Holster Compatibility Chart UNIVERSAL INSIDE WAISTBAND ITEM EXAMPLES Small frame pistols, Inside the Waistband non‐collapsing IWBS Ruger LCP, S&W Bodyguard, Glock 42 Medium frame pistols, Inside the Waistband non‐collapsing IWBM Glock 17, S&W M&P Shield .45, Ruger SR9 Medium frame pistols, Inside the Waistband non‐collapsing Left Hand IWBMLH Glock 17, S&W M&P Shield .45, Ruger SR9 Medium frame pistols, Inside the Waistband non‐collapsing w/ Combat Cut IWBMCC Glock 17, S&W M&P Shield .45, Ruger SR9 Large frame pistols, Inside the Waistband non‐collapsing IWBL Taurus PT24/7, Sig Sauer P226, H&K VP9 Compact and subcompact pistols, trigger mounted light or laser, Inside the Waistband non‐collapsing LASERTUCK Glock 42/43 w/Laser, Ruger LCP/LCP w/Laser HANDGUN ITEM P LH BH LHBH RP RPL RB RBL A LHA APPX IWB 1911 All 1911 Models without rail C21B All 1911 Models without rail C21 All 1911 Models without rail 1911CH All 1911 Models fits .45 caliber with 5in. barrel (with or without rail) T1911 All 1911 Models with or without rail R1911 J FRAME STYLE REVOLVERS Fits most J frame revolvers .38 & .357 5 shot only J357ND ARMALITE AR‐24 SG21 BERETTA Beretta 92 without rail (Except Brigadier & Vertec & Elite), 96 without rail (Except Brigadier & Vertec & Elite), M9 BR2 Beretta 92 Compact, 92 without rail (Except Brigadier & Vertec & Elite), M9 BRPB Beretta 92 with rail ‐ Vertec & Elite, 92 without rail (Except Brigadier & Vertec & Elite), Elite,Beretta Vertec BRV Beretta PX4 Storm full size .45, PX4 Storm full size 9mm & .40 GLT17LS Beretta PX4 Storm Compact 9mm & .40 GLT19LS Beretta 90‐Two, 92 Compact, 92 Compact rail Inox 9mm, 92A1, 92 FS, 96A1, M9A1, PX4 .45, PX4 Storm Compact PX4 9mm & .40, PX4 Storm full size .45, PX4 Storm full size 9mm & .40 Beretta Cheetah 81 & 84 (with round trigger guard only), Cheetah 83 & 85 & 86 & 87 (except Target‐ & 89 ‐with SG239 round trigger guard only) Beretta APX 9mm SWC NANO XDSCC BERSA Firestorm .380, Thunder .380 (includes Combat, CC & Plus series) BS2 BPCC HP2 Mini Firestorm .45, Mini Firestorm 9mm & .40, Thunder .45 (includes Pro models), Thunder 9mm UC SG239 BROWNING High Power C21B Pro 9mm and .40 PX4 CANIK 55 9mm 75D Canik TP9 ELITE SC, TP9SF, TP9SA RBT19 Canik TP9SA, TP9SF, TP9SFx, TP9 V2 VPQ CHARTER ARMS Chic Lady, Off Duty, Undercover, Undercover Lite, Undercoverette J357ND Boomer, Bulldog, Mag Pug, Pitbull (exept .45 ACP) RU101 CZ SP‐01, 75B 9mm, 75D 9mm, 75D compact 9mm with rails, SP01 9mm 75D 75B .40 only BR2 75, 75BD, 75D compact 9mm CZ75 P‐10 G26C P‐07 Duty, P‐09 P07 40P, P‐01 RU97 2075 RAMI, 75 compact .40 SG5 P‐06 SWMP P‐10 SWC 97B SWS 52 TAM P‐10 VPQ DIAMONDBACK DB FS Nine SWMP FN High Power C21B Five‐seveN (except IOM & MK2) FNH FNS 9, FNS 9 Compact, FNS 40, FNS 40 Compact FNSND FNS 9 full size only SWCH Forty‐Nine HK1 FNS‐40, FNS‐9, FNX‐9, FNX‐40, P40, P9 PX4 FNS‐9, FNX‐40 XDSCC Page 1 of 4 HANDGUN ITEM P LH BH LHBH RP RPL RB RBL A LHA APPX IWB GLOCK 19, 19X, 23, 32, 45 APN19 26 & 27 APN26 43, 43X APN43 17, 19, 19X, 22, 23, 26, 27, 34, 35 G26CC 26, 27, 33 GL26ND 26, 27, 33 GL26PB 17, 19, 