Hanrhf atrr Bpra!6 Newsstand: 35® - Home: 30® Manchester's Award-Winning Newspaper Friday, May 17,1991 Weicker: Assembly pursuing self-interests Inside Today*., By JUDD EVERHART budget hole and restore fiscal stability, but he has had little cal parties coalescing for their purposes, not for the sake of the The Associated Press siqiport from lawmakers. state and we don’t like i t Weicker also said he was not discouraged by the indifferent HARTFORD (AP) — Independent Gov. Lowell P. lAfeidcer “I will not sign my name to anything that keeps the state ■ Brutality alleged of reaction to his budget address on Wednesday, in which he said Jr. says ^ Democrats and Republicans wmking on altema- down,” the governor said. police Rcig|G 3. ANNUAL GIANT SUNDAE SOCML he would support govenunent spending controls if lawmakers 8TH ANNUAL Uvw to his income tax plan should stop worrying about their Weicker plans to meet Friday with the t(^ four legislative THURSDAY, JULY 11 would embrace his budget package and its tax on wages. Democrats and top two legislative Republicans for further INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION " pohbcal futures and start talking about the future of the state. ■ MCC helps women help 1p.m. to 3 pjn. He thinks that many lawmakers are afraid of losing their bids budget talks. Saturday, July 6 For . weeks, momentum has been building for a budget- for re-election next year if they suppmtan income tax. themselves_______R ag e 3. CENTER SPRMQS PARK l^ m cin g package that doesn’t include an income tax, even in Weicker reiterated his demand that any budget pariragP in­ at the Manehaatar Bteantannial Bandahall loeatad at “Do I believe the two parties. Democrats and Republicans, me face of ^ c k e r ’s t ^ to veto such a plan. The govemm- clude four elements, which he calls “the four legs of the table:” ALL YOU CAN EAT ICE CREAM FOR $2.00 Manehaatar Community Collaga can coalesce to pass budget insanity? O f course they can,” ■ Student makes directing ALL ARE WELCOME believes an income tax is the best way to get the state out of its Chickan BartMcua ~ Govamor'a Foot Guard Concert Weicker told reporters in his office. “What we see is two politi­ Please see W EIC K ER, page 8. bld,.MM.„..,.M.M„M,.,MM, Rs go 3. Come and cool yoursummersizzle at our Annual Giant Sundae Social. All the Ice cream vou nraworka Display can e a t plus en joy a ride on o u rterrlflc hom em ade W A T E R S L ID E and new this y e a r is a s^na along with ANN SHAPIROI Raindate is Friday. July 12. year Is asing Music by “Hydraulic Jaxx” ~ Chlldran's Activitlas Concessions SPONSORED BY News ActlvKias bagin at 4:30 p.m. Firaworics at 9:30 p.m. ^ Manchester Day at Westover SHADY GLEN ___ and ^ a n c e ticket sales for the Chicken Barbecue are $6.50 and will be available beginning In B rief ____________ MANCHESTER PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT June 3 at the following locations: Town Hall, Parks and Recreation Department and local banks. Desert soldiers Donation keeps J r .Vlansfield's state parks open HADDAM (AP) — A $190,(XX) donatiem fr<»n U ii. a welcome sight Surgical Coip. will prevent the HOLIDAY HILL DAY CAMP closing o f 10 state parks this summer. Gov. Lowell P. Weick­ hers o f the 173rd Medical Co., By BRIAN M. TROTTA er Jr. announced today. PERSONAL TEE MANSFIELD CENTER, CONNECTICUT Manchester Herald which is based at Westover. and the The governor announced the 619th Transportation Co. from KRSONAUZED SPORTS donati<m at Haddam Meadows Auburn, Maine, landed. A N D FUN W EAR CHICOPEE, Mass. — They State Itek, one of the parks As die L-101! carrying the 220 T-SHIRTS ■ SWEATSHIRTS WE SPELL SUMMER..FUN! came. They cheered. They said slated to be shut down bemuse •Four two week sessions “Thank you.” soldiers landed, the crowd enqrted C A P S ETC. of the state’s budget crisis. The •Weekdays 9^ PM Several hundred Manchester resi­ with cheers igrplause and remained donation from U.S. Surgical will BASEBALLCART^ •IVanspoitation provided dents made a pilgrimage to Wes­ abuzz until the troops began filing keep tiiat park and nine others &SUPPUES •TY^ined, caring stalT into the welcoming area and walked •Broad general program tover Air Rrrce Base Thursday to open from May 27 — Memorial welcome home more than 300 sol­ down the red carpet that had been Day — through Sept. 2 — Labor •Cwipers aged 4-14 laid out for them. QUANTITY DISCOUNTS •Ninth grade counselor training program diers on thdr return to the United Day. •Optional overnights, campfire programs States from the Persian Gulf. When the first troops entered the The other padts are Cock- and Wilderness Bound lYip “Just to be here is so overwhelm­ hangar, to the tune