J. ENTOMOL. SOC. BRIT. COLUMBIA 106, DECEMBER 2009 11 New distributional records for some Canadian Neuropterida (Insecta: Neuroptera, M egaloptera) M . M EINANDER1,2, J. KLIM ASZEW SKI3 and G.G.E. SCUDDER4,5 ABSTRACT The coniopterygids Conwentzia pineticola Enderlein, Helicoconis californica Meinander, Semidalis angusta (Banks) and S. pseudouncinata Meinander, and the myr- meleontid Dendroleon speciosus Banks are reported as new to Canada. Semidalis pseu- douncinata is a new introduction for North America. Additional distribution records are given for six British Columbian neuropterid species, four of which are new provincial records. INTRODUCTION Over the past few years, distributional Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada, records have been assembled for the neu- Victoria, BC. ropterid insects in British Columbia, as part RBCM: Royal British Columbia Mu- of an assessment of the overall species rich- seum, Victoria, BC. ness of the province (W arman & Scudder UBC: Spencer Entomological Collec- 2007; Austin et al. 2008; Austin and Eriks- tion, Beaty Biodiversity Museum, Univer- son 2009). Some of these records constitute sity of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC. species new to Canada and/or British Co- All specimens, unless otherwise stated, lumbia, while others constitute significant were identified by the authors: the Coniop- new provincial records. terygidae by Meinander, the Hemerobiidae The following account documents these by Klimaszewski, and the Myrmeleontidae records. Abbreviations for museums in the by Scudder. Specimen data cited are as on text are as follows: the specimen data labels, except that dates CNC: Canadian National Collection of have been standardized: any elaboration of Insects, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, data labels is in square parenthesis, includ- Ottawa, ON. ing the scientific name of host plants. PFC: Pacific Forestry Centre, Canadian NEW RECORDS Order NEUROPTERA First BC Record. BC: 1I, Osoyoos, Mt. Family CONIOPTERYGIDAE Kobau, mi 3 [km 4.8] , Mt. Kobau Obs[e]rv Coniopteryx canadensis Meinander [atory] R[oa]d, 990 m., 31.v-3.vi.1991 Heretofore known from Canada: Sas- (D.C.A. Blades, C.W . Maier) [RBCM ENT katchewan, USA: W isconsin (Meinander 992-010045]. 1972), and Alaska (Meinander 1990). It Conwentzia californica Meinander was keyed by Meinander (1972). Recorded from most of the western 1 Zoological Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History, POB 17, FIN-00014, University of Helsinki, Finland 2 Deceased 3 Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Laurentian Forestry Centre, 1055 rue du P.E.P.S., Case postale 10380, Stn. Sainte-Foy, Québec, Canada G1V 4C7 4 Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, 6270 University Boulevard, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4 5 Author to whom correspondence should be sent. E-mail; scudder@ zoology.ubc.ca 12 J. ENTOMOL. SOC. BRIT. COLUMBIA 106, DECEMBER 2009 United States (Meinander 1972; Penny et by Banks (1906), this species has subse- al. 1997). The species was keyed by quently been reported from Arkansas, Mon- Meinander (1972). tana, and Texas (Meinander 1972; Penny et Previously reported Canadian Records: al. 1997), as well as Mexico (Meinander BC, Spahats Creek Prov. Pk., on Hwy. 5, 1990) and Nicaragua (Meinander 1995). It north of Clearwater (Meinander 1990). was keyed in Meinander (1972). New BC Records. BC: 1 specimen, First Canadian Record. BC: 1I, Ques- Saanichton, Thuja plicata, 5.vi.1990 (FIDS nel, 5.vi.1947 (G.J. Spencer) [UBC]. 