19X, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 35 GL2DPH 17, 19, 19X, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 35, 44, 45 GL2E2 17, 19, 19X, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 35 GL2PB 20, 21, 21SF (with std Glock rail), 37, 38, 40, 41 GL3 36 GL36 21SF (picatinny rail only), 29, 30, 30S, 30SF, 39 GL4 42 GL42ND 43 GL43ND 17, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 31, 32, 34, 35, 45 GLC 17, 19, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 35, 45 GLCH 17, 17 (accommodates light or laser), 22, 22 (accommodates light or laser), 31, 31 (accommodates light or laser GLT17 19, 19X, 23, 32, 45 GLT19 20, 21, 21SF, 37 GLT21 17 (light or laser required), 22 (light or laser required), 31 (light or laser required) RBT17 19 (light or laser required), 23 (light or laser required), 32 (light or laser required), 45 (light or laser required) RBT19 GRAND POWER K100‐MK12 9mm, P11‐MK12 9mm, PK1‐MK12 9mm, Q100, X‐caliber 9mm VPQ H&K USP 9mm & .40 Full Size GLT19LS USP .40, USP 9mm, USP Compact .40, USP Compact .45, USP Compact 9mm HK1 P30 9mm. .40, P30SK HK30 P2000 & P2000SK 9mm & .40 SP11 P2000 & P2000SK 9mm & .40 SP11B USP .45, USP Compact .45, USP Tactical .45 (without high vis sights), VP9, VP9SK VPQ HI-POINT .380 HP2 9mm, .380, .40 & .45 HPP ISSC M22 GL3 KAHR K40, K9, MK40 polymer, MK9, P9, T40, T9, TP9 (without rail) C21B KEL-TEC P‐32 2nd gen, P‐3AT .380 KT2G P‐11 .40, P‐11 9mm, LC380, LC9 KTP11 PF‐9 SG239 KIMBER 1911 Models without rail C21B 1911 Models without rail C21 Micro , Micro 9 KMSG All 1911 Models fits .45 caliber with 5in. barrel (with or without rail) T1911 All 1911 Models with or without rail R1911 Solo 9mm XDSCC MAKAROV 9x18, .380 MAK1 PARA-ORDNANCE 1911 Models without rail C21B 1911 Models without rail C21 All 1911 Models fits .45 caliber with 5in. barrel (with or without rail) T1911 All 1911 Models with or without rail R1911 REMINGTON R51 C21B RP9 PX4 ROSSI 88 (without bull barrels or high vis sights) J357ND 35102, 35202, R351, R352 TA85 Page 2 of 4 HANDGUN ITEM P LH BH LHBH RP RPL RB RBL A LHA APPX IWB RUGER American Pistol .45 full, American Pistol 9mm & .40 full GLT17 Security‐9 GLT19LS SR40, SR9 & SR9C HK1 American 9mm Compact, American Pistol .45 full, American Pistol 9mm & .40 full, P94, P95, P97 (with or without HPP rail), SR45 LCP KT2G LCP II KT2GCT EC9s, LC9, LC9s, LC9s Pro, LC380 KTP11 P85, P89, P91 RU1 LCR All models fixed sights only, LCRx, SP101 any caliber (fixed sights only) RU101 SR9, SR9c, SR40, SR40c RUND EC9s, LC380, LC9, LC9s, LC9s Pro RU2ND Mark II, Mark III RU3 P90, P93 RU97 GP100 RUGP 345 SP11 345 SP11B SR22 SR22 American Pistol .45 full, American Pistol 9mm & .40 full SWC SR40 VPQ SAR ARMS B6 SG21 SCCY CPX1 1st gen (single stack magazine models only) KTP11 SCCY CPX1 & CPX2 (double stack magazine models only), CPX3 .380 TAM SIG SAUER P365 365ND P365 APN365 1911 Models without rail C21B 1911 Models without rail C21 P226 GLT17LS 1911 Models without rail R1911 P238, P938 KMSG P220, P225, P225/P6, P226, P228, P245 SG21 P239 9mm SG239 P239 .40, .357 SG23940 P250 