Century Journals Project (CJP)

Century Journals Project (CJP)

China National Knowledge Infrastructure: Century Journals Project (CJP) Complete Title List - Series H (at July, 2008) Please note: Titles are sorted by Series, then Language (with English titles appearing first) , then by Pinyin title in English phonetic order. Earliest Control Journal Title Language Title in Pinyin Glossing of Title Former Title Freq. ISSN # CN # Publisher Issue in Status URL Notes Code Series CNKI H 当代中国人口 (英文版) English Dangdai Zhongguo Renkou (Yingwenban) China Population Today 当代中国人口 bimonthly 1003-4595 11-2872/C 中国人口信息研究 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L DDZG H 上海体育学院学报 Chinese and Shanghai Tiyuxue Yuan Xue Bao Journal of Shanghai University of Sport bimonthly 1000-5498 31-1005/G8 上海体育学院 1959/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L STYB English H 山西农业大学学报 (社会科学版) Chinese and Shanxi Nongye Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Journal of Shanxi Agricultural University (Social quarterly 1671-816X 14-1305/C 山西农业大学 2002/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L SXND English Ban) Science Edition) H 英语知识 Chinese and Yingyu Zhishi The Knowledge of English monthly 1003-3351 21-1059/H 大连外国语学院 1987/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L YYZS English H 中国体育教练员 Chinese and Zhongguo Tiyu Jiaolianyuan China Sports Coaches quarterly 1006-8732 31-1644/G8 国家体育总局科教 1993/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L TYJL English H 安徽大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) Chinese Ahhui Daxue Xuebao (Zhexue Shehui Kexue Journal of Anhui University (Philosophy & bimonthly 1001-5019 34-1040/C 安徽大学 1933/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L ADZS Ban) Social Sciences) H 安徽教育 Chinese Anhui Jiaoyu Anhui Education monthly 1005-6149 34-1007/G4 中共安徽省委教育 1952/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L ANHI H 安徽师范大学学报 (人文社会科学版) Chinese Anhui Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Renwen Shehui Journal of Anhui Normal University (Hum.& 安徽师范大学学 bimonthly 1001-2435 34-1041/C 安徽师范大学 1974/02 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L AHSD Kexue Ban) Soc.Sci.) H 安徽体育科技 Chinese Anhui Tiyu Keji Journal of Anhui Sports Science bimonthly 1008-7761 34-1153/N 安徽省体育科学研究 1980/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L ATKJ H 安康学院学报 Chinese Ankang Shizhuan Xuebao Journal of Ankang University bimonthly 1009-024X 61-1335/G4 安康师范专科学校 1987/00 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L AKSZ H 安庆师范学院学报 (社会科学版) Chinese Anqing Shifan Xueyuan Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Journal of Anqing Teachers College (Social 安庆师院社会科 monthly 1003-4730 34-1045/C 安庆师范学院 1982/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L AQSS Ban) Science Edition) H 鞍山师范学院学报 Chinese Anshan Shifan Xueyuan Xuebao Journal of Anshan Normal University bimonthly 1008-2441 21-1391/G4 鞍山师范学院 1980/00 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L ASSF H 宝鸡文理学院学报 (社会科学版) Chinese Baoji Wenli Xueyuan Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences 宝鸡师范学院学 bimonthly 1008-4193 61-1343/C 宝鸡文理学院 1979/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L BJWL Ban) (Social Science Edition) H 高校教育管理 Chinese Baoxiao Jiaoyu Guanli Journal of Higher Education Management 教学与进修;镇 bimonthly 1673-8381 32-1774/G4 江苏大学 1979/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L ZJSK H 北华大学学报 (社会科学版) Chinese Beihua Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Ban) Journal of Beihua University (Social Sciences) 吉林师范学院学 bimonthly 1009-5101 22-1319/C 北华大学 1980/00 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L BHDX H 北京成人教育 Chinese Beijing Chengren Jiaoyu Beijing Adult Education 北京成人教育 monthly 1002-414X 11-1103/G4 北京教育委员会 1981/01 Ceased http://china.eastview .com/kns50/Navi/Bridge . aspx?L BCJY H 北京大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) Chinese Beijing Daxue Xuebao (Zhexue Shehui Kexue Journal of Peking University (Philosophy and bimonthly 1000-5919 11-1561/C 北京大学 1955/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L BDZK Ban) Social Sciences) H 北京工商大学学报 (社会科学版) Chinese Beijing Gongshang Daxue Xuebao Journal of Beijing Technology and Business 北京工商大学学 bimonthly 1009-6116 11-4509/C 北京工商大学 1981/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L BJSB University (Social Science) H 北京广播电视大学学报 Chinese Beijing Guangbo Dianshi Daxue Xuebao Beijing Radio and Television University quarterly 1008-7648 11-3663/G4 北京广播电视大学 1996/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L BJDD H 北京社会科学 Chinese Beijing Shehui Kexue Social Science of Beijing bimonthly 1002-3054 11-1105/C 北京市社会科学院 1986/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L BJSK H 北京师范大学学报 (社会科学版) Chinese Beijing Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Renwen Shehui Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social 北京师大学报 bimonthly 1002-0209 11-1514/C 北京师范大学 1956/00 