1' . NBT PBSS^ llin i AVBRAOB DAILY CSIDOliLATION ' Bain « id xvarmer WhiiBht. TToe^, OF IHB EVENING HBRAU> day rain, foUowed bj^ (dwring and for the month of Nov itae. \ 4,940 PRICE T^REB C®NT^ I MANCHESTERvS o NN., ]^NDAY, DECEMBER 13^ OlMMlfled Advertistnf on t. VOL. X U ., No. 62. f kick, NIGHT CLUB’S POLICY ijIg h ttH iea rtd i W itn esses worked 9 w&Eito vinraH ' BROKEN SKULL; DIBS. New York, Dec. 13.-rr-Pour HI NTS FATHER JURY EXPECTED night-club owners and mana- Worcester. Dec. 18,— Physi- ger’s were under charges today. FAST WARING Eight other arrests were made cians at City HMPltal were -'St astoun4ed today when the death TO ACQUIT FALL In % series of week-end ra da. OF O l ^ N BOY ot William J. Cole revealed The police activity followed a that for two weeks the man, ON N J . T f f i l N IieU’jso number ot complaints by ON NI CARAGUA a painter, had been working on ORTOMGREE patrons. Who charged that they KNEWWCROI I E a' high staging, although suf- had been beaten when they re- fering from concussion of Itho \ tnsedito pay exhorbltant bills brain and a^ fractured skuU- On One Hundred and Thirty in fOr fbod apd entertainment* Diaz Appoal For Control November 3,0. he 't(|,ll from a WOI Get Ofl Case Tomorrow; Sick Fannlnnd Intimates Al- staging on the Merchants’ Na- .el Amorican Anti • Monco tional bank but refused hospi- Toils. Fpr fifin g Breeds tal trbatment; Roberts Makes 3 Hour bert Olson CouU Explain Reporiing/Rnniung Trol” MAYOR SHOT DE)U) Bloc Bofieved hapirod By Plea For Conviction ot Murder of Girl; Breaks leys; Theatres* Revenge. IN BOOTLEG FEUD U. S. Diplomats. E, WORRIES, TRIES Fall and DohenY. Under Qmz. Washlngtpn, Dec. 13.— A show- frvlngton, N. J., D'ec. SUICIDE, W E llV E zens of Irvington thronged''to the down is rapidly approaching In the Washington, Dec. 13.— ^Wlth tlie Htail pif West City, HI., Tic serious sub-surface conflict that has Prairie Du Chlen, Wls., Dec. 13. jury excluded, oposlng counsel In courthouse today to watch tire wheels of Justice' operate , on 130 been raging for months between — Suspicion of complicity In, 4he the . Fall-Doheny conspiracy trial the United States and Mexico over persons arrested yesterday, fpf'ylP'- iim pMUrai Gang, Second murder of Clara Olson; 22, turned this morning made their "prayers” affairs In Nicaragua. Joseph Joka of l^ e Str^ to Justice A. A. Hoehllng as to the latlon of a Puritan “ blue law” more today toward the household of than 150 years old, which has never r to Die in War. Every diplomat In Washington! manner In which the Jury Is to be particularly .'the Soutt and Central Brdman Olson, 18, her sweetheart, Instructed when the Case finally ,1s been repealed. Saved B ; Quck The Irvington calendar .'YYas Americans, Is watching tfie situa- following what authorities belleye placed In their hands. tion with rapt attention, for there Prank Hogan, for the defense, switched back to pre-revolqtic nary (?as a damaging admission by Ed- Denton, III,,,,' Dec. 13.— Two is at stake the entire American AttoitioB at Hospital. made 48 points; Owen J. Roberts times yesterday for several. h«drp I win Knutson, a farmhand. with the rigid eniorcemept; pt the cpupUes in ,80Ut,hern Illinois brlst- policy of assumed guardianship, made 28 for the government. l^!wlt^ armament today following over the countries of the western Knutson, employed by Albert Ol- Hogan asked the court for a di- famous New Jersey Sunday, '.'plnb laws” of 1754, which prohibit/apy hemisphere. son, father of the missing yputh. Despondent over poor health, rected verdict of acquittal, but theUptest outbreak of gang war- today In a conscious moment to- person from following a “wordly An appeal of Adolfo Diaz, the Joseph Hoha, 37-years-oid, of 142 Hoehllng overruled It. fare. This one claimed Joe Adams, American-backed president of Nica- clared, from the sickbed where he 3 Hour Speech. occupation” on the . Sabbath. Pine street, unsuccessfully attempt- mpyor bf West City, as a victim. ragua for the formation of a Cen- was lying dangerously 111, that It Roberts later launched Into Against the 130 arrested in the sudr- was hard to “ stick to the truth If ed sulcjde by drlnlting poison at qaeretarv of the Navy Curtis D. Wilber (left), and Reeee Llewellyn, den sweep of the dragnet the charg- • Adams was’shot to death by two tral American bloc against Mexico, three-hour argument before the which was broadcast to the world you knew what Albert Olson midnight Saturday. His plans were Jury, seeking to convince them that of Loe Angeles, witnesses for the defense, seem amused by thoughts of es ranged from driving a trolley gunment wh® called him to the car, keeping open a