Appendix-III Resolution No. 42 E.C. dated 07/08.03.2018 Annexure- Ill I Governing Bodies of 28 Delhi Government Sponsored Colleges Appendix-III Resolution No. 42 E.C. dated 07/08.03.2018 Acharya Narendra Dev• College Delhi Government Nominee S.No. Name Profession Affiliation Residence Phone Email 1 Prof. Anwar Alam Ed ucationist JNU School of Language, · Literature and 9868319298 - Culture Studies, Jawahar Lal University, New Delhi - 67 2 Surender Jaglan Social Worker Former Teacher in Kendriya 0/59, 3rd Floor, Pandav Nagar, Delhi 8588833513 Vidhyalaya Delhi University Panel S.No. Name Profession Affiliation Residence Phone Email I Ms. Meena Mani Architect Mani Chowfla. Architects Consultants, 011-41327564 contact@manichowfla. com 5613 Friends Colony East, Delhi - 110065 2 Justice Usha Mehra Judge Delhi High Court B-57, Defence Colony 9818421144 j [email protected]. in New Delhi - II 0024 3 Dr. Madhavi Diwan Advocate 9, Nizamuddin East, New Delhi - 9873819504 110013 4 Prof. Atiqur Rahman Dept. of Geography, Plot No. 35, Flat No. 302, Zakir Nagar 9873115404 [email protected]. in Jamia Millia Tslamia !(West) New Delhi - II 0025 5 Tapas Sen Media specialist Executive Vice President 3rd Florr, Times Center, Plot No. 6, 9810301383 [email protected] Journalist Times of India Group & Sector 16A, Film City, Noida Chief Programming Officer, Radio Mirchi Appendix-III Resolution No. 42 E.C. dated 07/08.03.2018 Aditi Mahavidyalaya Delhi Government Nominee S.No. Name P'rofession Affiliation Residence . Phone Email I Prabhanjan Jha Educationist Delhi Atithi Shikshak Sangh 4498 A, B-1 10/10, Sant Nagar (Burari), 8447747601 Delhi -84 2 Dharam Veer Sharma Advocate Udbhos (NGO) B-4/205, Sector-7, Rohini, Delhi - 9810883384 110085. Delhi University Panel S.No. Name Profession Affiliation Residence Phone Email I Amrcnder Kumar Adcovate B-1 0, Chetak Apartment, Rohini, Delh i-· 9810794923 110085 2 Dr. Jyotish Joshi Author & Former D-4/37, Sec-15, Rohini, 9818603319 Secretary, Hindi Delhi-110089 Academy 3 Shri Arun Bhardwaj Advocate N-11, 3rd Floor, 9810109681 [email protected] Jungpura Extn. 01 1-41542825 New Delhi- 11 0014 4 Dr. Mehrunnisa Parve7. Eminent Writer in 301, Narmada Apartments, New M.S. 9977064575 Hindi Literature Flats, 0755-2430210 Dr. Bishambar Das Marg New Delhi-110001 5 Dr. Manju BaJa Educationist Microbiology Dept, 14/1, Sector- 13, RK Puram 98 11183273 [email protected] Vardhaman New Delhi- 110029 Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital ' 1 ~s~.(ll~liaEJI<!1~ X~IIeges) " ~~/University of Delhi ~-\ \OOO'//Delhi·110007 \12_ Appendix-III Resolution No. 42 E.C. dated 07/08.03.2018 Bhim Rao Ambedkar College Delhi Government Nominee . S.No. Name Profession Affiliation Residence Phone Email I Deepanshu Shrivastav SociaL Worker Global Upside India House No. 4/161, Flat No. A I, Street no 7838133173 I I, Bhola Nath Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi 32. 2 Munendra Singh Chauhan Advocate None S-1 82/a, SF, School Block, Shakarpur, 8588833474 Delhi - II0092. 