9mm .40 .357Sig & .45, P250 compact 9mm .40 .357Sig & .45, P320 SG250 P320 (sub compact only), P250 (sub compact only) SG250C P226, P228 SG2DPH P229 9mm (without rail) SG4 2009, Pro 2340 SG5 P220, P226, P227 (with rail), P245 SGE2 All 1911 Models fits .45 caliber with 5in. barrel (with or without rail) T1911 Mosquito XDSCC SMITH & WESSON M&P Shield 9mm & .40, M&P Shield M2.0 9mm & .40 APNSHIELD 1911 Models without rail C21B 1911 Models without rail C21 Sigma Series V only GL4 SD9 VE & SD40 VE GLT19LS SW40 VE, SW9 VE HK1 J frame revolvers .38 & .357 5 shot only J357ND M&P Shield .45 PX4 All 1911 Models with or without rail R1911 M&P 9mm & .40 (light or laser required), M&P Pro .45 (light or laser required), M&P Pro 9mm & .40 (light or laser RBT17 required) 3913, 3914, 3919, 4013, 5904, 5906, 6906 std series, 6946, 908V, 910, 915, CS9 SG21 SW380, Sigma 380 SG239 M&P Shield .45 SG4 686, K&L frame revolvers, model 65 SW4 M&P Bodyguard .380 Crimson Trace Integrated Red Laser SWBG M&P 9mm, .40 &.45 Compact & Full Size, M&P M2.0 9mm, .40 &.45 Compact & Full Size SWC M&P .45 Compact & full size, M&P 9mm & .40 Compact & full size, M&P Pro 9mm .40 .45 Compact & full SWCH size (Standard Sights Only) Smith & Wesson M&P .45 Compact & full size, M&P 22 Compact, M&P 9mm & .40 Compact & full size, M&P M2.0 SWMP .45, M&P M2.0 9mm & .40, M&P Pro 9mm .40 .45 Compact & full size (Standard Sights Only), SD9 VE & SD40 VE M&P Shield 9mm & .40, M&P Shield 2.0 9mm & .40 SWS All 1911 Models fits .45 caliber with 5in. barrel (with or without rail) T1911 SW990L WA99 Page 3 of 4 HANDGUN ITEM P LH BH LHBH RP RPL RB RBL A LHA APPX IWB SPRINGFIELD 1911 Models without rail C21B 1911 Models without rail C21 911 .380 ACP KMSG All 1911 Models with or without rail R1911 HS 2000 .357, HS 2000 .40, HS 2000 .45, HS 2000 9mm, XD 9mm, .357SIG, .40, .45, XDM 9mm & .40 XDM 5.25 SP11 Competition HS 2000 .357, HS 2000 .40, HS 2000 .45, HS 2000 9mm, XD 9mm, .357SIG, .40, .45, XDM 9mm & .40 XDM 5.25 SP11B Competition XD‐S 3.3" & 4" 9mm, .40, & .45 SPND All 1911 Models fits .45 caliber with 5in. barrel (with or without rail) T1911 XD‐S Single Stack Series .45, XD‐S Single Stack Series 9mm & .40 XDSCC STEYR Model M .357, Model M .40 (no A1 models), Model M 9mm, Model S SG4 TAURUS PT92 full size (without rail), PT99 full size (without rail) BR2 PT100, PT101, PT92 full size (with rail), PT99 full size (with rail) BRV 1911 Models without rail C21B 1911 Models without rail C21 Slim 709 G26CC PT24/7 2nd gen (except .45) GLT17LS PT940 GLT19 PT140 Millennium .40 (no Pro models) HK1 G3 9mm, PT845 PX4 G3 9mm RBT19 PT24/7 .45 Millennium PRO, PT24/7 9mm & .40 Millennium PRO RU97 TH9 Full Size SG250 PT111 Millennium Pro 9mm, PT140 G2 9mm, PT140 Millennium Pro .40, PT145 Millennium Pro .45, PT24/7 DS, SP11 PT940 PT111 Millennium Pro 9mm, PT140 G2 9mm, PT140 Millennium Pro .40, PT145 Millennium Pro .45, PT24/7 DS, SP11B PT940 431, 65, 66 SW4 Taurus PT111 G2, G2c 9mm, G3 9mm SWC Slim 708, 709, 740 SWS All 1911 Models fits .45 caliber with 5in.
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