of Lee Green­ SPECIAL ORDERS aponset State Park, Rutaconk CALL FOR BROCHURE: 423-1375 ing,” said Betsy Birchenough, a wood’s “Proud to be an American,” Reservoir, Millers Pon<L Putnam Manchester resident. “My daughter the cheers of the crowd echoed frexn State Park, Huntington State 825 M AIN STREET ••••••I was here before and said ’you just the ceiling. Family members bolted Park, Seth Low Pierpoint, MANCHESTER, C T 06040 ------ have to come,’ so I did.” over the ropes that lined the carpet Shenipsit State Forest. Birchenou^ was among a throng to welcome their relatives, and Mansfield Hollow State Park (203) 646-3339 of over 2,000 people who were on and M (^ w k State Park. hand Thursday morning when mem- Please see W ESTO V ER, page 8. WELCOME BACK — Hitchcock cheers Several hundred Manchester i l - better outlook residents were among a Hugs await mother BARKHAMSTED (AP) — crowd of over2,000 that was Less than a year after it nearly on hand Thursday at Wes­ closed, the Hitchcock C!hair Co., GRIPIfC-THE tover Air Force Base to wel­ on Westover return has brought back most of its come soldiers from the Per­ CHICOPEE, Mass. — Seven- employees and purchased five mother, Alaina Miller, a specialist retail outlets. year-old Shanna Miller of Enfield with the 173rd, who had been in the sian Gulf home. Residents “Quite frankly, we are very knew just what she wanted to do Persian Gulf since October. greeted almost 300 soldiers proud of the Hitchc(x:k line, and when she saw her mother for the The Millers arrived at Westover during the day, which was or­ we really have a lot of faith in UGHT RUfEASnC! first time in seven months. early on Thursday so they could the company and certainly a lot ganized by town Director “I’m going to give her a big hug,” hold a ^ t along the long, red car­ of faith in the New England Thomas Ryan. she said. peted aisle the troops would march ectmomy,” Kenneth Baitle, the Miller was one of about 2,000 down as they enter the welcoming At right, Shanna Miller, 7, (X)mpany’s (tiiairman and chief people, including several hundred hangar. They wanted to be sure they of Enfield, gives her mother executive officer, said Thursday. Exclusive Griptec® wedge Manchester residents, at Westover quickly would see Alaina Miller, The 165-year-old company is Alaina the big hug she has Air Force Base Thursday to wel­ (me of the shtxiest members of the known for its hand-sten(tiled been waiting seven months come home members of the 173rd company. chairs with hand-woven rush Medical Co. from Westover and the As the troops started walking into sole cushions each step to receive. seats. 619th Transportation Co. from the hangar, Shanna nervously Last May 22, afrer Bank of Auburn, Maine. clutched a bouquet of red, white and Shanna stood by a sign, nearly as Bostem C(Binecticut called in a blue carnations and scanned the $6.4 milli(xi loan, Hitchcxxtic and gives you top traction tall as she, that read “Welcome faces of the new arrivals. After home troops.” Miller and her aunt sent its employees home. Nine Brian M. TroMa/Manchaatar Haraid Alaura were waiting for Shanna’s days later tte company filed for 2150 protection from (^editors under on slippery surfaces. All Chapter 11 of the U.S. Banlroptcy Code. this, and Electrostatic President accused Bolton Teen arrested for Yaie sioying 2160 Discharge Protection, too. l^ W HAVEN (AP) — After of China blindness battle an intense investigaticxi over the last three months, politre have WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ seeking to impose strict new condi­ dent Bush’s announcement that he arrested a 16-year-old New tions on most-favored-nation, or Haven teen-ager in the slaying He6 Wing Shoe Store plans to renew China’s favored trad­ MFN, status for China. There were ongoing of a \hle University sophom<x« ing status is reviving congressional signs from the White House that Manchester Parkade shot (XI his way home fr(xn a charges that Bush has a blind spot Bush might grudgingly accept some 400 West Middle Turnpike By HAROLD C. SHAYER party. when it comes to the nation where restrictions in order to win law­ K^mchester Herald James ’Duncan’ Fleming was Manchester. CT 06040 Mode in U.S.A. he once was U.S. envoy. makers’ votes. ( ) "They know they can do anything arrested at his home Ihte 203 646-8424 Mitchell introduced legislation BOLTON- A white, six-by-four- Thursday night and charged with they want and the president will not that would end China's MFN status foot sign jiUs iq> from the bu^es in do anything about it.” Senate fel(xiy murdn and first-degreee within six months unless the presi­ the yard next to Community Hall.
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