1990 90-1220-01) [PFC]; 1I6L, Vancou- Semidalis pseudouncinata Meinander ver, on box [(Buxus sp.)], 9.vii.1965 This Circum-Mediterranean species, (G.G.E. Scudder) [UBC]; 1 specimen, Vic- described and keyed by Meinander (1972), toria, S[equoiadendron] gigantium, has been recorded from Andorra, Croatia 11.ii.1994 (R. Duncan) [PFC]. [as Yugoslavia], France, Germany, Italy, Conwentzia pineticola Enderlein Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, This Palaearctic species is widely dis- Tunisia, and the United Kingdom by tributed in the United States, and in Canada Aspöck et al. (2001), and from Slovenia by has been reported from Manitoba, New- Devetak (2002). The record from British foundland, Nova Scotia, and Ontario Columbia noted below constitutes a new (Meinander 1972; Penny et al. 1997). The alien species in North America. species was keyed in Meinander (1972). First North American and Canadian First BC Records. BC: 1 specimen, Record. BC: 2I1L, Duncan, ex. Chamae- Duncan, Cobble Hill, S[eed] O[rchard], Se cyparis nootkatensis, 5.iv.1988 (CFS 88- [=Englemann spruce (Picea engelmannii)], 10-02) [PFC]. beating, 30.vi.1994 (M. Hall) [PFC]; 2 Family HEMEROBIIDAE specimens, Saanichton, Nootka S[eed] O Micromus variegatus (Fabricius) [rchard], ex. Sx [=hybrid spruce], A widespread Palaearctic species, until 14.ix.1992 (M. Hall) [PFC]; 1I, Salmon recently known in North America only Arm, 29.iv.1931 (Hugh B. Leech) [UBC]; from British Columbia (Klimaszewski and 1I, Victoria, beating branches of Pinus Kevan 1988, 1990), with records reported sylvestris with predator of Pineus sp., from Galiano Island. However, it is also 17.iv.1993 (CFS 93-0029-05) [PFC]; 1 newly reported from Quebec specimen, Victoria, Lost Lake S[eed] O (Klimaszewski et al. 2009). Keyed by Kli- [rchard], 10.ii.1993 em[erged] 22- maszewski and Kevan (1988), this species 24.ii.1993 (R.G. Bennett) [PFC]. is now known in British Columbia from Helicoconis californica Meinander elsewhere in the Georgia Depression eco- Described from California by province, as well as the Southern Interior. Meinander (1972), this species was previ- New BC Records. BC: 2 specimens, ously known only from that state (Penny et Aldergrove, 14.v.1977 (G.G.E. Scudder) al. 1997); it is newly reported here from [UBC]; 2 specimens, Penticton, at light in Alberta, British Columbia and Yukon. The S.E. Cannings home garden, adjacent to species was keyed in Meinander (1972). grassland, 9.vi.1995 (R.A. Cannings) First Canadian Records. AB: 1L, Jasper, [RBCM ]; 1 specimen, Vancouver, on Pinus contorta latifolia, 17.vi.1942 (E. 19.vii.1977 (J.A. Van Reenen) [UBC]; 1 McDonald) [UBC]; BC: 2I, Aspen Grove, specimen, Vancouver, 16.viii.1981 (G.G.E. 14.vi.1933 (K. Graham) [UBC]; 1L, Chase Scudder) [UBC]; 1 specimen, Vancouver, Creek, Chase, on Englemann spruce, UBC Campus, 2.ix.1997 (G.G.E. Scudder) 2.vii.1942 (F.B. Beatty) [UBC]; YT: 1I, [UBC]; 1L (probably this species), Victo- Kluane N.P., Sheep Mt., 4.vi.1979 (G.G.E. ria, Rocky Point, GC Site 1, Malaise, Scudder) [UBC]. 