3 Masood Ali Khan Social Worker Public Secular Welfare Samiti C I/29, Imam Bara, New Seelampur, 9810380032 Delhi- 11 0053 4 Haji Shahnawaz Educationist Crescent School A-2 Taj Enclave, Geeta Colony, Delhi - 989176731 1 110031 5 Parija V.Phatarpekar Advocate Delhi High Court Flat no. 122, Kalavihar Apartment, 9868036232 Mayur Vihar, Phase-! Extn, Delhi- I 10091. Delhi University Panel S.No. Name Profession Affiliation Residence Phone Email I Shri Sujit Ojha Renowned Vocalist Gandharva Mahavidhyalaya 2 12, Deen 9810417533 suj itkumarojha02@gmai !.com Dayal Upadhyaya Marg, New Delhi- IIHll'lfl? 2 Vimal Mohan Special Correspondent P-l/1205, Ashiyana Palm Court, 9811199305 Sports Rajnagar Extention, Ghaziabad, UP - 20101 7 3 Rajeev Saxena New Delhi Advocate 708, Lawyers Chamber, 981081 11 80 Block -3, Delhi High Court, New Delhi 4 Shri Balvinder Kumar lAS (Retd.) Former Vice-Chairman, DDA Bungalow No. 51, New Moti Bagh, 8800477477 [email protected] Netaji Nagar, New Delhi - II 0021 5 Ms. Sarojini Sinha Artist Artist Dream Artist Dream, C-8/8l08, Vasant Kunj, 9818445407 [email protected] New Delhi - II0070 .... \ - ·~Y~~("t~•t••XC ~ egis ~ fcl~<tfciElltilll/University of Delhi ~-II 0007/Deg lhi-110007 Appendix-III ,' Resolution No. 42 E.C. dated 07/08.03.2018 Bhagini Nivedita College Delhi Government Nominee S.No. Name Profession Affiliation Residence Phone Email I Pawan Shanna Professional Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank RZC-3/65B, Mahavir Enclave, part-1, 8588833561 New Delhi - 110045. 2 Arti Singh Social Worker None Flat No. 118, DDA Pocket-2, Sector-9, 9999565897 Owarka, New Delhi-110075 3 Dr. Mohanlal Panda Professional Transtec, Brussels A-102, Neelachal Apartment, Plot No.3, 98 18499296 Sector-4, Dwarka. New Delhi-110078. 4 Birendara Yadav Entrepreneur Fonner- Indian Air Force WZ-235A, Street-7, Sadh Nagar, Palam 931223 1512 Colony, New Delhi -110045. Delhi University Panel S.No. Name Profession Affiliation Residence Phone Email I Prof. S.D. Muni Educationist JNU J-1 176, Palam Vihar 011-26717983 [email protected] Gurgaon - 122017 2 Professor Kiran Devendra Educationi st Retired NCERT Professor 1-1 0, First Floor 9871544949 [email protected] South City II, Gurgaon, Haryana 3 Ambassador Gopalaswamy Diplomat Fonner IFS Officer A-34 IFS Apartments 981o'5 13575 [email protected] Parthasarathy Mayur Vihar, Phase I Delhi- 110091 4 Prof. Sudheer Kumar Educationist JNU 167, Uttarakhand,JNU, 9650925030 [email protected] New Delhi - 110067 5 Dr. Kavita Shanna Educationist South Asian University H. No. I0, Sector 15A, 9871878484 [email protected] Naida, (U P) ~~w "' ~""'"'~ ~ om eg " ':!~(~~)( allege()] · ~ f4~ilf&W@I/University of Delhi ~"-1 1 OOO'//Oelhl·110007 ~ Appendix-III Resolution No. 42 E.C. dated 07/08.03.2018 Bbarati College Delhi Government Nominee S.No. Name Profession Affiliation Residence Phone Email I Anupam Singh !YfBA Kaycee Memorial Educational 128, Aspen Green, Nirvana Country, 9811159933 Society Sector-50, Gurgaon-1 22018 2 Paarnil Bhutani Social Worker Forrner-Sunblaze 71, Chander Nahar, Janak Puri, New 9212390786 Delhi-110058. 3 Abhinav Mishra Professional Shared Reach D-4/37,. Sector- 15, Rohini, DeU1i - 9958870774 110089 4 Sanjay Puri Social Worker Fonner, Municipal Councillor A-IN34A Janak Prui, New Delhi - 9810162180 110058. Delhi University Panel S.No. Name Profession Affiliation Residence Phone Email I Dr. Gowri lshwaran Educationist Principal, Sanskriti School The Global Eduation and Leadership 0124-4974400 [email protected] Foundation, lst florr, Plot no. 39, Sector- 32, Institutional Area, gurgaon 2 Prof. S.D. Muni Educationist JNU J-1176, Palam Vibar 011 -26717983 [email protected] Gurgaon- 122017 3 Professor Kiran Devendra Educationist