam Run), 23 Edam, 247–248 162 Dance clubs, 223–225 Edams Museum, 248 Catharina Gasthuis Museum Dance performances, 220 Egelantiersgracht, 191 (Gouda), 275 De Admiraal, 228 E Kramer Candle Shop, Cellphones, 33–34 De Balie, 221 209–210 17_57664x bindex.qxd 1/20/05 7:47 PM Page 303 GENERAL INDEX 303 Electricity, 61–62 Hash Marihuana Hemp Elektrische Museumtramlijn G ables, 152 Museum, 166 (Electric Tramline Galerie Carla Koch, 208 Health concerns, 25–26 Museum), 150 Galerie Ra, 215 Health insurance, 25 ELTExpress (Flights.com), 36 Galleria d’Arte Rinasci- Heiligeweg, 205 Embassies and consulates, mento, 210 Heineken Experience, 159 62 Garden market at Heinen, 210–211 Engelse Kerk (English Amstelveld, 217 HEMA, 211 Church), 153, 221 Gardens Henri Polaklaan 6-12, 195 English Bookshop, 208 Botanical Gardens Herdenkingsdag (Memorial Enkhuizen, 249–250 (Leiden), 271 Day), 20 Entry requirements, 13 Hortus Botanicus (Botani- Hermitage Amsterdam, 3, Erasmus Park, 164 cal Garden; Amsterdam), 144 Erotic Museum, 166 165 Herring, 8 Escape, 224 Jewish Quarter, 194 Herringhuis fish stands, 120 Eurolines, 41 Gassan Diamonds, 212 High season, 18 Eurostar, 40 Gay and lesbian Historic Ferry, 171 Evenaar, 208 travelers, 23 History of Amsterdam, Evening stores, 213 bars, 231–234 276–291 Exit, 233 hotels, 68 HISWA, RAI, 19–20 Eyeglass Museum (Bril- information and resources, H J van de Kerkhof, 214 museum), 163 28–29 Holidays, 19 shopping, 214 Holland Casino Gebed Zonder End (Prayer Amsterdam, 237 F amilies with children Without End), 186 Scheveningen, 262 hotels, 73 Geels & Co., 212–213 Zandvoort, 244 information and Gelateria Italiana Peppino, Holland Experience, 160–161 resources, 30 124 Holland Festival, 21 shopping, 215 Gelateria Jordino, 124 Hollandsche Schouwburg Farmers markets, 217 Gemeentemuseum Den (Dutch Theater), 155, 194 Fashions, 212 Haag (The Hague), 260 Homomonument (To Friend- Felix Meritis, 181, 221–222 Getto, 233 ship), 156 Ferries, 56 Golden Age, 283–287 Hoorn, 248–249 from Britain, 39 art, 292–295 Hoppe, 227 Festivals and special events, books about, 42–43 Horse and carriage tours, 19–24 canals, walking tour of, 173 Fireworks Displays, 177–183 Horseback riding, 174 Summer, 22 Golf, 174 Hortus Botanicus Fishing, 174 Gollem, 227 Amsterdam, 165 Flea Market, Waterlooplein, Gouda, 273–275 Leiden, 271 192, 216 Gouda bij Kaarslicht, 24 Hospitals, 62 Flevopark, 164 Gouden Bocht (Golden Houseboat Museum, 145 Floating Amsterdam, 21 Bend), 182–183 Household goods, 214 Flower Auction (Aalsmeer), Grachten Festival, 22 H P de Vreng en Zonen, 213 254 Green Door (Leiden), 272 Huis aan de Drie Grachten Flower bulbs, 203 Green House (Leiden), 272 (House on the Three Flower Market (Bloemen- Groenehuis (Leiden), 272 Canals), 186 markt), 216–217 Groene Port (Leiden), 272 Huis Marseille, 167–168 Flowers, 204. See also Tulips Groenland Pakhuizen Huis met de Hoofden (House Food stores, 212–214 (Greenland Warehouses), with the Heads), 180 Football, 175 180 American, 174 Grote Kerk (Great Church; Frank, Anne, 6–7, 140 Naarden), 259 I ce-skating, 7, 175, 176 Anne Frankhuis, 134, 180 Grote Markt (Haarlem), 239 IJ Ferry, 7 Frans Hals Museum (Haar- Grote Vijver, 164 The IJsselmeer, 245–251 lem), 242 GVB Tickets & Info, 52 In de Wildeman, 227 Frascati, 229–230 Gyms, 174 In-line skating, 164, 175 Free Record Shop, 215 Insurance, 24–25 Free sights and attractions, Internet access, 33, 62 167 H aarlem, 238–243 Intersphere Lasergames, 168 Frommers.com, 32 Haberdashery, 214 iT, 224 The Hague, 259–263 Italiaander Galleries, 208 17_57664x
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