delicatessen or door, o f bis home on the pretext of Sunday, has brought the showdown knows.” frustrated by his wife and as a re- the former secretary of the Interior crot^ exaX u on as th-^ .enter.t^^ oil trial court at Washington. Urged to Tell Truth. a drug store, to snapping a photo- delivering a letter. The killers, appreciably nearer, In the opinion sult of prompt medical attention. It and the millionaire oil man are unidentified, then fled to a wait-1 of diplomats here. Evar Hedderloe, uncle of the guilty of conspiracy to defraud the graph. ' Is said he will recover. Hoha Is All those arrested were released, ing, automciblle and escaped. Speak U. S. Charges farmhand, had besought him to novr ip the Memorial hospital. He government of naval oil lands “ stick to the truth” while dlpcues- CONGRESS THROWS in $2 bond for appearance,tiiday- The shooting occurred In Frank- Diaz put Into definite form the is nta^ried and has two children. worth millions of dollars. Theater'Owners* Iwyehge - lin County, adjoining “ bloody” charges that the St^e Department Ing the slaying of the eapeotapt For Bftme time, Hoha has been Tqmorrow, the case will go to has long been employing covertly mother, whose body, skull bashed The sudden return to purltanlsm WllUamson, the battleground, of worrying over lU health. Friends the Jury. ' bitter internecine feuds that have against Mexico-—that the Calles In, was found lying face down In a hw e told him If he did npt stop was the result eft a demand made by It Is generally .predicted there theater owners! whose theaters "two flared forth with varying degrees government is “ Bolshe'vistic and shallow grave. fretting, he vYould go Insane. Short- will either be a hu'pg Jury or a ver- communistic,” and that it Is aiming Albert Olson has steadfastly de- weeks ago were- prdored closed pp of destructiveness during the past ly after 12 o’clock Saturday night, dict of acquittal. > al the Inculcation of Moscow’s ' nied all knowledge of the murder Hoha again became despondent. He Sundays In/ compliance with the five years. The prosecution fared better than “ blue laws,” that the entire’code of Blrger-Shclton "War political doctrines throughout the and his son’s whereabputs. drgnk. the contents of a .bottle of the defense today as opposing little republics'to the south. Knutson, former friends of Clara She’s College Stadent Too Senate, As Usual Starts With the ancient laws be rigidly \ en- The dcllUng of. Adams, as well as ear medicine and then drank a bot- counsel sklrAlsbed over-the nature seven previous: killings, Is attrib- “ My government,” said Diaz, . was believed to know more than he tle containing about a half ounce of forced- of the Instructions to be glvep, to The police Invaded all shops uted by the putborltles to the “ does mot attabk the political ten- told authorities and District At- iodine. and Works in Office Investigations; House TaC' feud between the Birger and Shel- dencies and policies riow.'SO notable torney J. S. Earn today said he Found by Wife the Jury. ' ' found open and arrested the pror Most Important to the 'govern- tqn factions, rival bootleg gangs. in Mexico, such as laws violating thought Knutson was about to His wife discovered him soon prietbrs. Two trolle^car operators, afterward and Joseph Salkowskl, a ment was Justice Hoehltng’s rejec- kies the Money Bills. two motpr bus operators and two Adams was said to have been private property rights, com- border in the house, responded to tion of the defense plea for a di- newspaper reporterj also were ar- aligned with the Shelton crowd. He munism and the persecution of Re- Knutson collapsed following a was the secqnd mayor to fall vic- ligion, In so far as these policies are searching examination by officials, her call. William P. Qulsh’s ambu- rected verdict of acquittal. The rested. Judge also refused to accept the de- tim In tke gang war. Jeff Stone, limited to Mexico. who believed the story he told at lance was summon'-d and the sick In the afternoon a man was ar- fense contention' that the Jury] Austin, Tex., Dec. '13.— With a Washington, Dec. 13— After cau- mayor of Colp, Til., In Williamson “My government, however. Is the Inquest was not complete. man v^as rushed to the local hospi- rested for playing a violin, and the, tal where he was given Immediate should be told no direct evidence o£i declaration of innocence on her tiously feeling Its way for a week, officials of the New York Telephone County, .wps assassinated on Nov. firmly resolved to oppose the efforts ,7 last, when '*fklked Into a ma- of the Mexican government to in- attention.
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