11.vii.1994 (N.N. W inchester) [RBCM]. Semidalis angusta (Banks) Psectra diptera (Burmeister) Described from California and Arizona A widespread Palaearctic species that J. ENTOMOL. SOC. BRIT. COLUMBIA 106, DECEMBER 2009 13 has been previously reported in Canada recorded from Arizona, California, Colo- only from Newfoundland (Kevan and Kli- rado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, and maszewski 1986) and Ontario (Carpenter Oregon (Banks 1927; Penny et al. 1997; 1940), although it is known from many Stange 2008), as well as Mexico (Oswald et eastern states in the USA (Penny et al. al. 2002). The genus was keyed by Banks 1997). The species was keyed by Kevan (1927) and species keyed by Stange (2008). and Klimaszewski (1986). First Canadian Records: BC: 1 speci- First BC Record: BC: 1 specimen, men, Duncan, 30.vii.1922 [CNC]; 1 speci- W hite Lake, Okanagan Falls, Malaise, men, Kamloops, 13.vii.1941 (G.J. Spencer) 1.vii.1990 (H. Nadel & R. Cannings). [UBC]; 1 specimen, Kaslo (J.W . Cockle) [RBCM ENT 991-829]. [CNC]; 1 specimen, Lac La Hache, Sympherobius barberi (Banks) 19.viii.1933 (W . Downes) [UBC]; 1 speci- Originally described from Arizona by men, Lillooet [RBCM]; 1 specimen, Lil- Banks (1903), this species is widely distrib- looet, viii-ix.1927 (A. Phair) [CNC]; 1 uted in the New W orld from approximately specimen, Lillooet, Seton L., 4.vii.1926 (J. 43°N south to Peru, and on several remote McDunnough) [CNC]; 1 specimen, id., Pacific island groups: Galápagos Islands, 7.vii.1926 [CNC]; 1 specimen, Oliver, UBC Revillagigedo Islands and Hawaiian Islands Geology Camp, at light, 19.vii.1989 (S. (Oswald 1988), and has been introduced Cannings) [UBC]; 1 specimen, Osoyoos, into Bermuda (Bennett and Hughes 1959). Haynes Ecol. Res., ”The Throne‘, pitfall In Canada it was recorded from Ontario by rock/Selaginella, 10.vii-14.viii.1986 (S. Klimaszewski and Kevan (1992), who also Cannings) [UBC]; 1 specimen, Seton L., provide a key for identification. 22.vii.1933 (J. McDunnough) [CNC]; 1 New BC Record. BC: 1I, Campbell specimen, id., 23.vii.1933; 1 specimen, id., River, Mohun Lake, 25.v.1988 (G. 24.vii.1933; 1 specimen, id., 11.viii.1933; 1 Hutchings) [RBCM ENT 991-11083]. specimen, id., 12.viii.1933 [CNC]. Wesmaelius yukonensis Klimaszewski and Kevan 0rder M EGALOPTERA This species was described from the Sialis joppa Ross Yukon (Klimaszewski and Kevan 1987b), Originally described from North Caro- and was previously known only from that lina by Ross (1937), this species is widely territory (Penny et al. 1997). The species distributed in the eastern United States was keyed by Klimaszewski and Kevan (W hiting 1991). Keyed by Ross (1937), S. (1987a). joppa was recorded from Ontario by Stange New BC Record. BC: 1I, Riske Creek, (1990). CIFAC Base, light trap, 4.viii.1978 (R.A. New BC Records. BC: 1I, Cowichan Cannings). [RBCM ENT 991-15995]. Lake, 22.vi.1937 (Idyall) [UBC]; 1I, Family MYRMELEONTIDAE Vernon, 14.v.1948 (D. Evans) [UBC]. Dendroleon speciosus Banks Identified originally by Tarter and W at- Originally described from Colorado by kins in 1979, and confirmed by M.F. W hit- Banks (1905), this species has since been ing in 2004. ACKNOW LEDGEM ENTS The research for this paper was sup- script. M.F. W hiting (Brigham Young Uni- ported by grants to G.G.E. Scudder from versity, Provo, Utah) kindly confirmed the the Natural Sciences and Engineering Re- identity of Sialis joppa.
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