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L BJSF Kexue Ban) Sciences) H 北京体育大学学报 Chinese Beijing Tiyu Daxue Xuebao Journal of Beijing Sport University 北京体育学院学 monthly 1007-3612 11-3785/G8 北京体育大学 1959/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L BJTD H 比较教育研究 Chinese Bijiao Jiaoyu Yanjiu Comparative Education Review 外国教育动态 monthly 1003-7667 11-2878/G4 北京师范大学 1973/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L BJJY H 兵团教育学院学报 Chinese Bingtuan Jiaoyu Xueyuan Xuebao Journal of Bingtuan Education Institute 兵团教育与研究 bimonthly 1009-1548 65-1196/G4 石河子大学师范学 1991/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L BTJX H 冰雪运动 Chinese Bingxue Yundong China Winter Sports 体育科技;体育 bimonthly 1002-3488 23-1223/G8 中国滑冰协会;中国 1979/Z2 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L BXYD H 滨州学院学报 Chinese Binzhou Shizhuan Xuebao Journal of Binzhou University 《滨州教育学 bimonthly 1673-2618 37-1435/Z 滨州学院 1991/03 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L BZSX H 渤海大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) Chinese Bohai Daxue Xuebao (Zhexue Shehui Journal of Bohai University (Philosophy & 锦州师范学院学 bimonthly 1672-8254 21-1512/C 渤海大学 1979/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L ZAIE Kexueban) Social Science Edition) H 沧州师范专科学校学报 Chinese Cangzhou Shifan Zhuanke Xuexiao Xuebao Journal of Cangzhou Teachers' College 渤海学刊 (199 quarterly 1008-4762 13-1244/G4 沧州师范专科学校 1985/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L CSZX H 长春师范学院学报 Chinese Changchun Shifan Xueyuan Xuebao Journal of Changchun Normal University monthly 1008-178X 22-1276/G4 长春师范学院 1993/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L CCSS H 长江大学学报 (社会科学版) Chinese Changjiang Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Kexueban) Journal of Yangtze University (Social Sciences) 荆州师范学院学 bimonthly 1673-1395 42-1740/C 长江大学 1978/00 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L JZSZ H 长沙理工大学学报 (社会科学版) Chinese Changsha Dianli Xueyuan Xuebao (Shehui Journal of Changsha University of Science & 长沙电力学院学 quarterly 1672-934X 43-1447/C 长沙理工大学 1986/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L CSSC Kexue Ban) Technology (Social Science) H 长治学院学报 Chinese Changzhi Xueyuan Xuebao Journal of Changzhi University 晋东南师范专科 bimonthly 1673-2014 14-1328/Z 晋东南师范专科学校 1999/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L JDNS H 常州工学院学报 (社科版) Chinese Changzhou Shifan Zhuanke Xuexiao Xuebao Journal of Changzhou Institute of Technology 常州教育学院学 bimonthly 1673-0887 32-1732/C 常州工学院 2001/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L CZZB (Social Science Edition) H 承德民族师专学报 Chinese Chengde Minzu Shizhuan Xuebao Journal of Chengde Teachers' College for 承德师专学报 quarterly 1005-1554 13-1179/G4 承德民族师专 1981/00 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L CDMZ Nationalities H 成都大学学报 (社会科学版) Chinese Chengdu Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Ban) Journal of Chengdu University (Social bimonthly 1004-342X 51-1064/C 成都大学 1981/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L CDDB Sciences) H 成都体育学院学报 Chinese Chengdu Tiyu Xueyuan Xuebao Journal of Chengdu Sport University bimonthly 1001-9154 51-1097/G8 成都体育学院 1960/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L SORT H 成人教育 Chinese Chengren Jiaoyu Adult Education monthly 1001-8794 23-1067/G4 黑龙江省教育委员会 1982/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L CRJY H 城市问题 Chinese Chengshi Wenti Urban Problems monthly 1002-2031 11-1119/C 北京市社会科学院 1982/00 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L CSWT H 赤峰学院学报 (汉文哲学社会科学版) Chinese Chifeng Xueyuan Xuebao (Hanwen Zhixue Journal of Chifeng University (Philosophy and 赤峰学院学报 monthly 1673-2596 15-1341/C 赤峰学院 1980/00 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L ZWDM Shehui Kexueban) Social Science) H 重庆大学学报 (社会科学版) Chinese Chongqing Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Ban) Journal of Chongqing University (Social bimonthly 1008-5831 50-1023/C 重庆大学 1995/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L CDSK Science Edition) H 重庆工商大学学报 (社会科学版) Chinese Chongqing Gongshang Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Journal of Chongqing Technology and 渝州大学学报 bimonthly 1672-0598 50-1154/C 重庆工商大学 1994/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L CQYZ Kexue Ban) Business University (Social Science Edition) H 重庆科技学院学报 (社会科学版) Chinese Chongqing Keji Xueyuan Xuebao Journal of Chongqing University of Science and 重庆钢铁高等专 bimonthly 1673-1999 50-1175/C 重庆科技学院 1994/Z1 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L CQGY (Shehuikexueban) Technology (Social Sciences Edition) H 重庆师范大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) Chinese Chongqing Shifian Daxue Xuebao (Zhexue Journal of Chongqing Normal University Edition 重庆师院学报 bimonthly 1673-0429 51-1164/C 重庆师范大学 1980/01 Active http://china.eastview.com/kns50/Navi/Bridge.aspx?L

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