Retired NCERT Professor f-1 0, First Floor 987 1544949 [email protected] South City II, Gurgaon, Haryana 4 Dr. S.P. Narang Educationist Director, Board of Governors, 6/403, D Type Flats, 9810413450 spn [email protected] Management Development East End Apartments, - Institute, Gurgaon Mayur Vihar, Phase-I EXIn., Delhi- 11 0096 5 Shri PK Seth lAS Retd. E-309, Gaur Geen Avenue Abbay !Chand 9350880684 [email protected] · II, lndirapuram Ghaziabad R~gis\rar ( )lColleges) . ~ /University of Oelm ~-\ \ pOO'//Oelhi-110007 ~ Appendix-III Resolution No. 42 E.C. dated 07/08.03.2018 Bhaskaracharya College of Applied Sciences Delhi Government Nominee S.No. Name Profession Affiliation Residence Phone Email I Guneesh Agarwal Social Worker Satyamev Jayate Foundation B-44 Chhatarpur Enclave, Ph-2, 8976812434 Chhattarpur, New Delhi 2 Ramesh Mohan Srivastava Chartered Accountant Mount Carmel School G-65, 2nd Floor, Ganesh Nagar-H. 9654979968 Shakarpur, Delhi- I 10092 3 Pranav Jain Social Worker None 9868204263 4 Navin Kumar Dass Banking Professional Former-Sun Direct F-4, Budh Nagar, lnderpuri, New Delhi - 8588833838 110012 5 Bhasker Sharma Professional Former-Sahara Airli nes R-5/76, New Raj nagar, Ghaziabad 9643322046 Delhi University Panel S.No. Name Profession Affiliation Residence Phone Email I Prof. Anupma Goel Educationist NLU, Dwarka National Law Univerwsity, Sector-1 4, 9810604279 [email protected] Dwarka, Delhi 2 Vivekand Singh Retd. Professor TM Bhagalpur University 225, Reyashi Apartments, Pocket - 7, 9868629168 Dept. ofPsychology Sector- 12, Dwarka 3 Prof. Uma Garg Vocalist Former Dean, Faculty of S-706, silicon City, Amrapli Group, 9810015797 [email protected] Music & Fine Arts Sector -79, Gautarn Budh Nagar, Noida- 201301 4 Dr. Kavita Kakkar Doctor C2/25 Phase- 2, Ashok Vihar 9868270138 [email protected] Delhi- 110052 5 Mr. Prashant Shukla Lawyer Supreme Court H.No.-134, 13th Floor, Emralad Heights · [email protected] Tower-!, Ramprastha Greens, Sector-7, Vaishali ""' \.. \2~ n..\ .l!'-m~ , e 1 • ('161~tl1C1ll C lie es ~ R ~ iiREl t Cillt/Uni ersity of Delhi ~-11 0007/Delhi-110007 ~ Appendix-III Resolution No. 42 E.C. dated 07/08.03.2018 Dcen Dayal Upadhyay College Delhi Government Nominee S.No. Name Profession Affiliation Residence Phone Email I Prof. S D Siddiqui Educationist Fonner, Aurobindo College Profesor's Apartments, 458A (Upper 987 1755553 Ground) Plot No. 8, Zakir Nagar West, . Okhla, New Delhi-1 10025 2 Kapil Bhardwaj Business Consultant RJL Prem Cottage, B-297, Saraswati Vihar, 9555576173 Delhi- 110034 3 OP Bhardwaj Social Worker None B-35, Karampura, New Delhi -110015 9868844652 4 Madhuri Varshney Social Worker None Flat No. 94, 2nd Floor, Pocket-! & 2, 9810073218 Sector-3, DDA SFS, Dwark.a, New Delhi -75 5 Ambrish Trikha Professional Mind Works Media . 41, Bank Vihar, Rd. 42, Pitampura, 98990850 15 Delhi-110034. Delhi University Panel S.No. Name Profession Affiliation Residence Phone Email I Prof. A.nupama Gael Educationist NLU, Dwarka Nationa Law University, Sector-14, 98 10604279 [email protected] Dwarka, Delh i ' 2 Vivekand Singh Retd. Professor TM Bhagalpu r University 225, Reyashi Apartments, Pocket - 7, 9868629168 Dept. of Psychology Sector- 12, Dwarka 3 Dr. Renuka Agarwal Doctor K-2/4, lind Floor, Model Town, Delhi - 997123 1103 [email protected] 110009 4 Shri S.C.
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